Super God Summoner of League of Legends

Chapter 330 Choosing a Son-in-law

Chapter 330 Choosing a Son-in-law
This young man is none other than the Shadow of the Blade—Talon.

In the room, there is also a burly man with an imposing manner like a prison, and a middle-aged man with a mustache and eyes closed.It was Galen and Yi!
After a meeting with the Gard Empire.Wu Zhi and Lin Ai went to Yizhao Country to create chaos, while Ren Junguo sent Tai Long, Galen and Yi to come.

During that meeting, the solution to Ren Junguo was to enter into Ren Junguo's circle of power, or even find a way to control the entire country.With the powerful strength of Tai Long and others at the thirteenth level, there are still many ways to control a small country with a population of only tens of thousands.

However, this process will definitely be very troublesome, and may be accompanied by violence and killing.

However, after Tai Long got the news that the Lord Ren Jun had chosen his son-in-law, he had other thoughts.

The common people don't know the deep meaning of the king's son-in-law selection this time, but Tai Long came to Renjun Kingdom this time with a purpose, and most of Shadow's attention was concentrated here, so he knew the king's son-in-law selection this time , In fact, there is also the meaning of choosing the future king.

Then, as long as he stands out from the crowd in this selection of son-in-law, then it will be a matter of course to control Ren Junguo.

This solution has become the simplest and most convenient solution, and it is also a necessary solution.

Otherwise, if the king chooses someone else to be the princess' husband-in-law, Tai Long and others will definitely have more troubles when they want to control Ren Junguo.

Tai Long read the information carefully, then passed it on to Galen and Yi, and then said with a smile: "You two, this is an excellent opportunity, as long as you can become the princess' husband, then you can fight He got Ren Junguo with blood and perfectly completed the task of an adult. However, I don’t know what type of man this Princess Chan likes.”

Tai Long looked at Galen's tall and burly figure, and then said with a smile: "Maybe the princess has a special liking for General Galen."

Galen looked at him the same way, with a flat face: "Perhaps that kind of princess who knows nothing about the world likes you a little bit more."

Tai Long wasn't angry either, he chuckled, but there was an inexplicable gleam in his eyes: "Actually speaking, it seems more suitable for adults to do this matter than us."

Galen froze for a moment, then he didn't know what to think of, and sighed: "Yes, my lord has Ahri's enchanting magic, if it is used, women will have no resistance to him at all."

"Then let the adults know about this matter. Although I have confidence in myself, if Princess Chan has unique taste, it will be very difficult."

Saying that, Tai Long smiled and said: "At that time, Master Yi can also try it, maybe he will be favored by the princess. And Bron, you should also call him over, some women like that kind of tune .”

Galen snorted coldly: "According to what you said, you might as well call Nunu and Plank over."

Tai Long shook his head seriously: "Nunu is a child, how can he know these things. Forget about Planck, that stinky rascal, unless the princess is blind, she will fall in love with that kind of thing."

Galen is the leader of the Demacian army, and Tyrone is the special envoy of the Noxus High Command. The relationship between the two has always been hostile. Although they are now serving the same master, the smell of gunpowder between them is still vague.

Master Yi opened his eyes and shook his head helplessly.

When Wu Zhi knew about Ren Junguo's situation, he was also slightly taken aback.

Unexpectedly, Ren Junguo's mission turned out to be like this. Originally, Wu Zhi sent Tai Long and three people there because he liked his ability to handle affairs in the dark, and the calmness of Galen and Master Yi.With the cooperation of the three, there should be no problem in seizing a small country.

However, how did the current situation become a "beauty trick"?And pull him up too?
When Wu Zhi was in a daze, he suddenly felt a number of unkind eyes from the side, turned his head, and saw Lin Aizheng looking at him with squinted eyes. There was obviously a smile in his eyes, but it made people feel a little cold for no reason.

"Such a good thing, it seems that you really want to go. With your charm, that princess Chan is not easy to catch."

Wu Zhi smiled wryly, knowing it was the young girl's petty temper, he said a few words of comfort, pondered for a while, and then said: "It seems that I still have to go."

The girl was calmed down by Wu Zhi, but she immediately opened her eyes after hearing this: "Okay, so you still want to go!"

Wu Zhi shook his head: "I don't have any thoughts about Princess Laoshizi, but the selection of a son-in-law this time is the key to controlling Ren Junguo. The people sent by the three empires should already be on their way, so these things must be implemented as soon as possible. And Tai Long's The guy is a lover, and he will solve this matter nine times out of ten. I just think of it as an insurance. Otherwise, once the husband's qualification is obtained by other people, some drastic measures will inevitably be taken. means."

Lin Ai sighed: "Forget it, forget it, just go if you want to go. I believe you are. I can warn you, there are sisters Meng Feier and Sister Ruolai in Declein, and sister Leiya is also in Wanguo Lin. If you bring another princess back, I'll see how you explain to them later!"

The death of Yi Zhaoguo's soon-to-be successor king, Suodemen, who was also at the level of Wanguolin Township, caused an uproar not only in the vicinity of Yizhaoguo, but even in the entire Wanguolin!

In the vicinity of Izhao Country, due to some dark hands arranged by Jolaier long ago, and the long-term development of the shadow formed by Tai Long and Wei En in Izhao Country, the side effects of this assassination were maximized!
First, Ruolai bought a general of Yizhao Kingdom with a lot of money, claiming to support him to become the new king and lead Yizhao Kingdom.

And that general was also a guy who couldn't stand the temptation, under the offensive of money and beauties, he fell directly, and brazenly raised the banner to launch a rebellion!

Then, Wu Zhi and others arranged for another force in Yizhao Country to support a certain noble in the country to kill him.

It seems that the rebellion was prevented, but in fact, Yizhao Kingdom's little remaining national power was greatly consumed once again during this incident.

Next, Jolaier sent out eloquent people to lobby those wealthy wolves who had annexed the land of Yizhao, and created a bright future. It seems that other countries in all directions want to He moved on hearing the wind, and the piece of delicious fat in front of him could be swallowed with just one bite!
As a result, the small countries are ready to move!

The entire Yizhao Country was in a state of turmoil, and various rumors and rumors spread everywhere, and it suddenly gave people the feeling of returning to the nightmare and chaotic period!
(End of this chapter)

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