Douluo: Nine heavens, dragon and phoenix

Chapter 8 Nine Heavens Dragon and Phoenix, Turned Out

Chapter 8 Nine Heavens Dragon and Phoenix, Turned Out

Like a golden bell.Then it was finally Tang San's turn, and Tang San took the initiative to stand in the hexagram formation.

After Su Yuntao injected 6 green soul powers into the 6 black stones, the 6 black stones lit up again, forming a golden light curtain, covering Tang San inside.

Those golden rays of light kept rushing towards Tang San, with traces of golden light, warm, making people feel tingling all over, very comfortable.

"It's no wonder the boy seemed to be enjoying himself at first. He didn't expect to be so comfortable in this light curtain."

In the end those golden rays of light flooded into Tang San's dantian, his Xuantian Kungfu started to operate automatically, and under the guidance of those golden rays of light, it opened up in an instant. The true energy in the body flowed towards the palm along the veins of the right arm.

At the same time, there was also a ray of golden light, carrying a trace of true energy, entering his left arm and rushing towards the palm of his left hand.

At this time, Su Yuntao outside the light curtain also widened his eyes, because Tang San absorbed more golden light spots than those children just now, the more golden light spots he absorbed, That means that the martial soul that can be awakened will be stronger.

"Did I get lucky with this shit today?"

His face became a little excited, he held his breath, and quietly looked at Tang San in the light curtain.

Because he faintly felt that a peerless martial spirit was about to be born, and his excitement was evident on his face.

For those deacons who are responsible for patrolling the Wuhun Temple, if they can help a child awaken a powerful Wuhun, if this child is a person with extraordinary potential, and pull him into the Wuhun Palace, then in the future, the evaluation Job titles and job upgrades will be very advantageous.

However, Su Yuntao soon realized that the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment. Her originally excited and expectant face immediately turned into disappointment and disdain.

In the golden light mist, Tang San slowly raised his right hand, true energy emerged from his palm, exuding blue light, and then condensed into a plant, swaying constantly.

This is not the first time this kind of martial soul has appeared, this is the same martial soul that the girl awakened last time, a plant that can be seen everywhere, blue silver grass.

As Su Yuntao said just now, the Blue Silver Grass Wuhun is a standard useless Wuhun.

"Another spicy chicken with blue silver grass!"

Su Yuntao removed the light curtain and said, "Okay, come out!"

Tang San stared blankly at the Blue Silver Grass in his palm, but didn't react for a while.

"Don't waste my time, come out!"

Su Yuntao seemed a little impatient. If the child hadn't awakened the martial soul, he definitely wouldn't dare to be so rude, but once the martial soul is held, the pros and cons have been determined, so there is nothing to be afraid of.

Tang San said: "Master, I haven't conducted the soul power test yet!"

"Okay, don't waste time, come out quickly! Everyone knows that the blue silver grass martial soul is the most useless martial soul, the probability of possessing soul power is very small, and even if you have it, it's just residual soul power. So far, the Blue Silver Grass martial soul I have awakened has never even seen one with a first-level soul power!"

Tang San still wanted to insist, but he heard Tang Jiu say: "Little San, don't mess around, come out first!"

Tang Jiu knew that with Tang San's stubborn temper, if he continued to argue, if he accidentally got out the Clear Sky Hammer martial spirit in his left hand, something bad might happen, so he decided to call Tang San out first.

Tang San glanced at Tang Jiu: "Brother! I..."

Tang Jiu came over and patted Tang San on the shoulder: "Trust me, I'll let him test your soul power in a while!"


After hearing Tang Jiu's words, Tang San obediently walked out of the hexagram formation.

"Okay, it's my turn!"

Tang Jiu exercised his muscles and bones, then stood in the hexagram formation, and said to Su Yuntao: "Master, let's start!"

The master stared at Tang Jiu in a daze. He suddenly felt that this child was a little different. Although he had only a 6-year-old body, the way he spoke and the eyes that glowed with brilliance gave off a sense of maturity and wisdom. .

At this moment, he had a strong premonition that the child in front of him might really be able to awaken a peerless martial soul.

"I hope it's not an illusion this time!"

Su Yuntao released six soul powers again and poured them into the six black stones.

The 6 black stones lit up quickly, and a golden light curtain formed again, covering Tang Jiu in it.

This time, the golden light spot in the light curtain quickly occupied the entire light curtain, and the golden light curtain emitted a dazzling golden light, like an ancient pure gold clock, and people outside could no longer see clearly inside. In such a situation, I only felt a powerful breath swaying away in an instant, the sky and the earth changed color in an instant, dark clouds rolled, and thunder bursts.

A purple bolt of lightning appeared above the nine heavens. That bolt of lightning was so fast that it turned into a purple electric dragon that descended from the sky. There was only a bang, and a huge hole appeared on the roof of the Wuhun Hall. , endlessly, the endless dragon's breath and phoenix's cry, finally all merged into the golden light curtain.


Accompanied by the sound of a dragon roar resounding through the heaven and earth, the light curtain burst instantly, and Tang Jiu appeared.

I saw a strange creature floating above his right hand. It was shaped like a giant ape, and its whole body was green. But what was strange was that there were nine pairs of wings and nine wings behind him. The tail, the nine pairs of wings are all phoenix wings, and the nine tails are all dragon tails, with different colors!

"What martial spirit is this?"

Su Yuntao stared blankly at the Wuhun in front of Tang Jiu, and saw that he hastily took out an ancient book from his backpack, with a few words scalded on it: "Martial Soul Picture Sign!"

There are many martial souls on the martial soul map, and they are all divided into grades, ordinary martial souls, excellent martial souls, top grade martial souls, rare martial souls, peerless martial souls...

In the end, Su Yuntao's eyes fixed on the picture of the peerless martial spirit. There are not many peerless martial spirits, so he quickly found the picture that was similar to Tang Jiu's awakened martial spirit.

"What? This is actually the number one peerless martial spirit, Nine Heavens Dragon and Phoenix?"

Su Yuntao's voice was almost shouted, he was completely shocked by Tang Jiu's awakened martial spirit.

"That's great, it's actually a peerless beast-shaped martial spirit, Nine Heavens Dragon and Phoenix!"

Su Yuntao was very excited, he quickly raised the crystal ball, and said to Tang Jiu: "Quickly test the level of innate soul power!"

With a thought of Tang Jiu, the beast-shaped martial spirit slipped into his palm, but he didn't reach out again, but smiled calmly and said, "No hurry, let my brother Tang San test it first!"

(End of this chapter)

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