Douluo: Nine heavens, dragon and phoenix

Chapter 53 Tang San and Xiao Wu join hands to wish everyone a Merry Christmas!

Chapter 53 Tang San and Xiao Wu join hands to wish everyone a Merry Christmas!
But Tang San still asked knowingly: "What are you discussing?"

Xiao Wu rolled her eyes, revealing a sly look, and smiled: "Your quilt looks quite big, and it shouldn't be a problem for two people to cover it together, so I suggest that we put the two beds together, and then we How about two people sharing a futon?"

"What, two people use it together?"

Tang San naturally knew what this meant. Although he only had the body of a 6-year-old child, he possessed the mind of an adult, but the mind mentioned here is only the mind of an adult in ancient times, so the three views are naturally different, but it is also true. It's not Tang San's hypocrisy, it's that the people of their era have already integrated the idea of ​​intimacy between men and women into their blood, so even though he and Xiao Wu are only children, a man and a woman share the same bed in the same room , which seems somewhat inappropriate.

"You are still so young, which makes my conscience uneasy. After all, it doesn't seem very good that men and women can't kiss each other!"

Tang San looked embarrassed.

Xiao Wu put her hands on her hips, and raised her voice a bit: "What's not good? I'm not afraid of a girl, so why are you afraid of a big boy? Why? Could it be that you're afraid that I'll eat you?"

Take a look at what tiger and wolf words are this?It's not like a 6-year-old girl can say it when she hears it.


Hearing Xiao Wu's words, Tang San was also stunned, they all said that girls mature much more precociously than boys, but no matter how precocious, it's impossible for a six-year-old girl to know so much?Of course, when Xiao Wu said that he ate him, it was also possible that she used his rabbit spirit to eat his blue silver grass spirit.

At this moment, Tang San stared at Xiao Wu blankly, unable to utter a word. At this moment, Qishe also instantly became brighter, because there were more than a dozen "light bulbs" in the dormitory. Unfortunately, Tang Jiu He was not here at this time, otherwise he would definitely be able to eat another wave of dog food in exchange for more advanced military supplies.The other students all looked at Tang San and Xiao Wu, their faces were very complicated, some were envious, some were jealous, and some were watching the excitement.

But Wang Sheng smiled all over his face and said with a giggle: "This melon is so sweet!"

Xiao Wu urged impatiently: "Uh what uh, hurry up, put these two beds together! What are you still doing? You are a boy, don't you have great strength? Could it be that you need someone else's bed?" A weak girl doing it herself?"

Seeing that Xiao Wu was a little angry, Tang San didn't care what kind of beasts didn't kiss?The body didn't obey, but moved subconsciously, and without knowing where the strength came from, he easily moved the bed that was as heavy as a copper tripod, and spliced ​​it together with Xiao Wu's bed .

Xiao Wu took the quilt in Tang San's hands, and then spread it out. The quilt the master gave him was made by adults, and it was indeed much larger than the ones used by other students, it was simply a custom-made double mattress.

Master is indeed a god assist!
And Xiao Wu actually has some sense of self-protection. She put her burden on the seam where the two beds were joined together, and then said fiercely, "Remember, you must never go beyond this dividing line in the future." , otherwise, don’t blame me for being rude to you! By the way, bring your baggage here and put it in the middle.”

Hearing Xiao Wu's words, Tang San seemed rather relaxed. After all, his martial spirit is blue silver grass, and Xiao Wu's martial spirit is a rabbit. I just don't know if this girl can sleepwalk. Yes, that would be wronged.

Tang San looked at the dividing line, and then put his own package on it, then Xiao Wu covered the quilt, and a simple double bed was formed like this, of course it was a double bed with a dividing line.

At this time, Wang Sheng on the side said to Tang San and Xiao Wu: "Miss Xiaowu, Tang San, it's time for dinner, let's go eat!"

When Xiao Wu heard that there was something to eat, she immediately became excited, and quickly asked, "Do you have noodles in the cafeteria? The noodles I made are delicious, and I'll serve them to you next time!"

Wang Sheng shook his head. It seems that this girl still doesn't know the specific situation of the college, and said: "The cafeteria of the college is a unified dining hall, which is different from the private schools in the village. You can't cook by yourself."

"Oh! So what's delicious?"


Speaking of this, Wang Sheng's face was a bit gloomy, and he said with a wry smile: "Where can we work-study students eat? Just buy some simple meals in the cafeteria and make do with it. We work-study students have no money, so we can It’s good enough to fill your stomach, how dare you want to eat delicious food?”

"You guys go, I won't go, I'm going to find my brother later."

Where does Tang San have any money?It's just that she heard that Xiao Wu has met her brother Tang Jiu just now, which means that her brother has also arrived at the academy, and he plans to ask for some money from him for food.

Wang Sheng naturally saw Tang San's embarrassment, and didn't expose it directly, but nodded slightly, but said to Xiao Wu: "It's fine if he doesn't go, Miss Xiaowei, let's go!"

And Xiao Wu at the side suddenly opened her eyes, she seemed to have thought of something, so she asked: "Yes, you have to pay for eating in the cafeteria, right? It's that coin thing?"

Hearing Xiao Wu's words, Wang Sheng immediately wanted to scold her, what the hell are all the weirdos here today?If it weren't for Xiao Wu's strength, Wang Sheng would have started the mocking and complaining mode immediately!Where in the world is there a free lunch?However, Wang Sheng can be seen that this new boss, like Tang San, probably doesn't even have money for food.

The image of Tang Jiu stuffing two gold coins into the concierge Wang Dalong suddenly flashed in Xiao Wu's mind, so he asked, "Tang San, is your brother rich?"

Tang San nodded slightly, "Before my brother awakened his martial soul, he started making hoes and weapons to sell for money, and after he awakened his martial soul, he began to kill soul beasts to obtain crystal nuclei and sell them for money, so in comparison, he is better than us. It’s more money.”

Xiao Wu was overjoyed immediately, and said, "That's great, let's go, let's go find him!"

Before Tang San could react, Xiao Wu had already pulled Tang San out of Qishe, and the other students followed quickly, they also wanted to see that peerless genius who was already a great soul master at the age of six, Tang Nine.


However, soon Xiao Wu was stunned again, "Your brother was originally assigned to the first dormitory, but he changed the dormitory later, so I don't know which dormitory he lives in now."

Tang San said: "Anyway, there are only seven dormitories in the academy, so we have to find one by one."

(End of this chapter)

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