Douluo: Nine heavens, dragon and phoenix

Chapter 64 You Crossed the Line

Chapter 64 You Crossed the Line

"What are you little brats doing here? Don't you see these words?"

At this moment, a security guard stopped Tang Jiu and the others.

Tang Jiu looked up, and saw a plaque at the entrance of the bar, with a few words written on it: "Minors are not allowed to enter!"

In this world, people who reach the age of 14 are adults. At the age of 14, all organs have matured, and their thinking is also approaching adults. Therefore, as long as they reach the age of 14, they are real adults and enjoy everything that adults have. rights, including marriage and childbirth.

"What should I do? Brother Nine!"

Everyone looked at Tang Jiu one after another. It would be too disappointing if they couldn't go in.

Tang Jiu didn't think about this question either. He looked at Wang Sheng, "Didn't you say you went in once? How did you get in?"

Wang Sheng said: "That's my uncle who brought me in because he is a great soul master!"

"Great soul master?"

"Yes, if minors want to enter such a place, they must enter under the leadership of a great soul master in the name of experience."

Wang Sheng explained.

Generally, people who can become great soul masters are naturally not ordinary people. In Notting City Great Soul Master Academy, most of the teacher's soul master titles are great soul masters, that is, souls with soul power between 20 and 30. division.

"Is this really the case? Is it possible to enter as long as you get the title of Great Soul Master?"

Tang Jiu looked up at the security guard.

The security guard nodded, "That's right, as long as you get the title of Great Soul Master, you can take them in. You should all be students of Notting Soul Master Academy? Are you planning to ask your teacher to take you in?" ?”

Tang Jiu smiled slightly, "It doesn't have to be so troublesome! I'll just take them in."

"You take them in?"

Baoan sneered and said, "Little friend, what are you kidding? You are probably the youngest in this group of people, right? How do you bring them in?"

"You're right, my age is indeed the youngest among this group of people, but I'm a big kid! Hahaha..."

Tang Jiu couldn't help laughing.

At this time, the security guard thought that Tang Jiu was teasing him, and his face gradually became gloomy, and he said angrily: "Please don't hinder my work, leave quickly! Otherwise, don't blame me for being rude."

"Okay! It seems that if I don't let you see my strength, you won't believe it."

Tang Jiu seemed a little helpless. In this world where strength is the most important thing, superfluous words seemed a little weak. It would be easier to let the other party directly look at his martial spirit and spirit ring.

Hearing a low growl, a soul beast with nine tails and nine pairs of wings appeared behind Tang Jiu. It was Tang Jiu's martial soul, Nine Heavens Dragon and Phoenix.

As soon as the beast spirit appeared, the white glow under Tang Jiu's feet flickered, and a white spirit ring emerged.

"There is a soul ring?"

Seeing the white spirit ring under Tang Jiu's feet, the security guard couldn't help being stunned for a moment, the anger on his face gradually disappeared, and he said in surprise: "You should be just a low-grade student! You actually got a spirit ring , although it is only a ten-year soul ring, it can still be regarded as a qualified soul master. However, it is not enough to become a soul master, you need to become a great soul master!"

"Don't worry, you're looking at this!"

Lifting Tang Jiu's right hand, a cold light flickered, and a fairy sword appeared in Tang Jiu's hand. On the fairy sword and martial soul, a purple soul ring lingered, like a purple bracelet.

"Twin martial spirits? A thousand-year spirit ring?"

The security guard's eyes widened and almost burst out.

The white ten-year soul ring of the beast spirit and the purple thousand-year soul ring of the sword martial soul, even kindergarten children know that one plus one equals two, Tang Jiu actually has two soul rings, he is really a big bastard , No, Great Soul Master!

How could the security guard at this time dare to be disrespectful at all, as if he had changed into a different person, he hurriedly said to Tang Jiu, "Master, please hurry up!"

In fact, saying that minors are not allowed to enter is just a cover, and the main reason is not because minors have no money.And the child in front of him, who has become a great soul master at such a young age, must be a young man from a big sect and a big family, with an extraordinary status, how dare the security guards provoke him?Moreover, with such a small fortune, the pocket money in their hands is enough for them to earn for a lifetime. Now that the other party has met the conditions for entry, he naturally welcomes them very much.

Tang Jiu, Xiao Wu, and Wang Sheng had a great time playing, but Tang San was a bit pitiful. Everyone seemed to have forgotten his existence at this time.


Suddenly, a sweet voice rang next to his ears, Tang San was extremely vigilant, he jumped up suddenly, stood on the bed, squatted halfway, fixed his eyes, and saw a Zhang Jun's pretty red face is like a red apple.

"Xiao Wu?"

Seeing that it was Xiao Wu, Tang San relaxed his vigilance.

Xiao Wu stared at Tang San, and said: "What time is it now! Are you going to sleep? Are you afraid that you will wake up in the middle of the night after sleeping enough?"

Hearing Xiao Wu's words, Tang San looked out the window, it turned out that it was getting dark, and he actually slept the whole afternoon.

At this time, the work-study students had already returned, and everyone's face was red, and everyone was talking and laughing, looking very excited.

Only now did Tang San notice something strange, his facial features were more sensitive, and the air was filled with the smell of alcohol molecules.

"You, have you been drinking?"

Tang San looked at Xiao Wu in surprise.

Xiao Wu giggled and said: "No, we just drank some fermented fruit juice, which is not real wine, it seems to be called fruit pulp, anyway, it is fermented with grapes!"

"Mash fermented with grapes?"

Tang San was an ancient person in his previous life, so naturally he didn't know about wine, he thought that only wine made from grain was wine.

Tang San asked: "Where did you go?"

A work-study student staggered forward a few steps, "Today is Miss Xiao Wu's birthday, let's go to the bar to celebrate Miss Xiao Wu's birthday, what a big cake, delicious!"

"Birthday Cake?"

Tang San could barely guess that birthday should mean a birthday banquet, but he is a person who traveled through ancient times, so he couldn't figure out what cake meant. Of course, Tang San wouldn't show it, so he hurriedly brought up the topic. transfer.

At this time, Xiao Wu was lying on the dividing line on the bed, holding her chin with both hands, looking at herself with a smile.

Tang San pointed to the dividing line, "You, you seem to have crossed the line!"

Xiao Wu said: "You, you should be more confident."

"Be more confident?"

Xiao Wu giggled, "Yes, remove the word "like", I have indeed crossed the line, so what? She is a girl, so boys should give way to girls, right? Of course, you are not allowed to cross the line , or I will bite you!"

(End of this chapter)

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