Deer in deep forest

Chapter 91: When Lin Shen Sees a Deer

Chapter 91: When Lin Shen Sees a Deer

Gather trees into a forest, and live in my heart forever.

Xi Guang waited for the old professor outside the venue, handed in the essay on time, and temporarily escaped.

In front of her, the old professor flipped through her homework casually, with a serious expression on his face, unable to tell whether he was satisfied or dissatisfied.

But what is certain is that he left a deep impression on Lu Xiguang, who was the last of the four classes he taught to hand in his homework.

In the next few classes on Friday, Xi Guang's probability of being called was greatly increased, and he was very nervous when he started class, and he didn't dare to desert at all, and he didn't even send a message to Gu Yanshu.

Finally, the bell rang for the end of get out of class. The old professor packed up the lesson plans and textbooks and said, "In a few days, there will be an interview for a large-scale charity event. I have five places in my hand. Interested students can go to the school committee first. Sign up there."

After the old professor finished speaking, he deliberately took a look at Xi Guang.

Xi Guang shivered, but also worked hard for a while, and went to the school committee to sign up.

Two days later, the academic committee notified Xiguang on WeChat that she had been selected, and she would wait for the professor at the gate of the North School at [-]:[-] next Thursday and set off together.

Xi Guang didn't know what the selection criteria were for this time, but one of the places fell on her head, so she had to go out with the teacher to meet the world.

When Xiguang told Gu Yanshu about this, Gu Yanshu was buttoning his cuff buttons with one hand, she got out from under the quilt, and half knelt on the bed to help him.

Gu Yanshu asked: "The address is in the Xiwei Pavilion?"

"how do you know?"

"Guess." Gu Yanshu glanced at the clock on the wall and patted her head, "You meet at the school gate at nine o'clock, can't afford it now?"

Xi Guang rubbed his palm and wailed: "I don't want to go, that kind of activity is boring."

Gu Yanshu pulled her up: "I promise, today will be extraordinarily exciting."

Xi Guang hummed, Quan regarded him as comfort, and didn't take this sentence to heart at the time.

At nine o'clock Xiguang assembled with the professor and several other students.At [-]:[-], Xi Guang saw Gu Yanshu in the guest seat in the Xiwei Pavilion, and when his eyes met, the guy even smiled at her.

On the quiet and handsome face, there was a little vivid expression, which was very attractive.

Xi Guang's face suddenly turned red.

A cough sounded beside him, and the old professor glared at Xi Guang.Xiguang came to his senses and found that besides himself, other students took out their small notebooks and pens to take notes.

Feeling ashamed, I also memorized a few words—November 11, Thursday, sunny to cloudy.

After she finished writing, she looked up, and found that the professor next to her was listening to the people on the stage carefully, and didn't pay attention to her anymore, so she immediately relaxed a lot.Her eyes turned involuntarily to the front row again.

Looking at Gu Yanshu from Xiguang's perspective, it was a long diagonal line, and she could only catch a familiar side face from a distance.Like the dawn moon covered by layers of clouds, a faint light shines through the gaps.

In the middle of the journey, Gu Yanshu turned his head once, his eyes swept across the corner of the back row, then fixed on that point, and then moved away calmly.

Some people were curious about what he was looking at, and looked back, only seeing the painting of ladies with hairpin flowers in the Tang Dynasty copied on the back wall of the Xiwei Pavilion, thinking that he was interested in the painting.

Xi Guang's cell phone received a message from him: "How about today's activities?"

Xi Guang grinned silently, and replied: "Sure enough—it's very exciting."

Just as the speech on the stage was over, the old professor turned his head, and the students on the left listed key words and doubtful questions, which showed that they were very attentive.Turning his head again, Xi Guang on the right hadn't had time to put his phone away, and there were only two doodles on the notebook besides the time and place.

Xi Guang sat up straight with a guilty conscience, and felt the burning eyes of that stare.

She was in the embarrassment of being stared at by the inspecting invigilator when she couldn't answer the questions during the exam.

The professor asked the students: "Have you gained anything today?"

The students nodded and read out the notes they had just made. Citizen representatives called for the establishment of a legal system for charity. Several companies took stock of their past charity activities, their implementation status and future prospects.

The last one is Xiguang's turn.

Xi Guang covered the empty notebook and said: "I noticed that when the meeting was about 10 minutes into the meeting, the security guard came in with the help of a grandmother, and added a chair for her in the aisle in the front row. Listen in."

The old professor listened and looked at her with a hint of admiration in his eyes. He turned his head and said to the others, "Don't just stare at the stage. The stage is too well-behaved. There is nothing new except for the data and charts. Apart from the stage, there is nothing new. There are more details and places worth noting."

Students remember.

Xi Guang was not criticized, so she let go of her heart, and then she heard the professor say: "Later, you go to interview that grandma. And those people sitting in the first row, each of you Go stop one and ask all the questions you just asked. Be bold and say that you are students majoring in journalism at E University.

The eyes of the students are like radar detection, scanning the several elites in the front row, which one has a kind face, which one looks the most talkative, and which one is vicious.

Immediately someone discovered the bright spot.

"Hey, the third one from the left is mine." A girl whispered.

"No, I'm going to interview that." A dispute arose next to him.

Xi Guang silently glanced at Gu Yanshu's position, the first row, the third from the left.That person seemed to shine in the crowd, sitting quietly, aroused covetousness for no reason.

Xi Guang was in a hurry: "I don't want to interview grandma, I also want to interview the elites in the first row."

The old professor said: "You little girls who are not yet married, can you read some books in a down-to-earth manner? Don't just think about nothing. Lu Xiguang, tell me, from the time you entered the venue to now, how much have you been peeking at others? eye?"

Cherishing the light is hard to say: "I am aboveboard."

When Xi Guang was interviewing grandma, two girls stopped Gu Yanshu's way and showed their E University student ID cards.The assistant next to him was going to refuse the interview for him, but Gu Yanshu stood still and gave him a few minutes.

It seems that his usual unapproachable side is just an appearance.Under the bright light, the delicate and deep eyebrows revealed a gentle spring breeze, not so cold, not so arrogant.

But the assistant understood that it was because he was in a good mood today.

After asking a few questions, the girl chatted with him: "I heard that Mr. Gu also graduated from E University, and he is a few years older than our seniors..."

Xi Guang also put away the recording pen, jumped up in the crowd and took a look, seeing that Gu Yanshu was still there, she slipped through the crowd.

Squeezed behind the students who were interviewing, the professor was also there, looking at Xi Guang as if saying: "You really don't give up."

Xiguang smiled innocently.

The professor probably favored this wise and foolish little disciple, and the opportunity was right in front of him, so he gave her a push: "If you still have questions you want to ask, hurry up and ask her before she leaves."

Caught off guard, Xi Guang was pushed in front of Gu Yanshu.

She was unprepared and almost fell, Gu Yanshu reached out to support her.

Xi Guang's mind was blank.She couldn't think of big questions with profound meaning, and what she could think of had already been asked first by others.

She looked down at the pair of clean and slender hands that supported her, warm and strong, jade-like, and was anxious for a moment: "Mr. Gu, do you love your wife?"

There was a moment of silence.

What the hell is this?

The expressions on everyone's faces were unpredictable. The old professor wanted to bring back the disgraced student. Everyone was waiting for this Mr. Gu to turn his face and leave, but they heard him ask Xi Guang back: "What do you think, Mrs. Gu."

A low, laughing voice.

The way they look at each other, and the matching rings on their hands, silently emphasize the fact that they are husband and wife.

Leaving Xiwei Pavilion, Xiguang got into the car with Gu Yanshu.He couldn't help laughing when he thought of that question: "Lu Xiguang, you really dare to ask."

Xi Guang smiled sheepishly, very helplessly: "Who told them to force me? I have nothing to dare to do."

Gu Yanshu's eyes were suspicious: "Is there really nothing to be afraid of?"

She nodded affirmatively.

Gu Yanshu put down the boring documents, leaned over and approached, Xi Guang leaned back on the chair, and stammered: "You... what are you doing?"

"I want to try to see what will happen if I push you into a hurry, to see if I can bite people?"

"I'm not a rabbit." Xi Guang muttered.There was no way for her to retreat, and she was shackled in a square inch. The shirt she was wearing had a familiar smell, like the sunshine after the first snowfall mixed with the clear wind, light and seductive.

Whether it's bearable or unbearable, she simply wrapped her arms around him, and hugged him forward, pressing her lips together.Gu Yanshu hugged her waist and enjoyed the kiss.

"I really know how to bite," she said vaguely.

A deep laugh escaped from between his lips and teeth.

The scenery outside the window recedes like the tide, blurring into a piece of light and shadow in the peripheral vision.

The assistant in front drives carefully, without looking behind, without distracting ears, and silently recites the "Ten Wheels of Ksitigarbha" one hundred times: "Tolerance is like the earth. Tolerance is like the earth. Tolerance is like the earth. like the earth..."

Xiguang has become very lethargic recently.

I was called out by the teacher several times for sleeping on my stomach in class.She stood up listlessly and sat down listlessly.

After the last interview in the Xiwei Pavilion, after a few classmates came back and broadcasted it on the loudspeaker, everyone knew who the mysterious other half of Xiguang was.

Gu Yanshu, a legend on the campus of E University, has been named as a hardcore male god for many years.

Since then, the speculation about Xi Guang's husband's identity has finally stopped, and finally no other weird versions have been derived.

Xiguang obviously felt that there were more people around her to ask her about her health, and everyone asked her, "Are you sick?"

Xi Guang shook his head: "I'm just sleepy."

Everyone asked again: "What did you do at night? Didn't you sleep?"

Xi Guang said, "I also sleep at night, but I'm still sleepy during the day."

As long as she sits still, she just wants to lie down with her eyes closed, and no one will disturb her.

In the head teacher's class, after Xi Guang was smashed with chalk heads three times in a row, the head teacher said: "Everyone is an adult, don't ask me to call you a parent."

Xi Guang fell down on the sofa at night, and Gu Yanshu came over to touch her forehead: "What's wrong?"

Xiguang hugged him, a little wronged: "I was criticized by the teacher again today. Yanshu, if you are notified to go to school someday, will you feel ashamed?"

Gu Yanshu patted her: "I haven't had this kind of experience yet, so it's good to experience it."



Xi Guang looked up at his expression, she didn't mean to be perfunctory or joking, and felt a little more at ease.

Gu Yanshu asked: "Why was it criticized?"

"Sleep in class."

He smiled, feeling that every day is so wonderful.

"Are you a primary school student, Lu Xiguang? The more you live, the more you go back."

Xiguang's voice was full of tiredness: "As soon as the teacher recited the scriptures according to the courseware, I couldn't control my eyelids... And, I'm really tired..."

Gu Yanshu reflected on himself before coming to a conclusion: "I don't seem to have abused you." When he lowered his head, the little wife on his body squinted her eyes while holding his arm, and was about to fall asleep again.

In addition to lethargy and getting tired easily, the third biggest change in Xiguang's body is the frequent waking up at night.

The small night light in the outer room exuded firefly-like light, which shone in slightly. She carefully lifted the quilt and got out of bed, and went to the bathroom by relying on the little light source.

I didn't sleep well in the second half of the night, and this happened several times in a row.

Gu Yanshu also woke up when he came back, Xi Guang said: "I probably drank too much water." Then asked, "Did I disturb you?"

Gu Yanshu shook his head, turned up the light once, hugged him back into his arms, and tucked in the quilt.

After tossing and tossing for so long, Xi Guang's body temperature dissipated, rubbed against his body temperature and slowly warmed up again, and then finally slept until dawn.

Having porridge for breakfast, Xi Guang had no appetite, and secretly poured out two-thirds of it without telling Gu Yanshu.Eating in the school cafeteria at noon, walking back and forth in front of a row of windows, nothing suits my taste buds, and my taste buds become extremely picky.

The canteen aunt held a big iron spoon and squinted at her.Xiguang was as difficult as climbing a mountain of knives, stretched out her hand, and ordered a braised eggplant.

After holding it in her hand, she couldn't finish her mouth looking at the greasy layer of oil on the plate.

She sat in the cafeteria in a daze, comprehensively summed up all the recent situations, and came to a conclusion—she felt that she was probably sick.

She called Tang Su who was far away in Nanyao: "Grandma, I seem to be sick."

Tang Su asked nervously: "What's wrong? Did you go to the hospital? Did you take any medicine?"

Xi Guang's face was disheveled, and he sighed: "I want to sleep, I feel tired, I can't eat. Maybe I'm going to die."

Tang Su and Aunt Qin were eating melon seeds and almost choked. The two people who came by looked at each other, and they all had a guess.Tang Su said: "I can't die for the time being, maybe I will give birth to one, quickly ask Xiao Gu to accompany you to the hospital, don't think about it alone."

Xi Guang almost choked on his saliva: "Maybe there will be one?"

Tang Su's voice sounded very excited, and the old lady was full of energy: "I might have a grandson!"

Probably because of the external voice played, the golden retriever heard the wind, although his legs were a little lame, but his speed was fast, he wagged his tail and barked a few times at Tang Su's cell phone.

After Xiguang followed Gu Yanshu back to City A to live for a while, he sent the golden retriever to Nanyao to be Tang Su's companion.

Xi Guang laughed: "Is it fifty?"


"Fifty, fifty, do you miss me?"


"Have you lost weight recently? Have you gained any more weight?"

"Wang Wang-"

The two old ladies next to me couldn't help laughing, Tang Su stroked the golden retriever's head and said, "You two can still talk."

After the call ended, Xi Guang couldn't recover from the heavy news Tang Su told him for a long time.

Her first reaction was to call Gu Yanshu, but she endured it and planned to go to the hospital first, and then tell him when she was sure.If it's just an oolong, it's as if nothing happened.

Wen Yuyun was editing pictures with a computer at home, when Xi Guang called her over.

The two went to the hospital together, and when they waited in line for the examination, Wen Yuyun was more nervous than Xiguang, and stared at her belly with cautious eyes, as if she was already carrying a baby there.

Xi Guang said, "Don't be crazy."

Wen Yuyun said: "I see it right." As she spoke, the smile on her face seemed to grow wings and fly, "Ah Sheng and I are going to have a son."

When the results came out two hours later, Wen Yuyun was still laughing, while Xi Guang was a little dazed.She rubbed her stomach and asked the doctor, "Is there really a baby inside?" She couldn't believe it.

"It's almost seven weeks," said the doctor kindly.

Wen Yuyun agreed to Xi Guang's secrecy, but temporarily sealed her mouth.

In the afternoon, Xiguang went to find Gu Yanshu after class, sitting upright, looking like a business partner who came to discuss a case.

The secretary was used to the gentle smile, and was disturbed by the serious expression on her face at the moment. He brought her a cup of hot milk and closed the door very carefully.

Gu Yanshu instinctively felt that she had something to do, and it was rare to see her serious, so he didn't ask any questions because he wanted to tease her.

The office was quiet, except for the sound of pens signing documents.Gu Yanshu has one eye and ten lines, focusing on the moment, looking upright, like a jade carving.

Less than 5 minutes have passed.

Xiguang couldn't hold back anymore, and called him by name: "Yanshu——"

Gu Yanshu raised his head and asked with his eyes.

"That..." Xi Guang paused, not quite knowing what to say.

Gu Yanshu patiently waited for her to continue, but she hesitated, he guessed: "Have you been called a parent? Do you need me to go to school?"

Xi Guang smiled with a tense face: "No."

Gu Yanshu suddenly thought of her various abnormalities recently, thinking that she was unwell, the teasing thoughts disappeared, and walked over nervously: "Is there something wrong? I made an appointment for you to make an appointment with the doctor. You will have three or four classes tomorrow. , I'll take you there to check."

"No need, no need." Xi Guang shook his head in a daze, and simply took out the inspection report in the bag to Gu Yanshu, "You can read it yourself."

After she finished speaking, she looked at him intently and held her breath, observing his reaction.

Gu Yanshu's gaze swept across the thin paper, moved away, and looked at Xi Guang.Surprise, stunned, suppressed excitement, and disbelief are all intertwined, and the eyes are complicated.

He stretched out his arms to hug Xiguang, and said with emotion: "We Xiguang has a baby."

He moved slowly, as if she were a fragile object.He bowed his head deeply, buried himself on her shoulder and laughed, his undisguised joy was rare to see.

"Are you so happy?"

"My Xiguang is going to have a baby, can you not be happy?"

"So at this moment, Mr. Gu, what do you think?"

"I want to take a vacation, I don't care about anything, I want to be with Lu Xiguang."

Xi Guang continued the interview: "Excuse me, are you nervous?"

Gu Yanshu nodded: "Nervous." After all, this is the first time to be a father.

Xi Guang seemed to meet a bosom friend, and hurriedly said: "Yan Shu, I'm also very nervous." It started from hanging up Tang Su's phone in the cafeteria.

Gu Yanshu gently pinched her cheek: "You are so nervous that your face is paralyzed. Pregnant women should keep their mood happy and comfortable, come and smile."

Xi Guang smirked and raised his lips: "I haven't slowed down."

With their foreheads touching, Gu Yanshu said, "Then let's take a break together."

Waking up frequently at night, when Xi Guang opened his eyes, he found that Gu Yanshu was not asleep. He was sitting on the bedside reading a thick economic theory book.

Almost the second she woke up, he had already noticed and reached out to help her up.

Gu Yanshu sent Xiguang to the door of the bathroom, Xiguang was ashamed: "Yanshu, I'm just pregnant, my stomach is not obvious yet, and it's not in labor, so don't be so...cautious."

Gu Yanshu said: "Okay." But he still went his own way.

Warm yellow light, quiet autumn night.

The two sat on the bed chatting, Xi Guang made a small calculation in his heart, and said: "I heard that pregnant women will have a bad temper. If I have a bad temper, please let me be more."

Gu Yanshu raised his eyebrows: "How bad can it be?"

This question stumped Xiguang. When she used to have a bad temper, she usually ate two extra bowls of rice at noon. She took extra effort to take notes, the ink stains soaked into the back of the paper, and when she drank water, she was annoyed and put the cup heavily on the coffee table. Or wipe the floor and brush the toilet to vent.

She thought about it, and said with uncertainty, "Should...shouldn't hit people, right? No matter how bad it is, it won't reach that level. Don't worry."

She didn't seem to have moved her hand yet.

Seeing her lack of confidence, Gu Yanshu laughed, coaxed her to sleep, and patted her on the back in a leisurely manner.

The patter of rain lulls one to sleep.

He kissed her: "I must let you."

Although Xiguang was worried that she would be easily emotional and had inoculated the people around her, but what she was worried about did not happen.The baby in the womb was unexpectedly peaceful and did not mess with anyone.

After that period of poor appetite passed, she didn't react too badly.

As time goes by, the belly gradually protrudes slightly.In the spring of the following year, Xiguang should have successfully entered the second semester of her sophomore year, but she dropped out of school again and went home to be a rice bug.

She joked that this was good too, so as not to be criticized by the teacher by name with a baby in her stomach.

She can't let the two of them lose face together.

And every time she acts among a group of juniors and juniors, she always feels weird. She is obviously several years older than them, but they treat her as her peers. She is really under pressure.

Xiguang's expected delivery date is August, late summer and early autumn.

Song Yusheng and Wen Yuyun rushed to have a drink a month before this.They were engaged to Jane, and when they got married, the parents of both parties said that they couldn't be more casual.

Years later, Wen Yuyun recalled that day, it was as far away as a yellowed spot marked on the old calendar.

But what impressed her the most was the night before the wedding. She remembered the moon like a jade plate hanging high in the night, the fragrance of gardenias and the faint smell of camphor in the air.

She stayed at Wen's house that night.

According to the older generation, it is best not to meet the new couple the night before.But Wen Yuyun never cared about this, when she was going to find Song Yusheng, Nine Bulls couldn't stop her.

When Wen Yuyun sneaked back, Song Yusheng was sitting in the room watching old movies. He didn't know where to find the resources. The picture quality was shoddy and there were noises.

Wen Yuyun pushed the door open and came in, sighing: "Doctor Song is so excited, it's already this time, and he still doesn't forget to cultivate his sentiments."

Song Yusheng was surprised by her sudden appearance, he curled his lips into a smile, removed the pillow, and moved out of his place.He looked at the progress bar: "It's been almost half an hour, but I actually didn't see much."

"Then you still play movies?"

"Organize your thoughts."

"Ha!" Wen Yuyun chuckled, and sat down, her face moved closer, the light from the screen reflected in her eyes, "What are you thinking about at this time, could it be that you want to run away at the wedding tomorrow?"

Song Yusheng smiled: "I dare not."

Wen Yuyun opened his teeth and claws, showing a ferocious face: "If you dare, I will break your legs."

Song Yu stretched out his arms, and with one movement, the positions of the two of them were turned upside down, and Wen Yuyun was crushed on the carpet.

There was a gentle and provocative smile in Taohua's eyes. Song Yusheng's right hand rested dangerously on her smooth chin, and gently stroked it with his cool fingertips.

"Before you break my leg, don't you think about your jaw first?"

Wen Yuyun laughed at how he forgot about it, Song Yusheng's ultimate move was to unload a person's jaw in one move, and it was [-]% lethal.Although he no longer remembers the past, this skill has become an instinctive existence.

She spread her hands and surrendered: "Just kidding."

Song Yusheng kissed it down, drawing the cool and soft lips.

They separated after a long time, Wen Yuyun calmed down and said, "Ah Sheng, we will get married tomorrow."


"You and I are getting married tomorrow."

Song Yusheng smiled: "I know."

Wen Yuyun lifted the collar of her sweater coat, and shrank her head in like a turtle.

"Ahhhhh, Ah Sheng and I are getting married tomorrow—"

Song Yusheng said, "Little lunatic."

Wen Yuyun rolled and rolled back to Song Yusheng, his heart beating violently.In fact, she should have nothing to be nervous about, the two of them are already getting along like husband and wife, only one ceremony is missing.

But when this grand ceremony came, she couldn't help feeling nervous and excited.

"Ah Sheng, shall we have a drink?"

Song Yusheng was speechless.

Wen Yuyun had already got up to choose a bottle of wine and came over, opened the thick curtains, and the moonlight filled the entire balcony outside.She hadn't drunk alcohol indulgently for a long time, uncorked the bottle, took a sip directly, and was stunned after drinking it, as if she hadn't tasted this wanton taste for too long.

Even my heart became hot.

She has to get up early tomorrow, and she still has a lot of things to do. Song Yusheng should have stopped her.

But he didn't.

He even had a drink with her.

The two sat on the ground, leaning against each other, and almost naturally, they began to kiss.

Wen Yuyun used to drink well, but now he is not as good as before.She was so drunk that she didn't know how clear she was. When she kissed, it was like tasting a hard-won candy. She licked it gently, little by little, and refused to let go.


She realized that she was crying, but she was dizzy, not understanding why she was crying.

She subconsciously said, "Ah Sheng, I will treat you very well..."

A voice was repeating what she had said.

"I will be very good to you." Like a response, like a promise, like a solemn oath.

Later, Wen Yuyun was completely drunk, and she was woken up the next day. The Wen family thought that the bride had run away, so they looked for her in a panic, and almost made a fuss.

She spent that day in a daze and finished the ceremony, not quite remembering the grand occasion and mood at that time.

Many years later, I can clearly recall the moonlight of the previous night, that moonlight-like kiss.

Xi Guang complained of stomach pain and was sent to the hospital as quickly as possible.

When Gu Yanshu waited anxiously outside the delivery room, he felt time running over his body bit by bit.

On the way here just now, Xiguang was sweating profusely, and gave a false smile: "Yanshu, can we stop giving birth? I thought it wouldn't hurt so much..." She pretended to retreat.

The driver in front was speechless, thinking that the pregnant woman was wayward.

Gu Yanshu closed his eyes and said, "Just this one, we won't have any children in the future." This kind of situation is a torment for everyone.

Xiguang's all senses are occupied by pain, but she is extremely strong, trying to distract herself, watching Gu Yanshu's eyeballs are too hard, as if staring at him.

She was pale, but she was trying to smile, trying to pretend to be stronger.

Gu Yanshu hugged her, covering half of her face with his palms.

"Stop laughing, Xi Guang, laugh at me again..." He was so distressed that he didn't know what to say.

Before sending Xiguang into the delivery room, Gu Yanshu said, "I'm just outside, only a few meters away, don't be afraid."

Xiguang's teeth were chattering, she wanted to pull her hair and tear her clothes, she seemed to have exhausted all her strength to control herself, but she couldn't help but burst into tears.

Two hours passed, and everyone who could arrive arrived.

Wen Yuyun, Song Yusheng, Lu Wanliang who had been living at home for thousands of years, and even the old commander of the Gu family were alarmed.

There was no movement inside.

People outside were helpless.

Gu Yanshu leaned against the wall, turning a deaf ear to everything outside. He couldn't hear anyone talking to him, and stared at the door with tense nerves.

It seems that there are thousands of golden mountains inside, the most precious treasure in the world, and you can't move your eyes away.

Commander Gu leaned on crutches and walked around.Although the relationship has eased, Lu Wanliang, who has never been close to her son and daughter-in-law, has become like an ordinary loving mother, with a worried expression on her face.

Wen Yuyun even stood upside down in the hospital corridor, Song Yusheng said helplessly, "What are you doing?" Wen Yuyun said, "I have to find something to do, or I'll go crazy."

Wen Yuyun's godmother was going crazy waiting, not to mention Gu Yanshu was a real father.

The bright sun hangs on the top of the tree, and the shadow of the sun moves on the windowsill.

When it was a quarter of an hour before twelve o'clock at noon, Gu Yanshu, who was standing like a sculpture, suddenly moved, and he hurried towards the delivery room.

Song Yusheng was worried about his condition, and kept paying attention to him, and quickly dragged him away: "It's a sterile delivery room inside! Besides, if you go in rashly, it will affect the pregnant woman!"

Gu Yanshu calmed down instantly as if he had been doused with a bucket of ice water, but his temples still ached.

He felt that the wall in front of him and the closed door were like a phantom, but suddenly he heard a baby crying from inside.

Wen Yuyun fell down with a "bang", couldn't hold on, and almost broke his hand.Relieved expressions appeared on everyone's faces, only Gu Yanshu couldn't even smile.

He was full of thoughts, cherish the light, cherish the light...then rushed in, didn't look at the baby in the nurse's hand, didn't speak, bent over and squatted on the head of the bed, holding Xiguang's hand.

He seemed to have experienced the thrill of losing her again, and only now was he able to find her back.

This process is extremely long, not more than two hours and 25 minutes.

Xi Guang opened his eyes wearily, his hair was soaked in sweat, but he found that the husband approaching in front of him was also in a mess, his palms were wet and his hands were cold sweat.

She asked: "Yanshu, don't you like our baby?"


"Then why don't you look at him?"

"I want to see you first."

Xiguang gave birth to a baby boy, who was red and wrinkled all over.

Lu Wanliang said that Gu Yanshu was born like this when he was born, and when he grows up, he will be beautiful.

Gu Yanshu looked at the little ball sleeping soundly in the soft quilt, thinking that there are times when I am so ugly?He didn't quite believe it, lowered his head, and kissed the baby's cheek very gently.

He said, "This is to kiss you for your mother."

On the bed next to him, Xi Guang was already so tired that he fell asleep, his frown relaxed, and he sank into the quilt relaxedly.She dreamed that a ball rolled out of her belly and woke up to find the bed empty.

Gu Yanshu said: "I was taken to take a bath by the nurse."

Xi Guang felt relieved, and found that there were only the two of them in the room, and the sky outside had already darkened.

The lingering pain in her body has not dissipated, she is nailed to the bed like a stake, she dare not move at will, for fear of inadvertently pulling some nerve.Blinking her eyes, she felt that it took her nine months to get a sutra, and now she has finally achieved a positive result.

"By the way, I haven't chosen a name yet." Xi Guang said.

"You come and get it."

"Then I have to think about it."

For the next few days, Xiguang spends her time flipping through the dictionary on the bed. After flipping through it, she feels that even the dictionary is not enough for her, so she asks Gu Yanshu to bring the "Book of Songs" and "Songs of Chu".

Wen Yuyun was the most free. Apart from inspecting Song Yusheng's office every day, she also had one more activity, to see her godson. Even wind, rain, and thunder could not stop her.

What she brought to Xiguang was "The Classic of Mountains and Seas", but Xiguang rejected it: "I can't let my son become a little monster."

Wen Yuyun hugged the baby and smiled: "Isn't he just a tormenting little monster?"

The name was thought up on the day Xiguang was discharged from the hospital. When Gu Yanshu picked her up, he bypassed the crowded driveways in the city and chose a remote and secluded road.

They passed through a luxuriant forest, where the afternoon sun was abundant, filtered by layers of green leaves, and turned into a deep and shallow cloud of floating dust in the air.

The baby was sleeping in Xiguang's arms, with his mouth slightly open.

He still doesn't know that at this moment, he has his own name.His mother silently thought of the word "Gu Jusen" in her heart.

As for why it is Ju Sen, I will not talk about it.Every time she was asked about it, she laughed and said vaguely, oh, the sky is so blue today.

The weather is blue today and the sun is shining brightly.

Gather trees into a forest, and live in my heart forever.

When Komori was seven months old, Tang Su brought fifty golden retrievers to City A.

She was unwilling to move her nest until she died, and it was even more difficult for her to leave Nanyao, but she couldn't stand Xi Guang's pitiful pleading voice on the other end of the phone: "Grandma, don't you want to see the baby? Come here? I'm so bored staying at home by myself every day..."

Gu Yanshu, who works at home every day, fell silent;
Wen Yuyun, the godmother who came to tease the baby every day, fell silent;

Song Yusheng, who came here every day to find someone, and by the way, was silent.

Xi Guang smiled at them embarrassedly, made a shh gesture, and continued to complain to Tang Su on the phone: "Grandma, if you don't come here again, I will suffer from postpartum depression..."

After Gu Yanshu listened to it, he felt that it was necessary to have a good communication with her tonight.

Three days later, Tang Su appeared outside the door with big bags and small bags. A lame golden-haired tail was wagging happily at his feet, perhaps smelling the breath of pity.

Gu Yanshu opened the door and invited people in, saying that Xiguang and Komori were taking a nap.

Tang Su looked at Gu Yanshu who was dressed in home clothes: "What about you? You didn't take a nap?"

Gu Yanshu wiped the golden retriever's paws with a towel, and said with a smile, "One person must be awake, grandma, do you want to drink water?"

Tang Su waved his hands and didn't need him to entertain him, and went to the kitchen by himself, quite relieved, thinking that this man looked like a father.

During Xiguang's pregnancy, Gu Yanshu moved the bedroom downstairs for her convenience.Tang Su opened the door and went in, sleeping soundly on the bed.

Xiguang put one hand on the baby's blanket, and the baby's fist held one of her fingers.

There is a milky smell in the air.

When Tang Su approached, Xi Guang woke up naturally, stretched her waist, and asked in a daze, "Grandma? You're really here!"

How could Tang Su not come, in her heart, her girl was still a child.

She worries that her child will not be able to take care of another, younger child.

Xi Guang thought that from now on, he would live the unrestrained and unrestrained life of the emperor at home, but in fact, there was some deviation.Everyone allowed her to eat and be lazy, but she was not allowed to lie still, and she was less active than Komori.

Gained weight during pregnancy, her stomach deflated after unloading, and she didn't gain much weight when she stood on the electronic scale.

Tang Su was worried that her body was too weak, so she arranged exercise time for her every day, such as walking, yoga, and stretching.But Xi Guang felt tired, and would rather look through "Xinhua Dictionary" and "Shan Hai Jing".

Tang Su discussed with Gu Yanshu: "She can't go on like this, I'll scare her later, don't tear me down while you're here."

Gu Yanshu said, "Grandma, take it easy."

Dinner is a nutritious meal, full of color, fragrance, and taste, and even Xi Guang has been raised to pick up his appetite.She picks and chooses half a bowl of rice to eat, and then takes a big gulp of milk.

Seeing that the time was almost up, Tang Su said, "Let's go, let's do some exercise."

Xi Guang refused.

Tang Su said: "Don't think you won't gain weight. If you continue like this, when Xiao Mori is two years old, you will gain two hundred catties."

Xi Guang was startled.

Tang Su continued to work hard: "I will go back to Nanyao at that time, my son hates you, and Xiao Gu doesn't even bother to look at you."

Xi Guang turned to look at Gu Yanshu, and asked suspiciously: "Yanshu, can you?"

Gu Yanshu sat upright, drinking tea with all his heart, Tang Su's words sounded in his ears, his expression was cold and serious: "Yes."

Xi Guang was hit hard, a little depressed, changed into clothes and went out for a walk with Tang Su.

The happiest one was the golden retriever, who was biting the leash for Xi Guang, sticking out his tongue happily.

Xi Guang was infected by happiness, and her depressed emotions were swept away, and the warm and cool wind in early autumn brushed across her face, extremely gentle.

When the two and the dog came back, they found two cars parked in the yard, and someone came to talk to Gu Yanshu about business.He was in the study, next to him was a small powder blue cradle that did not match his temperament.

Xi Guang heard the adult deliberately lowering his voice, she knocked on the door and went in, and found Xiao Mori happily biting her finger in a serious atmosphere, she couldn't help feeling amused.

She took the baby out of the cradle and went back to her room to sleep.

Gu Yanshu glanced at the time habitually, and said, "Go to bed early."

Xi Guang nodded and helped them close the door.

Two hours later, the car in the yard drove away in a gloomy manner. Gu Yanshu put down the documents at hand, took a shower and entered the bedroom. The younger one fell asleep, and the older one still had his eyes open.

Xi Guang heard the movement and sat up, took the towel and helped him wipe his hair.Gu Yanshu leaned against her relaxedly, arched his back, and pressed his forehead against her shoulder.

Before she put her arms around her hands, she suddenly lay down and rolled under the quilt, throwing away the towel.

"No hugs."

Gu Yanshu: "..."

Xi Guang laboriously rolled up the quilt, rolled it into a big fat man, buried his head in it: "I am already two hundred catties, I hope Mr. Gu will do what he says, and don't even look at me."

Gu Yanshu was dumb, he was waiting for him here.

The little girl is quite vengeful.

He picked up the towel and went to the bathroom, where there was a slight hum.Xi Guang poked her head out, a little disappointed by Mr. Gu's calm reaction.

She moved and found that it was very difficult to move, and she was wrapped into a silkworm chrysalis.Sure enough, was she stupid for three years after being pregnant, Xi Guang scolded herself in her heart.

The saying about "one pregnancy and three years of stupidity" actually came from Tang Su's mouth.

When watching TV together at home, Xi Guang sat in the middle holding Komori, she looked at Tang Su on the left, and Gu Yanshu on the right, laughing.The Golden Retriever stared at the braised pork on the screen, drooling anxiously, not understanding what Xi Guang was enjoying, Tang Su commented that it was incredible, and she was pregnant for three years.

Tang Su and Gu Yanshu were playing chess under the eaves. The trees in the courtyard were quiet and the wind was still, and the battle was fierce on the chessboard. The two were evenly matched.Xi Guang watched the battle for a long time, and told me to play a game too.Tang Su abdicated and let her go. After Xi Guang took over, the horses walked across the fields and took taxis across the mountains. The scene of the two armies fighting was in a mess.Tang Su couldn't see it, and said that she had been pregnant for three years.

In the end, Gu Yanshu abandoned his handsome man, preferring Wujiang to kill himself. He picked up his concubine Yu from the sofa and said, daughter-in-law, you won, and went back to the room for an afternoon nap.

Xi Guang was talked about too much, and he began to doubt his IQ.

Gu Yanshu dried his hair and came out, Xi Guang stopped his messy thinking, retracted his head again, closed his eyes, and pretended to sleep.

Gu Yanshu looked at the flower roll that had rolled to the edge of the bed in front of him, and smiled: "Cherish the light, aren't you bored?"

Hanamaki didn't speak.

Gu Yanshu helped her turn over, turned over again, the confinement was lifted, and he lifted the quilt and lay down.Xi Guang wanted to turn sideways again, but was grabbed by the shoulder.

The two face each other.

Xi Guang said, "Don't look at me."

Gu Yanshu laughed, silently staring into his wife's eyes.

Xi Guang's face was burning hot from such hot eyes: "Didn't you just say no to watching it! If you watch it again, you will be charged!"

Gu Yanshu said: "The wallet is on the table, take it by yourself tomorrow."

Xiguang is gone. After a while, I am a little tired. Thinking about the various exercises tomorrow, my heart is even more tired.She is a kind girl who never forgets to examine herself three times before going to bed, saves herself, and realizes her own shortcomings.

She asked, "Did I make trouble unreasonably?"

Gu Yanshu got up and looked at Komori on the small bed, turned off a light, and lay down beside her again.

"No, we have agreed, I will let you do whatever."

Xiguang was satisfied with what she heard, so she went to sleep peacefully.

Komori received many gifts at the birthday party, among them was a very ordinary but very special gift from a bookstore in H City, signed by Nanzhou.

That night, Xiguang called and thanked Luo Nanzhou, Xiao Mori lay on her lap and made trouble, babbling.

"My baby, call me uncle." Xi Guang teased him.Komori still couldn't pronounce the sound "shu", so he pouted and looked at his mother, his eyes were clear and bright like glass beads.

Luo Nanzhou was communicating with an editor about the publication of the book, stopped what he was doing, and waited for the movement on the other side of the phone.

With encouragement, Komori still persisted in grabbing Xiguang's earlobe: "Mom, mom..."

He was slurred and uttered a series of words hastily, and the rhythm was chaotic.

Luo Nanzhou laughed at the extremely tender and soft child's voice.

They were playmates when they were young, friends who supported each other and walked a long way in difficult times, and later became a concern.Now they don't have to ask each other how they are doing, they have such a clear answer in their hearts.

When I was old and recalled, my hair was gray, Xi Guang felt that what he got was enough.When she was a child, she had an unsatisfactory life, and then slowly discovered that those unsatisfactory experiences had been repaid in another way.She has gained far more than she has lost.

When it comes to love, she has Gu Yanshu, from childhood to old age, a couple throughout their lives, never changing.

In terms of family affection, she has Tang Su, the most open-minded and free-spirited old lady, who gave her unrequited love, taught her the principles of dealing with things, and made Nanyao her eternal safe haven.

In terms of friendship, she has Luo Nanzhou, Wen Yuyun, Song Yusheng and others. She doesn't care about gains and losses, and she doesn't turn her face or hurt her. They are like another kind of relatives and treat each other with heart.

Xiguang also thought of one person, Yu Sui.

It's not that Yu Sui is sincere to her, even if he has been hurt, he can't deny that he treats her wholeheartedly.

The captivity in the apartment on the 32nd floor, Yu Sui's ruthless killing with the point of a knife pointed at his chest, the gunshots heard in the Taixi Building... No one is more cruel to himself than Yu Sui.

For a long time, the scenes that appeared in Xi Guang's dream were all related to Yu Sui. She curled up on the ground, her seaweed-like hair was soaked with sweat and tears, strand by strand, entangled her neck like a snake.

She smiled and cried and said, Xi Guang, you must always remember that there was a person named Yu Sui who appeared in this world.

She was afraid that she would be forgotten by everyone after only a few years after she passed away.

When Xi Guang went to visit Yu Sui's grave, he found that the narrow path leading to the tombstone was always there, and it was not covered by the weeds on both sides.

This may indicate that someone regularly comes to take care of it.

Xi Guang thought this way, planning to meet her enemy, the second young master of the Xie family, on the way down the mountain.

Casual shirt, long windbreaker, hair combed back, revealing delicate forehead and eyes, with a suave appearance.With such a dress and temperament, it doesn't quite fit him in a barren cemetery.

Xi Guang thought, she is not the only one who will always remember Yu Sui.

She knew why and asked, "Why did you come here?"

Xie Feinian was extremely arrogant, the corners of his long and narrow eyes twitched, and he smiled evilly: "I opened up this land, and I buried her at the beginning. Is it possible that I can't come?"

Xie Feinian has been having a rough time recently.

He grew up in comparison with Gu Yanshu and Song Yusheng.You look at whose family is so-and-so and so-and-so, which is what the elders have always said.

Now Song Yusheng is married, Gu Yanshu even has a son, he is still a bachelor, he is a backward person, it is inevitable that he will be talked about.

Grandpa Xie tugged at his ear and said, "Can't you learn from the kid from the Gu family?"

Xie Feinian was very disdainful: "Learn from him? What do you learn? Monogamous slaves are worthless!"

Grandpa Xie said: "You are promising, old bachelor." He poked him in the heart again, "I woke up hungry in the middle of the night, and I had to go to the kitchen to cook a bowl of noodles pitifully. No wonder your mother said that your cooking skills have improved. Made it out of..."

Xie Feinian was told by his grandfather that he was old, but he couldn't refute it. He took a big breath and was about to be blown up.

Grandpa Xie said: "Can't you have a good relationship, marry and have children? You have so many girlfriends, but none of them have true feelings?"

Xie Feinian was embarrassed: "Grandpa, don't say that, I am so dedicated, how can I have many girlfriends?"

"Linda, Lisa, Abby, Angela..." Grandpa Xie counted one by one with his fingers, "Is there anything else, I forgot, can't you choose a proper Chinese name?"

Xie Feinian laughed loudly, and he was no longer angry, he coaxed the old man and said: "Okay, I will bring you back sometime with a Chinese name, born and bred."

When Xie Feinian is not going well, he loves to make trouble for others, so that people can be as unhappy as he is.

I met Xiguang on a narrow road today, he smiled, Xiguang knew something bad was going on, but imitating Gu Yanshu who doesn’t show the mountains and dews, calms down his emotions, and smiles calmly: "I have to go back quickly, you just came, I will clear the place Here you go."

After she finished speaking, she ran faster than a rabbit.

Xie Feinian shouted triumphantly from behind: "Lu Xiguang, come to your house for dinner today! Remember to add an extra pair of bowls and chopsticks, I want to see my godson!"

Xi Guang pouted, whoever wants to be your son, you will bring Komori to ruin!not welcome!
Xi Guang ran away without a trace.

After Xie Feinian finished shouting, the valley was empty, leaving only him and a lonely monument at his feet.

He was stunned expressionless, and after a while, he pointed his forehead with his index finger and middle finger, and saluted unceremoniously: "Report to Sui, I'm going to fall in love."

I'm here today to talk about this.

After the report, he left.

Silent wind all over the mountains, soft stratus clouds all over the sky.

Wen Yuyun racked his brains recently to take pictures of his godson and a dog.

She tailored a dozen or so suits for Komori, in various styles, cute, cool, funny, and handsome.

Komori tremblingly leaned on the table to avoid, very uncooperative, Wen Yuyun coaxed him with toys for a long time but failed.

Xi Guang said proudly: "My baby can withstand temptation!"

Wen Yuyun despises her and does ideological work with her: "Don't you want to take some interesting photos of the baby as a souvenir? He is cool now, but when he grows up, he might be as virtuous as Gu Yanshu. I didn’t even get a chance to shoot.”

Once Xi Guang was instigated, he felt that it made sense, and immediately changed his camp, from standing on the sidelines watching the theater to doing odd jobs on the stage.She leaned over to hug Komori: "Baby..."

Komori prefers to cling to his mother, and prefers to pinch her soft and fleshy earlobe, and when he hears the call, he throws himself into her arms.

Xiguang quickly changed him into new clothes with strange shapes. Wen Yuyun was putting a vest on the golden retriever, and the golden retriever was not very obedient, so Xiguang yelled: "Fifty..."

The golden retriever is good.

Wen Yuyun envied: "Hey, let me tell you that your family's status is really high enough, everyone, big or small, is up to you."

Xi Guang is proud: "Of course, I am the Supreme Emperor of our family!"

A child with a big golden retriever, was played by Xi Guang and Wen Yuyun for a long time, Wen Yuyun held up the camera and clicked to take pictures.

In the afternoon when the photo was taken, Komori finally became impatient, grabbed Xiguang's clothes with his white fists, and fell asleep soundly.

Wen Yuyun looked at Xiguang in surprise and said, "Have you noticed?"

"Found what?"

"Xiao Mori doesn't cry! He's sleepy and annoying, but he can still hold back from crying. A child of this age can't control his emotions."

Cherishing the light and proud: "This shows that he is very good."

Wen Yuyun was silent, now that she said something casually, Xi Guang felt that she was praising her son, and her son was No. 1 in the world.

That's what motherfuckers do.

The same goes for being a godmother.Wen Yuyun laughed, my godson is young, he doesn't show his face, and he will do great things in the future.

Looking at the time, it was almost time for Song Yusheng to leave work.Wen Yuyun moved from Gu's family to the hospital. Although she was an idler, she ran around, giving the illusion that she was busy running around.

The guard at Xuanren Hospital greeted her familiarly: "Are you looking for Dr. Song again?"

She jumped up the steps with the camera in her arms, and waved at people: "I'm here to pick up Dr. Song home—"

She was excited all the way, and because of her good mood, she walked with long legs like wind.A black peaked cap was buttoned on his head, and his neat short hair was longer, with a few strands hanging over his eyes wantonly.

She knocked on the door of the office, but no one answered.

"Asheng, are you not here?"

Wen Yuyun pushed the door open and went in. Song Yusheng's coat was still hanging on the hanger, and the things on the desk hadn't been cleared away. It seemed that he just left temporarily.

Wen Yuyun walked over to occupy the main seat, and leaned back stretchedly, but his eyes sensitively caught the eye-catching touch of pink on the wooden table in front of him.

It was a pink envelope, sealed with a sticker of McDull, and the handwriting on it was immature, saying - to my male god.

The corner of Wen Yuyun's mouth slowly raised an arc, very good.

This was the 12th time she found something similar to roses, love letters, origami hearts on Song Yusheng's desk. She couldn't bear it, and she called directly before Song Yusheng came back.

Wen Yuyun was taken aback by the soothing sound of the piano, forgot what he wanted to say, and asked, "Where are you?"

Song Yusheng said: "A friend from France came to travel in City A, and he came to see me by the way, and I took him to the coffee shop opposite the hospital."

Wen Yuyun was silent for two seconds, frowned, and asked hesitantly, "It's... Rotten Peach Blossom again?"

Song Yusheng seemed to smile a bit: "It's a man, and he was one of my attending physicians in France."

"Oh." Wen Yuyun's face was a little stiff, his gaze slipped down, and he saw the pink color on the table again, and couldn't help but blurt out, "Why are you more popular than when you were studying?"

Song Yusheng didn't know why, and didn't know that another letter appeared on the table, and he said casually, "Maybe it's because it's more attractive?"

Wen Yuyun was very worried, picked at the thread on the back of the chair, and sighed: "Doctor Song, you make me very embarrassed, very nervous, and very sense of crisis."

Song Yusheng laughed heartily, his eyes narrowed slightly, and the vivid expression on his face was contagious and could easily confuse people's hearts.

The waiter passing by couldn't help but stare at him. The young man was still wearing a white coat. With one hand on the table, he held his mobile phone and said to the person on the other side, "Don't be nervous, Doctor Song. my heart only has you."

Listening to that tone, the irrelevant bystanders felt inexplicably hot.

Wen Yuyun became quiet and calmed down a bit.

She moved from side to side, leaned her head on the back of the chair, and said in a casual tone: "Let me believe you, then I will go home first."

Song Yusheng said, "Wait, you're doing so well, I'll treat you to coffee."

He hung up the phone, and the man on the opposite side took his coat and was about to leave. Before leaving, the old doctor who was over fifty years old said, "Song, if you want to restore your memory, maybe you can try my suggestion just now. Hypnotherapy has almost 52% chance of helping you recover."

"That's more than half the possibility." Song Yusheng shook his head, "No need, I'm living a good life, and I don't insist on everything in the past."

Someone said to him, if you have never had a past, let me be your past, present and future.

That person appeared in his sight now, wearing her hat and walking like a breeze. She has the most unruly eyes and a fiery soul. She once swept snow for him at dawn in a foreign country, and spent every morning and evening with him.

This person is now his wife.Even though all the memories about her in my mind have been emptied to zero, I still can't help but feel my heart throbbing.

His eyes remembered her, and he couldn't help looking at her.

His ears remembered her, and he could keenly catch her voice in the crowd.

His sense of smell remembered her, and when she approached, he had a familiar smell on her body.

He remembered her with his life, and after separation, his soul was still entangled, returning every night.

Sunlight casts colorful halos on the floor-to-ceiling windows.

Song Yusheng watched as Wen Yuyun walked across the black and white zebra crossings and the sparse pedestrians, walking towards him step by step.

When Xiao Mori was one and a half years old, Tang Su went back to Nanyao, leaving fifty to stay with Xi Guang and Xiao Mori.What she misses the most is that old place, after being out for too long, she has to go back.

When Komori was three years old, Song Yusheng and Wen Yuyun had their first child, a little princess who liked to smile very much, and when she opened her eyes she looked like her father.

When Komori was four years old, he was taken to travel around the world. The adults around him taught him to see the wider world, understand some truths ignorantly, and gradually grow up.

In the winter when Komori was five years old, the sky was freezing and Tang Su passed away.

There is nothing like watching a child grow up and an old man die, to feel the passage of time more clearly.

At the end of autumn that year, Tang Su's health deteriorated, Gu Yanshu and Xiguang took Komori back to Nanyao, intending to stay here to spend the New Year with her.

Tang Su's hair was all white, and she couldn't find a single black hair, but she was too lazy to do it.When the weather cleared up, Xiguang moved a chair for her to sit in the yard and bask in the sun, and helped her dye her hair.

The potion had a smell, and Xi Guang asked, "Is it strong?" She was not sure how to mix it with water.

Tang Su said, "I don't really smell it."

Xiguang felt sour, and took a wooden comb to comb the potion on her little by little.Komori was just when he was curious, squatting on the small bench and watching them meticulously.

He ran back into the house and asked Gu Yanshu, "Dad, why is Mom unhappy?"

Gu Yanshu glanced into the yard and said: "Mom is not unhappy. It's just that grandma is old, and your mother is reluctant to let her grow old."

"Can't you be old?"

"No." Gu Yanshu hugged Komori to his lap, and told him patiently with a gentle expression, "Everyone will grow old little by little, just like Komori is growing up little by little."

"Do you grow old when you grow up?"

"When you grow up, one day you start to grow old."

Gu Yanshu drew an arched arc on his palm, starting from one point and gradually going up, that is when a person grows up and reaches a point at the peak, then gradually declines, which is the process of aging.

"Will you and mom grow old too?" All children worry about this question.

"Yes." Gu Yanshu said, "But Komori had grown up at that time, so don't be afraid."

The little child buried his head in his father's arms, a rare dependence suddenly broke out, and he was unwilling to get up for a long time.He pouted and said, "Then it's better to slow down."

Xi Guang also thought, let's go slower.

Time waits for no one for a moment, and it is gradually walking towards winter.

The snow fell very early this year, and Xi Guang got up early in the morning to look out of the window, covered in snow and icicles hanging from the eaves.Intermittently, after three days of snowfall, the snow in the yard has become thick.

Komori led the golden retriever and ran on the snow, pressing his footprints back and forth, and never tired of it.Tang Su told them to slow down, shouted to the end, simply let them go, and watched them make trouble.

Komori turned around and shouted, "Grandma—"

She cheered up and responded loudly.

Eating hot pot around the stove in the evening, she also picked up some chopsticks for Komori and said, "I look at the little guy and feel that he has grown taller again."

Tang Su fell asleep quietly one night, without experiencing much struggle and pain, like a dream, stuck in a dream and never woke up again.

Xi Guang was sad, but not as unbearable as imagined.

After crying and venting, she felt that maybe this was the best ending.

Many people in the mourning hall came to express their condolences. The old lady was very popular in Nanyao, everyone knew her, and now they all came to see her off.Xi Guang knelt in front of the coffin in white mourning clothes, and the incense candles burned slowly.

In the middle of the night, when the neighbors left, Gu Yanshu pulled her up, poured hot water over, wrung out a towel and wiped her face and hands clean.

"Go to sleep for a while, I'll watch over it." Gu Yanshu said.

Xi Guang shook her head and leaned on his shoulder.

The snow fell on the rubble of the eaves, and there were small and quiet sounds.

Cherish the light and look at the person in the photo frame, with a hearty and heroic smiling face, and finally turn into ashes and be buried in the land of Nanyao, which is also called the destination.

After returning to City A from Nanyao during the Spring Festival, Xiguang caught a cold silently, and it happened that Gu Yanshu was going to fly to Australia on a business trip.I don't know why he compressed the itinerary, but he insisted on discussing the case in advance, cut the ten days in half, and rushed back in the early morning of the fifth day.

Xiguang's little problem was cured by soaking two bags of granules, but he lost a lot of weight.

Xi Guang looked at him in surprise, pulled him to rest on the sofa, and went to the kitchen by himself.

Her cooking skills are mediocre, and she hasn't cooked for a long time, so she is very unfamiliar, and she has to ask online for advice to cook a nourishing soup. The iPad was set aside to play the teaching video. She prepared the ingredients, pressed the button to pause from time to time, and was in a hurry.

Komori was looking for a picture book in the upstairs study, and Xi Guang said that he had put it on the lower shelf of the bookshelf for him, but it was nowhere to be seen.He moved a chair, climbed onto it, and rummaged through the upper shelves.

Finally found the drawer and found something.

Komori knew that his father had a very precious pendant, carved from wood, in the shape of a small elk.He had only seen it once before by chance.

This time, he looked carefully and carefully.

The red rope that strings the pendant has turned white, and the wood has long lost its luster, but it is carefully placed in a velvet box.This box is estimated to be more than a hundred times more expensive than the pendant.

Komori can't figure it out, but he vaguely knows that it is cherished and has its own value and meaning of being cherished.

He once thought that this small pendant was the most valuable thing in his family.

He couldn't find the album, so he went downstairs, and when he was still on the stairs, he heard the kitchen crackling and the sound of frying pan.Another spoonful of water was rushed in, Xi Guang's posture was like a firefighter putting out a fire.

The pot was smoking.

Gu Yanshu probably couldn't stand it anymore, got up from the sofa and walked to the kitchen, personally guiding and doing it himself.Xi Guang was taught, learned from the side, and followed behind like a tail.

It was clearly a disturbance and a helplessness.

Amidst the smoke and fire in the world, they gradually leaned together and kissed.

Komori quietly covered his eyes.

——End of full text——

(End of this chapter)

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