Zhanshan is King of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 119 1 Unifying the Great Harvest of the North Sea

Chapter 119 Unifying the North Sea and Great Harvest
Ask for a recommendation ticket. .The monarch below is the other monarch, just to show that this is a warlord boss, just like the character selected in the game Three Kingdoms is called the monarch.It's just that it sounds good, so it's used.

"Ding! System-wide announcement: Beihai Duchang County was destroyed by the Pingyuan Mountain Yellow Turban Army. The Eastern Han Empire lost its sovereignty and territorial rights to Beihai County. Beihai County is currently in a state of no owner."

"Ding! System-wide announcement: The monarch and super general Beihai prefect Kong Rong was killed in battle, and the martial spirit failed to escape, and was obtained by Xue Lan. The prestige of the Eastern Han Empire dropped by 1497394, and the Beihai camp was destroyed."

"Ding! Beihai County System Announcement: Sun Shao, a first-class strategist in history, was killed in battle. His martial spirit failed to escape and was obtained by Guan Hai. The reputation of the Eastern Han Empire has dropped by 107394."

"Ding! Beihai County System Announcement: Shi Yi, the second-level strategist in history, was killed in battle, and the Wuhun failed to escape, and was obtained by He Man. The prestige of the Eastern Han Empire dropped by 84394."

"Ding! Beihai County System Announcement: The reinforcements in Linzi, Qingzhou received information about the fall of Duchang County and have already retreated."

These system-wide or Beihai-wide announcements have been translated into different languages ​​and echoed in the ears of all players in the world, making many people still worry about how many coppers they can earn today, and when they will be able to exchange for a set of two. Ordinary players with high-level equipment have once again witnessed the strength of Li Feng's bandit army, because from now on, the town of Kong Rong, one of the eighteen Kwantung princes who attacked Dong Zhuo during the Dong Zhuo Rebellion in the Romance, is gone!It can also be said that the player has finally changed a potential historically important plot!

And Li Feng, who had just arrived in the outer camp of Duchang County and was directing the finishing and compilation work remotely, after listening to these system announcements, he heard N pieces of news that only he could hear...

"Ding! You destroyed the NPC warlord force at the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty—Kong Rong! You have obtained the martial soul of Kong Rong, the monarch and super general, the martial soul of Sun Shao, the first-level counselor in history, and the martial soul of Shi Yi, the second-level counselor in history. Obtained anti-thief prestige 3678464, your level increased by 1. You obtained the treasure: Beihai Xiangyin. You obtained the treasure: Order of the Princes. You obtained the treasure: Golden Treasure Chest. You obtained the Treasure: Silver Treasure Chest. You obtained the treasure : Bronze Treasure Chest. You have obtained the only blueprint in the game: Bohai Racecourse blueprint!"

"Your subordinate Guan Hai gained reputation 249771, level increased by 6, He Man gained reputation 245121, level increased by 5, Xue Lan gained reputation 241254, level increased by 5, Li Jiang gained reputation 71778, level increased by 3, Li Shan gained reputation 65121, Level increased by 3, Huang Shao gained reputation 75648, level increased by 3, Wang San gained reputation 58746, level increased by 2, Wang Si gained reputation 50122, level increased by 2..."

"Ding! Your level has reached level 30. Zhang Jiao, the great virtuous teacher of Julu County in Jizhou, has sensed your progress through the essential technique of Taiping. He hopes you can meet him as soon as possible!"

"Ding! You have occupied Duchang County, and you have recruited a total of 7248761 rebel NPC sergeants. You have obtained all the supplies of Kong Rong's forces: 7975132 grains, 6879465 timbers, 4332549 stones, 551987 iron ores, and [-] copper coins."

Li Feng stared at the rows of system prompts dazedly. He was already so excited that he didn’t know where to go. He didn’t dare to think about so many rewards. Kong Rong is gone!

Now that Li Feng has food, I have it in the world. The crisis of food shortage can be alleviated temporarily for about half a month, and it is just enough for him to take a complete rest before launching external plunder. After all, he is a bandit and wears a If you don't grab the yellow turban coat, you will have no way to survive.

Now Taishan County has been occupied by Sun Guan, Wu Dun, Yin Li, and Chang Xi, who are known as the Four Bandits of Mount Tai. The traffic in the entire Taishan County is paralyzed, and the rest of the counties are not very comfortable, leaving Xiliang and Jiaozhou. Except for the remote places where the yellow chaos is relatively light, the rest of the places are basically the flames of war.

But, after all, there is only one Li Feng, even those who rank first in player level and rank second in prestige are no exception.

At present, Li Feng has controlled more than 95% of the player villages in Beihai County, and the number is still growing.

Li Feng sat behind the official case of the handsome tent in the camp, looked at Huang Shao and Li Shan who were busy with their chests on their backs, and took out the first treasure he got.

Beihai Xiangyin: the symbol of Beihai County!Those who hold this seal can issue a system announcement in the Eastern Han Dynasty once a month!Weekly Countywide Bulletin!You can even issue commands!In short, the person who has this order is to replace Kong Rong to execute the order. The power of this seal is in addition to having the right to appoint and remove all officials in 26 counties!You can even designate any village or county to be the new main city of Beihai!In short, with this order, you can do whatever you want in Beihai, provided that you have blueprints for building.This item must be worn in a round frame on the character panel. Of course, this round frame is not actually displayed, but only used as a place to store seals and other things.

Order of the princes: The historical plot mission props have not been activated, and their functions are unknown.

Blueprint of Bohai Racecourse: The only blueprint in the game. A level 1 racecourse can produce 10 grassland horses of level 10 every day, with a 50% chance of producing a level 20 wilderness horse, a 30% chance of producing a level 25 desert horse, and a 10% chance of producing a level 30 blast War horse, there is a 5% chance to produce a level 40 Bohai war horse, and a 0.0001% chance to produce a god horse. (There are 2 horses in the second-level racecourse, and the probability remains the same. This horse can be ridden as long as it has enough levels.)
Monarch Super Political General Kong Rong Martial Soul: After use, any humanoid NPC can be transformed into a political general Kong Rong, and belong to the user's command. There is no camp restriction. The general level is reduced to 1, and the user's level is -5.

Historical Level 1 Counselor Sun Shao Martial Soul: After using it, any humanoid NPC can be transformed into general Sun Shao, and belong to the user. There is no camp restriction.

The second-level counselor in history is Yi Martial Soul: After using it, any humanoid NPC can be transformed into a general Shi Yi, and it will belong to the user. There is no camp restriction. .

Apart from these things and the Martial Soul, Li Feng also has three treasure boxes of gold, silver, and bronze in his hand.

Li Feng put the vassal order and the blueprint of the Bohai Racecourse back into the package, and brought Beihai Xiangyin to the player circle marked with "command authority".

Immediately, a system-wide announcement continued to bombard and destroy the nerves of the players.

"Ding! System-wide announcement! Yellow Turban Taiping Road Huangjinqu Shuai Mufeng occupied the unowned Beihai County, Beihai County officially came under its jurisdiction, and Beihai County was included in the Yellow Turban Taiping Road territory! Beihai County is the first large county ruled by players, special rewards The tax rate for transactions with NPCs in Beihai County will be reduced by 2%."

All the villages in Beihai colonized by Li Feng breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that in the future they would no longer have to wait in fear for any conflicts with neighboring villages. What?Now they are all quietly accumulating strength, some are trying to perform well in front of Li Feng, trying to get into the high-level Beihai, some are bearing the humiliation and wanting to wait for the time to fly quickly.

Li Feng didn't think as much as the village chiefs did. At this moment, he was staring at the three treasure chests of different colors and sizes on the official case, wondering which one to open, when an urgent call came from outside the handsome tent. At the sound of footsteps, he looked up together with Li Shan and Huang Shao.

(End of this chapter)

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