Chapter 10 Magical Talent
On the ring, Anthony calmly stood still again.On the opposite side, a balding middle-aged man in a water-blue robe said sullenly: "Anthony, if I were you, I might as well admit defeat and save some face."

Anthony's face remained unchanged, and he said lightly: "It's useless to talk, let's do it."

Nero snorted coldly: "Since you are stubborn, don't blame me. Anthony, if you are full of mental power, I am still a little afraid of you. But how much mental power do you have after you release that big fireball?" Woolen cloth?"

"Just try it and you'll know." Anthony was still unmoved by Nero's provocations, but Nero looked like a clown.

Nero didn't bother to play tricks on his tongue. With a slight shake of the staff in his hand, water arrows appeared around his body. After a slight stagnation, they shot towards Anthony like rain.

The staff in Anthony's hand fell to the ground, and a scorching air wave scattered around him. When the water arrows approached his side, they were scattered by the air wave, and most of them evaporated.

Immediately afterwards, Anthony pointed around his body, and a ball of fire flew out loudly, smashing down towards Nero.

"Let me see how much mental power you still have to cast magic!"

Nero roared loudly, and a flowing water curtain appeared around his body. Three or four layers of layers were stacked to block the impact of this fireball.

Fire magic, its power among all attribute magic, has always been one of the best.Not to mention that Nero's strength is already inferior to Anthony's.

At this time, Anthony sneered, and after a few seconds of chanting the spell, a big fireball burst into shape, rushing towards Nero with a whistling momentum.

"Impossible, how do you still have the mental power to release the big fireball?"

Nero yelled in disbelief.Even forgetting to call out surrender.In the end, it was the staff of the gambling arena who activated the magic pattern pillar in time, which prevented a tragedy.



"The route is saved!"

Ye Lanyu jumped up excitedly, first hugged Shang Butler, and then hugged Wu Zhi hard.When the latter was still in the future and felt the soft and delicate body and the upright peak, he had already left with the fragrance, and met Master Anthony who had just come down from the ring.

Anthony smiled and said a few words to Ye Lanyu, "Miss, it's a good luck not to disgrace my life."

Then he came to Wu Zhi: "Thank you for your help, little friend. I don't know what kind of magic you are using, but it can restore the spiritual power of others?"

As he said that, Anthony showed a thoughtful look on his face: "That cool feeling... Could it be the magic of the water system? But I have never heard of such a magic in the magic of the water system."

"This magic is called Clarity. It is a family tradition. To be honest, the kid only knows the two magics of Healing and Clarity."

"Clarity technique? It's quite appropriate. Maybe I have to ask my little friend for a lesson or two."

"Grandpa Anthony, let's go back and talk about asking for advice." Ye Lanyu interjected with a smile, and then said to Wu Zhi: "Your Excellency Wu Zhi, this is the second time you have saved my Ye Lai Xiang Company. Enjoy the light and have dinner together, so Lan Yu can talk and express his feelings?"

In the hotel box, Ye Lanyu poured down a whole glass of wine, her face flushed: "Your Excellency Wu Zhi, thank you for your help, and I am very sorry for the negligence before. I will do it first as a respect!"

Wu Zhi also picked up the wine glass and drank it with a smile, and flattened his mouth. The wine making technology in this magic continent is really immature.Like the wines in the west of the world, they pursue sourness and astringency.sweet.Unlike Huaxia, her throat burns after taking a sip of wine.

"Miss Ye, you're welcome, just call me Wu Zhi. I also can't understand the despicable behavior of Hengtong Commercial Bank, so I just do it as I please."

Ye Lanyu said: "Anyway, I'm very grateful to Wu Zhige. You. This business route is really important to my Ye Laixiang Trading Company. Besides, because of you, those few challenging trading companies won't lose money by stealing chickens. In the next three years, not only will they not be able to challenge again, but they will also pay a lot of failure gold. To express my gratitude, I decided to give you half of the gold coins. If you have any other requests, you can ask them!"

When Wu Zhi heard this, he immediately became excited.

It wasn't the gold coins that excited him.He has life potion and mana potion, as long as he makes a move, it is not a problem to exchange a few hundred gold coins.

What he wants most is to learn magic!
"I don't need gold coins or anything. To be honest, Miss Ye, although I have practiced the two magics passed down in my family, I only know these two. Therefore, I want to learn more magic, I don't know Can Lord Anthony lead me on the path of magic?"

(For a fourth-level magician, the prefix already has the title of "advanced". It should be no problem to teach something, right?)
Wu Zhi thought in his heart, looking hopefully at Anthony.

The latter pondered for a while, then nodded, and said, "Wu Zhi, everyone has different magical elements. Some people can feel the wind element, so they are suitable for learning wind magic; People who can feel the water element are suitable for learning water magic. If a person with water talent wants to learn wind magic, it will be half the effort. If he wants to learn fire magic, there may even be a magic conflict .”

"I can help you test your talent. If you are compatible with the fire element, I can teach you a thing or two. If you are in other elements, it is no problem to teach you some meditation skills and low-level magic. But if you If it’s the talent of the water element, I’m afraid I won’t be able to help you.”

Anthony said seriously.It seemed certain that Wu Zhi would have a talent for magic.Because only magicians can use magic.Since Wu Zhi can use the Clarity Technique, it must mean that he has magical talent, but it is not known which element he is compatible with.

However, the Clarity Technique was a skill brought to him by the system.rather than his own practice.Can Wu Zhi himself have magical talent?
Wu Zhi didn't think too much, after listening, he immediately asked: "How to test?"

Anthony stood in front of Wu Zhi the staff he carried with him, pointed to the fist-sized transparent crystal head inlaid on the staff and said, "Hold this crystal ball and don't think about anything, I will naturally guide you to reveal Your talent."

"If you have fire talent, red dots will appear in the crystal ball; if you have earth talent, brown dots will appear. Water is blue, wind is cyan, wood is green, and ice is white. , the lightning element is purple, the dark element is black, and the light element is golden. The more light spots, the brighter and denser, the stronger your talent."

(End of this chapter)

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