Super God Summoner of League of Legends

Chapter 222 The Father's Kindness and Daughter Filial Piety

Chapter 222 The Father's Kindness and Daughter Filial Piety
"This is De Klein?"

Walking on an official road, Wu Zhi looked at the farmers working peacefully in the fields from a distance, feeling no different from Yi Zhaoguo.If there is any difference, it seems that De Klein's weather and atmosphere are better.

"To be precise, it has just entered De Klein's land. This is just the border. It will take two days to reach the main city."

Barbara, who was the only one who was familiar with the road, explained beside her, her face was also a little excited.

Finally, she finally returned to her hometown, how could she not be excited?
Back home, every plant, tree, flower and leaf on the roadside is so kind.Thinking of the family she hadn't seen for a long time, Barbara was full of longing.

"They... probably only think I'm dead? The lord of Yizhao Kingdom has bound me in the palace, and those ministers will not disclose my news to the outside. Father, they must think that I am dead. I don't know if they will die again Will you be surprised when you see me?"

Thinking of this, Barbara smiled for a long time.

"Okay, now that we've arrived in De Klein, let's relax a bit. We've been on the road for a few days, so let's go to the small town ahead to rest."

Wu Zhi saw a small town in front of him and said.Everyone had traveled for a few days, disguised their identities all the way to come here from Yi Zhaoguo, and they were indeed very tired, so they didn't object.

When they came to this small town of thousands of people, the honest farmers in the town squatted on the side of the road and couldn't even speak when they saw the beauty of Jolaier's three daughters.

Wu Zhi found the largest inn in the town to live in, only to find that the inn only had five rooms.As a last resort, Joelle and Barbara had to squeeze into one room, and Bron and Tylenol squeezed together.

After eating a hot meal and taking a refreshing hot bath, the inn's clerk was so tired that he almost passed out.Wu Zhi changed into fresh clothes, rewarded the waiter with a silver coin, and walked out of the inn amidst the latter's gratitude.

Under the cover of night, they walked out of the town all the way to a remote wasteland.Wu Zhi smiled slightly, and then spoke.

"System, summon the shadow of the blade, Tai Long. The sixth-level hero body!"

"Live by the sword, die by the sword!"

Accompanied by a cold sound like a cold wind, Wu Zhi twitched his eyes, then took out the clothes he had prepared and threw them over: "Put the clothes on first."

"Huh? Oh!"

Tai Long coughed dryly, then picked up his clothes and put them on, "Summoner, I'm happy to serve you."

Wu Zhi looked at the cold-faced guy in front of him, and said, "Tai Long, don't call me a summoner, just call me an adult."

Tai Long glanced at Wu Zhi leisurely, "Although he failed, but for the sake of the system, I'll call you my lord."

Wu Zhi coughed dryly. This was the first time he met a hero who treated him honestly, but he didn't expect it to be Tai Long whom he had a crush on.

"My real name is Wu Zhi, and now my alias is Weijie Wu."

Tai Long nodded indifferently: "Master Vijay."

Seeing his appearance, Wu Zhi sighed, and then said: "I won't go into details about the environment here. The place we are now is called Wan Guolin, and there will be war soon, so I need to Some dark power."

Tai Long raised his head, and there was a gleam of light in his eyes: "Underground forces? Little meaning."

Wu Zhi nodded, and with a wave of his hand, an orange short knife appeared in his hand. At the same time, Wu Zhi's game currency balance was also deducted 350 3390 again, and in the blink of an eye, only [-] games were left. currency.

Throw the dagger to Tai Long, who took it, nimbly swung it around, and then looked at it carefully in front of his eyes: "Pilterover's magic-drinking knife? Good thing. It's easy to fight against magicians with this thing. There are many."

Hex Demon Drinking Knife, an excellent magic weapon, priced at 1350 game coins.

Weapons increase toughness and sharpness.And can devour magic elements.

Unique Active: By activating the Demon Drinking Knife, a magic shield lasting five seconds can be formed to resist damage.

"I'm afraid it's not easy for you to travel alone, so this weapon is for you. Besides, I will let her be your companion."

Wu Zhi smiled slightly, and with a wave of his hand, Wei En, who was put in the ring by him, appeared beside him.

"night Hunter?"

Tai Long raised his eyelids, and he was obviously very familiar with this famous Demacia night hunter.

"The Shadow of the Blade."

Wei En also snorted coldly, and was no stranger to Tai Long.

"You look much better than before. You look really ugly with sunglasses and braids." Tai Long chuckled.

"Be careful, or I'll make you die very quickly!" Wei En snorted coldly and retorted.

Wu Zhi frowned, and suddenly felt that it was not the right choice for these two guys to partner, but he had made up his mind and made no changes. After thinking about it, he took out a space ring and kept 600 million for himself. Put all the remaining 1000 million into it: "This is your development fund."

Then he took out a twin flower seed that looked like a peanut, left half of it for himself, and threw the other to Tai Long: "This is a twin flower, we use this to communicate. Favien knows it."

The next day, Wu Zhi and his group finished washing prematurely, walked to the gate of the town and were about to leave, only to find that there were no. , holding a black light shield in his hand.

These people stood respectfully at the door, as if welcoming someone.It looks so fierce that even farmers who want to work in the fields dare not go through the main entrance.Only some children and idlers watched curiously from a distance.

As soon as Wu Zhi walked to the door, the hundred and ten people knelt down on one knee, "Your Excellency is welcome!"

Wu Zhi nodded calmly.No surprises.Because the warriors of these tribes were the ones he released from the ring last night and let them wait here this morning.

After Yi Zhaoguo's lesson, although he has such a relationship with Ruoleer, Wu Zhi is still a little worried, so he dare not just be alone with a few people and rush to work.

Bringing hundreds of NO.80 subordinates, one is to show their strength, the other is to intimidate them, and the third is to put these people in the open, so as not to go to the capital of De Klein, even if they want to take out the warriors of these tribes Neither had a chance.

"These are the soldiers under my command, responsible for protecting my safety. You know that pirates are rampant at sea, and you must have some defense force of your own. Who knew what happened to Presfin?"

Walking on the road, Wu Zhi casually explained the origins of these people to Barbara, but found that Barbara didn't even know anything about Presfin, so he wasted a lot of talking, and then found out Well, Barbara didn't seem to care about this, or she didn't have any thoughts at all, and she didn't even notice when Wei En who was beside Wu Zhi disappeared.

Shaking his head helplessly, he had no choice but to march forward with the tribal warriors.

For these forces that are absolutely 100% loyal to him, Wu Zhi can be said to have spent all his money.From the inside to the outside, the armor and weapons of these people are the best things that can be bought on the market.In addition, each person also has a shield made of black dragon scale armor. As long as they can withstand the shock and shock of power, they can withstand attacks below level six.

These black dragon scales are all excellent shields!It's nothing more than one side and two sides. If a team of nearly a hundred people deploys one side, even ordinary big forces will definitely not dare to play like this.That is to say, Wu Zhi just happened to have the scales of the black dragon and the treasure of Aviles picked up in vain, so he dared to be so generous.

And then, each of the tribe's warriors has a space ring!
Although most of them are only one cubic space rings, they are also space rings!In any force, this never happens.If the money for the shield and space ring alone is used to arm the army, at least an elite army of 3000 people can be armed!
There is a black dragon shield to enhance defense and survivability, and a space ring to ensure battery life.Coupled with the talents and abilities honed by these tribal fighters in Dishangjian, they are completely elite.

Coupled with the fact that Wu Zhi sprinkled a large number of spiritual objects regardless of the cost a few days ago, these tribal fighters also practiced fighting spirit, although most of them are only at the first or second level now.But it has also greatly enhanced their strength.

With such a team of subordinates, it can be said that the prestige has reached the extreme along the way.But two days passed in a flash, and in the blink of an eye, they had already arrived at De Klein's main city.

Compared with Yi Zhaoguo, De Klein's ethos seems to be more rigorous, which can be seen from the soldiers guarding the city gate and the orderly entry and exit teams.After all, he is a descendant of that great dynasty thousands of years ago. Even though he has fled to the edge of the mainland, he can already see the shadow of that great dynasty, which is not comparable to a country like Yizhaoguo.

This group of people is mighty, and the soldiers guarding the city can naturally see clearly.Before approaching the city gate within [-] meters, he was stopped by the guards and questioned.

The number of people is not a problem, the key is that these hundred or so people seem to be elite fighters, so the problem is big.

Of course Wu Zhi was prepared for this, he smiled slightly, moved away, and Barbara, who looked like a woman with tears in her eyes and pear blossoms with rain, came out, looked at the wide city gate and sobbed: "I am the second princess, Barbara Bara Declein, hurry up and inform my father, father, that I, Barbara, are back!"

The soldier stared at Barbara for a long time, then suddenly exclaimed, and said "His Royal Highness, wait a moment", and rushed to report to the palace!
Coincidentally, a year ago, on the day Barbara left the city in style, this soldier happened to be guarding the gate.At that time, when he saw the second princess, who was so graceful and unparalleled, sitting in the car, he was still admiring the beauty of the princess!

Who knows, not long after, there was news of the princess' disappearance, and then, the confirmed death.At that time, the soldier was very sad for a while. How could such a beautiful person die so easily?
But now, the second princess is not dead!

When the king hears this news, he will definitely reward me heavily when he is happy, right?
Thinking this way in his heart, the soldier stepped faster.When they came to the main hall of the palace, the soldiers shouted to see His Majesty. Fortunately, there were not as many rules and regulations in the forest of all nations as in the interior. Otherwise, even if a soldier had an urgent matter, he would have to pass the notification layer by layer.

It happened that the king was just in the study at this time, and after someone communicated, he summoned the soldier.

As soon as the soldier came to the study, he knelt down on the ground and shouted loudly, "Congratulations, Your Majesty the King! Your Majesty! Your Highness, Second Princess, is back!"


There was a faint hum from the front. No emotion could be heard in the tone, but the majesty contained in it calmed down the soldier's excited emotions.But when he thought of the next reward that the king would be delighted with, his heart beat a little faster.

But at this time, the king suddenly walked up to him, and put his palm on the top of his head.

The soldier only felt a slight pain in Tian Ling Gai, as if something like a snake and insect got into his brain, and the next moment, he lost all consciousness.The body fell limply.

The king snorted coldly, and retracted his hand, only to find that on top of the soldier's head, there was a coquettish and strange flower, whose roots were deeply embedded in his skull, blooming in full bloom!
The king turned his head and sat back in his seat, only then did he see his face, with a wide mouth and square nose, eyes like eagles and falcons, sharp and aggressive.

"My second daughter, Barbara, is back? That's right, that idiot Yi Zhaoguo was assassinated and died. She probably took advantage of the chaos and escaped? Huh! As a descendant of the royal family, she didn't even apologize for her death after being violated. It is simply a disgrace to my royal family of Aviles!"

The king had a cold expression on his face. From his tone, he knew that Barbara had been taken captive by the king of Izhao Kingdom for a long time!
"Your Majesty, the soldiers said just now that Princess Barbara was brought to the imperial city by a group of unknown people, and you need to pay attention."

In the shadow of the bookcase, the figure of a thin middle-aged man loomed. He was obviously alone, but if he hadn't spoken, others would not have cared about his existence at all.

"Go and investigate. In addition, take them to the main hall. Father and daughter are reunited, and I want to get 'closer' to Barbara!"

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

The black figure bowed slightly, then turned his head, and actually opened a secret passage from the side of the bookcase, and walked in.

The king rubbed his eyebrows, and then turned his gaze to the wall on the other side. It was a map. The map showed the terrain of a huge land, and it was filled with the same kind of bright and bright flags, echoing each other, like a constellation. .

"The sea is blocked, and the leader of the Yizhao Kingdom died. This Ten Thousand Kingdoms Forest seems to be in chaos! This is an opportunity, an opportunity to regain the glory of our ancestors!"

The king let out a long breath, then stood up, walked out of the door, ordered the guards on both sides to clean up the corpses in the study, and then walked towards the main hall.

The cold and stern face on his face has changed into a loving father's face that he hasn't seen his daughter for a long time.

"Barbara, my daughter, you really are not dead! Great, blessed by the ancestors, this is really great!"

Above the main hall, King De Klein burst into tears, holding Barbara in his arms and weeping bitterly.

The father and daughter exchanged pleasantries for a long time, and then slowly calmed down. The tears from the corners of the king's eyes faded away, and then he looked at Wu Zhi and the others: "Thank you for saving my daughter, and I am very grateful! Silver treasures still need to be rich and honorable, if you have any invitations, please feel free to ask, I will try my best to fulfill them.”

In the middle of the king's speech, suddenly the corner of his eyes glanced at Ruo Laier who was beside Wu Zhi, and he was stunned, and the words in his mouth also stopped.

Wu Zhi followed Barbara to meet the king, and only brought Joelle with him.The rest were housed outside the palace.

When the king saw Joelle's beautiful golden eyes without any impurities, he was stunned.There were various unknown smells of light flashing in the eyes, and then returned to calm.If Wu Zhi didn't know that the king was also a descendant of the Aviles royal family, he would probably think that he was shocked by the beauty of the color of Jo Lai'er's pupils.But after knowing this episode, it is clear that the king's mood at the moment is probably extremely puzzled.

"Who is this"

The king turned his head and glanced at Barbara. Her Highness the Second Princess wiped away her tears, and said, "Father, this is Miss Jole, Jolene Rodriguez!"

The king's pupils shrank, and then he laughed, very gentle and joyful, like a wanderer who has been in a foreign land for a long time seeing his relatives: "Rodriguez, could it be that this lady is too."

Joelle made an ancient Averyles ceremony to the king, which Wu Zhi couldn't understand, and smiled slightly: "Your Majesty, I am Joelle, the No. 16 descendant of Clerk Rodriguez."

Clerk Rodriguez, the first prince who fled with his subordinates when the Aviles dynasty collapsed.How could the king not know the name?About that period of history, he knows everything by heart!

The king suddenly burst into tears, with deep affection, and took Jolaier's hand: "I didn't expect it, I thought I was the only one left in the world still lingering on the edge of the continent. I didn't expect that the descendants of Prince Clark It also survives in this world! God bless me, Avielles, my royal bloodline will never die!"

The king said: "About 900 years ago, my ancestors, the line of the second prince, had nowhere to go under the pursuit of those rebels, so they had no choice but to take their servants, guards and slaves to the ocean to fight hard in the forest of ten thousand countries. First it was lurking for decades, and then it was decades of hard work, and after a hundred years, it finally fell and established De Klein."

"This stay is a waste of time! My bloodline is now 23 generations old, and I even had to intermarry with foreigners in order to cover up the characteristics of our bloodline. Look at the color of our pupils, it has been mixed with impurities!"

The more the king spoke, the more excited he became, like a kind elder, looking at Jolaier with kindness and kindness in his eyes. After talking for a long time, he began to ask about Jolaier's situation.

(End of this chapter)

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