Chapter 232 Split Skull
When he opened the door and saw the beautiful girl before, Wu Zhi felt something was wrong.Moreover, at the moment of opening the door, a faint abnormality was discovered.

So, he directly centered on himself and opened the insight technique.

Once the insight technique was activated, everything within a radius of [-] meters was clearly displayed in front of Wu Zhi.

He also saw that a stranger in black tights appeared on the beam of his house at some point.

There are a lot of things like poison darts, daggers, and powder bags on this person.Identity couldn't be more obvious.

And when I looked at the girl again, although she was clean, there was nothing special about her.But at the bottom of his shoes, there is a very ingeniously poisoned blade hidden!
In Wu Zhi's heart, he immediately felt vigilant.

I had reached out to touch the girl's face before, as if to test her reaction, but I didn't expect to find that there was a dark attribute fighting spirit in the girl's body!

Generally speaking, grudges are hidden in the body.If it is not revealed on purpose, it will not be seen by others.Unless the fighter's level is clearly stated by himself, outsiders can only judge from the strength and luster of the fighting energy released by him.

Even with the help of limbs, if it is well hidden, it can not be noticed by others.This situation is like holding your breath and playing dead.If you don't pretend, others will know that you are a living person, but if you pretend to be, it's not surprising that others consider you dead.

But here comes the problem.

What this girl cultivated was actually a dark attribute grudge.Unfortunately.Wu Zhi is a magician of the light department, with strong mental power, and is very sensitive to things like darkness and undead!
Although if you hide it intentionally, it will not be easy for people to find out that you have fighting spirit.But it also depends on the situation.For example, if it is an opposite or similar attribute, such as water and fire, light and darkness, ice water, etc., if there is physical contact, the magic elements repel and conflict with each other, and it is easy to detect.

This assassin probably had some understanding of Wu Zhi, and knew that Wu Zhi cultivated the fighting spirit of the fire element.So he didn't expect his dark vindictiveness to be discovered by him.

But she didn't expect that Wu Zhi was a swordsman and a magician at the same time.And this secret, except for his team members, no one in the entire Wanguolin knows.

Therefore, the moment Wu Zhi touched the assassin, he knew that she was carrying a dark grudge.At the same time, the assassin also knew that Wu Zhi had a bright body, so there was a strange look in his eyes.

Perhaps, what the assassin was thinking at the time was that even if Wu Zhi found out that she had a dark grudge, at most he was just confused.This assassination is almost impossible to succeed, just find a way to retreat later.

But what she never expected was that Wu Zhi used the insight technique to discover her wings hidden on the beam!

Therefore, for this kind of person who wants to take his own life, it doesn't matter whether she is male or female, beautiful or ugly.kill!

On the beam, the other killer didn't even look at his companion's body, and with a flash, he rushed towards the window in the room.

But at this time, Wu Zhi stared slightly, and the fear technique was cast, and the killer suddenly froze.Taking advantage of this sluggish time, Wu Zhi had already come behind him, punched him in the back of the heart, and pale flames burst out, killing him on the spot!
In the room, the bodies of the two killers were lying on the ground, Wu Zhi sat down, sighed, and took out the twin flowers.

"It's the second dial, which means that the split head is coming soon, right?"

Although the nobles who accompanied the army came to gain military exploits and win the battle, the army is an army after all, and the necessary military discipline must be observed.So these nobles are still stranded in the main city of Jiajie Kingdom.

However, because of his impatience, after a few days like this, the nobles headed by Aliwang and Romeo reported to General Jerio that they wanted to return to the country.After thinking about it for a while, the general probably didn't want to see these guys under his command, so he waved his hand and sent another thousand soldiers to accompany him, and let these guys bring the Lord of Jiajie Kingdom back to De Klein to "receive" seal up".

The next day, more than [-] people set off from the main city and headed for De Klein.

The lord of the Jiajie Kingdom was guarded by guards on the inner and outer floors, but the nobles had already started discussing how to have fun after returning.

After leaving the city, Wu Zhi sat in his carriage, squinted his eyes, and called Bron.Then he took out twenty scout guards and handed them to him.

"On the way back, it's almost the last chance for 'Split Skull'. On the way back, the most suitable place for sniping is in Fallen Leaves Valley. At that time, I will deliberately give the killer a chance, if he wants to attack me on the way If so, we will definitely seize that opportunity. These scouting guards are placed in Fallen Leaves Valley where they are suitable for sniping and easy to escape!"

After a pause, Wu Zhi added: "The news that we are leaving just spread today. As long as you are faster, you can get to the front of the split head and arrange everything. Then you can find a place there and wait." me."

"Yes, my lord!"

Braum nodded and rode away.

Wu Zhi smiled and lowered the curtains.

"A sniper who can hunt down tenth-level powerhouses? Interesting."

Fallen Leaves Valley is named after the trees on both sides of the mountain.The fallen leaves here are like rain all year round, piled up on the road, and there is a rustling sound when people step on horses.

On both sides of the Fallen Leaves Valley, there are many peaks, which are uneven. The highest one has hundreds of rice cakes, and the lower one is only a dozen meters.As long as you find a high ground, the passing team below can see clearly. Looking at the road from Jiajie Country to De Klein, there is no terrain more convenient for sniping than this place.

Two days before arriving at Fallen Leaves Valley, in Wu Zhi's mind, little by little lights lit up one after another, and each light represented a scouting guard.Slowly all twenty scout guards light up.All of them are arranged in places with wide field of view, hidden terrain, easy to escape, and easy to snipe.

Fallen Leaves Valley is not big, once these [-] locations are marked, almost the entire valley will be monitored. Once that "Split Skull" wants to make a move here, then Wu Zhi will grasp his movements at the first time!
Two days later, when the team entered the valley, Wu Zhi stepped out of the carriage and rode on a horse alone, calling it "relaxing".Aliwang on the side saw it, and specially dragged Romeo over to chat.

While Wu Zhi said that Romeo and the two were dealing with it, he secretly paid attention to the scouting guard in his mind.

Fallen Leaves Valley is not long, and it can be completed in half an hour at most.In the future, it is almost an open space, but there is no such favorable terrain for sniping.

And even though Aliwang and some soldiers were disturbing him, Wu Zhi didn't believe that a sniper assassin who could kill a tenth-level professional would be disturbed by this little trouble.

However, time passed slowly, and it was about to walk out of the Fallen Leaves Valley, but the expected snipe still hadn't appeared.The guards placed on the valley did not find anyone at all!
In Wu Zhi's eyes, there was finally some anxiety.

The reason why he attaches so much importance to this split head is because of the characteristics of this guy's sniper assassin and his record of successfully assassinating tenth-level professionals!

In a place like Wan Guolin, there are actually not many assassins, or in other words, there are not many truly professional killers.

If it was a close-up assassination like the two groups of killers before, Wu Zhi would not be afraid at all-he has arcane leap, blood-red pool, life-saving barrier, and guardian angel protection.This kind of close assassination is not afraid at all.However, I'm afraid of a bullet that suddenly flies from a thousand meters away-a bullet that can kill a tenth-level professional, its power should not be underestimated, even with a guardian angel protecting him, Wu Zhi can't guarantee himself After being hit on the head and other vital points, he can still be safe and sound.

Therefore, killers like Cracked Skull must be eliminated.Otherwise, let him stare at the side, wouldn't it be restless every night?

Thinking of this, Wu Zhi felt a little shuddering.

There are very few killers who use magic sniper guns. In Wan Guolin, there is probably only this "splitting head". As long as this splitting head is removed, any assassination will be unfounded.

However, the delayed appearance of the split head made Wu Zhi suspicious.

"Not yet, is it possible that this guy is going to wait until he returns to De Klein before making a move? I'm afraid this is not the same as Kosput's request? How can I say that I am also an earl now? If Kosput just sits and watches me die In the city, can he live up to his face?"

Wu Zhi thought about it carefully, but he couldn't make sense of it.Whether he is standing on the side of King Kosput or the Killer Cracking Skull, if he is "completely unaware", the probability of doing something in a place like Fallen Leaves Valley should be as high as 90.00%!
However, the killer did not make a move!
With such doubts in mind, the team finally walked out of the Fallen Leaves Valley and came to the cheerful and vast wasteland.

Wu Zhi subconsciously looked to the side. In this kind of place without any commanding heights, unless the killer's bullet can bend, there is absolutely no way to hit him.

However, at this moment, Wu Zhi suddenly saw a fleeting light in the sky beside a mountain peak in the distance.

Then, there was a chill that swept across the whole body in an instant!
Every fine hair on Wu Zhi's back exploded, and the skirt behind him was soaked instantly!

Warning signs rose again and again in his heart, Wu Zhi's heartbeat instantly accelerated, and then without thinking, he used arcane leap!
A golden light flashed, Wu Zhi disappeared from the horse and appeared on the ground a few meters away.And where he was just now, a gust of wind suddenly blew, and then Romeo, who happened to be beside Wu Zhi, let out a muffled grunt, and flew out of the horse directly!

Killer, Wu Zhi, Romeo, the three formed a straight line.Wu Zhi escaped the bullet with arcane leap, so the one who was hit was naturally the unlucky Romeo!

Wu Zhi turned his head to look at that unlucky guy, and then gasped!
I saw that half of Romeo's waist was a piece of pulp, and under the forceful tearing and impact, his flesh and blood were bloody!And after he was knocked out from the horse, he pushed and rubbed against the ground for a distance of more than ten meters with that force, leaving a bloody mark!
Seeing that Romeo was going to die after suffering this kind of injury, Wu Zhi felt angry for no reason!
It was an afterthought after knowing, and the ignited anger made him feel that his temples were "pulling" straight!

If it wasn't for that random glance, if it wasn't for the warning signs from his body, if it wasn't for the existence of arcane leap, then he would have been hit by the bullet!

Moreover, from the perspective of Romeo being shot, the bullet was aimed at his head!

If he was hit, the result would be that his head would shatter into pieces like a rotten watermelon!
You know, Guardian Angel, it will take a long time to cool down.If it's dead, it's really dead!
Aliwang next to him suddenly felt a burning pain behind him. He stretched out his hand to touch it, but found that his hand was covered with blood.But the back was injured by the strong wind blown by the bullet!

It happened so fast that he didn't react at all. When he turned his head and saw Romeo's body, he froze in place—was there a talking and laughing companion just now?Why did he die all of a sudden?
"There are assassins!"

Wu Zhigao roared, and then rushed towards the bright direction without saying a word.Xiao Mo's fast running and the bursting speed of Youmeng Spirit made Wu Zhi as fast as a gust of wind, and he was already [-] meters away in an instant!
At the same time, Wu Zhi narrowed his eyes slightly, and the insight technique had already been cast in that direction, and then he saw, at the edge of the [-]-meter range covered by the insight technique, a man wearing sky blue clothes and a jumpsuit A thin guy with a cap, was floating down from the sky, and then he carried a huge and slender magic gun on his back, and ran towards the direction of Fallen Leaves Valley!

At this time, Wu Zhicai woke up like a dream!
No wonder this guy can do it in such a favorable terrain as Fallen Leaves Valley, no wonder this guy can assassinate level ten professionals.
It turned out that he turned out to be a magician, and a magician of the wind system!
Wind-type magic is not as powerful as thunder and fire in attack and damage, and its defense is not as good as that of earth-type magic, and it does not have the recovery ability of light and water.

However, wind magic has something unique that cannot be imitated by other magic!
That is. Fly!

Bronze-level lightness technique, which can use wind to reduce body weight and speed up action.

Silver-level wind and wind spells.Then you can take a short slide.

And the gold-level flying technique can even allow wind magicians to have the ability to fly in a short period of time!
If it is a platinum-level Wind Riding Wing, it can even allow a wind magician to fly like a bird, with the speed of a falcon!

Therefore, there is no doubt that this killer code-named "Split Skull" turned out to be a magician of the wind system!
No wonder he didn't do anything in Fallen Leaves Valley, because as a magician of the wind element, as long as he casts the flying technique, he can turn any place into a commanding height that can be sniped!And he was wearing sky blue clothes, from a distance, he seemed to blend in with the blue sky and white clouds!

A seamless assassination, a perfect match!Who would have thought that a magician with the wind element would be a killer with a magic sniper gun?

It's a pity that luck seems to be on Wu Zhi's side this time - if he hadn't been worried about his gains and losses because he was not assassinated in Fallen Leaves Valley, looking around, he wouldn't have seen the reflection of the gun when it was aimed.If it wasn't for his magical ability like Arcane Leap, even if he saw that reflection, he wouldn't be able to avoid it!
Wu Zhi's body was as fast as a gust of wind, heading straight for the killer.And the killer seemed to have sensed something, and after landing, he ran two steps to the side, and then rushed into the complex terrain and densely forested Fallen Leaves Valley!

At this time, Wu Zhi's other doubt was solved.That's why since the Cracked Skull has the ability to shoot anywhere, he didn't do it until he left Fallen Leaves Valley!

That's because the terrain of Fallen Leaves Valley is complicated, so it's easy to escape!

The ring-by-ring arrangement can be said to be seamless.But the only thing was meeting Wu Zhi.

The effects of Xiao Mo's running and the spirit of Youmeng disappeared after a few seconds, but by this time, Wu Zhi had passed more than a thousand meters, and since he left the combat state, the effect of the boots of speeding also started It was revealed that the speed was still far beyond ordinary people.So not long after the assassin hid in Fallen Leaves Valley, Wu Zhi had already arrived.

Wu Zhi paused in front of the valley, then suddenly the corner of his mouth curled up, and he also rushed into the valley!

The so-called success is Xiao He's defeat.Although Wu Zhi's arrangement in the valley was due to an accident, no trace of the killer was found before.But now, he made a great contribution in an instant!

The scouting guards that Wu Zhi asked Braum to set up can be said to be in very critical places in the valley. Braun has used the ten-meter range of the scouting guards to the extreme. It can be said that if a rabbit is kept in the valley, then As long as the rabbit doesn't just stay in place and start running, Wu Zhi can easily discover the rabbit's movements through these detection guards!
At this moment, the split head is that rabbit!

After Split Skull entered the valley, he ran for a certain distance and then made a sharp turn.Running from one path to another.

If Wu Zhi didn't know it in advance, he might have chased him straight away, and he would have lost it. However, due to the presence of the scouting guards, Wu Zhi didn't even need to follow the spot and turn, but just changed his direction to Chase where the killer is.

After going back and forth like this a few times, not only did the distance between the two not widen, but because Wu Zhishao made those useless journeys, the distance between the two became closer and closer!
What's more, the killer showed up among the scouting guards so many times, even though they hadn't had any direct contact with each other, Wu Zhi had already seen the true face of "Split Skull" through the scouting guards.

The person hiding under the hat turned out to be a woman with an oval face and short hair!

 It’s still a million words, please support~
(End of this chapter)

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