Zhanshan is King of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 169 The Twilight Beheading Operation on Taiping Road

Chapter 169 The Twilight Beheading Operation on Taiping Road
The problem of Zhang He has been corrected, thank you for your pointers! ——
Bocai was feeling like he was riding a tiger. He was teased by Cao Cao and Yuan Shao in the Tianma Fortress. Impulsively, he wanted to teach Cao Cao and Yuan Shao a lesson, but in the end, he led his troops to fight Luoyang!This made him, the leader of the rebel army who was only a peasant, really uneasy.After all, it is the City of the Son of Heaven, so I feel a little uncomfortable with a guy like him who was just an ordinary Taiping Dao propaganda envoy before the uprising.

But when he commanded the army to besiege Luoyang and kept attacking, Bocai discovered that this city was not so mysterious to him, nor was it so elusive. Because the moment the south city gate shattered, Bocai had completely let go of his awe of Luoyang, the city of the Son of Heaven, and replaced it with a madness beyond the limit, and he had been captured by his own thoughts. The spreading idea of ​​conquering Luoyang and proclaiming himself emperor completely seduced him.

"Guardian Legion! Charge!" Although the Bocai army did not have as many generals as the Eastern Han Dynasty, they had a very strong willpower, and one of the hidden characteristics of the Yellow Turban Warriors was that the rate of morale decline was 50% faster than other armies. %, so when a general rushes into the queue formed by the yellow turban wrestlers, the yellow turban wrestlers will not collapse because the opponent is too strong.

Bo Cai was full of ambition as he watched the first echelon of five thousand yellow-turban warriors of his elite force, under the cover of five thousand yellow-turban sword and shield soldiers, rushed to the south gate under the leadership of three fourth-level generals, and countless yellow-turban warriors The sword and shield soldiers died under the rain of arrows shot from the top of the city, but those yellow scarf warriors rushed into the city intact. Bocai saw a smug smile on his face. Not long after, he heard that the city was violent. Bo Cai narrowed his eyes at the noise, and said to He Yi who was behind him, "Send another ten thousand sword shields and five thousand warriors."

"No, Commander." He Yi is Li Feng's subordinate, the brother of He Man who is known as "Jian Tian Ya Sha", but the two of them are considered talented in the Yellow Turban camp, so the two brothers were appointed by the great virtuous teacher Was divided into two places for uprising work.

When the yellow turban soldiers of the second echelon rushed into the city gate, the noise inside the city gate was even louder, and the screams and screams were endless, which made Bocai wonder whether the [-] elite wrestlers had already Captured the South City Gate?
But after less than 15 minutes, Bocai found that the voices inside the city gate had gradually disappeared, and just when he was surprised, he found that more than 20 high-ranking generals came out from the gate. He glanced around, then calmly said something to the generals behind him, and without Bo Cai noticing, all the black banners on the top of the city changed into khaki Canglong banners. Fluttering in the wind, there was a sound of the flag being blown by the wind.

Bo Cai looked at the generals rushing out, feeling very vigilant in his heart. He looked at the generals again, only to find that the generals were looking at him with ill intentions. He was startled and wanted to run away, but when he thought I am surrounded by my own army, it is impossible for them to kill me, right?

So Bocai put the heart he had just mentioned back into his stomach again. After thinking for a while, he ordered He Yi to dispatch five thousand yellow turban warriors and ten thousand yellow turban archers to press down on more than a dozen generals there.

Xiahouyuan and Xiahoudun, two of Cao Cao's most trusted generals, all stood up and pressed against the yellow turban warriors. Suddenly, the progress of the yellow turban warriors was frozen, and they could no longer take a step forward, because these 20 Behind many generals, there are nearly 1000 Central Northern Army. For this kind of head-on confrontation, the Northern Army's experience is really rich.

With a pale complexion, Emperor Ling of Han struggled up to the tower of the south city wall with the support of Zhang Rang and other eunuchs. Although he was sitting there, his thoughts were still thinking about the battle just now. If it hadn't been for Wang Yue Protecting him all the time, he estimated that he might be torn to pieces by those untouchables at this time. Thinking of this, Emperor Ling of Han Dynasty Liu Hong glanced at Wang Yue gratefully, then turned his head and glared fiercely at Huangfu Song who looked panic-stricken. Actually, Huangfusong didn't expect that among the yellow scarf fighters there were real warriors who shot an arrow at His Majesty the Emperor. Fortunately, the mysterious bodyguard beside His Majesty stopped him. Living is a question.

That's right, the one who shot at Emperor Hanling was one of the three and fourth-level generals. This kid was lucky, and he even shot the emperor before he died, although he missed it.

Cao Cao and Yuan Shao, the two famous lord-level bosses in the late Han Dynasty, finally launched a deadly counterattack against the Yellow Turban Army!First of all, Cao Cao ordered Xia Houyuan and Xia Houdun and other epic generals, as well as super generals such as Cao Hong and Cao Ren, to take a large number of their own generals below the third level to carry out the beheading operation and directly intercept Bocai. In their view, As long as the leader of these Yellow Turban soldiers dies, they will definitely collapse, because in the previous battles against the Yellow Turbans, they all won their victories by beheading.

And Yuan Shao was not to be outdone, after all, in today's Luoyang and even the younger generation of nobles in the whole Han Dynasty, he is a veritable boss, so after he didn't want to be human everywhere, he heard that Cao Cao sent troops to intercept and kill Bocai At that time, I also had an idea in my heart.

Therefore, Yuan Shao summoned the four main court pillars under him in Hebei, leaving only the three super generals Yan Liang, Wen Chou, and Gao Lan. Under their leadership, Yuan Shao asked them to bring some cannon fodder below the third level and five A hundred Habayashi soldiers rushed towards Bocai behind the generals sent by Cao Cao.

Now even if Bo Cai is a fool, he also knows that these generals in the city are going to play beheading tactics. He broke out in a cold sweat before he knew it, so he couldn't even take care of the army commander who was attacking the city. He directly called five thousand yellow turban warriors to protect him, and he felt that it was not safe, so he quickly ran to the back of his hundreds of thousands of troops, and finally he was relieved. In his opinion, no matter how awesome you are, It's impossible to fly hundreds of meters, right?

Xia Houyuan raised the spear in his hand and gently scratched a row of yellow scarf warriors to death. He looked up and looked a little surprised at Bo Cai who had already run behind the hundreds of thousands of troops. When he saw this scene, the expression on Xia Houyuan's face It's very strange, in fact, he has been thinking in his heart all the time, that guy was clearly in the middle of the formation just now, why did he run to the back of the formation all of a sudden?This is really interesting.

Xia Houdun didn't have as much time as Xia Houyuan to watch. He just glanced at Bo Cai who was still looking towards them in panic, and took the longbow from his back, and took it out from the quiver at his waist. An arrow was placed horizontally in his mouth, he squinted his eyes for a last look at Bo Cai, bent his big bow, held the arrow in his right hand, bent the bow and set the arrow, and shot towards Bo Cai!

Seeing Xia Houdun's actions, Xia Houyuan didn't dare to neglect. He also took down the bow and arrow on his back, and shot towards Bocai with the same arrow.But the other generals saw that their heads were all shot, so they followed suit. Almost in a few breaths, more than 20 arrows infused with stellar energy shot towards Bocai.

You know, at the time of the Three Kingdoms, any military general who was not proficient in the four disciplines of wielding knives and guns, archery and horseback riding, would be ashamed to tell others that he was a military general with ranks when he went out to chat and greet others!

At this time, Bo Cai also saw more than 20 arrows shot towards him, his face became pale, he didn't even have the idea of ​​running, and he closed his eyes and waited for death to come.

(End of this chapter)

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