Chapter 233 The Final Test
On that dark night but the wind was not very high, the bright moon hung high in the sky, a traumatized kitten got into a spacious and solid embrace helplessly, sucking greedily into the embrace With the warmth and passion, she removed the cold mask, revealing the infinite heat under the disguise...

After discussing the mysteries of life with Luo Yuan, Zhu Zhuqing was also deeply inspired, and even her martial spirit had a little variation because of this——

Lonely Star Civet.

Not long after Zhu Zhuqing communicated with Luo Yuan, Zhu Zhuqing couldn't restrain the soul power in her body and took the martial soul possession, but it was obvious that she was no longer her original ghost civet, because a ghost civet could not contain destruction. The taste of law...

Ji Xing is the name Luo Yuan gave to Zhu Zhuqing's mutated martial soul, and the origin of the name is naturally related to the destructive power of Zhu Zhuqing's martial soul and the changed appearance of her mutated martial soul.

At the first sight after Zhu Zhuqing's martial spirit possessed her body, Luo Yuan was attracted by her new look——

After Zhu Zhuqing's martial spirit possessed her body, the cat's ears, cat's tail, and sharp and long nails grew out, including her hair, which had a little bit of light.

At first glance, these small bright spots are all white, but when you look at them close or in a relatively dark situation, you will find that the small bright spots after Zhu Zhuqing's martial soul possessed are colorful and changeable. Non-stop, on her dark and soft black hair and nails, it is like a profound, mysterious and beautiful infinite star, coupled with the destructive power that Luo Yuan felt when she was possessed by the spirit, so, Luo Yuan took the name of a lonely star.

Why does Zhu Zhuqing's martial soul have the power of destruction?Luo Yuan was also a little puzzled and even panicked at the first moment...

Among the laws that Luo Yuan fully grasped are space, black hole, soul, light, darkness, kindness, evil, sacred, ice and snow, a total of nine laws, and there is no bullshit destructive power, so Luo Yuan's heart skipped a beat at the first moment ——

Wasn't it me who gave the kitty warmth just now?How did the power of destruction come out?

Luo Yuan also hurriedly called 110 in a panic——

When Luo Yuan became the will of the world in the world of Shenbing, he had already realized the two basic laws of creation and destruction.How should I put it... Creation and destruction are like the basic standard configuration of the will of the world. Even if it can never be fully grasped, the existence of the will of the world or the will of the world itself will be able to perceive and simply use it...

After listening to Xiaoyi's explanation, Luo Yuan also let out a sigh of relief, and let go of the heart that was about to jump out. After all, for things like environmental protection in the heavens and myriad worlds, it is enough to be alone...

As for the word "civet cat", it was added purely because of the characteristics of Wuhun, saving some stupid people from asking, "Wuhun is obviously a cat, why is it called Ji Xing..."

Looking at the dozen or so children in the arena, Luo Yuan also nodded his head in a rare satisfaction——

Except Tang San, Xiao Wu, Ning Rongrong, Zhu Zhuqing, and Ma Hongjun, there are thirteen people who have passed the first three tests, and finally came to Luoyuan's fourth test.

As for why there is Ma Hongjun?Because Luo Yuan felt that Ma Hongjun was qualified and necessary to participate in this test. He just wanted him to display his own strength properly, and let him understand the correct way to start the battle between soul masters, instead of being unscrupulous like going to the soul fighting field for a life-and-death fight. venting...

"Tell me about yourselves. Being able to come here shows that you really have a lot of talent."

Luo Yuan did not look at the review list handed over from Zao Wou-ki, but chose to let them make a brief self-introduction, which will also have a certain relationship with the next test, "A brief self-introduction——

Name, age, martial soul.

After you have finished introducing yourself, I will directly let you start the test, and the rules of the test are also very simple, you only need to fight in the arena, and you will be eliminated if your soul power is exhausted or you are knocked out of the arena up.You can form gangs, the upper limit is a seven-member team, and there is no lower limit.

After the battle, I will analyze the battle data of each of you, including——

The number of defeats, the number of auxiliary defeats, the number of defenses, the number of auxiliary defenses, and the ability to control the field.

As for how the data is judged, it is not a question that you need to care about. You only need to think about how not to be eliminated.

Also, there can only be one person standing at the end, and the person standing at the end will get a mysterious gift package.

Now, go ahead and introduce yourselves. "

Luo Yuan asked the [-] children present to introduce their names, ages and martial souls when introducing themselves, but did not ask them to introduce their soul power levels. What is the selection criteria for teammates——


Martial soul?

Or is it a judgment and choice based on one's own inference of other people's soul power in a few words?

"Wu Fang, 15 years old, Wuhun is a blank sheet of paper."

"Wu Qi, 15 years old, Wuhun is black paper."

"Gong Jiali, 14 years old, her spirit is a silver sword."

"Lai Aiai, 13 years old, Wuhun is soap."

"Hongyan, 14 years old, Wuhun is a mirror."

"Tang San……"

"Li Si..."

"Little dance..."

"Qian Liu..."

"All right."

Seeing that the [-] people on the field had finished introducing themselves, without waiting for them to think about it, Luo Yuan said directly, "Since you have already introduced yourself, let the test begin.

Finally, one more thing, if you haven't decided the last person before the moon appears, all of you will be eliminated. "

As soon as Luo Yuan's words came out of his mouth, all [-] people in the arena started to move, and they all began to look for teammates that suited them immediately.

I saw several people rushing towards Ning Rongrong, Tang San was no exception——

In order to ensure the fairness of the test to the greatest extent, Luo Yuan also adjusted the positions between the eighteen people, so that the distance between every two adjacent people is the same.Moreover, Luo Yuan deliberately moved Tang San the furthest away from Ning Rongrong, just to increase the difficulty of the test for Tang San.

Obviously, except for a few who joined the established teammates directly, the vast majority of them were very tactically conscious, and they all knew that they should first find the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda who was the first support.

The Blue Lightning Overlord School and the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School are not as hidden from the world as the Clear Sky School, so people still know the mainland's number one beast spirit and the number one auxiliary spirit. The Haotian Hammer, which is black and not slippery, is also much more distinctive...

I saw Tang San stepping on the ghost shadow fascination track, while summoning the martial spirit wheel and using his small hammer, he quickly approached Ning Rongrong with a bold and ruthless appearance of hammering anyone who dares to approach me.

Tang San's choice is also very correct, in his established small team, his approach can be said to be very wise, in addition to his judgment on the overall situation, he also has consideration for the established small team——

Tang San knew that Xiao Wu and Zhu Zhuqing of the agility attack department didn't need to support him, they had the ability not to be eliminated immediately and moved closer to him or Ning Rongrong, and Ning Rongrong as a support obviously didn't Possess the abilities of Xiao Wu and Zhu Zhuqing.

At the same time, Tang San quickly approached Ning Rongrong, in addition to considering the importance of support in the team, he also considered that some people would be the first to eliminate Ning Rongrong's powerful support if he couldn't get it, so , Tang San's quick approach to Ning Rongrong also meant to give priority to protecting her.

In addition, besides adding a little difficulty to Tang San in the test, Luo Yuan also put forward several requirements to Tang San to restrict him——

First of all, the choice of soul skills and Tangmen's unique skills.Tang San can no longer use the soul skills after using the Tang Sect's unique skills, until the end he can only use the Tang Sect's unique skills in conjunction with the Wuhun.

Then, Tang San must be the final victor.No matter how the test is, Tang San must become the best one in the test.

The last point is to ensure that Xiao Wu, Zhu Zhuqing and Ning Rongrong have not suffered any harm.Regarding this, Luo Yuan wasn't afraid that the three of them would get hurt, but simply added a little restriction to Tang San, and the punishment for failing to do so was——


With the support of Ghost Shadow Mishang, Tang San saw that Ning Rongrong was right in front of his eyes, and he was only a few steps away from Ning Rongrong.


A black wall suddenly appeared in front of Tang San, but he didn't care about 21, just hit it with the hammer, and almost stumped himself...

paper wall?

 PS: Discussion——

  The multiple-choice questions have begun, everyone hurry up and make a choice, choose the candidate for the Shrek Seven Monsters——

  Plan [-]: The old seven monsters replace Xiao Wu;
  Plan [-]: The new seven monsters Tang San, Dai Mubai, Oscar, Ma Hongjun plus three newcomers, you choose these three newcomers from the five people that appear in this chapter, and I named them based on the nicknames of book friends.

  (Comments, posts, and group @我 all available)

  The choice time is only one day, and I did not make a choice before the update the day after tomorrow, so I followed the plan one.

  and also--

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(End of this chapter)

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