Chapter 127

"Then take a look!"

Pang Zilong chuckled lightly, and said, "If I beat you, will I be able to find Di Hongkun?"

"Win first and I'll talk!"

Pan Zhen didn't care whether it was the palace or anywhere, under Leina's shocked gaze, he shot at Pang Zilong with his spear.

The golden light on the tip of the spear was shining, it was obvious that he had coated it with stellar energy!
The hammer in Pang Zilong's hand flashed, it was also coated with a layer of star energy, and it hit Pan Zhen's gun head hard.

"First move!"

After the words fell, the hammer and gun intersected, Pan Zhen's tiger's mouth shattered, and the spear in his hand was thrown out.

With just one move, Pan Zhen was knocked out of his weapon!

"Sure enough!"

Pan Zhen hid his trembling hands behind his back, and asked without changing his face: "But why do you know my Lieyang's star-driven technology?"

Pan Zhen is now very suspicious that Pang Zilong used some unknown method to hack into Leina's gene engine, and then secretly learned the stellar energy drive technology!
"I didn't teach it!"

Lena, who was watching the battle, desperately shook her head and waved her hands: "I don't know why Fat Lord can drive technology with stellar energy. I definitely didn't teach it!"

Leina almost scolded Pang Zilong to death in her heart!

Well, you can fight as long as you want, what kind of stellar energy drive technology is used?
Still using it exactly the same as Pan Zhen's?
This is great, Pan Zhen has definitely put the blame on my forehead!
"Hehe, stellar energy drive technology is not exclusive to Lieyang!"

Pang Zilong sneered: "Why, could Lie Yang not allow others to develop the same technology?"

"That's not true," Pan Zhen said, holding the spear again with his restored hands, "It's just why I've never heard that there are other civilizations in the known universe whose stellar energy drive technology is comparable to my Lieyang?"

Hehe, even if there was a civilization whose stellar energy drive technology could compare with Lie Yang, Pan Zhen would have been wiped out long ago!

"A frog at the bottom of a well, why talk about the vastness of the world?"

Speaking the most pretentious words in the most flat tone, Pang Zilong made Pan Zhen very angry, so he stopped talking nonsense and attacked again with a spear.

Pang Zilong still swung the hammer, but this time he put more strength into his hands.

How terrifying is the strength that can shatter even giant soldiers?
Just look at the spear in Pan Zhen's hand!
The hammer was swung on the tip of the spear, and the tip of the spear was smashed into slag almost instantly. Even the barrel of the gun could not escape, and it was broken inch by inch.

What was even worse was Pan Zhen, the newly healed tiger's mouth was not only cracked this time, most of the flesh on the palm of his hand disappeared, and there were even dense cracks on the left bones!

"Hey, hey, hey," Reina yelled, "Fatty, take it easy!"

Although she didn't like Pan Zhen very much, she was the teacher who watched her grow up since she was a child, and she would be lying if she said she didn't feel sorry for her!
"shut up!"

Pan Zhen didn't appreciate it, and shouted: "This is Lieyang! As the goddess of Lieyang, you shouldn't and can't plead with outsiders!"

"Although the old minister is old, he is not dead yet!"

After Pan Zhen finished speaking, he mobilized the computing power of Tiandao Pagoda and instantly healed the wound on his hand.

But he can't do anything about weapons, this is Lie Yang's shortcoming.

Lie Yang, who focuses on the development of stellar energy technology, has to spend a lot of time to create a god-killing weapon!
But it doesn't matter to Pan Zhen, anyway, he wants to play with stellar energy, so it's not bad to blow it up directly with flares!
"Do you dare to go to space battle with me?"

Pan Zhen stared at Pang Zilong, the flare in his hand ready to go.

"Let's go," Pang Zilong said indifferently: "Anyway, no matter where you go, you can't beat me!"

"Okay! Come with the old man if you have the guts!"

Pan Zhen was out of breath, jumped up and activated the streamer technique, and flew straight towards the universe.

Pang Zilong followed, and a worm gate appeared directly in the universe in front of Pan Zhen.

Pan Zhen stopped his figure, and the giant flare in his hand erupted instantly, and the terrifying stellar energy turned into a solar wind, blowing towards Pang Zilong.

But the next scene made his eyes widen.

I saw that the terrifying solar wind blowing towards Pang Zilong disappeared directly in front of him, and then appeared behind him again, blowing towards the farther universe!

"The third move," Pang Zilong yawned, and said, "You still have seven moves!"

"Wormhole technology is good," Pan Zhen said with a larger flare in his hand, "But you have to know that wormholes also have a load limit! I don't believe that you can divert all my attacks!"

Another stronger solar wind blew by, but the result was the same as the previous one.

Pan Zhen frowned. Without using the supernova, this was already the strongest attack he could unleash!
"Four tricks!"

Pang Zilong still reminded Pan Zhen.

"Okay, okay, the general wants to see, how else can you hide from this!"

As soon as Pan Zhen was cruel, he simply mobilized the computing power of Tiandao Pagoda, directly mobilized all the energy of a small nearby star, and blasted towards Pang Zilong.

"This is a good trick. The wormhole really can't bear such a huge amount of stellar energy!"

Pang Zilong smiled and said: "It's a pity, this thing is dead, but I am alive!"

While speaking, he had already passed through the worm gate and came to Pan Zhen's back. This is the absolute dead end of the attack.

Pan Zhen's face turned purple from anger, he really forgot that Pang Zilong can run away...

"I don't believe you can even hide from a supernova!"

With a purple-blue face, Pan Zhen began to mobilize the energy of the stars, preparing to use a supernova to directly blow this maddened thing into ashes.

"Hey, hey," Pang Zilong was startled, and said, "Don't bring such a thing! Once your supernova explodes, Lie Yang won't even want to run away!"

"No," Pan Zhen said with a sinister smile, "Lieyang is protected by the Heavenly Dao Pagoda. If we die, we will just change to another star system!"

Pang Zilong stopped talking nonsense, and simply cut off the connection between Pan Zhen and Xingxing with a wave of his hand, and said, "Stop making trouble! Now take me to see Di Hongkun, you can't decide what I want to say!"

Pan Zhen looked at Pang Zilong in shock. He was just about to explode a supernova with Lie Yang's star, but he was cut off from the star directly!
And no matter how he drives the stellar energy engine in his body, he can't gather the stellar energy again!

He knew very well that to achieve this effect, unless Pang Zilong's stellar energy technology far exceeds Lie Yang, and at least one supercomputer that can compete with Tiandao Pagoda.

Otherwise, it is absolutely impossible to achieve this effect!

It was useless to use ten moves, but he lost with just the sixth move, and the defeat was without any suspense.

"Impossible," Pan Zhen said with a wry smile knowing that he could no longer stop Pang Zilong, "No matter what, you don't even think about stepping into the Heavenly Dao Tower!"

Unexpectedly, as soon as his voice fell, a sigh sounded in the void.

(End of this chapter)

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