Deer in deep forest

Chapter 33 Exciting

Chapter 33 Exciting
Near the end of the year, the weather is getting colder.

One morning, Xiguang stayed in bed, Tang Su urged her several times before getting up.She stood at the window in pajamas and looked out. The world wrapped in silver was a vast expanse of white.

Unknowingly, it snowed all night yesterday.

From the street in front of the door, there was the sound of children jumping and cheering, probably already having a snowball fight.Tang Su was making dumplings in the living room, and Gu Yanshu, a novice at the beginning, was learning from the sidelines, with his sleeves rolled up and some white flour on the back of his hands.

Xiguang heard Tang Su cheating on herself in front of Gu Yanshu, she said: "...the girl is still pursued by many people. When she was in the third year of high school here, she got sick once and asked for leave and didn't go to school. There were three of them that night. The male classmates came to the door, one was carrying fruit, the other was carrying a lunch box, which contained rock candy pears, I remember, and the other was the study committee member of their class, who sent her a day's class notes..."

Gu Yanshu lifted the sides of the dumpling wrapper and squeezed them tightly, and asked, "And then?"

Tang Su said: "Then she took the things from others."

Gu Yanshu raised his head, raised his eyebrows slightly, and asked, "What about after accepting it? Are the four of you going to play a mahjong table?"

Tang Su said: "No, no, after she accepted it, she rummaged through boxes and chests to find three flashlights, and gave one to each of them, saying thank you, and keep an eye on the road when you go back, and be careful of snakes."

Tang Su and Gu Yanshu discussed: "Do you think our girl did something wrong? She should have kept someone for dinner. What's the matter with giving out flashlights, and threatening them that there are snakes on the side of the road..."

Gu Yanshu put a wrapped dumpling on the plate, smiled suddenly, and said, "She may just be more thoughtful."

Xi Guang deliberately stepped on his footsteps and made a noise.After eavesdropping for so long, the expression on her face was a little unnatural. She stretched her waist and asked, "Grandma, what are we having for breakfast?"

Tang Su pointed to the kitchen and said, "The porridge is still warming for you, hurry up and drink it."

"Oh." Xi Guang glanced at Gu Yanshu and hurried away.

At noon, the sky cleared up, and the three of them ate dumplings in the yard.Someone outside announced with a loudspeaker that there will be an opera in the temple at 02:30 in the afternoon, and everyone is asked to join in the show. Please bring your own small benches.

On the day when the Bodhisattva’s birthday is coming up in the temple, or when the new year is approaching, the theater troupe will be invited to sing a few lively performances.Although Tang Su is still in a wheelchair, she definitely wants to go and have a look. Xi Guang and Gu Yanshu accompanied her out.

The snow on the road hadn't melted yet, so Gu Yanshu carefully pushed the wheelchair.He was wearing a black windbreaker, Xi Guang always felt that it looked a bit flimsy, she said: "Yanshu, lower your head a little."

Gu Yanshu did so, and she wrapped her scarf round and round around his neck.The color of burgundy, against his fair face, black hair drooping forehead, a pair of bright eyes, looks better than expected.

This scene was seen by the old neighbors and children on the side of the road, and they secretly covered their mouths and laughed. It is estimated that it will spread around this afternoon. The little granddaughter of Mr. Tang’s family finally talked about her boyfriend.

Tang Su also turned her head, looked at the two of them for a while, and asked Xi Guang: "Girl, are you going to the theater with me, or stay here to watch Xiao Gu?"

Someone heard it and laughed out loud.

Xi Guang blushed, glaring at the old lady, kissing grandma, can you not cheat?

Gu Yanshu pushed the wheelchair and continued to walk, but the scarf's thermal effect was too good, and the covered half of his face was a little hot.

The temple is built at the foot of a mountain bag, and the scale is not large.There is a big bell hanging in front of the gate, and the temple is full of wintersweet, which blooms in winter, and the branches are decorated with pink pink, which looks like clusters of crimson clouds from a distance.

It was less than two o'clock when we arrived at the temple, and the troupe was still putting on makeup in the background, and a monk in an old yellow monk's robe was cleaning the remaining snow under the eaves.

Xi Guang heard from Tang Su that there are several monks in this temple who came to Nanyao during the war-torn era. I don’t know what kind of tragic changes they encountered. , never left again.Behind every person who has gone through vicissitudes, there is an unknown story, which cannot be told.

Tang Su suggested to go to the temple to burn incense first.

In the center of the temple is a statue of Buddha, majestic and solemn, solemn and quiet.Fruit offerings are offered on the table, and smoke and candles are placed in the incense burner.The smell of incense is lingering, and the dust from the sandalwood is floating in the air.

Tang Su bowed in a wheelchair.

Xiguang and Gu Yanshu knelt side by side on the grass futon, bowed their heads and kowtowed three times.Xi Guang suddenly felt that the posture of the two of them was a bit like worshiping the church. She was speechless for a second at her thought, and when she met Gu Yanshu's eyes, she felt guilty, turned her head, and blushed for the second time.

The stage is facing the hall for worshiping Buddha, with a distance of about [-] meters in the middle. Now there are many audiences gathered there, most of them are old people and children.

Gu Yanshu pushed Tang Su to a position with a wide view, and Xi Guang borrowed a bench from somewhere, and put it down next to the wheelchair.Gu Yanshu sat on her left, there was almost no gap between them, their clothes were next to each other, plum blossoms swaying in the wind, and the cool sunlight above their heads.

After a few minutes, the play finally started.

The sound of gongs and drums sounded, and the actors in colorful clothes walked slowly onto the stage, shaking their sleeves, covering their faces, and singing a babbling tune.

The song that day was "Suo Lin Nang", a play that Tang Su often listened to at home.Even Xiguang, a layman who was subtly influenced by her, could open his mouth to say a few words.

"There are so many rich and powerful in the world. There are hunger, cold and sorrowful embraces, and there are also frustrated and weeping. The people in the sedan chair play different tunes, there must be something hidden in their hearts..."

Xi Guang involuntarily turned his head to look at Gu Yanshu, he stared at the stage, his face almost hidden in the sunlight.

Characters came onto the stage one after another, and the voice sang again: "Humanity is made by nature, who can move it a little bit. I am rich and she is poor. She is hungry and cold and I am spoiled. Give me a branch of coral treasure, and she will rest in the phoenix nest for half a lifetime." ..."

During the intermission, Gu Yanshu was thirsty and went to the backyard of the temple to find water to drink. Xiguang decided to buy some marijuana flowers and hemp candy sticks for Tang Su.

Because of today's opera, there will be some stalls selling joss sticks and various snacks in front of the temple, which are most popular with children. Of course, some old people are also foodies, such as Tang Su.

The stall owner usually asks people to try the taste first, Xiguang took a piece of cat ears and put it in his mouth, chewed it, and said, "Boss, weigh this for five yuan for me too."


There was a sudden commotion in the temple, not like the excitement of a crowd, but the sound of panic.Xi Guang vaguely heard someone exclaim that a child had fallen into the well in the backyard.

Xi Guang didn't wait for the stall owner to give change, and didn't bother to pick up the things she bought, so she turned around and rushed into the temple, and ran to the backyard.She almost watched Gu Yanshu take off his coat and jump into the well. He didn't have anything in his hand, and he didn't have time to tie a rope around his waist.

With the sound of "plop", after a long time, Xi Guang couldn't describe the feeling it gave her at that moment. If she had to use a metaphor, it might be like a bullet passing through the chamber, like a bomb exploding in her body, and her flesh and blood flew everywhere.

The water submerged to Gu Yanshu's chin, he held the child in his hand, and waited for the people on the ground to throw the rope down.

The child choked on a few sips of water, and his whole body was soaked. There was no other serious problem.It's just that she was so frightened that she burst into tears and hugged Gu Yanshu's arm tightly, but she couldn't slow down.

Soon a rope was brought down, and Gu Yanshu tied it around the child's waist, tied it in a tight knot, checked the knot one more time, and asked the people above to start pulling hard.

In the end, it was the turn of Gu Yanshu to go up. Although he was thin, he was tall. It was not easy for several people who were over half a century old to pull him out.The well wall also slipped, and Gu Yanshu stepped on it and collapsed several times.

It has been a long time since I actually came out of the well.

Gu Yanshu was dripping water all over his body, and sat on the ground leaning on the edge of the well. He had expended a lot of strength just now, but now he felt tired.Xi Guang stretched out his hand to him, pulled him up, and said in a trembling voice, "First... let's go home first, change the wet clothes, or you will catch a cold easily."

Gu Yanshu noticed that her hands were also shaking, and her palms were cold and damp, as if she was sweating.With a pale face hanging down, without the slightest trace of blood, as if the person who just fell into the well was her.

The two headed home, Tang Su had already asked someone he knew to bring it back later.

The sun was shining on her body, and Xi Guang still felt cold. After walking for a while in silence, she finally controlled her emotions and asked, "Yanshu, did you hesitate before jumping down to save that child?"

Gu Yanshu said: "The situation at that time did not give me time to hesitate."

Their hands were still held together and did not let go.Xiguang said: "You act bravely when you see justice, you don't think about yourself in a crisis, you save other people's lives, you are kind and upright, I can't find any faults. Your diving skills are also very good. I used to be able to hold my breath in the water for a long time. I know all this. , you are very sure, and I know it too, but Yanshu... Yanshu..."

Xi Guang struggled to utter the words: "You won't understand my feelings."

She repeated upside down: " will never understand... how I feel..."

Hot tears smashed on the back of his hand. She kept her head down and didn't make any crying sound, but the warmth faded from those eyes, filled with deep tiredness, like the wilderness under the twilight, gradually becoming got bleak.

Gu Yanshu stopped and was silent for a few seconds before speaking: "I'm sorry..."

He held her shoulders and gave her a cold and hot embrace.With her foreheads touching, she finally saw her red eye sockets and the wet traces at the corners of her eyes.They are so close, the tip of their nose touches the tip of their nose, and as long as they blink, the eyelashes will brush against each other's skin, bringing a slightly itchy touch.There is nowhere to hide all emotions, only to confess to the other party.

"I'm sorry." Gu Yanshu said.

Before taking a bath, Gu Yanshu smoked a cigarette in the bathroom, called Song Yusheng, and asked him for advice for the first time.

Song Yusheng was so flattered that he left the photography exhibition, went to the empty corridor to answer the call, and asked Gu Yanshu, "Are you and Xiguang already together?"

Gu Yanshu didn't answer.

Song Yusheng said: "I would be surprised if the two of you couldn't make a couple, Yanshu, you may not have noticed that you poured almost all your emotions into Xiguang, and your emotions are all affected by her."

Gu Yanshu asked inexplicably: "Can the hurt that has already passed be forgiven?"

Song Yusheng said: "If forgiveness can make you relieved, happy, and better, why not. Although I don't know what happened six years ago, why Xiguang left suddenly, but Yanshu, our life is like this. Short-lived and full of variables, we meet at the flick of our fingers, and we part again at the flick of our fingers. The past is gone, and the future is worth looking forward to. Don’t let yourself down, and don’t let down the good times.”

Gu Yanshu said: "Ah Sheng, sometimes you are more like a poet."

Song Yusheng smiled: "No, please call me a 'pseudo-philosopher. A ragged man stood among them, holding an acoustic guitar, humming softly.

The photographer's signature in the lower right corner is Leuan, Wen Yuyun.

There are still many photos of this style in the photography exhibition. Song Yusheng has seen them all. Through every scene and every face, what he really wants to see is the eyes behind the camera, the girl flying white.He imagined her actions when shooting, her expression when she pressed the shutter.

Analyzing other people's feelings is well done, but when it comes to myself, there is nowhere to go.

Not what a pseudo-philosopher is.Song Yusheng laughed at himself.

(End of this chapter)

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