Chapter 99 Wells

No matter how you say it, first stabilize Ge Xiaolun's mood, and then talk about other things after finishing the star gate.

"All right, all right," Pang Zilong changed the subject, "Let's talk about business first!"

Afterwards, Pang Zilong sent the information and manufacturing method of the star gate, as well as the details of the required materials, to Ge Xiaolun and Qilin through Irene.

With Irene here, these are just unimportant whether they understand or not, the important thing is the void controller!

"The construction of the star gate will start tomorrow," Pang Zilong said after sending out the materials, "You two should familiarize yourself with the materials this afternoon and evening, and don't make mistakes when the construction starts tomorrow!"

The absent-minded Ge Xiaolun nodded and left. Pang Zilong took Qilin to a large meeting room in Beizhixing.

In the conference room, bigwigs from all over the blue star had been waiting for a long time, waiting for Pang Zilong to explain the "star gate system".

Standing still on the podium, Pang Zilong didn't talk nonsense. He projected the whole picture of the Stargate system and began to explain.

"Okay," Pang Zilong finished speaking, put away the projector and said, "This is probably the case for the star gate. It will take a month to build. If the celestial-level supercomputer is over, I will prepare it after the meeting."

"Do you have any questions, gentlemen?"

"I have a question." A big man from Merickan raised his hand and asked, "Is this stargate system sure to guarantee that Blue Star will not be discovered by other cosmic civilization forces?"

"It's impossible not to discover it," Pang Zilong shook his head, and said, "After all, the star gate will remain outside, so it will definitely be discovered by other civilization forces."

"However, even if they find out, it is impossible to enter the interior of the star gate! Without entering the interior of the star gate, it is absolutely impossible to threaten the safety of Blue Star!"

Mr. Merrickan nodded: "Then I have no problem, and Merrickan agrees to build."

"I have a question." Another white boss raised his hand and asked, "After the star gate is completed, how will the management rights be distributed?"

Many bigwigs looked sideways, and they were also quite concerned about this issue, but it was inconvenient to bring it up.

After all, the star gate was built by others. From materials to labor to funds, everything was done by them. Why do you still want to jump out and snatch it?
Now is not the past, you can exert pressure from all aspects to force Huaxia to hand over control.The Huaxia Quanlanxing family now dominates, and anyone who opposes Huaxia will be no different from courting death!
"you are?"

Pang Zilong frowned and asked.

Why are there such idiots in this kind of meeting?
Didn't build it yet, just thinking about taking a share?

"I'm Wells," said the big white man who asked the question, "I belong to the Merican Federation, and I'm currently a general!"

Oh, so it is this product?

After Wells introduced himself, Pang Zilong suddenly realized that it was only then that he remembered this idiot!
"The star gate was built by Huaxia alone, so," at this point, Pang Zilong paused, looked at Wells with some sympathy, and said: "The management right is naturally unique to Huaxia, and it is impossible to assign it to anyone. Human."

This guy probably has papa in his head, so he jumps out to find trouble at this time!

Now it's not an anime. Although Huaxia has suffered heavy losses, it is far from reaching the level in the anime.

As for the other parts of Blue Star, although they also got a little bit of light and lost a lot, they are incomparable with Huaxia!
"Then I don't agree to build a stargate!"

As soon as Wells heard that the management rights belonged to Huaxia, he immediately shouted: "The Chiwu star system is shared by everyone. Why can the star gate only be managed by Huaxia? What should we do if we want to go out? Do we still have to apply to Huaxia? Pay taxes to Huaxia?"

"And I suggest." Seeing that no one is in charge of him, Wells became more arrogant: "Huaxia handed over the management rights of the Xiongbing Company, and we all manage it together!"

"After all, the combat power of the Xiongbing Company is obvious to all. It is only managed by Huaxia. That is too dangerous!"

"There are also angels. Those angel warriors are our western beliefs. Why should they obey the Chinese people?"

"Huaxia must release the control over angels immediately, and let the angel warriors come to our west to eliminate the demon army that is still raging!"

Wells became more and more excited as he spoke, completely oblivious to the expressions on the faces of the people around him.

It was the look of looking at an idiot and sympathizing with the mentally handicapped. . .


Pang Zilong looked at Wells who was talking nonsense playfully.


Wells waved his hand and continued to speak "righteously": "I heard that you still have Rose, and you are entangled with the demon queen Morgana. I strongly protest against this!"

"The demons are raging in our west, and they are the common enemy of our Blue Star! I ask the Xiongbing Company to draw a line with the demons immediately, and then fight the demons to avenge the Western people who were slaughtered by the demons!"

"At the same time, I demand that you and that Qiangwei be punished immediately!"

Everyone quietly moved their buttocks to stay away from this idiot.

If you get so close again, what if the blood splashes on your body for a while?
Pang Zilong lay on the lecture table, resting his chin on one hand, and asked with a smile: "Is there anyone else who has the same opinion as him?"

Everyone shook their heads hastily, and the big guy who asked the question first shouted directly: "I don't know him, I really don't know him! How did he get in here? Security, call security!"

This guy almost has greetings from the [-]th generation of Welsh's ancestors in his heart, why did he bring such an idiot here!
"Well, I really don't know you?"

Pang Zilong took out his big hammer, put it on the podium, and forcibly pressed a big hole in the concrete podium.

Everyone shook their heads desperately, only Wells was still shouting: "I don't believe you dare to kill me! So many people are watching, if you dare to kill me, can Huaxia afford the consequences?"

Then everyone covered their eyes, what's more, they didn't even let go of their ears, they blocked them together.

Only Uncle Huang was still smiling at this idiot.

"Nobody sees it now, does it?"

After Pang Zilong finished speaking with a smile, he directly activated the void controller.

"Okay," Pang Zilong clapped his hands and said, "Since no one disagrees, the construction of the star gate will officially begin tomorrow!"


Pang Zilong dragged Qi Lin away, only then did the others dare to open their eyes.

Wells had disappeared, and the place was empty, leaving no trace.

Everyone shuddered, is this the captain of the Xiongbing Company?
How scary!

"Okay, okay," Uncle Huang clapped his hands with a smile, and said, "We Huaxia have prepared a sumptuous banquet, everyone, come with me, let's enjoy the wonderful banquet time together!"

 If the fat man doesn't ask for tickets for a day, you will forget about me. . .

  Sad, sad, rolling all over the floor, begging for tickets!
(End of this chapter)

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