From Leng Palace Princess Gou Cheng Martial Dao Supreme

Chapter 262 Strange Development Direction (Subscribe)

Chapter 262 Strange Development Direction (Subscribe)

"Tsk tsk... interesting."

The golden python in front of him had muscles stretched out, and the circles of tendons were like iron chains. The scales on its body were densely packed, flowing with golden light.The blood-red snake letter swallowed, and the sense of power and wildness that came from the pavement was suffocating.

"The power contained in such a giant python can threaten the existence of the False God realm, and ordinary domain-level saints may not necessarily be its opponents!"

The golden python in front of him was a clone of the Hundred Headed Demon Snake, and it was also part of Jiang Zirou's source quality and vitality.

It is equivalent to the extension of her body power.

"The increase of immortal vitality is strength and defense, and the body size has also increased a lot. Try to see if the other two vitality will react."

As if she got a new toy, Jiang Zirou's beautiful glass-like eyes were shining, and she seemed a little excited.

There were two muffled sounds in succession.

The next moment, two giant pythons, one black and one red, appeared in front of Jiang Zirou.

The appearance of the two giant pythons is similar, and their body size is similar to that of the normal snake, slightly smaller than the golden snake clone.

However, that giant black python was entangled with one after another swirl-like attraction, and displayed outside, it was the dim yellow sand ring, and weird vectors came from all directions irregularly, even Jiang Zirou I felt a sense of twisting and tearing.

The other red python was much simpler, its body was burning with fire, and the ground began to melt into glass crystals under such a terrifying high temperature. .

"The black python represents gravity, and the other red python is the sun... or fusion?"

Jiang Zirou rubbed her smooth chin, then gently stretched out her hand and moved forward a little.

"go with!"

The giant black python opened its mouth wide, and bit forward fiercely.

Immediately, amidst the loud rumbling noise, gray tornado-like sandstorms appeared out of thin air, gathering like a sea of ​​rivers, forming a smooth khaki-yellow ball in front of the giant python.

"The power of the concept representing gravity has been amplified a lot!"

Jiang Zirou's complexion changed.

The Hundred-Headed Demon Snake is equivalent to a power amplifier. The essence of gravity has not changed, but its power has increased a lot.

The vitality injected into the black giant python just now can pull a force of a million catties at most, but just now, the giant python bit it down with a suction force of more than 300 million catties.

This is just one of the snake heads, and the Hundred-Headed Demon Snake has just begun to practice.

Under the blessing of gravitational vitality, it can display such terrifying power...

Sure enough, God will not treat everyone who works hard badly, and there will always be unexpected surprises in unexpected corners.


Leave from Qiankun Ding.

The sound of rustling rain came from outside the window, which made people feel calm.

Long satin-like hair was scattered, and Jiang Zirou was wearing a small white dress, revealing a small navel, with a straight back.

While meditating on the bed to improve his cultivation, he thought seriously.

The ability of the Hundred-Headed Demon Snake to combine with vitality of different attributes gave Jiang Zirou a big surprise.

If the power of the two can be completely released, the power that will explode is probably unimaginable, even in the realm of true gods, it is an extremely tyrannical existence.

However, if this technique wants to continue to practice to a higher level, the biggest problem encountered so far is the scarcity of source quality.


After all, the place where Jiang Zirou was located was Yuan Realm, not Nether Realm.

The source quality can only be obtained from the Nether who died in battle, and what's more terrible is that the wild world is far away from the front-line battlefield, and it is a rare thing for Jiang Zirou to meet the powerful Nether.

"If You Ming were like Chinese cabbage on the side of the road, just let me touch a handful of them casually!"

Jiang Zirou let out a breath.

Thinking distressedly.

However, when you think about it, you know that it is impossible to happen.

Pure ghosts cannot reproduce, and can only be transformed from creatures from the Demon Realm or the Meta Realm through rituals, and the success rate is quite low.

The lack of numbers is the biggest and most fatal shortcoming of the Netherworld.

At this time, in the rain curtain outside the window, the sound of messy footsteps came.

Jiang Zirou heard it clearly, and at the same time noticed a strange aura floating around the teahouse.

"It's late at night, and it's raining again, something looks wrong..."

With her strength raised to such a level, the weirdness in the eyes of ordinary people was no threat to Jiang Zirou at all. She casually took off the long gown on the hanger, dressed neatly, and went to the window.

Slowly open the curtains.

At that moment, Jiang Zirou's breathing became much heavier.


"Did you hear it?"

With disheveled clothes and a slightly tired face, Bai Shouchong rushed out of the room in a hurry.

In the hall on the second floor of the teahouse, candles were burning faintly like beans.During this period of time, Zhao Shenxu had eaten up the piles of refreshments and a pot of tea on the table.

At this moment, half of her cheeks were hidden in the darkness, and the other half of her cheeks were slightly reddish under the light of the fire.

"There seems to be something unclean outside..."

Bai Shouchong looked serious, propped his hands on the table, and looked sharply at the senior sister sitting on the other side of the tea table.

"Hundred ghosts at night!" In the darkness, Zhao Shenxu's pretty face was a little dull, and he finally calmed down, saying, "I really didn't expect to meet such a legendary thing here."

The so-called night walk of ghosts.

It is the chaos that erupts from the gathering of countless weirdnesses.

This kind of disaster often means that the local source quality has been concentrated to a certain level, and the source quality will spontaneously devour ordinary vitality. Therefore, in the Night Walk of the Hundred Ghosts, martial arts monks below the Void God realm have almost no ability to resist and can only turn around. escape.

And even False Gods like Bai Shouchong and Zhao Shenxu can't do much.

On the one hand, their own strength was weakened to a limit by the source quality dispersed around them.

On the other hand, these weird, real beasts, and ghosts are very difficult existences to deal with, with tenacious vitality and good realm.

It's hard to guarantee that you won't encounter an existence similar to the baby spirit in the Night Walk of the Hundred Ghosts.


Bai Shou slapped the table violently, clenched his teeth, and looked fiercely, appearing quite resentful.

"If the Night Walk of the Hundred Ghosts is not restrained, the whole city, no, I am afraid the whole continent will fall into disaster!"

"This matter, since I am someone who saw it, there is absolutely no possibility of sitting idly by!"

Bai Shouchong's voice was resounding, Zhao Shenxu looked up at his junior brother, with a slight smile on his lips, "Although you were embarrassed when you went to the grave, you are so handsome when you say this now!"

"Can you not mention this matter..."

Bai Shouchong took a choked breath, and the aura he had finally mobilized disappeared in an instant.

"Okay, let's go to Miss Jiang to discuss what to do."

The situation was urgent, so Zhao Shenxu teased his junior brother a little, so he didn't talk much about this issue.

The two got up and were just about to act.

Then I heard the sound of tearing flesh and blood from outside the window, and formations spread and crisscrossed in the void, forming some kind of large formation that enveloped the entire city.

"that is…"

Jiang Zirou's breath fluctuations were no longer hidden, surging like a great sun.

The two senior brothers and sisters jumped out.

I was stunned by the sight in front of me...

In the air, Jiang Zirou was dressed in white, with an endless curtain of rain behind him, and huge golden, black, or scarlet pythons shuttled back and forth in the streets of the city.

Those ghosts that came from nowhere were instantly torn to pieces.

Because Qiaoning County is often haunted by ghosts recently, under the coordination of Zhenmagic Division, the population near Qiaoning County has undergone several large-scale transfers in the past few days.

Demon disasters and disasters have happened quite a lot in Daxia over the years.

Most of the evil disasters can be resolved and sealed by the strong men of Zhenmensi before they erupt completely.

But once in a while, Zhenmensi will miss, leading to a complete disaster. At this time, the first thing to do is to evacuate the population around the city.

This is not only to protect the people of Great Xia, but at the same time, many monsters rely on the emotions and flesh and blood of mortals for food.

Therefore, the evacuation of the masses at the first time is also to prevent the further spread of the evil disaster.

But now, with the weird recovery, on the basis of being unable to solve it, the coping strategy adopted by Zhenmensi is the same as before.

Immediately evacuate the local people.

Up to now, although there are still some shops in the whole city, in fact, there are not many people staying in Qiaoning County.



On the streets outside Qiaoning County, under the rain.

Jiang Zirou's face flushed slightly, which was caused by excitement.

She really didn't expect that she was still muttering and meditating on the bed just now.In the next quarter of an hour, the answer to the question appeared directly.

A hanged ghost in a white dress with bloody scars on his body, a tall walking corpse in a broken armor with indigo skin, a fat man with a fat body and a rusty collar wrapped around his neck, holding a bloody battle axe.

Countless ferocious and terrifying evil spirits walked on the streets, and the rich source quality formed a gray mist, covering the sky above the city.

These guys have a strong aura, although they only have the simplest wisdom, but under the blessing of the surging source quality, the monster's fighting power cannot be underestimated.

And this moment.

Fighting against these monsters was a ferocious and huge magic snake.

Boom! ! !

Under the gray rain, the muscles of the giant snake gleaming with golden light stretched out, and the tail of the snake swept across like an iron chain, and a walking corpse in bronze armor was instantly thrown into the air.


There was the sound of a broken spine.

The strength of this walking corpse is quite extraordinary. Under the blue-gray skin, there are muscles that are a hundred times harder than steel.

It's a pity, under the great power of the Hundred-Headed Demon Snake clone.

This walking corpse had no ability to resist at all, the shattered pieces of meat splashed down, disintegrated in the air, and was almost cut in half, the thick spine was exposed in Jiang Zirou's sight.

Such an injury was terrifying, but to You Ming, it was nothing.

Soon, under the nourishment of the essence, the broken body of the bronze walking corpse began to heal, and rotten granulation sprouted from the wound.

But the other two giant snakes that contain gravitational energy and solar energy will not sit idly by.

In fact, the whole city is a mess right now.

Even if it is a clone, Jiang Zirou's giant snake is thousands of meters long, eight or nine meters thick, and a giant python clone is enough to crowd the entire street.

Roar! ! !
The pitch-black gravitational snake opened its mouth, bursting out with a force of millions of catties.

If it was in a complete form, these ghosts could be resisted by relying on their innate great strength, but now, after being crushed into pieces by the golden indestructible snake, there is no room for struggle at all.

Pieces of broken corpses were swallowed into the stomach by the gravitational giant snake.

In an instant, Jiang Zirou felt a large amount of pure vitality fed back into his body.

No.30 four, 35, 36...

The cultivation of Immortal Seal is growing rapidly.

The largest indestructible python is a frontal crushing tank. The golden sun python has extremely high attack power. It can be regarded as a mage. When the golden beam is sprayed, a large piece of flesh and blood is directly evaporated, and the corners of the city are full of bells. Huge mushroom cloud.

The remaining black gravitational snakes are auxiliary, responsible for strong control, finishing, and dividing the battlefield.

Each of these monsters in the city does not have much source quality, but they are better than the large number of monsters. On the streets, around the city, and in the forest, there are densely packed, at least hundreds of them.

"Hiss... It's a good thing I'm here, otherwise, things would be really unimaginable."

Jiang Zirou stood above the city with fluttering long hair and a serious expression, controlling the avatar of the Hundred-Headed Demon Snake, inexplicably feeling like he was hitting someone.

During this process, she is also trying to control her power as much as possible.

Don't let the aftermath of the battle affect the surrounding buildings too much. Of course, a small part of the collapse is still unavoidable.

Fortunately, Jiang Zirou reacted quickly. When the first batch of weirdnesses entered the city, she noticed that most of the weirdnesses were still outside the city.

On the way, he was intercepted by giant pythons of different attributes sent by Jiang Zirou. The two fought together, with flesh and blood flying, gravity and flames soaring. The battle situation can be said to be quite tragic.

It's just that those awakened weirdnesses are getting less and less.

However, the number of Hundred-Headed Demonic Snake clones surrounding Jiang Zirou's body is increasing. In less than half an hour, Jiang Zirou's Hundred-Headed Demonic Snake Seal has already broken through to 150.

At this moment, around Jiang Zirou's body.

Dozens of smaller pythons entangled, their smooth snake bodies rubbed against each other, the snake swallowed and swallowed, and the scarlet snake eyes stared at the walking corpse on the ground, full of cold killing intent.

"I always feel that my martial art is starting to develop in a strange direction..."

Jiang Zirou looked at the giant snake covering his body, and with a wave of his hand, the new snake's head scattered and quickly flew out of the city.

 Ask for monthly tickets and recommended tickets~
  520 tomorrow, remember to be kind to yourself.

(End of this chapter)

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