Chapter 212 Dragon Crystal
"The crusade fleet was almost wiped out, including five hundred-ton magic ships, 21 ten-ton magic ships, and several other small warships. All were sunk by the monster, and only a dozen people escaped back to the port. "

Esbell said with lingering fear: "Fortunately, I didn't encounter that monster when I came, otherwise I'm afraid I would have died at sea before the pirates hijacked the ship."

Wu Zhi thought to himself, I'm afraid you don't know that I attracted that monster.After pondering for a moment, he asked, "Then Yunhui must have suffered heavy losses. What's the reaction?"

Esbell said: "The sea route can be said to be the lifeblood of LYG. Of course, that monster cannot be allowed to plunder. It is said that Yunhui has already begun to prepare to dispatch the [-]-ton giant ship 'Bingyun', and gather all the powerful people on the island. Those who want to carry out the second crusade."

After a pause, Esbell said: "According to the information of those people who escaped back, the monster in the sea is an unrecorded deep-sea monster. It has a dragon's head and a snake's neck, a fish's body and a tiger's claws, and is 25 meters long. It is infinitely large and has a strong recovery ability. It should be an overlord of monsters that is infinitely close to the level of a beast master! Yunhui will call him Presfin!"


Wu Zhi narrowed his eyes slightly, muttered the name for a while, and then asked, "How is the matter you were asked to do?"

Esbell quickly replied: "Those dragon scales have made more than 100 excellent-level black dragon shields, which are extremely resistant to physical and magical attacks, and can easily withstand the attacks of professionals below level six;

After the dragon claws were polished, ten black dragon short blades of excellent grade were made. The short blades were extremely tough and had a corrosion effect when attacking; there was also a small amount of dragon skin, and seven black dragon leather armors were sewn.The other materials have not been used yet, but Lord Wayne took two dragon tendons, two dragon horns and dragon teeth to make a crossbow. "

Wu Zhi nodded: "Just give him whatever Wei En wants. By the way, what about the production fee? It should cost a lot of money to produce so many excellent weapons and equipment."

Esbell smiled slightly: "The master blacksmith on this island saw that it was the material of the giant dragon, so he directly exempted the material cost, but asked for five dragon scales and a dragon skin as the production fee."

"Well, you can solve these things yourself. By the way, is Wei En's weapon ready?"

"Lord Vayne's crossbow has been made, it is an epic crossbow. However, due to the precious value of other materials needed, it cost 80 gold coins for materials. In addition, Master Vayne also purchased a large amount of high-quality silver and Rare metals cost hundreds of thousands of gold coins, and a total of about 120 million gold coins were spent."

"Well, I see." Wu Zhi nodded: "You should have about 1000 million left in your body. How did you prepare to run a business before? Go prepare now."

After pondering for a while, Wu Zhi took out a few precious collectibles from the treasure in the Huangsha ruins, "You can sell these things, as long as the price is right. You can keep half of the selling money as working capital , and leave the other half to me."

Among the treasures left by Prince Aviles before, those collections of ordinary value have been sold.The rest of these pieces are worth a lot, but it is still easy to sell millions of gold coins.And there are dozens of such collections on Wu Zhi's body!
The few pieces he took out now should be sold for about 3000 million gold coins. Leaving 500 million for Esbell is definitely a great help.

You know, Esbell has only accumulated 600 million after working hard over the years.

Esbell accepted these precious treasures seemingly in surprise, but Wu Zhi felt that she seemed to have an unexpected surprise?Shaking his head, Wu Zhi called Wei En over again, and saw that the weapons on Wei En had already been replaced.

On Wei En's right arm, there is a black hand crossbow fixed, without the arrows loaded, it gives people an incomparably intimidating feeling.

And behind it, there is a heavy crossbow with the same deep color on its back, which gives people the same feeling as a hand crossbow.

After inquiring, Wu Zhicai found out that the hand crossbow and heavy crossbow were both made of black dragon horns ground into powder, plus some other materials, combined with dragon tendons.The names are Black Dragon Hand Crossbow and Black Dragon Heavy Crossbow.

As magical weapons of the epic level, the arrows shot by these two crossbows will have a certain amount of dragon power, which is stronger and has a longer range.And it can shoot an arrow with a black dragon phantom once a day, and the arrow has a dark corrosion effect.

In addition, Wei En also mixed some special metals and silver with the bones of the black dragon to make special keel arrows. The penetrating power is stronger than that of refined iron crossbow arrows, and the material is lighter and has a longer range.

If the black dragon hand crossbow is used to shoot keel arrows, its range can catch up with the strong bow!

It can be said that with this set of crossbow bolts, Wei En's strength has been raised to a higher level in an instant.

Just as Wu Zhi's overall strength continued to improve, Wang Xiangfei came to the manor again.

"Brother Weijie, I'm here to tell you that I'm going to leave the island for a while. It's probably the day after tomorrow."

"Wang Xiangfei, are you going to travel again?" Wu Zhi was taken aback for a moment, and then he remembered what Wang Xiangfei said before. Although he was the son of the president of Hongyu Trading Company, he grew up in his mother's parents, and later in Wan Guolin. I traveled and didn’t return to LYG until some time ago.

"No. It's just a trip to the sea. Do you know the monster in the sea? My father won the first place this time. He was so happy. The last crusade was organized by him. As a result, the entire army was wiped out. Several other trading houses have already begun to question the strength of our Red Jade Trading Company. So in order to rectify the name, after a vote, this time the [-]-ton 'Frozen Cloud' was directly dispatched to kill that monster."

Wang Xiangfei wept and pointed to his nose: "And I was forced by my father to fight with the team to show my determination!"

A look of shock appeared on Wu Zhi's face, "No way? Your father isn't worried that there will be another accident this time, and the whole army will be wiped out?"

"Bah, bah, you're the one who wiped out the entire army!" Wang Xiangfei looked at Wu Zhi contemptuously: "This time the team is led by the [-]-ton giant ship Bingyun! It's the one I told you about last time! There are hundreds of magic circles engraved on the cloud magic wheel, even for a sixteenth-level respectable powerhouse, it will take an hour to break through Bingyun's defense."

Wang Xiangfei sneered: "That demonic beast is the peak of the fifteenth-level beast king. It's not a beast master? Even if Bingyun stops there and let Presfin beat it, it probably won't be able to break through the magic wheel of Frozen Cloud. Defensive array. The rest is to figure out how to kill it."

Wu Zhi was also moved after hearing this.

What is the concept of a defense that cannot be broken immediately by the powerful?The guarding array of the Magic and Martial Arts Academy is nothing more than that, right?It's just that at the time of the college's celebration, the formation was disintegrated before it had any effect. Otherwise, it wouldn't have been directly breached by those necromancers.

"Brother Weijie, don't worry, I'll be back in ten or so days at most. So don't miss me." Wang Xiangfei said, and was about to look for Wei En, when he suddenly thought of something and turned his head: "That's right Brother Weijie. You have to be more careful recently. I heard that Leia from China Unicom Commercial Bank is inquiring about you everywhere, and she came to find me just yesterday. That tigress looks like she wants to eat people, really horrible."

As he said that, Wang Xiangfei asked curiously: "That day. In the ice cave, what happened to you in the end? Brother Weijie, is your strength so profound that you can even catch the full blow of Sister Leiya? "

Thinking of Leiya's last move, Wu Zhi broke into cold sweat, and laughed dryly: "Brother, you must not reveal my situation! That female devil is definitely dissatisfied after losing that day and wants to take revenge afterwards ! This is a sacrifice I made for your firm! You can’t cross the river and tear down the bridge!”

Wang Xiangfei patted his chest: "Of course, brother, am I that kind of person? I kept my mouth shut and didn't reveal a single word, not to mention brother, your little hair is dyed so stylishly, even if you walk in front of Sister Leiya I'm afraid they may not even recognize you."

Wu Zhi smiled wryly.Wang Xiangfei chatted with him for a few words, and then hurriedly ran to find Wei En.

Wu Zhi pondered for a moment, then called Esbell over, and told him not to divulge any information about him outside.But I saw Esbell hesitate for a moment, and then said: "My lord, I have one thing, I don't know whether I should say it or not."

"What's the matter? Don't you mean what you said? Tell me, what's the matter?"

Esbell raised her head and glanced at Wu Zhi, and then said: "Before my lord asked me to go out and use the parts of those dragons to make weapons and equipment, I naturally found those blacksmiths to make them in private, and asked them not to disclose them to the outside world." , I also gave a hush money. It’s just that this matter was leaked out for some reason, so some people found me and wanted to buy some things from the dragon.”

Wu Zhi waved his hand: "Just refuse directly, what's so difficult about that?"

Esbell smiled wryly: "Of course I rejected all of them. But one of those people is a member of Kanghao Firm, and he is also a magister-level powerhouse at the twelfth level. Dragonglass."

Having said this, Esbell glanced at Wu Zhi without any trace.These few days, she lived with Jo Laier every night, and Jo Lai'er, a scheming little girl, got a lot of talk from her.

Except for her identity as a descendant of the Averyles royal family and some important information that has not been disclosed, other things about her and Wu Zhi are basically at odds.Among them, regarding Wu Zhi's feat of slaying the dragon "alone", it is natural to ask Esbell to ask for credit.

Therefore, Esbell knew that Wu Zhi actually had a dragon crystal in his hand.

After Wu Zhi heard her words, he was stunned for a moment, and then he remembered that the so-called dragon crystal was just the magic core in the dragon's body.

In this magical world, all monsters that can use magic have magic cores in their bodies.This situation is like the seeds of vindictiveness in the fighter's body.

It's just that the vindictive seeds in the fighter's body will dissipate directly after death.The magic core of Warcraft exists in the form of matter.It doesn't disappear after death.

The magic core is the main item used to create the magic wand, and even the drawing of some magic scrolls and the laying of the magic circle also need the assistance of the magic core.Both the collection value and the practical value are very impressive.

The magic core of the giant dragon is separately honored as "Dragon Crystal" to show admiration for this powerful creature.

The magic cores on Wu Zhi's body are not too small, the water-type magic cores of the two crocodile pythons, and the dark-type dragon crystal of the giant dragon.Especially dragon crystal, if it is used to make a magic wand, it is at least an epic wand.

"That magister should be a magician of the dark system, right?" Wu Zhi sneered. Although he can't use the dragon crystal, it's good to keep it as a collection, and he has no plans to sell it yet: "Return to that guy later. , just say that I don’t have a dragon crystal in my hand.”

Esbell nodded, and went down in response.And Wu Zhi also called the fighting spirit fighters of the tribe who were practicing assiduously, and distributed the shields to each of them.The short blade sent one to Tai Nuo, and after keeping one for himself, the others were rewarded to the fastest and strongest fighters under his command.The same goes for the black dragon leather armor.

The next day.

Just when Wu Zhi was about to quietly wait for the news that the Frozen Cloud Demon Wheel had successfully defeated Presfin, an uninvited guest suddenly broke into the manor.

When Wu Zhi heard that someone was causing trouble at the gate of the manor and injured two soldiers, he rushed to the gate immediately, and saw a magician in a dark black magic robe standing there proudly.

When Wu Zhi came to the door, he first looked at the injuries of the two soldiers—fortunately, it was just a superficial wound corroded on the chest by the dark magic. scar.

Wu Zhi's expression turned cold immediately, he took out two bottles of life potions, handed them to Tai Nuo, and asked him to take the wounded down to recuperate.Then he raised his head and looked at the magician.

The magician looked about five or sixty years old, with gray temples, deep-set eyes, an aquiline nose, and thin lips.A look of resentment.But after Wu Zhi saw a pattern on his chest, his pupils shrank slightly!
Nothing, because the pattern on the magician's chest represents his level, a twelfth-level dark magician!

Wu Zhi immediately understood that this guy should be the one Esbell mentioned yesterday who wanted to buy Dragon Crystal.

At this time, Esbell, Joelle, and Wienblon from the garden also rushed over. Esbell saw the magician and was about to speak, but Wu Zhi waved his hand, so she stopped talking and said respectfully. Standing respectfully behind Wu Zhi.

When the magister saw this scene, his eyes flickered slightly, and then he laughed: "This looks like the 'adult' that Miss Esbell said? I'm Duck Taber, you can call me Magister Dak, don’t know what this little friend’s name is?”

Wu Zhi said lightly: "Vijay Wu. Mage Darke, I have also heard from Esbell that you came here for Dragon Crystal, right? I can tell you clearly that I don't have a dragon in my hand." Jing. Please go back. Also, before you go back, please pay some compensation for your injury to my subordinates."

"Oh? No dragon crystal?" Duck laughed: "I have already investigated, and this Miss Esbell took out a lot of dragon scales and skins, as well as dragon teeth, claws, bones and so on. I made some shields, leather short blades, and a set of crossbows. These parts seem to come from the first giant dragon, right? And it’s also an adult dragon with a dark attribute!"

Master Darke looked Wu Zhi up and down: "With your strength, it is naturally impossible to kill an adult dragon. Of course, the biggest possibility is that when you passed by a certain island, you found the body of a dragon that died there? But since there are other things, there is no way that there is no dragon crystal. I will pay 5000 million gold coins to buy your dragon crystal. In addition, I am willing to pay another [-] in compensation for the one who injured your guard just now. Believe in my sincerity You can feel it too."

Master Dake stared at Wu Zhi with a confident expression.

Indeed, 5000 million gold coins is a relatively reasonable price to buy a dragon crystal of an adult dragon.What's more, Wu Zhi, the dragon crystal with dark attributes, is not needed at all, and if he is given to him, he can also gain the friendship of a magister!Under normal circumstances, transactions are generally selected.

However, if this Dak Taber came to the door respectfully and proposed this price, Wu Zhi might agree!But this guy rushed to the door, wounded two soldiers, and acted like he couldn't do anything unless he sold your stuff to me.
Wu Zhi smiled slightly, and just when Master Dake thought he was going to agree, he heard him softly say: "I'm sorry, if I say no, it means no. Your Excellency, please pay one hundred thousand in compensation, and then please return Bar."

Master Dake's smile froze on his face, then he restrained himself, and looked at Wu Zhi coldly: "Your Excellency, Vijay, do you know what you are talking about? You seem to be businessmen who came to LYG for business? Do you believe that?" Don't you believe that I only need one sentence to prevent you from leaving this port?"

Wu Zhi's smile also cooled down, and he sneered, "What a majesty! It's just a twelfth-level magister, do you really think you are something?"

When Master Dake heard Wu Zhi's insult, his eyes immediately widened!
Since he became a magister, how long has it been since he was scolded face to face by others?And he's still a brat?

If it was the temper he had ten years ago, why would he need to spend money to buy it with good words?Just try to kill and get more money!
His face sank, and around the magister's body, strands of black lines emerged silently, and a deep coercion had already spread.

Behind Wu Zhi, Wei En, Bron and others took a step from left to right, and looked at Duck coldly.After that, Tai Nuo and others also faintly spread out and surrounded Dak inside.

Magister Dak cast a disdainful glance at Wu Zhi and the others. Seeing that the battle was about to break out, a voice that was like a thunderbolt but extremely cold and crisp came from behind Magister Dak.

"Mage Dak, as one of the five powerful firms in Yunhui and a magician affiliated to Kanghao Firm, do you want to violate Yunhui's ban on the island?"

(End of this chapter)

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