Chapter 249 Trading
Seeing Duke Long Meng Shu also appearing, and his shining eight soul rings, the Shrek seven were also a little bit astonished.

It's not that they were a little surprised by Duke Long's appearance. Duke Long and the Snake Lady are always inseparable, and everyone in Shrek knows it. When they met Chao Tianxiang for the first time, several people were already wondering why Duke Long Didn't show up.In addition, several people in Shrek also knew about Meng Shu's eight soul rings, and they were already very familiar with these things during the knowledge quiz.

To everyone's astonishment in Shrek, since they entered the Star Dou Great Forest until now, they have encountered a total of two thousand-year-old soul beasts, and these two times they also encountered the soul beasts hunted down by Lord Dragon and Snake Lady.

"It was you who beat this man-faced demon spider like this?"

Seeing the Man-faced Demon Spider with only one long leg still twitching from time to time, Duke Long frowned and asked, the Shrek people were really too small, he couldn't believe it.


Dai Mubai originally wanted to step forward to answer, but Tang San took the lead, "This man-faced demon spider was indeed subdued by us.

Originally, we were resting here, and it rushed over suddenly, and we also saw the scars on its body, but we have been dealing with it for a long time and no one rushed over, and it did not run away. We had to subdue it. "

"Ha ha……"

Duke Long was also shocked by the strength of these little monsters. They were obviously much younger than his granddaughter, but they all had the same level of soul power as his granddaughter, and they also had the strength to encircle and suppress thousand-year-old soul beasts. "You really are a group of extraordinary little fellows. I've heard about the cockscomb snake before, but this time... I wonder if you guys can give this soul ring to my Yiyi?"


Tang San directly rejected Meng Shu.


Although it is very uncomfortable to be directly rejected by a junior, but Meng Shu is not easy to get angry, because the other party is probably the son of Clear Sky Douluo, and he is an old bone, but he can't stand the Clear Sky Hammer.

"It's not impossible to let us out."

When Tang San saw Duke Long and Snake Woman appearing, he had an immature thought, "You need to promise us a condition."

"What conditions?"

"For the famous Dragon Lord Snake, it's very easy, just help us find three thousand-year-level spirit rings."

Tang San felt that with the help of Lord Dragon and Snake Lady, it would be much easier for him, Ning Rongrong, and Zhu Zhuqing to obtain the third spirit ring. He didn't see that the two spirit beasts he and his party met were all chased by others.


Tang San's conditions made Meng Shu hesitate, one for three?Some are not worth it...

"Senior Duke Long, you have to think clearly."

Tang San naturally also knew that exchanging three for one is not so easy for others to accept, "The Man Faced Demon Spider is very difficult to come across, and it is quite a suitable spirit ring for your granddaughter, strength, speed, poison, all your granddaughter needs There are all these man-faced spiders, you may not have such good luck next time."

"Grandpa, promise him quickly!"

As soon as Tang San finished speaking, before Meng Shu had time to speak, his granddaughter Meng Yiran couldn't wait to rush over.

"What are you panicking about!"

Meng Shu was a little dissatisfied with his granddaughter's showy appearance, which was easily manipulated by others.

"Grandpa, that man-faced spider is about to die! If you don't agree, it will die immediately!"

Can't tolerate Meng still not in a hurry——

The man-faced spider that had been ruined was crawling limply on the ground, and the long leg that was still twitching didn't move. If it wasn't for the fact that the spirit ring hadn't floated up, it probably really thought it was dead. However, As it is now, it will soon die.

Meng Shu also glanced at the Man-faced Demon Spider, and the corners of his eyes couldn't help twitching. He still wanted to discuss it with Tang San...

"Who are you, Haotian Douluo?"

There was no other way, Meng Shu could only ask the question he was most concerned about.

"Are you talking about my father Tang Hao?"

Tang San said indifferently, "The only Haotian Douluo I know is my dad, if there is no one else, it should be my dad that senior mentioned."

From the tone of his speech, it could be seen that Tang San didn't have any reverence or admiration for his Clear Sky Douluo's father, only out of the respect a son should have for his father.

This was also influenced by Luo Yuan——

After accepting Tang San as an apprentice, when he left for the first time, what was left to him was some people and events about the Douluo Continent, as well as the situation of some countries and sects, in addition to some basic pills of solid cultivation. When he was very young, he already knew a lot of things, such as Haotian Douluo, he knew it since he was a child, and he didn't think it was any big deal.

Later, when he was studying at Notting College, Luoyuan trained Tang San for a year, and told Tang San a lot about gods, and the small goal he set for Tang San was to become a Titled Douluo, even more so. It made Tang San feel that Titled Douluo was no big deal.

Another point is that Tang San feels that his father can't even protect his mother well... If it wasn't for the appearance of his master Luo Yuan, he still doesn't know how long his father Tang Hao will be depressed. In the end, he still depends on his master. In order to revive my mother...

After getting the answer he wanted, Meng Shu was sure that he was someone he couldn't afford to offend. At the same time, he also understood that there was nothing wrong with making friends with Tang San, and he could also take advantage of this transaction to get closer to him.

"Okay, I promise you."


As soon as Meng Shu opened his mouth, Meng Yiran rushed out and directly stabbed the Man-faced Demon Spider in the head with his snake staff.

"After the spirit rings are still absorbed, we will go find the three spirit rings you need."

Seeing that his granddaughter had already sat down cross-legged and started absorbing the spirit ring, Meng Shu turned his head and said to Tang San.

"no problem."

Seeing that Lord Long and Snake Lady started to protect Meng Yiran, everyone in Shrek also sat cross-legged, and began to recover the soul power that had been consumed just now when fighting the Man Faced Demon Spider.

Tang San's negotiation with Meng Shu just now made Oscar and Ma Hongjun admire for a while, Dai Mubai also said a few beautiful words, especially Ma Hongjun, for Tang San is the son of Clear Sky Douluo, a big brother Ask for the look of the thigh pendant.

The three girls didn't show any compliments, even Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing who needed spirit rings, they just nodded slightly to Tang San.

Soon, more than an hour passed, everyone in Shrek had already recovered, and they had been waiting for Meng Yiran to absorb the spirit ring, and Meng Yiran's absorption of the spirit ring was also coming to an end, absorbing a 2000-year spirit ring, It is indeed not easy.

As the dark green light converges, the final stage of soul ring absorption is about to end.Although the Man-faced Demon Spider's power is relatively domineering, the Man-faced Demon Spider absorbed by Meng Yiran could no longer think of resisting at the last moment, which also made Meng Yiran's process of absorbing the spirit ring much smoother.


Just when everyone thought that the overall situation was settled, they heard Meng Yiran scream. Her body sitting cross-legged also had violent convulsions, and her upper body suddenly crawled to the ground.

Meng Yiran's crossed legs were separated with some difficulty and obviously in pain. He knelt on the ground, his whole body was arched high, and his whole body was trembling constantly.


There was a sound of clothes being torn, and eight fist-sized bumps appeared on Meng Yiran's back on both sides of the spine.


Duke Long and Snake Lady blocked Shrek's sight for the first time. Because Meng was still crawling, while the clothes on her back were being torn, the clothes on her upper body also fell off.

Just when Longgong Snake blocked Shrek's sight, Meng Yiran twitched again, and Longgong Mengshu also turned around quickly, and her upper body became naked all of a sudden...

"Two seniors!"

Although he only saw a little clearly, Tang San made a certain preliminary judgment, "Don't worry, if I'm thinking right, the thing growing out of her back should be a spirit bone, and it's an extremely rare external spirit bone." ..."

"Then take a good look."

While Tang San was talking, Meng Shu, who was facing the Shrek people, saw that he seemed to understand a little bit, raised his hand and sucked him, grabbed him in front of him, and then pushed him behind him...

(End of this chapter)

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