Chapter 115
After Keisha's series of "pass my order", not only the angels watching were stunned, but even Hexi fell into a state of sluggishness.

This man, did you take the wrong medicine?
Or was it brainwashed?

With this series of orders, it doesn't matter to appoint two new kings, and it's not a big deal to form a new celestial-level supercomputer and angel army, and a decisive battle with Hua Ye is even more justified.

But abolishing the crown prince, abolishing genetic matching, and modifying the order of this really good?
It doesn't matter if a crown prince is abolished, but won't it be too radical to abolish the genetic matching system and modify the order of justice?
"Don't look at me with that look," Keisha patted Hexi's... thigh, and said with a smile, "I'm very sober now, and these orders were made after careful consideration."

Hexi looked at Kaisha, then at Pang Zilong, all kinds of obvious disbelief.

I believe you are a ghost!

Is this something you, a salted fish man, can do?

"Don't look at me," Pang Zilong waved his hands again and again, "I'm not capable of brainwashing Queen Keisha!"

"Let's restore it to you first." Hexi glanced at Pang Zilong suspiciously, and then said to Keisha, "With your current miniature body shape, I don't like it at all!"

"Alright," Keisha nodded and said with a smile, "By the way, give me a mind check, I also suspect that I've been brainwashed!"

Of course, the second half of the sentence is tongue-in-cheek in nature.

In the entire angelic civilization, the only one who dares to question her decision is the old aunt, an angel who walked with her from the Tiangong era.

So Keisha joked that doing the mind check was to reassure Hak Hee.

"Okay," Hexi waved his hand, and the computing power of the space-based system wrapped Kaisha up: "Do a mental examination first, and then help you restore your sacred body!"

Although he doubted the meaning of Kaisha's order, Hexi was responsible for the entire angelic civilization, and no mistakes could be tolerated.

Keisha was dumbfounded, but she didn't speak out against it.

Look it up, look it up, wait until you recover your sacred body, just knock some good things out of Hexi!

In Merlot Heaven, Keisha "sat upright" on the throne after regaining her normal body shape.

Well, Queen Keisha's "sitting upright" refers to sitting with her legs crossed, there is nothing wrong with this!

The hall was densely packed with angels, all of whom looked at the "resurrected" Queen Keisha with excited expressions.

"In the past 7000 years, Angel Yan has demonstrated her extraordinary fighting ability and made great contributions to Angel civilization."

"So, I announce that Yan will be appointed as the King of Heavenly Warlord, and officially become the new Crown Prince of Angels!"

Yan rapped on his breastplate with one hand: "I will live up to the queen's trust!"


Keisha nodded, then turned her gaze to Pang Zilong.

"Pang Zilong, the main god of the blue star, saved the lives of many angels including me during the blue star war."

"Defeated Taotie, killed Biting Howl..."

Keisha paused, and said: "And killed Snow, severely damaged Ruoning, Su Marie and Hua Ye."

A group of angels looked at Pang Zilong in an instant.

Defeating an aerospace-level civilization is nothing, but killing Snow and severely injuring Ruoning, Su Marie, and Huaye is something different!

"So, appoint Pang Zilong as the Sky Hammer King, and bring Chinese civilization under the protection of angels."

Pang Zilong remained silent, quietly watching Kaisha sitting on the throne.

Bring Chinese civilization under the protection of angels?

Hehe, does this count as crossing the river and tearing down the bridge, turning your face and denying people?

"What?" Keisha leaned slightly, stared at Pang Zilong and asked, "Do you have an opinion?"

"Yes," Pang Zilong said under the watchful eyes of many angels, "I appreciate Queen Keisha's kindness, but I am here only to send the queen back to Melo, the rest... just forget it!"

"Now that the Queen has recovered, I won't bother you any more. Farewell!"

Under the shocked gazes of the angels, Pang Zilong turned his head and left, and everyone in the Xiongbing Company followed silently.

Some people understood Pang Zilong's decision, but no one questioned it.

Keisha, who took back the arsenal, smiled slightly, and waved her hand lightly. The giant soldiers blocked the entrance of the hall, cutting off the way for everyone in the Xiongbing company.

"This is Melo's Heaven, not a place where you can come or leave whenever you want."

Keisha got up and said sullenly, "Tell me your reason, otherwise..."

"Different road non-phase plan."

Holding the hammer in his hand, Pang Zilong said in a cold voice, "Chinese civilization has its own path and will never become a vassal of angels."


Keisha sat back on the throne and said, "Isn't it good to be a subordinate civilization of angels?"

"The angels will be responsible for protecting your safety, and can provide you with some technical information to help you quickly enter the age of god-making."

"We can even provide you with a batch of resources for free, so that you can create your own super fighter!"

"All of this is at your fingertips as long as you join the justice order!"

"But in that case, Huaxia will no longer be Huaxia!"

Pang Zilong clenched the hammer in his hand, and said: "The backbone of China will be broken by your protection, the blood will be buried by your technology, and the future will be buried by your resources!"

"Such a China can only be called a vassal of angels, not a Chinese civilization!"

"That's a good point," Keisha clapped her hands and said with a smile, "But can you represent Huaxia? Can you represent everyone in Huaxia?"

"You can't, you still have to obey the orders of the Elder's House!"

Without waiting for Pang Zilong to reply, Kaisha directly connected to the communication of Huaxia Elder's House.

"I am Holy Kaisha. As long as you declare to join my order of justice, I can provide you with free protection, as well as assistance in technology and resources, and help you quickly enter the age of god-making."

In the conference room of the elders' house, a group of elders looked at the sudden appearance of Kesha's projection with a dazed expression.

"What's going on," the elders turned their gazes to Uncle Huang and asked, "Isn't this the angel that the Juxia received last time?"

"Well," Uncle Huang nodded, and said, "She is Queen Keisha of Angel Civilization."

"How about it?" Kesha asked in the projection: "Join the justice and order, or face extinction, make a decision!"

Uncle Huang frowned and asked, "Where's the Xiongbing Company?"

As soon as the screen turned, all the heroes of the heroic company appeared in the projection, wearing helmets and armor, as if they were facing a big enemy.

"They don't seem to agree with my decision."

Keisha smiled and said, "It's just that they can't represent Huaxia, so let's make a decision quickly!"

The elders looked at each other, then nodded towards Uncle Huang.

Whether it is the Xiongbing Company or Pang Zilong, they are all worthy of their trust!

Uncle Huang cleared his throat, showed his most serious and majestic expression, and said, "..."

 The next chapter is extra, Fatty doesn't know why he can't post the normal chapter.

(End of this chapter)

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