Chapter 76
Tang San asked a little puzzled: "Why is it the Spirit Hall again? Isn't this Hunting Soul Forest belongs to the Empire? What is going on? Is the Hunting Soul Forest belonging to the Empire or the Spirit Hall..."


The master covered Tang San's mouth, "Stinky boy, you don't want to die, don't discuss such issues outside in the future, I will tell you slowly about the relationship between Wuhundian and the empire in the future."

Tang Jiu on the side smiled faintly, and said in a low voice: "To be precise, the Hunting Soul Forest belongs to the Wuhun Temple. Only the Soul Beast Forest truly belongs to the empire. You only need to pay the entrance fee to enter, and the Hunting Soul Forest , although it is only one word different from the Soul Beast Forest, it is vastly different, and you need a warrant to enter."

Tang Jiu went to the Soul Beast Forest before. There are not so many rules there. You can go in as long as you have money. It is a place for free trading.

In this hunting soul forest, there are many rules, and the only advantage is that the quality of the soul beasts here is higher than that of ordinary soul beast forests, because the soul beasts here are all carefully selected and bred by the Spirit Hall over the years. Therefore, every soul beast in the Hunting Soul Forest can be regarded as the best among the same type of soul beasts, so if you want to enter this place, you must get the nod from the Spirit Hall, even if you have money, you must have a warrant.

The master also nodded slightly, "That's right, it's actually not very difficult to obtain a warrant. First, you need the Wuhun Hall to conduct an appraisal to confirm that your strength has indeed reached the peak of a stage, and you urgently need a spirit ring to break through the bottleneck and advance your cultivation. , need at least three nobles to guarantee you."

While speaking, the master took out a token from his bosom, and saw that the token was all black and exuded a faint light, and he didn't know what kind of material it was made of.

On the token, there is a strange pattern, which is composed of three kinds of figures. The first figure is a giant sword with the tip facing down. It is located in the center of the pattern, which looks like represents justice.

The second figure is a hammer, located on the left side of the giant sword, Tang San always felt he had seen it somewhere before, but he couldn't remember it all at once.

The third figure is a monster, which looks a bit like a dragon, but its size seems to be much bloated and burly than he imagined. I don't know what the hell it is...

The master can see that although Tang San is not as smart as Tang Jiu, this little guy is full of curiosity about everything, maybe if he cultivates it well, he may have unexpected rewards, he said to Tang San, "Remember this mark, this little guy is full of curiosity. It is a unique mark of Wuhundian. In Wuhundian, there are a total of six kinds of marks, each of which has a different level, and the easiest way to distinguish marks is to look at the shape and number of figures on the token. First This kind of mark, that is, the lowest mark, it only has a giant sword figure, it symbolizes glory, it symbolizes justice, and it is also the symbol of the martial soul of a CEO of the temple, the sword of the archangel!"

"The Sword of the Archangel?"

It was the first time Tang San heard such a strange term. He only heard of immortals, but never heard of angels?
"What is an angel? What is the sword of an archangel?"


Tang Jiudao: "In short, it's just a very powerful sword. Wuhundian does not belong to the empire. They are an independent mysterious organization. The so-called warrant is the badge of their organization, so the graphics on the badge must naturally be related to the creation The people in this organization have a great connection, and the first figure is a sword, which means that No.1 who created the Wuhun Temple must be a person with a very powerful sword spirit, such as my sword spirit."

The master seems to have become numb to Tang Jiu's cleverness, now he no longer regards Tang Jiu as a child, but a monster!

The master nodded slightly, "The second type of mark is one level higher than the first type, that is, there is a hammer on the left side of the giant sword. This hammer symbolizes the spirit of an elder when the Spirit Hall was established."

Tang San's ability to draw inferences from one instance to another is pretty good, "Teacher, I seem to have realized that the extra monster-like martial spirit on the token you gave me should symbolize another aspect of the spirit hall when it was established. The martial spirit of an elder, right?"

A smile finally appeared on the master's face, "Young children can be taught!"

Seeing that he finally got a sliver of appreciation from the master, Tang San felt a little excited, "According to what you said just now, the first person with the sword spirit of an angel was the leader of that mysterious organization, and the one with the spirit of hammer and beast shape The Wuhun is his right arm and right arm, that is, his guardian, but there is one thing that the disciples really can't understand. Both the Archangel sword and the hammer belong to the Wuhun, and the monster belongs to the Wuhun, it doesn't mean that there is no Wuhun. Is the beast spirit strong? Then why would the person with the beast spirit be willing to be the guardian of the sword spirit? This doesn’t make any sense!”

Although Tang San is not very smart, every time he asks a question, he always asks the right point. Tang Jiu has to admire this point. It seems that the plot still has to be promoted by Tang San. Maybe this is the so-called Qi Son of luck!
The master patted Tang San's head, smiled and said: "Son, those who say that weapon spirits are inferior to beast spirits show that their understanding of spirits is not thorough enough. The strength of spirits is mainly determined by innate and acquired spirits. Innate factors refer to the level of innate soul power and martial soul form. Acquired factors refer to the method and process of cultivation, including some opportunities, which are also unpredictable. Of course, one thing is undeniable. Before the tenth level, the beast spirit is indeed much more advantageous than the weapon spirit. Because the beast spirit can possess the body, it can instantly increase the strength and defense of the soul master, so everyone thinks that the beast spirit is better than the weapon spirit. Strong. In fact, after the soul power exceeds level [-], the difference between the two will gradually become less obvious, and the key to the strength of a martial soul still depends on individual cultivation."


Tang San nodded in relief, "I seem to understand, then according to what you just said, your warrant has three graphics, that is the third mark."

The master said: "Yes, this warrant of mine is the third type of mark, that is, the third-class warrant of the Spirit Hall. With it, most of the hunting forests in the Heaven Dou Empire can be entered."


Tang Jiu, who was on the side, couldn't help asking: "Why not all of them? Are there still people in the Hunting Soul Forest that cannot be entered?"

The master was slightly taken aback, and he turned to look at Tang Jiu with a smug expression on his face, "Are you asking me for advice?"


Tang Jiu coughed twice, "As the saying goes, there must be my teacher when three people walk together. The knowledge of Wuhun is as vast as the ocean, full of water! Only with an open mind like a ravine, and not ashamed to ask, can you embrace all rivers and break through yourself, isn't it?"

(End of this chapter)

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