Chapter 12

"You shameless old fellow, do you ever talk like that? Anyway, I'm also the head of Holy Soul Village, please respect me, please?"

Old Jack was smoldering in his heart, if Tang San wasn't there, he wished he could pull Tang Hao out and beat him up.

"Tang Hao, Tang Hao, when other children participate in the Awakening of the Martial Soul, their parents pick them up and drop them off in person. It's ok, okay, sleep until the sun is drying their buttocks, and the children have awakened, and they don't even know it! You are such a failure! father..."

"Come on, didn't you say that you came to pick them up that day? Since you said you were going to pick them up, why do I still worry about it?"


After hearing Tang Hao's words, Old Jack was speechless. He really said that day that he would come to pick up Tang San and Tang Jiu himself.

Tang Hao gave Old Jack a supercilious look, and then looked at his son Tang San, "Xiao Shan, did my soul awaken successfully? What did you awaken?"

Tang San replied very politely and obediently: "Father, what I awakened is... a pigweed!"


Tang Hao couldn't help being stunned for a moment.

Tang San said: "It's a kind of grass that can be seen everywhere in our village, Blue Silver Grass."

"Blue Silver Grass? Who said that Lazyman's Grass is pigweed?"

Tang Hao, who had always ignored Tang San and didn't care at all, seemed to have heard something very shocking at this moment. His body was suddenly shaken, and he seemed extremely excited. Gradually his eyes widened, "It turned out to be Blue Silver Grass! No wonder this child looks so much like her!"

But Tang Hao's expression, in Old Jack's eyes, seemed to be disappointment and anger, so he quickly added: "Tang Hao, don't be disappointed, your Tang San awakened, although it is only blue silver grass, but he is born full of soul power , How is it? Surprised or not? By the way, I have also decided on an important matter, that is, the quota for a work-study student in Saint Soul Village this year will be given to Tang San, and his car to Notting City All fees will be reimbursed.”

"It turned out to be blue silver grass, blue silver grass, blue silver grass..."

At this time, Tang Hao didn't seem to hear what Old Jack said, he was still muttering, saying three words, Blue Silver Grass.

His expression became a little sad, as if he remembered some sad past.

Suddenly, his eyes opened suddenly, and he said firmly: "No."

Lao Jie could think that he was too confused and didn't hear clearly, "What did you say, can you say it again?"

Tang Hao still said resolutely: "I said no, I just can't!"

"Your uncle's!"

Old Jack finally couldn't take it anymore, the current Tang Hao was just a little bastard in his eyes.

"Sacred Soul Village has awakened three children with the ability to cultivate martial spirits this year. I have kindly won this spot to Tang San, but you actually said that he is not allowed to practice as a soul master student. Do you know how rare this is? Is there a chance? Our Saint Soul Village has only one place for work-student students a year, and the three villages next door, Xigua Village, Carrot Village, and Grape Village, can only share one place. What a rare opportunity, if Tang San begins his life Is it the pinnacle?"

"The pinnacle of life?"

Tang Hao not only smiled wryly, "What kind of peak do you think he awakened is just a blue silver grass? What can a broken grass be cultivated into? Don't you know? What is the peak of life? What is the peak of life? The peak? I'm afraid that he will become crazy before he reaches the peak of his life. Besides, if he leaves, who will cook for me..."

"You crazy!"

Old Jack was already furious, it turned out that this guy wanted to keep Tang San by his side and be used by him as a maid for the rest of his life.

"Tang San's spirit form is really not very good, but he is innately full of soul power at level 10. Do you know what it means to be full of innate soul power? That is to say, as long as he kills one of the lowest A ten-year-level soul beast, even if it gets the most common ten-year soul ring, it can break through the bottleneck of level ten and become a real soul master! Do you know that there have been no soul masters in our village for several years."

Tang Hao couldn't help sneering.

"Hahahaha, smelly old man, I'm afraid this is your real purpose! It's true that you haven't had a soul master for many years in this rubbish holy soul village, so you haven't received a bonus for several years, right? I If you say no, you can’t, you can go now!”

"Tang... Hao..."

At this time, Old Jack's patience had reached its limit, like an erupting volcano, a terrifying aura erupted from his body.

Feeling that sharp breath, Tang Hao didn't panic at all, but said lightly: "Can you keep your voice down, you stinky old man? I'm not deaf yet!"

"The first soul skill, I'll give you a lung!"

At this moment, a phantom appeared behind Old Jack, it was a goat, Wuhun.

At the same time, several halos emerged from Old Jack's feet, colorful and very dazzling.

Old Jack who turned into a goat, the horns on his forehead instantly lit up, and then pushed towards Tang Hao's heart.

Hearing a bang, Tang Hao's body instantly flew upside down, and then cut into the wall.


Tang Seng ran over quickly and pulled Tang Hao out from the wall.

Tang Hao wiped his heart, and then said to Old Jack: "I was careless, I don't have mountains, you stinky old man doesn't talk about martial arts, you rat tail juice! I don't want to fight with you today, you go!"

Seeing Old Jack's clenched fists, who might erupt again at any moment, Tang San was worried that his father would be beaten to death by Old Jack, so he hurriedly said to Old Jack.

"Master Jack, please calm down, my father is right, even Master Su Yuntao said the same, my Wuhun is just a piece of rubbish blue silver grass, maybe I am really not suitable to be a soul master , I appreciate your kindness. Please stop beating my father!"

Hearing Tang San's words, Old Jack immediately became more sober, and the anger in his heart also decreased a little. He quickly put away his martial soul, and then said to Tang San with a smile on his face: "My child, I'm sorry, just now Grandpa was impulsive. Didn't scare you, did it?"

Tang San shook his head, "I'm fine, but don't be angry, you see you are so old, if you get angry, our family can't afford it!"

"Cough cough!"

Old Jack coughed dryly, "Okay, lord, don't be angry anymore. Since your father doesn't welcome me, it doesn't make sense for me to stay here. I'm leaving."

"Master Jack, I'll see you off!"

The sensible Tang San hurriedly sent Old Jack away.

Tang Hao smiled indifferently, "You grandpa and grandson are really interesting, isn't it just tossing around?"

Old Jack stopped for a while, then turned to look at Tang Hao.

"Tang Hao, your life is completely wasted just like this, but don't forget, Tang San is just a child, he still has his own way, and he has to walk a long way on his own. Even if you can only become an ordinary soul master, it is much better than going out to work and being an ordinary person. I will give you one more chance at the end. There are still three months before you can register at Notting City Junior Soul Master Academy. Three months is enough time for you to think about your life, if you figure it out, come to me!"

(End of this chapter)

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