Chapter 207
Sitting on Wang Xiangfei's boat, he soon came to Bingling Island.

Other large commercial ships also anchored far away, and then took small boats to the island.

After all, if everyone is a big ship, not to mention that there is no place to dock the ship, it must be crowded.When Bingling Island dives, the sea surface fluctuations caused may cause tragedy to these ships.

Therefore, it is almost a customary rule to go to the island by boat.There are not a few people like Wang Xiangfei who come directly by boat.

Wu Zhi took Wei En and Wang Xiangfei took Heitie to the island.

On a general island, the shore of the island may be a beach or the like.But on this Bingling Island, the shore is actually an ice beach made up of individual ice particles!

Going forward, you can see some strange trees, which look like a combination of trees and aquatic plants. Perhaps it is this strange combination that allows these trees to survive on the seabed.

"Don't look, these are just ordinary plants. Only the ice flower and the water tree will have spirits that condense the seeds of battle energy."

Wang Feixiang glanced at him and continued walking forward.Wu Zhi saw that the other people who went to the island were also hurriedly walking towards the island, for fear of being one step behind.

"Speed ​​up, follow me, I'll take you to a good place!"

Since knowing that Wei En is Wu Zhi's "subordinate" and seems to obey Wu Zhiyan, Wang Xiangfei's attitude towards Wu Zhi can be said to be extraordinarily considerate.

"Good place?"

Wu Zhi's eyes lit up slightly.

Wang Xiangfei seems to know Bingling Island very well, so maybe he knows where there are high-quality spirits.Follow him, maybe the purpose of coming this time can be perfectly achieved.

The four of them moved forward under the leadership of Wang Xiangfei, and Wu Zhi saw some strange flowers and trees several times on the way.It is the ice flower and the water tree.

The ice flower is a strange flower whose whole body looks like frozen ice, but the area of ​​the petals is one meter wide. But if you look closely, you will find that the flower that looks like an ice sculpture has a strange toughness, which makes it look more like a creature than an ice sculpture. .

Most of these ice flowers have four petals. Among the petals like ice sculptures, there are neatly arranged filaments and flower buds. In the center is a thumb-sized mass surrounded by cold air and crystals.

As for the water tree, the trunk looks similar to ordinary trees, except that the bark is made of a material like water plants.The strange thing is that the branches of the water tree turned out to be continuously twisted water jets!
This water column completely violates the laws of physics. It is pulled out from the trunk of the water tree to form the branches and leaves of the tree. Occasionally, it is blown by the wind, and it will drop water droplets on the ground.

"Both ice flowers and water trees can be judged by their appearance. Ice flowers look at their petals. The lowest four-petal ice flower can at most breed bronze-level spirits, which is the crystal bead-like flower heart in the center of the petals."

Wang Xiangfei said to Wu Zhi on the road: "Ice flowers with four petals are the lowest level, and then there are six petals, which can breed silver-level spirits. Eight petals can breed gold spirits, and ten petals can breed platinum spirits."

"Ice flowers with four petals and six petals sometimes even have no spirits. But from eight petals or more, they will definitely give birth to spirits. Therefore, as long as you see ice flowers with more than eight petals, you will definitely gain something .”

"As for the water tree, there will be a tree heart at its root. This tree heart is the spirit of the water system. As for the grade, it depends on the number of water branches. Generally, those with less than ten water branches are bronze spirits. If there are more than ten and less than fifty, it is a silver spirit, and if it is less than a hundred, it is gold. If it is less than five hundred, it is platinum. If the water branch can reach a thousand, it is a diamond-level spirit.”

"Of course, I just want to get a platinum-level water tree tree heart this time. It is said that the diamond-level spiritual creature only appeared when Ice Spirit Island first appeared, but it was soon discovered by the nearby The strong man took it away. I haven’t seen it again since then.”

Wu Zhi nodded. There was a bronze-level ice flower just passing by. He wanted to pick off the flower heart to have a look, but as soon as he approached, a cold air suddenly gushed out from the center of the ice flower, covering his head and face. Attacked towards him.

Wu Zhi reacted instinctively with his battle qi, the fire-attributed Fen Tian filled his whole body, and a fiery red light flashed, directly avoiding the cold air.

"Would you still resist?"

Wu Zhi was slightly startled, and when he looked again, he saw that after the ice flower spewed out the cold air, the full luster on the petals dimmed. General trembling, and then instantly withered and died.


Wang Xiangfei who was next to him came over and said: "The heart of the flower tree is the root essence of these magical plants. If you take off their roots, they will naturally wither and die. And the more high-grade flower trees, if you want to get their Spiritual objects will encounter even stronger counterattacks. This is a bronze-level flower heart, and it is worthless, so let's hurry."

Wu Zhi looked at the crystal clear flower heart in his hand, put it into the ring, and nodded.

"The higher the quality of the flower tree, the closer it is to the center of the island. Let's go directly to the center of the island. In addition, although Bingling Island will have platinum-level spirits every time it appears, the number is limited, first come first Well, if you go late, you might get into a fight because of a dispute."

Wu Zhi listened and nodded slightly.Quickened the pace a little.

Half an hour later, the four of them had arrived at the inner circle of the island.The ice flowers and water trees that occasionally appear here are at least gold-level existences.For Wu Zhi and Wang Xiangfei, this level is still not in the eye.However, there were so many warriors in the tribe that Wu Zhi considered, and he even picked more than a dozen tree hearts and flower hearts when passing by.

"Ten Petal Ice Flower!"

Getting closer and closer to the center of the island, suddenly, Wang Xiangfei's eyes lit up, "It's really lucky, I met a ten-petal ice flower here!"

Hearing this, Wu Zhi looked up, and saw a plant in front of him whose petals had spread out to a full three-meter radius, and ten ice-colored petals neatly arranged in an ice flower appeared in front of him.

Wu Zhi stepped forward, and as soon as he was within ten meters of the ice flower, its petals began to flutter gently. When he got closer to three meters, a gust of cold air shot out from the center of the flower.

You Meng appeared in his hand, and the Fentian Dou Qi was burning on the sword, and Wu Zhi swung his sword to directly split the cold air.However, that ice flower spewed out another burst of cold air, one after another, and it was endless!
"Brother Weijie, the magic power contained in a platinum-level ice flower is enough to last for half a day. Generally speaking, if you want to obtain a platinum-level ice flower heart, you need to use living creatures as bait. After the magic power is exhausted, Then pick its flower heart."

Wang Xiangfei's voice came from behind, but the corner of Wu Zhi's mouth twitched slightly.

"Fatigue tactics? Too much trouble!"

Wu Zhi's figure suddenly sped up, as if a few shadows were dragged behind him, he circled a half arc to the side of the ice flower, and the fiery red sword shadow flashed, directly cutting off the stem of the ice flower.

"So fast!"

Wang Xiangfei behind saw this scene, his pupils shrank slightly.Even Heitie showed a hint of surprise in his eyes.

Just now, Wu Zhi relied on the special effect of the speed boots to accelerate before the battle, and Xiao Mo's fast running complemented each other, and the burst of speed even before the ice spray had not released a cold spray, he was spared a circle. It cuts off.

Of course, this burst of speed, due to the characteristics of the boots of speed, will drop suddenly when Wu Zhi launches his first attack or is attacked.But even so, it can be used as a surprise attack, and the effect is very good.

After the rhizome of the ice flower was cut off, the huge ice-colored petals began to wither at a speed visible to the naked eye, and when they fell to the ground, they scattered shattered ice like real ice cubes!

Wu Zhi stepped forward and took out the flower heart from a pile of filigree styles.This flower heart is still the size of a thumb, but the luster on it is obviously brighter than the bronze-level flower heart.

"Brother Weijie is really lucky for a platinum-level flower heart. This flower heart belongs to Brother Weijie, but if you meet a platinum-level water tree next time," Wang Xiangfei walked over with a smile, his eyes sparkling.

Wu Zhi accepted the love, and said lightly: "Of course it belongs to you, and I will do my best to help."

"Okay! If that's the case, don't waste time, let's move on!"

Seemingly blessed by the goddess of luck, Wu Zhi found another ice flower with ten petals before he went far. Amid Vijay's wry laugh, Wu Zhi got another flower heart.And there was no intention of sharing it.

"Brother Weijie, this is too unfair. I have already encountered two ice flowers, but there is no water tree, really" Wang Xiangfei sighed.Wu Zhi didn't know what to say.

He took two platinum-level flower hearts in a row. If these things were auctioned outside, the combined price would be at least tens of millions!Although looking at Wang Xiangfei's appearance, he didn't really care much about it, but things like spiritual things are generally priceless, so he still took a lot of advantage.

"Wang Xiangfei, look ahead!"

Wu Zhi was thinking about whether he should give him some gold coins as compensation. After all, it was his first visit to Bingling Island. Without Wang Xiangfei's experience to guide him, he might not have gotten two platinum spirit objects.But suddenly his eyes lit up, and he pointed forward and said.

Through the lush woods, there was a vibration and noise about a few hundred meters ahead, and the crown of a water tree could be seen in the distance, and the branches of the water pump were waving wantonly.From the density of water branches on one of its canopies, it can be seen that this water tree should be platinum level!

"Finally met!"

Wang Xiangfei was shocked, and the four of them quickly arrived at the destination, and they saw a ten-meter-high water tree surrounded by hundreds of water branches waving in the wind!
Beside the water tree, there were seven or eight people wearing leather armor and holding shields, using their shields to resist the blows from the branches of the water tree.The paper strips of the water tree looked like tentacles, and the water splashed all over the sky when they were waving, which was really beautiful.

Like the ice flower, the water tree, a special plant that can breed spiritual things, also has the ability to attack. Its attack method is to use the strange water branches as whips. The power of hundreds of water branches combined cannot be underestimated.

Generally speaking, to pluck flower hearts, they are seduced by living things, and they wait until Binghua is exhausted and unable to breathe out the cold air before doing it.And picking the heart of the tree is to resist the whipping of the water branch and cut off the trunk.In this way, the water tree will die, so it is easy to pick the heart of the tree.

Obviously, the seven or eight people in front of them are using the second method.Rely on the shield to resist the drawing of the water branch, and after getting close to the body of the water tree, take the opportunity to cut it down.

"You guys, I've taken a fancy to this water tree. One million gold coins per person, let me give this thing!"

As soon as Wang Xiangfei arrived at the scene, he immediately shouted.The few people around the water tree were slightly taken aback, and turned their heads.One of them withdrew from the battle circle and walked over, a little suspicious: "My friend, are you serious about what you said?"

The price of a platinum-level water tree tree heart is 500 million on the market, and it may reach 600 million at the auction house.And there are eight of them, Wang Xiangfei bid 100 million each, that's 800 million!Didn't they come to Bingling Island just for money?If you can really get this price, it will save effort to let this water tree.

Wang Xiangfei snorted, and directly took out eight sheets of paper with magic patterns painted on them, emitting slightly fluorescent light, from his ring.

This is a magic money ticket issued by LYG "Yunhui". It is guaranteed by many large commercial banks stationed in Hong Kong and can be exchanged for gold coins at any commercial bank.

The person in front of him obviously had been living in LYG all year round, otherwise he would not have prepared so well, so he could recognize the authenticity at a glance.He took the magic money ticket, nodded to Wang Xiangfei, and left with the other seven people without saying a word.

"Isn't this too straightforward?" Wu Zhi saw these people who were exhausted one moment, and decisively took the money and left the next moment, the corners of Wu Zhi's mouth twitched involuntarily.

Wang Xiangfei glanced at him: "The market price of a water tree tree heart is 500 million, but at this time, Ice Spirit Island appears, and when a large number of ice and water spirits flood into the market, even if they are thrown into the auction house, the price It will only be lowered, and it would be good to have around 400 million. I will pay twice the price, and it will be strange if it is not easy for them.”

"You are a local tyrant. You are awesome." Wu Zhi praised.

Wang Xiangfei smiled, then nodded to Heitie.The latter comprehended immediately, and pulled out the huge sword behind him. There was a low sound of rolling waves from above the giant sword, and then a dark blue fighting spirit burst out. Those water branches that resisted were scattered one after another, and then directly broke the water tree from the middle.

Heitie stepped forward, and the giant sword cut away from the root of the water tree, digging out a heart the size of a baby's fist.

This tree heart looks like a bubble filled with blue liquid, but it has a ball-like texture to the touch.

"The heart of the tree is in hand!"

Wang Xiangfei tossed the tree heart in his hand twice, smiled slightly, and put it into the ring.

"We've basically got everything we wanted. Shall we go back now?"

Wu Zhi has already obtained two platinum flower hearts, and he picked a lot of gold and silver flower hearts along the way. After returning, he will buy some from LYG, which should be enough to arm the warriors of the tribe.

"No hurry. There is still half a day left. Don't you want to go to the center of the island to take a look? Maybe you can meet something good."

Wang Xiangfei winked at Wu Zhi, but Wu Zhi always felt that there was something hidden under this guy's appearance.

Thinking of this, Wu Zhi said directly: "I have already got what I want. There is no need to go through any further twists and turns. Since you still want to explore inside, you have no choice but to part ways."

"Hey, brother Weijie, don't go!"

Seeing that Wu Zhi really wanted to leave, Wang Xiangfei quickly pulled him back: "Brother Wei Jie, let me tell you the truth. In fact, I want to ask you for help."

"Help?" Wu Zhi looked at Wang Xiangfei, waiting for him to speak.

Wang Xiangfei gritted his teeth: "Yes. The Bingling Island this time is actually related to a very important matter for me. As for Huaxin Shuxin, it's just a way."

Wu Zhi didn't speak.

Seeing Wu Zhi's appearance, Wang Xiangfei gave a wry smile: "If Brother Weijie is willing to help me, I will naturally be rewarded generously. I will definitely not let my brother suffer."

When Wu Zhi heard the word Fenghou, his eyes finally lit up slightly.Then I heard Wang Xiangfei tell the story one by one.

It turns out that Wang Xiangfei's real identity is indeed the son of a commercial bank, but there is one thing he didn't say before, that he is one of the five controlling commercial firms in "Yunhui", the son of the president of the Red Fire Commercial Bank.

This identity is different from that of an ordinary son of a business firm.

Yunhui, jointly controlled by the five largest commercial firms in LYG, formulates LYG's taxation and rules.If LYG is a small country, Yunhui is the government of this country!

Due to the unique terrain, LYG does not belong to any country in the Forest of Nations.But behind the five chambers of commerce that control Yunhui, there are traces of certain countries.

So LYG is not so much controlled by those commercial firms, but rather the result of some countries' secret manipulation.

And according to Wang Xiangfei, every time Bingling Island appears, under Yunhui's secret intervention, professionals above level [-] are not allowed to set foot there. No one else's business at all.

However, as Wang Xiangfei, he can enjoy some "privileges". This privilege is that he can bring the guard Hei Tie to the island.

"Bingling Island is a place where some adventurers get rich once every five years, but for us, it is a competition for the ranking of business firms."

Wang Xiangfei said slowly: "In the Yunhui, the competition among the major commercial firms is fierce. There is a ranking within the Yunhui. The higher the ranking, the more right to speak and benefits within the Yunhui. And this ranking For five years, the evaluation method must be on this Ice Spirit Island!"

PS: It is still a [-]-word chapter.There is another chapter at noon.

(End of this chapter)

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