Chapter 735.
Zuo Techuan looked at Yusuke with a speechless face, and said dissatisfiedly: "Yusuke, I will do what you agreed to do."

Yusuke withdrew his foot at this time, and said calmly: "Sorry, subconscious counterattack"

"Excuse" Zuo Shouchuan pouted and said, this excuse is too bad!
"Believe it or not," Yusuke replied calmly.

The two opponents are tall, and the momentum of rushing over is really scary. Although Zuo Techuan is a policeman, he is also a woman on the other hand. Yusuke worried that she would not be able to solve it, so he shot.

The conflict that broke out at the scene attracted the attention of others.

Everyone stood up in horror.

Cheng Zhituo and the two fell to the ground at this time, and all the food on the table fell on them due to the impact just now, and the two looked very embarrassed.

And the two of them were clutching their chests and howling in pain.

Yusuke didn't show mercy, this kick broke at least a few of their ribs.

"In the city!"

"Wu Teng!"

His friend was also taken aback.

The next moment, the three men rushed directly towards Yusuke.

A good friend was beaten, of course they had to help out.

Many girls and classmates screamed, but the class monitor hurriedly stopped him: "Don't hit me, don't hit me anymore!"

But in the next moment all the voices disappeared, and the three men who rushed over flew out instantly, smashing hard on the wall, like hanging on the wall, sticking to the wall, and then slipped down after two seconds, mouth He foamed and passed out.

Yusuke withdrew his fist, ignoring everyone's surprised eyes.

Kono's eyes lit up, this is really too fierce!

Just three punches sent all three of them flying. This is simply a monster!

In an instant, the importance of Yusuke in her heart rose rapidly, and she became a backup boyfriend from the backup tire.

Everyone looked at Yusuke as if they were looking at a monster, and the squad leader was the first to react. Then he came over and asked seriously: "Zuo Thouchuan, what is this?"

It was a good party, but everyone turned out like this, all moods were ruined, and everyone needed an explanation.

Zuo Shouchuan stood up at this time, and said in a serious tone: "Squad leader, I will explain this matter to you later, I have already arranged colleagues to come over here."

The squad leader was a little surprised, and even called the police, what happened!

At this time, he leaned over and asked in a low voice: "Zuo Shouchuan, what's going on, is it so serious? We are all classmates, so is there any need to make it like this?"

Zuo Nianchuan thought about it for a while, but he still had to tell the monitor, after all, the banquet was proposed by him, and it was difficult for him to be a man when such a thing happened, so he whispered the matter.

The squad leader was very surprised. He didn't expect this group of people to do such a thing. He was a little scared at this moment. If such a thing really happened, then he must be to blame as an organizer.

At this moment, he nodded, "I will cooperate with you."

"Thank you for your understanding"

The squad leader is also a good person to some extent, and knows how to distinguish right from wrong.

And at this moment, the hotel manager brought the police over.

Seeing the police, everyone was a little surprised and a little flustered. At this time, the squad leader came forward to explain to everyone that this matter was just their personal problem, so don't be nervous.

Zuo Shouchuan came forward to greet them, and measured his identity, his own.

My own people are easy to talk, this sentence can be used everywhere, even if they are not in the same area.

What's more, Zuo Shouchuan provided detailed witness and material evidence, and guaranteed that all the credit for this head belonged to them.

The two policemen were very happy. This credit was simply taken for nothing. It was too easy to handle this matter.

As for how many people they knocked out, they also chose not to see them. The other party wanted to resist, and it was normal for the police to subdue them!

Several people were quickly escorted into the police car, and the farce came to an end.

But also because of this incident, tonight's party was not very successful, and everyone hurried back.

Sannomiya and the others also went back and said hello, hoping to talk again next time when they are free, now only Yusuke and Zuo Techuan are left.

It was a thrilling trip.

"Let's go back," Zuo Shouchuan said with a smile.

"Wait a minute, there is one more thing to deal with"

Zuo Shouchuan was a little strange and was about to ask, when he heard Kono's cry.

"Mr. Misawa!"

Kono, who was facing him, waved his hand this way, and Yusuke also smiled and waved in response.

Zuo Shouchuan was startled, "Yusuke and her..."

Yusuke calmly recounted his agreement with Kono, Zuo Techuan was very angry, "How can you promise to be her friend?"

Looking at the angry Zuo Techuan, Yusuke calmly explained: "I just promised to get to know her and be an ordinary friend."

"Ordinary friends are not allowed, you are my boyfriend, I don't allow it!" Zuo Shouchuan said angrily.

Yusuke looked over, Zuo Chuan finally realized at this moment, his angry expression froze.

The atmosphere was suddenly awkward.

Yusuke coughed, and was about to speak, Zuo Chuan hurriedly said: "You misunderstood, I just got into the drama too deeply, and I haven't reacted yet."

"That's good." Yusuke breathed a sigh of relief, we are just ordinary good friends, if the relationship is too complicated, it will be troublesome.

But seeing Yusuke relieved, Zuo Techuan felt a little uncomfortable.


Am I bad?

Are you afraid that I will rely on you?

Yusuke said at this time: "Just be friends with her, it's nothing"

"But her character..."

"There are many kinds of friends, and her kind is only a friend of interest. If there is no interest, we have nothing to do with it."

Yusuke said indifferently: "The status of being your boyfriend has disappeared until today, what she wants to know is your boyfriend, not me"

Zuo Shouchuan came to his senses, aren't you just playing a scoundrel!

Yusuke smiled, Kono's biggest loophole was that she really regarded Yusuke as Zuo Techuan's boyfriend, and didn't consider whether it was true or not.

Kono left at this time, came over, and greeted with a smile, "Mr. Misawa"

"Miss Kono" Yusuke responded, "This matter troubles you."

"It's nothing, we are good friends, then we will keep in touch when we have time"

Kono replied with a smile, gave Zuo Thouchuan a provocative look, and walked back to his sports car, which soon left.

Zuo Shouchuan suddenly felt a little funny, tonight was a complete farce.

Yusuke said at this time: "Naru, it's time for us to go back"

Zuo Chuan nodded.

Yusuke found a place, changed back into his own clothes, put everything into a bag, and turned back into the original boy again.

"You still look pleasing to the eye like this." Zuo Shouchuan said with a smile, but he felt a little regretful. It's a pity, if only he was a few years older.

Driving Yusuke to the door of the house, the two waved goodbye.

"Yongsuke!" Zuo Thouchuan stopped Yusuke at this moment, just as Yusuke turned his head, a lip stuck to his face.

Yusuke was startled.

"This is tonight's thank you gift." Zuo Shouchuan said with a smile, "Don't misunderstand, this is a gift from adults."

Before Yusuke could react, he had already driven away.

Is it a gift from adults...

Yusuke touched his cheek, finally sighed, tonight is really bad.

At this moment, he felt a glare, very dazzling, and raised his head subconsciously.

In the next-door house, in the window on the second floor, Yui crossed her arms and watched the scene righteously, the anger in her eyes was about to burn Yusuke to death.

Yusuke was sweating coldly, this is a bad time!
Zuo Shouchuan, you've screwed me to death!
Seeing Yusuke looking over, Yui immediately closed the curtains.

Yusuke pondered for two seconds, looked left and right, saw no one was there, took a deep breath, ran quickly, stepped on the wall with one foot, instantly raised his body, and landed firmly on the eaves of the second floor , at this moment in front of Yui's window, knocked on the glass.

Yui is very angry, Yusuke is too shameless, having 6 girlfriends is not enough, he is still promiscuous, and it is Zuo Techuan who strikes up a conversation, this is too shameless.

She was so angry that her chest was about to explode.

The more I thought about it, the angrier I became, and the more I thought about it, the sadder I became, tears were about to flow out, but at this moment, the window rang a few times, as if someone was knocking on the glass.

Yui was a little surprised, walked over, opened the curtains, and it was Yusuke standing outside the window, who was waving at him at this time.

Yui was stunned, how did Yusuke come up?
Oops!It's dangerous out there!

At this moment, the window was opened, and Yusuke walked in.

"Yuyi, haven't you slept yet?" Yusuke greeted with a smile.

Hearing Yusuke's voice, Yui got angry again, and turned her head angrily, not thinking of him.

Yusuke smiled and took her little hand, but was quickly thrown away.

"I can explain"

"Tell me, let me see what you have to explain." Yuyi showed a disdainful smile, "I can see it clearly."

"This is how it works"

Yusuke recounted what happened tonight from beginning to end.

I'm sorry, Zuo Shouchuan, you're going to lose face this time.

It was only then that Yuyi suddenly realized that this was the case, but he was very angry at this moment, stretched out his hand and pinched Yusuke fiercely.

"Why pretend to be someone else's boyfriend, what do you take your girlfriend for?"

Yusuke immediately begged for mercy, "I don't want to, but Zuo Techuan doesn't know about our affairs, he thought I didn't have a girlfriend."

"Then why don't you tell me?"

Yusuke's expression became serious, "I want to give happiness to all of you, and I don't want you to suffer a little bit of grievance. If you get hurt because of this, I will be very sad."


Yuyi snorted, reluctantly accepting his apology.

"Then why did Zuo Chuan kiss you in the end?" Yuyi continued to ask.

"The gift of the grown-ups"

A gift from adults...

Yui's eyes widened for a moment, what did the two of you do tonight!

Yusuke realized instantly that there was something wrong with his words.

In the end, under Yusuke's constant explanation, Yui finally believed that nothing happened between the two, but...

"Does Zuo Techuan like you?" Yui stared at Yusuke and said.

Yusuke pondered for a while, "I felt the same way just now, but I have clearly told Zuo Techuan that we are just ordinary friends."

"Really?" Yui looked at Yusuke suspiciously.

"Of course, I'm a gentleman."

"A gentleman, haha"

"If you weren't a gentleman, Yui, you would be the mother of a child by now."

Yui was startled by such shameless words, her face turned red in the next moment, and she kept pounding Yusuke's chest with her fists.

"Go to hell with you!"

"I was wrong I was wrong"

The two were fighting and fighting, when the sound of knocking on the door came, the two were startled.

Only then did Yui realize that Yusuke came in through the window, if someone saw him in his room in the middle of the night, it would be hard to explain.

"Hurry up and hide"

"Then I'm going back now"

"You want to go back? It's too dangerous, hide under the bed first"

Before Yusuke could react, he had already stuffed Yusuke under the bed.

Yusuke hid it well, Yui took two deep breaths and calmed down, then opened the door, and there was mother outside.

"Yuyi, why did you open the door so late?"

"I was about to go to bed just now, but I was woken up by you, mother." Yuyi complained at this time.

Mom smiled, "Then you haven't slept yet, have you?"

"What's the matter, mom?" Yui asked directly.

"Actually, there is something I want to discuss with you." Mom walked in this time, Yuyi was very nervous, and the most important thing was that her mother actually sat on her bed.

"Yuyi what's wrong with you?"

Seeing Yui looking at her nervously, her mother was very surprised.

"Nothing." You Yi came back to her senses and asked, "What does Mom want to do with me?"

"It's like this. My mother was chatting with the neighbors nearby recently. They said they wanted to have a pet dog. At this time, I thought of you."

Yuyi was a little surprised, "Mom, I'm a video blogger, not a pet seller"

"Then you should help with training?"

"I have to ask Yusuke about this," Yui said hesitantly.

"Then I will trouble you"

"Why?" Yui said at this moment, "Mom, you can just ask Yusuke directly."

"After all, my mother is an elder. It seems a bit forced to speak to Yusuke, but it's different when you speak. Of course Yusuke will agree to such a beautiful girlfriend."

Youyi blushed suddenly, "Mom, what are you talking about, I don't understand what you are talking about"

"Okay" Mom said with a smile, "You don't need to hide it anymore, everyone can see such an obvious thing, how far have you and Yusuke progressed?"

Yui was a little embarrassed, she didn't expect her mother to talk to her about this topic, and more importantly, Yusuke was under the bed, what should I say!
"It's none of mom's business, okay mom, I'll ask Yusuke your questions, get out quickly, I'm going to bed" Yui pushed her mother out.

Mom smiled, "Girls are not allowed to stay in college."

This sentence made Yui even more embarrassed.

After closing the door, Yuyi breathed a sigh of relief, and Yuki also climbed out from under the bed, and everyone looked at each other.

For a moment, the atmosphere suddenly became a little ambiguous.

In the middle of the night, a man and a widow lived together in the same room, and both of them had strong feelings for each other, so Youyi was very nervous.

Oops, I might be leading a wolf into the house, right?
(End of this chapter)

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