Douluo: Nine heavens, dragon and phoenix

Chapter 74 Soul Hunting Forest

Chapter 74 Soul Hunting Forest
The master nodded slightly, still without any expression on his face, "It sounds good, but it seems a little lengthy."

"Then according to the teacher's opinion, what name should be better?"

Tang San looked at the master expectantly, as if licking a dog.

The master said: "Let's call it the [-] belt!"

"[-] belt?"

"Well, three eight twenty-four! Nothing wrong."


Tang San was embarrassed. Although he didn't like the name, the teacher thought of it, so he couldn't comment on it.

Tang Jiu on the side also staggered when he heard the words, and almost fell off the carriage. Fortunately, he quickly supported the railing, and then stabilized his body. He gave the master a thumbs up and said with admiration: "Master, Niu Bi That's a nice name."

With Tang Jiu's appreciation, a very ugly smile appeared on the master's stiff face.

Even his elder brother Tang Jiu recognized this name, Tang San could only accept it helplessly, so he asked, "Teacher, how do you use this?"

The master said: "It's very simple to use it. We only need to pour our soul power into the gem, and we can sense the existence of the inner space of the gem. If your reaction is fast enough, you can use your mind to move the gem The items in the space are taken out, which seems to appear out of thin air."

"Yes, it's like playing magic!"

Tang Jiu echoed from the side, "Just like me, see?"

With a wave of Tang Jiu's hand, a crystal nucleus appeared in his hand out of thin air, and when he retracted his hand again, the crystal nucleus disappeared again.

The master looked at Tang San's Qiankun ring, "That's right, just like what your brother did just now, but his Qiankun ring has a huge space, while your Sanba belt has 24 small spaces, so if If you want to master its characteristics well, you still need to practice more, this is also a course that you must practice in the future, fetching objects from the air!"

In fact, even if the master didn't need to say it, Tang San naturally understood that it is very important to practice taking out items from the belt, so he immediately nodded in agreement.

Originally the master bought so many things, Tang San was still worrying about how to carry so many things to the forest, but now with this storage belt, there is no need to worry, although the space of each gemstone It is one cubic meter, but 24 gemstones are 24 cubic meters, which is equivalent to 24 large boxes, so storing these things is not a problem at all.

The carriage moved forward slowly amidst the bumps, Tang Jiu leaned against the railing of the carriage and closed his eyes to rest his mind, while Tang San, under the guidance of the master, began to practice how to take out and store items from the storage belt, and the props used for the practice were just It was the big pile of white radishes that the master bought. At this time Tang San seemed to understand the purpose of the master to buy these white radishes, but he still guessed wrong, but these radishes were not bought for him to practice fetching, but for others. There are intentions.

I saw big white and long radishes coming in and out, appearing out of nowhere, and disappearing again...

The distance of 400 miles, or 200 kilometers, is neither too long nor too short. If you drive a car on the planet where Tang Jiu is located, and the road conditions are relatively good, it will be less than that if you take the high speed. Two hours, even if you take the national road, it will take three or four hours at most.

But it's different in Douluo Continent, the road is bumpy, and how can the speed of a horse-drawn carriage compare to that of a car?So they walked for almost a whole day, until noon on the second day, they finally arrived at the destination of the trip, the Hunting Soul Forest.


The master said something to Tang San, who was practicing fetching, and Tang Jiu, who was resting with his eyes closed.

Hearing the master's voice, Tang Jiu was the first to jump out of the carriage, then squatted on the side of the road and vomited.

Tang San also got off the carriage. When he looked around, he was surprised to find that this so-called Hunting Forest seemed to be different from what he had imagined.

In his impression, forests should be inaccessible, with towering trees, undulating mountains, and remote places with few people.

However, the scene that caught his eyes was extremely lively, like a bustling city.

On the outskirts of the forest, there are connected bustling streets. Both sides of the street are magnificent tall buildings, there are many shops, and there are many pedestrians on the street. There are all kinds of shouts and shouts.

"Let's team up to hunt down the power-type soul beasts. There are still two people left. Is anyone coming? There is a warrant!"

"Hunting agile spirit beasts, warrants for seven people, 10 gold coins!"

Shouts like this kept ringing in the streets.Among the shops lined up on both sides of the street, most of them sell armor, weapons, medicine and food.

The soul of a soul master is a weapon, so most soul masters do not need weapons, but there are still many people in this world who are not soul masters, but they can also make themselves stronger through other methods of cultivation, so those who are not Soul masters need weapons, not to mention, not only soul masters can enter the hunting forest, so weapons are also very popular here.

Of course, the best-sellers are food and medicine, which are naturally expensive.

The master took Tang Jiu and Tang San, and asked as he walked: "Little San, can you now understand why I have to buy everything in Notting City before coming here?"

Tang San opened his eyes wide, he shook his head slowly, how could his wooden fish head think so much?

The master didn't feel any surprise, and then turned to look at Tang Jiu behind him, "Old Jiu, do you know why?"

At this moment, Tang Jiu felt much more comfortable. He said lightly, "Isn't this simple? This is a typical case of a gold digger!"

"Gold Rush?"

The master and Tang San were startled when they heard the words, and they all looked at Tang Jiu.

"You know gold diggers?"

The master was a little surprised and said: "Then you should talk about it!"

In the Douluo Continent, gold coins are the common currency, so there is no lack of gold diggers in this world, but the master wants to hear the story of the gold diggers told by Tang Jiu. It is hard for him to imagine that a six-year-old child can understand so many philosophies.

Tang Jiudao: "The story is very simple, that is to say, everyone knows that there is a gold mine in a certain place, so everyone flocks there to dig the gold mine, but at this time there is a person who calmly puts a gold mine beside him. The noodle stall, the noodles he sells are several times more expensive than those on the market, but in that remote place, those gold diggers have no choice but to eat no matter how expensive they are, right? So the person who set up the noodle stall has become a real Gold Rush!"

After listening to Tang Jiu's words, the master looked at Tang Jiu with admiration, nodded slightly, and then pointed to the prices marked on those shops, "That's right, the price of the same item here is several times that of Notting City." Double, the reason why the Soul Hunting Forest is so lively is because there are soul beasts, there are benefits, especially those forests that are specially raised by the empire. The soul master is a very rich man after all. Group, there are too many people who want to earn money from soul masters."

(End of this chapter)

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