Douluo: Beast God Rebuilt, Attack Goddess Ning Rongrong

Chapter 44 Brigitte's Hidden Things

Chapter 44 Brigitte's Hidden Things

Outside Shrek Academy.

Tang San, who stumbled and ran outside the academy, watched everywhere.

Looking around at the familiar yet unfamiliar environment.

Combined with his current situation, he couldn't help but smile bitterly for a while.

"Little San, come here!"

Just when Tang San thought he had misheard the voice in his head just now, another voice sounded.

Following the sound, Tang San hurriedly walked towards the source of the sound.

After walking through many fields, Tang San saw a black-robed man standing in the forest at the edge of the forest.

Before he could ask, the man in black had already taken off his cloak.


Tang San was astonished, he couldn't believe it even in his dreams, it would be his own father Tang Hao who asked him to come out.


After looking Tang Hao up and down, Tang San hurried over to support Tang Hao:

"Dad, were you injured?"

"Who did it, I will avenge you!"

As he said, Tang San's eyes flashed a fierce killing intent, wishing he could call out all his hidden weapons immediately.

Seeing his stupid son's dumbfounded look, Tang Hao couldn't help twitching his mouth, thinking how could I have such a stupid son.

Taking a deep breath, Tang Hao coughed out a mouthful of blood and said, "It was the person who just fired you."


Small head, big question mark.

Tang Hao's sudden words almost gave Tang San a hard time.

Calling someone you just fired?
Su Chen, the new dean of Shrek Academy.

"Dad, are you kidding me?"

"I remember that this new dean seems to have made a move only last night, right?"

Tang San was surprised again and again, many bold ideas began to be guessed, but he just couldn't be sure.

Tang Hao knew that Tang San had already guessed a lot, and then slowly revealed his identity.

Soon after.

When he heard that his father actually let the sect be expelled, his eyes turned red immediately.

"How can they do this?"

"Dad, why don't you wait for me to return to the sect to atone for your sins?"

Tang San said 'filled with righteous indignation'.

Tang Hao shook his head, and patted Tang San's shoulder lightly: "Originally, I wanted to let you feel at ease studying with the master, but since you have been expelled, then I will intervene in your life!"

"Following the school and studying with me, in fact, there is not much difference to you."

Hearing this, Tang San nodded heavily.

After coughing up another mouthful of blood, Tang Hao led Tang San away from here quickly.

Thinking back on what happened last night, he didn't dare to stay here for one more second.

Whether it's Su Chen, or the mysterious woman who appeared later.

The dignified Haotian Douluo is known as the youngest titled Douluo in the entire continent.


He was beaten back and forth by two people in one night.

If you tell it, no one will believe it, right?
Although he didn't know why Tang Hao took him away in such a hurry, Tang San didn't ask too much.

When leaving with Tang Hao, he turned his head and looked in the direction of Shrek Academy.

The deepest meaning in his eyes is only known to him.


Inside Shrek Academy.

After sensing that Tang Hao had left with Tang San, Su Chen just took back his induction.

There was already a clear tea prepared by Bi Ji on the table, and he took a sip of it. After calling Xiao Wu and the others out for training, he looked at Bi Ji:

"Brigitte, you seem to be hiding something from me!"

Youyou sighed lightly.

A pair of eyes looked at Bi Ji thoughtfully.

When Brigitte heard this, her body trembled for no reason, thinking that she had indeed concealed part of the matter, she didn't know what to say for a while.

Bai Teeth bit her red lip lightly.

She was already gentle and refined, but now she had an extra intellectual beauty.

Su Chen maintained a half-smile look in his eyes.

He wasn't angry because Brigitte was hiding things from him.

Among the soul beasts, he could suspect that Ditian disrespected him, but he would not suspect that Bi Ji would disrespect him.


At this time, the things Brigitte concealed were also some innocuous little things.

After hesitating for a long time, Bi Ji's face flushed slightly, and her apricot lips parted slightly: "Master Beast God, in fact, I met the Lord after I went back this time."

"The progress of Da Ming and Er Ming after the reconstruction is also because the Lord is secretly intervening, and...and..."

"Because I was worried that you, Lord Beast God, would be promiscuous in the human world, my lord followed me out of the Star Dou Great Forest."


Su Chen almost choked on himself with a sip of tea.

Looking at Bi Ji suspiciously, and making sure that Bi Ji didn't look like she was lying, his face darkened immediately.

Gu Yuena, that girl actually walked out of the Star Dou Great Forest?

And the reason is still so weird, just worried that he will be promiscuous in the human world?

In response to this situation, Su Chen suddenly found that he didn't know what to say.

At this moment, he completely understood that Tang Hao would be so afraid of Shrek Academy in his perception.

Logically speaking, even if Tang Hao was defeated by him with one move, if he wanted to take Tang San away, he shouldn't hide far away.

just now……

After him last night, the secretly Gu Yuena must have also made a move.

And Tang Hao, who has been beaten twice, is probably also worried about continuing to encounter similar things last night.


"She didn't take the initiative to come out, it seems that she should go back?"

"The injuries on my body haven't healed yet, so I don't have to worry about being in danger if I just come out to do some activities like this, but it's not safe to delay the healing time!"

Su Chen said quietly.

To be honest, he didn't know how to describe the complicated emotions in his heart at this time.

After telling all the things she was hiding, Brigitte also let out a long sigh of relief.

For her, between Su Chen and Gu Yuena, she really didn't know how to choose.

It's not appropriate to help Gu Yuena hide things from Su Chen's side.

And it didn't feel right not to help hide these things.

A dilemma, a dilemma.

But now that everything has been said, the whole person is much more relaxed.

"Okay, since it's just such a few things, it's not a big deal."

"That girl also likes to mess around, but this time I let her mess around for a while, so it's time to go back and recuperate."

"Wait for a while, I'll go back and see how her injury is doing."

Shaking his head helplessly, Su Chen waved his hand to signal that Bi Ji could leave here, without thinking too much about it.

In his eyes, if Gu Yuena hadn't gone back, she must have arrived by his side by this time.

If he didn't show up, he should have gone back.

Respectfully left the house, came outside the house, Su Chen's last words were still echoing in his ears.

My lord, will she really return to the Star Dou Forest so peacefully?

It should be... no? !
(End of this chapter)

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