Douluo: Nine heavens, dragon and phoenix

Chapter 32 Passive Soul Technique

Chapter 32 Passive Soul Technique
If the 9 soul rings are all purple thousand year soul rings, I don't know what effect it will have.

Anyway, Tang Jiu had three martial spirits, so there was nothing wrong with using this sword martial spirit as an experiment.

Anyway, now his sword spirit and beast spirit can be played casually, only the Clear Sky Hammer spirit, he temporarily hides it, and waits until the end to directly attach a 10-year spirit ring to him.

And the soul ring can also be upgraded, so how many years the soul ring is actually not very important, the key is to see the attributes of the soul skill.

In the activity area of ​​ten-year soul beasts and century-old soul beasts, Tang Jiu didn't meet a soul ring suitable for him. Now Tang Jiu doesn't want to add a soul ring to his beast spirit. Tang Jiu already has plans for Wuhun, but he still has no idea about the Nine Heavens Dragon and Phoenix.

The nine-day dragon and phoenix belong to a very powerful beast spirit, and the most important thing is that it also has nine dragon tails and nine pairs of phoenix wings.

The main function of the nine pairs of wings is to fly, and the main function of the nine tails is to entangle, and the nine-day dragon and phoenix itself has terrible attack and defense power, so Tang Jiu plans to take the full-time route, to be an all-round development soul master, and to become the soul master of everyone. Among them is the real king, a great god who can carry the audience.

And Tang Jiu had another crazy idea, he planned to absorb all passive soul skills for his beast spirit.

The so-called passive soul skills are soul skills that amplify one's own abilities!

As long as his strength is strong enough, with just nine pairs of wings, nine tails, and that terrifying body, even if he doesn't use any attacking soul skills, even if he swings his wings and tails, he can still cause terrible damage.

So now he has almost determined the direction of future development. The sword spirit absorbs all attack-type soul skills, and it is nine types of attack-type soul skills with different element attributes, while the beast spirit specializes in absorbing passive soul skills. What kind of passive soul skills you get depends on your luck. For example, you can increase agility, strength, mental power, etc., all of which are fine.

Nine soul rings are all passive soul skills. I am afraid that they have never appeared in the history of Douluo Continent. A soul ring represents a soul skill level, and each spirit can only absorb nine soul rings. , each martial soul can have up to 9 soul skills, and almost no one will absorb all passive soul skills, because this is not in line with common sense, you can't just stand there and let others hit it, right?
Where there is offense, there is defense. Their soul skills are usually a combination of offense and defense. Of course, only some auxiliary special soul masters can absorb all passive soul skills, such as the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Pagoda of the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile School. The soul skills attached to Wuhun are all auxiliary soul skills, and their main function is to assist others.

And the passive soul skill that Tang Jiu wants is mainly to increase his own ability and weaken the opponent's ability at the same time!
Now he has learned the ghost shadow fascination passed to him by Tang San, if after the beast spirit possesses him, and obtains a soul skill that can increase agility, and then casts ghost shadow fascination, the effect will not be great. Know how many times stronger than Tang San.

"It is said that there is a kind of soul beast called Kui Niu. The soul ring that explodes from it will have soul skills that can strengthen its own strength and weaken the opponent's strength. It's a pity that this kind of soul beast is already in this world. A soul beast over 10 years old!"

So today Tang Jiu came here mainly to obtain a frost-type soul ring suitable for sword martial souls, but what he never expected was that he actually encountered the legendary Kui Niu soul beast.

While Tang Jiu was in a daze, a cow appeared not far from him, to be precise, it was a cow with only one leg.

At the beginning, Tang Jiu thought his eyes were blurred. He rubbed his eyes and took a closer look. Sure enough, he saw a cow with only one foot grazing on the grass not far away.

But the cow doesn't look strong, and it is estimated that ordinary soul fighters will dismiss it when they see it.

"What the hell? Could it be that the legendary beast in this world has been cut off from the Douluo Continent?"

It's not that Tang Jiu's knowledge is relatively profound, and he can see the origin of this guy at a glance, otherwise, he will probably be like other soul warriors, too lazy to waste time on such a weak soul beast.

"Do you really come here when you want? I'm not Tang San? I really didn't cheat!"

Tang Jiu suppressed the excitement in his heart, and then slowly walked towards the cow-like soul beast with only one leg.

In everyone's eyes, a grass-eating soul beast has no attack power, so few people kill such a soul beast to absorb the soul ring. This may be the reason why this Kui Niu soul beast has survived until now.

But when it met Tang Jiu, it was not so lucky!

Seeing Tang Jiu approaching gradually, the Kui Niu Soul Beast, which was still grazing calmly, immediately became vigilant, and saw a faint white light emitting from its body, and a breath hit, Tang Jiu suddenly felt his eyes go black , A sense of exhaustion came, and his strength was weakened under the suppression of this breath.

At the same time, Tang Jiu clearly felt that Kui Niu's power had exploded a lot in an instant.

"It's really you!"

Instead of feeling scared, Tang Jiu became excited.

With a movement of his mind, the sword soul of Zhu Xian flew out, carrying the flames of the wilderness, and stabbed towards the Kui ox soul beast.


The Kui Niu Soul Beast let out a low growl, and it pushed its head forward, and the pair of horns on its forehead suddenly lit up, colliding with Tang Jiu's Zhu Xian Sword Soul.

Hearing a buzzing sound, Tang Jiu's Sword Soul of Jade Immortal flew back upside down.

At this moment, Tang Jiu finally felt a little startled, this guy hid really deep enough, even if it was a great soul master, he might not be its opponent.

So Tang Jiu didn't continue to hide his strength, he summoned the Nine Heavens Dragon and Phoenix Martial Soul, accompanied by the dragon singing and the phoenix cry, the Kui Niu's body trembled violently, and the breath suppressing Tang Jiu was obviously weaker .

Tang Jiu, transformed into a dragon and phoenix, saw his body move, and the wings of Jiu Shang behind him shook suddenly, dragging his body and flying towards Kui Niu.

Martial soul is formed by the power of Tang Jiu's original soul. Since Tang Jiu's original soul power is not very high, the nine pairs of wings are still very short and have no power, so they can only barely drag them. His body, half a foot off the ground, looked a little funny.

When Tang Jiu came to Kui Niu, the nine tails behind him danced like nine pythons, tightly entangled Kui Niu.

The sword spirit of Zhu Xian flew out again, passing through Kui Niu's body.

In this battle, Tang Jiu tried his best. The reason why he didn't use the pistol was because he only had 4 bullets left, so he planned to save it. After all, the "dog food value" for exchanging military supplies is too strange. He didn't know how to redeem it next time.

(End of this chapter)

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