Chapter 47
"Stinky boy, how dare you fight back?"

Wang Sheng finally stabilized his body, he was ashamed and angry, and only then did he realize that Tang San was behind him, so he turned around suddenly, facing Tang San, like a fierce tiger descending the mountain, with a roar of a tiger , rushing towards Tang San.

Tang San came to the academy to find a way to break through Xuantian Kungfu, not to fight, but he was provoked repeatedly when he first arrived at the academy. He thought that if he wanted to practice quietly in the future, he had to tidy up This guy, let him back out of difficulties and not provoke himself anymore, so he intends to make an example of others, so that no one will want to disturb his cultivation in the future.

Wang Sheng's fist was wrapped with a faint punch, the air was pierced with a whirring sound, and it was about to hit Tang San, but Tang San didn't dodge, looking at the fist that hit his heart, Tang San Unexpectedly, he went up to meet the fist, and saw that his left hand led his right hand around, Tang San's movements looked very simple, but very effective!

Tang San's palm was like a swallowing vortex, which quickly dissipated Wang Sheng's fist strength, his sharp fist wind was like a mud cow sinking into the sea, his fist seemed to be pulled by some mysterious force Then, he became very passive in an instant, no longer attacking Tang San's heart, but was forcibly deviated from the direction, Tang San's right hand suddenly moved, and his leg appeared under Wang Sheng's feet, tripping Wang Sheng again. St.

As the saying goes, power is mutual. Ever since Tang San learned blacksmithing from his father, he learned the method of using force to strike force. The force Wang Sheng used just now was very large, so this time he was not as lucky as last time. Tang San's strength and His own power made him fly out again.

Under this powerful force, it was impossible for him to maintain his body's balance. Tang San's seemingly simple movements not only used the unique skills of the Tang Sect, controlling the crane and catching the dragon, but also incorporated the borrowing force taught by his father. Using the method of force, coupled with his own and Wang Sheng's powerful strength, with four or two moves of a thousand catties, only heard a muffled plop, Wang Sheng's body fell heavily on a bed next to him.

Fortunately, it hit the bed. If it hit the ground, that guy would have been hit half to death.

If it was a coincidence that Tang San was almost tripped the first time, then it might not be that simple the second time he was deflated again. It's been a little bit different.

Having suffered twice in a row, Wang Sheng was completely furious immediately, and let out a low growl from his throat, like the roar of a tiger. At the same time, a faint golden light glowed on his body, and he His breath instantly changed.

A carp straightened up, and Wang Sheng's body bounced up on the bed. Whether it was speed or strength, he was obviously much stronger than before. In an instant, the shotgun was replaced with a cannon. It seemed that this guy was going to use a big move.

"Could this breath be the power of the Martial Soul?"

"This guy actually used our strength."

Tang San's mind flashed like calcium carbide, and he immediately became a little vigilant, but he still said calmly: "Wuhun? What about Wuhun?"

Sooner or later, Wang Sheng's hands were like two sharp tiger claws, about to grab Tang San's shoulders.

But at this moment, Tang San still didn't dodge, he raised his hands, which turned into claws, facing Wang Sheng's tiger claws, his toes were turned inward, his knees were slightly bent, Made a standard horse stance, a bit like Wing Chun.

Accompanied by a crisp sound, the four hands joined each other, as if four steel claws collided. From the initial contest of skills to the subsequent contest of strength, the two pairs of hands of different sizes were already tightly tightened. snapped together.

This is all the power of Wang Sheng, but he still didn't take advantage of it, so he was completely and completely angry, and his face became a little hideous. At this time, he had already used the power of the tiger martial soul , although he can't really hurt Tang San, but at least he has to rely on his own strength to bring back his lost face, he intends to use all his strength to push Tang San to the ground at once.

His pair of tiger claws suddenly exerted force, and Wang Sheng was full of confidence. He was not a low-grade student, he was a senior student in the sixth grade. Physically, as well as in size, he obviously had an advantage over Tang San. He thought that with his strength in the top 5 in the academy, he would definitely be able to overwhelm Tang San.

However he was still wrong, trying to overwhelm Tang San is not an easy task.

Tang San's figure is indeed thin and small, and he looks weak, but he can even swing the forging hammer nearly a thousand times a day, how could his strength be weak?

At the same time Wang Sheng released his full strength, he clearly felt that the pair of small hands held by him were like steel and iron bones, but in an instant, his strength was at a disadvantage again, and Tang San's claws Unleashing overwhelming power, he clasped both thumbs hard at the same time, Wang Sheng suddenly felt numb, he wanted to use his soul power to resist, but was horrified to find that his soul power seemed to be restricted by some mysterious force Immediately after, Tang San took his hands and jumped back, Wang Sheng had pounced on him, but Tang San pulled him backwards, which immediately made him lose his balance again, Tang San's legs lifted up, His knee was getting closer and closer to Wang Sheng's head, and when Wang Sheng saw the knee expanding in his pupils, he couldn't help but groan inwardly.

Tang San's knee was going towards his nose, if he was kicked, the consequences would be disastrous.

Wang Sheng knew that the strength of Tang San's kick was extraordinary, even if Tang San's leg strength was not counted, and the weight of his body alone would have smashed it down, his nose bridge would have collapsed in an instant. In an instant, regret arose in Wang Sheng's heart, but it seemed that it was too late.

Even if he begged for mercy, it probably wouldn't help.

And at this critical moment when Wang Sheng was about to be seriously injured, Tang San suddenly let go of his hand. Tang San, who was in the dominant position in terms of strength, could naturally retreat as soon as he said it, only to see his bent legs stretched out suddenly. Then, the part of the attack also changed direction, kicking on Wang Sheng's heart.

This is the most common kick kick, although it is a temporary kick kick, but the strength is not weak, even if Tang San has converted the power of kicking into throwing, the explosive power is still there.

Only a muffled sound came out, and the students in the dormitory witnessed the terrible scene with their own eyes. They saw Wang Sheng's body spinning around in the air, and only heard a chirping sound. He was lying on the ground like a toad, extremely Embarrassed.

(End of this chapter)

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