Chapter 730 730. Party
Since he was going to a party, the clothes on Yusuke were not suitable, so Kawanaru left hand took Yusuke to buy clothes.

He bought a suit at the mall, combed his hair straight with hairspray, and put on gold-rimmed glasses. Yusuke matured a lot in an instant. Standing there with his head up and chest up, he felt the aura of an elite rushing towards him.

Left-handed Kawanaru nodded, which seemed much more pleasing to the eye.

"But I always feel that something is missing." Left handed Kawana Ruru thought for a while, then shook his head, "It doesn't matter, let's go now."

Yusuke nodded.

According to Zuo Kawanaru's plan, Yusuke is her boyfriend, and he is very busy with work. Today, he specially spared time to attend the party with Zuo Kawanaru.

But it was too busy, so I could only stay for a while before leaving.

Then it was left handed Kawana's time to himself.

This plan didn't sound like any problem, and Yusuke couldn't think of any other loopholes, so he decided on it.

It wasn't until he got into the car of the left-handed Kawanaru that the left-handed Kawanaru realized it.

By the way, it turned out to be a problem with the car!
Yusuke is positioned as a successful person, it is impossible to not even own a car!

Now I have a headache.

Her car can be lent to Yusuke, but Yusuke doesn't have a driver's license.

"It's okay," Yusuke said, "As long as you don't get caught, you'll be fine."

Left-handed Kawanaru shook his head, and said seriously: "Things that violate the law must never be done!"

This guy has a strong sense of prevention in this regard.

"Why don't you find a driver?" Yusuke suggested.

It is normal for a successful person to have a driver, just like Shizuka Yukino, the driver clears the way, the bodyguards accompany him, and there is also a life assistant, who has a strong aura when he comes out.

"Please, my boyfriend's position is a young man with a small amount of money, not a capitalist!" Zuo Kawanaru complained, the standard configuration like Yusuke is a big capitalist!
Yusuke thought about it, and felt that it made sense.

"Forget it," Kawanaru said, "Let's just say that your car just happened to be repaired."

Yusuke shrugged, anyway, it's just a fake boyfriend, just show up, don't care about him so much.

The car quickly set off.

The meeting place was at a high-end Japanese restaurant, and there were many famous cars parked in front of it.

Yusuke looked at the venue and asked, "Is the place you chose too high-end?"

Although it is a classmate association, it is also a place to show off in some respects. Students who are not doing well in this kind of advanced place have already been excluded. Those who can come here have certain confidence in their own assets. Of course There are many people who slap swollen faces to pretend to be fat.

"It was chosen by that little bitch!" Zuo Kawanaru said through gritted teeth.

"Who is that?" Yusuke was a little curious, so Kawanaru told the story again.

This gathering was proposed by the monitor. He pulled all the students from the university into a group and proposed to gather together in the group.

Everyone has graduated for several years, and they are all looking forward to the class reunion.

And one of the female students volunteered, saying that she could help handle the venue, and she has acquaintances in this area.

This female classmate likes to show off herself since she was in college. Her family owns a hotel, has rich assets, and looks good. There was no lack of suitors in college, and she is also very narcissistic and loves to show off. When I was in college, I drove a sports car to school, and the clothes and bags I wore were all first-class brands.

Because of her high-profile, many female classmates are very disgusted with her, and left-handed Kawana Ruru is one of them.

There is no intersection between the two parties, but a woman doesn't need to give a reason when she hates a person. If she doesn't like a person, she doesn't like it.

The meeting place was arranged by her this time, and Kawanaru, the left hand, did not object.

But when she announced the location of the party, everyone was shocked instantly.

She actually chose a high-end Japanese grocery store, where the per capita consumption is very high.

The squad leader quickly said that everyone just got together in an ordinary way, so there is no need to make such a high profile.

The squad leader is not bad, and he has also considered that everyone's living standards are different. This place is too high-end, and everyone's party fee will be a lot of money.

And this female classmate said that she has acquaintances in this area, and there will be discounts at that time, and the place has been contacted, so she can't be let off.

The students hesitated a little, but finally gritted their teeth. It's okay to bleed a little at the party every few years.

However, many students said that this guy definitely wanted to show off his strength. Everyone was satisfied with choosing an ordinary hotel, so why choose such a high-end place!
The reason why the left-handed Kawanaru asked Yusuke to pretend to be a boyfriend is very simple, everyone wants to save face, who would admit that he is inferior!

Loser is not lost!
Yusuke felt that this kind of gathering had changed, and Kawanaru nodded, "I know that too, but the ones we want to connect with are good friends, and I don't care about these boring people."

Yusuke thought about it, and felt that it made sense.

It's their business to pretend to be coercive. I don't care about you here. Who are you pretending to be for!
Well, Yusuke knows the ins and outs of the incident, and now it's time to enter.

The two got out of the car and walked towards the restaurant.

"Wait a minute!" Kawanaru, the left hand, chased up from behind at this time, "We are boyfriend and girlfriend, how can we go separately?"

Some truth!

At this time, Kawanaru, the left hand, held Yusuke's arm with a look of intimacy, but he still warned: "This is acting, don't think too much about it."

Yusuke said, you are thinking too much!

When I came to the front desk, I told the waiter the room number, and the waiter led the two of them to a large room, where the bustling sounds could be heard through the wooden door.

The wooden door opened, and everyone looked over.


The voices of several women came, and Yusuke saw the three women standing up and walking towards this side, and Kawana Ruru on the left also came forward with a smile and greeted them.

Some students withdrew their gazes and continued their chats.

Yusuke sensed a gaze and turned his head. They were three women with dyed blond hair, very beautifully dressed, and heavy makeup on their faces.

Seeing Yusuke's eyes, the three of them smiled and nodded, and Yusuke also smiled back.

"Naru, this is your boyfriend!"

A woman wearing glasses looked at Yusuke and asked, she was one of the three who stood up to say hello to Kawanaru on the left.

Following her voice, a group of people looked at Yusuke with curiosity in their eyes.

Kawana showed a ostentatious smile, "That's right, this is my boyfriend, Misawa Yusuke"

Yusuke showed a gentle smile and said hello, "Hi, I'm Yusuke Misawa"

The super high charm value was reflected at this time, Yusuke just smiled, and the three girls blushed suddenly, this is so handsome!

The left-handed Kawanaru is so amazing that he found such a handsome boyfriend!
"By the way, where's your boyfriend?" Left Handed Kawanaru asked at this moment.

The three women looked at it and smiled awkwardly.

"We don't have boyfriends"


Left-handed Kawanaru was dumbfounded, didn't he agree to bring his boyfriend here!
She immediately realized that these guys lied to me!

Left-handed Kawanaru was a little annoyed, but now this situation can only continue to pretend.

The three girls were very interested in Yusuke and asked a lot of questions.

Love is always the hottest topic among girlfriends.

Left-handed Kawanaru was a little nervous, a little afraid that Yusuke would not be able to handle it.

But Yusuke's performance surprised her, this guy is so skilled!
"Sanze, how did you meet Naru?" the woman wearing glasses asked gossipingly.

"Actually, it all stemmed from a misunderstanding," Yusuke replied with a smile.


All three of them looked over, even the left-handed Kawanaru also looked over.

"I was waiting for someone on the side of the road that day. I might have stood there for too long. As a result, the old lady nearby regarded him as a suspicious person. The other party called the police. It was Naru who came to deal with this matter."

"Naru thinks I'm broken in love, and I can't think about committing suicide, so she's still trying to persuade me."

Yusuke smiled, "A lot of things happened at that time, that was the first time Naru and I met"

The three girls all exclaimed, this opening is too similar to the scene of a TV series, this is so romantic!

Left-handed Kawanaru was a little surprised, is this the case?

She thought about it, and it seemed to be true.

That's right, she really misunderstood Yusuke at the time, that's why the series of things happened later, but how did everything change from Yusuke's mouth?
The three women asked excitedly, "What about the second time?"

"It's almost like this. At that time, I was very interested in Naru. We chatted for a while, and I still remembered Naru's motto: Serve the people! I thought this girl was very cute at the time. Later, I got in touch with her more. , we are together"

"So where was your first date?" a long-haired woman asked.

"Our first date was special" Yusuke replied with a smile.

The three girls all looked over with gossip.

"Our first date was to go hunting together"

"Hunting?" The three were a little surprised.

"That's right, we were hunting in the forest, and I still remember Naru's heroic appearance at that time, it was a different Naru.

Pretty, strong, she's nothing like the girls I've seen"

Having said that, Yusuke showed a happy smile.


The three exclaimed!
Naru's love is too vigorous!

Zuo Techuan thought for a while, and it seemed that what Yusuke said was not a problem, it seemed to be true.

"I still remember that we had dinner on our first date at a ramen stand by the side of the road. Naru is very down-to-earth and mature, unlike other girls"

Yusuke said seriously: "Naru is an excellent girl!"

The three women were very emotional, Naliu's luck is so good that she met a boyfriend who understands her so well!
Kawanaru's face on the left hand is very strange, things are indeed like this, but there are some differences, could it be that...

She suddenly realized that Yusuke was planning on me from the very beginning?

According to him, it all fits in!

The left-handed Kawanaru was startled, I regarded you as a friend, but you are actually greedy for my body!

At this moment, the look in Yusuke's eyes changed!

Yusuke also noticed the eyes of Zuo Kawanaru, and thought that Zuo Kawanaru was very happy. After all, he praised her so hard, but it gave her a lot of embarrassment, and he also fulfilled his task.

It's almost time, so I have to find an excuse to go back home, after all, I'm just showing off.

Just as he was about to leave, three women came over.

"Zuo Shouchuan, long time no see, this is your boyfriend, why don't you let us know?"

A woman's voice came, and the atmosphere of laughter disappeared immediately, and everyone put away their smiles in an instant.

Kawanaru's eyes on the left were a little disdainful, but soon a smile appeared again.

"It's Kono, long time no see"

The woman named Kono had dyed blond hair and was very gorgeously dressed. At this time, she responded with a smile: "Zuo Shouchuan, long time no see. I heard that you are a policeman. What is your job now?"

That doesn't sound right!
Yusuke looked at the three of them, and it was the three who entered the door and smiled at Yusuke.

Left-handed Kawanaru replied with a smile: "It's just an ordinary policeman, it's nothing."

"Civil servants are good," Kono replied with a smile.

"Kono is not bad." A woman behind her said at this time, "I started my own business at a young age, and now I am the founder of a company."

"Kono is really amazing!" Another woman continued, "Among our peers, only Kono has achieved such achievements."

Yusuke raised his eyebrows, showing off too much!
This method is too low-level, but...

Looking at their smug faces, it's really irritating!
"Sanze, you have to be careful about this person!" The woman wearing glasses said at this time, "She has been like this since college, always showing off herself"

Yusuke immediately understood that this was the girl student Kawana Rutou left who liked to show off.

"Sangong, I heard what you said." The woman behind Kono said at this moment, staring at her unhappily, "Don't slander people casually!"

"The dog leg is showing loyalty"

The woman with glasses looked disdainful, everyone stared at each other, and the atmosphere was tense.

"I think there must be some misunderstanding between us. We don't communicate much, so you may have misunderstood me." Kono said with a smile at this time, not caring about the evaluation just now.

"Maybe," left-handed Kawana Tsuru responded with a smile.

"Contact me when you are free," Kono said with a smile, waved his hands, and the three of them left.

Seeing them sitting back in their original seats, the woman with glasses said angrily, "What is this guy doing here!"

"What else is there, don't you just come here to show off!" the long-haired woman said.

Everyone despises such behavior!

Yusuke looked at the time at this moment, stood up and said, "Sorry, everyone, I still have something to do, I have to go first"

Everyone was taken aback for a moment, they had a very happy chat just now, why did they suddenly leave?

(End of this chapter)

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