Fighting monsters and upgrading since the Qin Dynasty

Chapter 291 The Temptation of Catwoman

Chapter 291 The Temptation of Catwoman

With the sound of bidding one after another, everyone is full of confidence in the things they are interested in, but in the end there will only be one winner, and this is the first time Luo Yuan has seen what the auction will look like... …

In the end, the insinuation of the base price of 20 gold soul coins directly doubled by more than [-] times, and the auction ended with a price of [-], which was captured by a VIP on the second floor.

"The following is also a rare treasure..."

The host started the same rhetoric again, but Luo Yuan no longer paid attention to what was being auctioned. As far as he could see, after seeing the insinuations appear, he also began to look for Tang in the public seats on the first floor. three.

Soon Luo Yuan saw a pair of figures who were obviously much younger than the others, a man and a woman, both of whom were wearing masks, the man was dressed in azure blue clothes, while the woman was in the same style, deep and deep Dark green attire——

The man is naturally the Tang San that Luo Yuan is looking for, and the woman is Meng Yiran...

Seeing the items being auctioned one by one, Luo Yuan showed no interest at all. He just leaned on the sofa, hugged his arms, and began to close his eyes to rest his mind. The cheongsam maid standing beside him also looked a little Look like I don't understand——

You always come to the auction house just to close your eyes and rest your mind?

According to the way Luo Yuan asked the cheongsam maid just now, the cheongsam maid also knew that Luo Yuan had never known about this auction beforehand. It came from the soul bones that were flocking to them.

Now, Luo Yuan is even more uninterested in the things in the auction house. It really makes the cheongsam maid wonder what Luo Yuan is doing in the Tiandou auction house...

Now, Luo Yuan is relaxed and leaning on the sofa, with his eyes closed, he is waiting for the cheongsam maid to remind him when the finale of the auction comes...

"The following is our final auction item..."

I don't know how long it has passed, but when Luo Yuan came back to his senses, the auction of the finale item had already begun, and the host said with emotion, "First of all, the first finale item, thank you everyone for being very clear ..."

As the host's voice fell, three very strong men were already pushing a cart covered with a red cloth, and under the cover of the red cloth, there was no way to see what was going on inside, but from the outside It looks like a big square box.

"The base price of this lot is [-] gold soul coins, and each increase should not be less than [-] gold soul coins. This is the best of the best..."

Obviously, when the first finale auction item appeared, coupled with the special shape of the red cloth cart, many people who had a little knowledge of the inside story were already excited, and the host also took off the red cloth with excitement. "Next, all distinguished guests, please look carefully!"

I saw the host tugging at the red cloth——

A red light flashed, as if the trolley of a large square box had revealed its true colors. It was not a box, but a huge square iron cage, and a girl was curled up in the iron cage.

The girl inside the iron cage is mostly naked, only some key parts are covered with some special bright cloth, because she is curled up, the outer hair and overall figure cannot be seen, but the white skin and the shallow skin that are exposed outside The slender body shown, coupled with short light green hair, is indeed unique.

"Perhaps some VIPs will wonder why such a girl's starting price can be so high, and it is the same price as the beauties who have been trained in our auction house for many years..."

Deliberately slowing down for a while, the host continued, "But, as long as everyone observes carefully, you will be able to discover her special features, and there must be something valuable about her..."

While speaking, the host picked up a bright bamboo stick that seemed to be placed on purpose from the side of the cart, and then put the bamboo stick in his hand into the iron cage to gently stir up the girl's light green hair. Short hair, revealing her ears hidden under the short hair.

The girl's ears do not belong to human ears. Compared with the position of human ears, the position of the girl's ears is higher. Moreover, it is the kind of small pointed ears like cat animals. There is also a slight redness underneath.

"As you can see, this is a rare catwoman. Because her body mutated when her martial soul was awakened, she also has some cat forms. Moreover, her eyes are the same. Blue and green..."

As he said that, the host walked to the other side of the iron cage again, and then inserted the bamboo stick into the iron cage again, and stretched the bamboo stick to the position of the girl's buttocks. Afterwards, the girl showed a long white fluffy tail, and the host also showed an ambiguous expression at the right time, "It is no exaggeration to say that this catwoman is completely unique in the entire continent, and if she can have How noble and wonderful is such a cute and sexy catwoman as a pet?

Everyone can also think about it, what would it be like to grab her tail when needed? "

Finally, the host took a deep breath, and waved the bamboo stick in the air lightly, "Okay, distinguished guests, now, you can start!"

"15 million!"

As soon as the host's voice fell, someone immediately raised the price by [-] loudly, but no one would doubt that this was arranged by the auction house, because this catwoman is indeed so attractive, and it is indeed worth the price .

"16 million!"

"18 million!"

"19 million!"

"21 million!"

The competition this time is much fiercer than any of the previous auctions. After all, in many cases, what can arouse people's impulse is not necessarily how powerful or expensive, but it must be able to arouse people's emotions. The stuff of primal desire...

"25 million!"

The host exclaimed again, "A VIP on the second floor bid 25 yuan. Is there a higher bid?"


From the start of the auction to the price increase, it took only a dozen breaths to pass, and the price of the entire Catwoman has more than doubled, and the speed is so fast...

"30 million!"

The host exclaimed again, "Another VIP on the second floor, bidding 30 yuan! Is there any more?"

Although the host did not report the room number of the box, everyone can see the price of that box no matter whether it is a VIP on the second floor or an ordinary seat on the first floor.

And in the boxes on the second floor, the owner of each box has more or less knowledge about other boxes, and this is also to prevent unnecessary enemies from becoming enemies.

"40 million!"

The host did not know how many times he exclaimed, and the bidding for Catwoman has completely become a competition among the distinguished guests on the second floor. Whether it is financial resources, power, or strength, most people on the first floor only Maybe they watched obediently, but in fact, they came here to join in the fun...

"41 million!"

In the box where Luo Yuan was, Luo Yuan asked the cheongsam girl standing beside him to set a price, which was a reasonable increase of [-].


All of a sudden, the host still hadn't come to his senses. It was Luo Yuan's operation on the second floor that made him a little unexpected, but he still reacted quickly. The most important thing was that he saw clearly what was going on. The price quoted for one box, "41! The price for VIPs in Box 41 has increased to [-]. Is there any other VIP who wants to increase the price?"

This time, the host deliberately reported the box where Luo Yuan was located, and also vaguely reminded those VIPs who might not understand the situation. This is also a customary rule in the auction house, and I just hope that there will be less conflicts among the VIPs. .

Sure enough, under the intentional reminder of the host, and the VIPs on the second floor may also have learned something, after Luo Yuan bid, the catwoman who could have continued to be raised was also photographed by Luo Yuan, but the auction The market has already made a lot of money.

In the face of the group of silent VIPs on the second floor, many people in the ordinary seats on the first floor began to speculate about the identity of the VIP in the first box...

"It's amazing, isn't it?"

Luo Yuan naturally noticed that the host and other VIPs on the second floor were all afraid of their identities, "From the time I arrived at the gate of the Tiandou Auction House to the time you led me to this box, you have been the only person who has come into contact with me all this time. Right? Besides, you didn't leave, did you? How do these guys know about me?"

In fact, Luo Yuan was asking knowingly again, because he didn't hide anything when he took out the black card, not to mention those six-ring soul emperors and seven-ring soul saints who were secretly guarding the door, even those who were at the door Quite a few people saw the cheongsam maids welcoming the guests. Naturally, someone would report to the higher authorities...

As for why Luo Yuan bought Catwoman?

I just want to try the feeling of bidding...

Who knows that other people will not give up all of a sudden, Luo Yuan also expressed his helplessness, but for what the host said——


In Douqi Continent——

Luo Yuan has a big litter...

"Next, here is our second finale item..."

After the mood at the scene calmed down, the host started the second scene of the grand finale. Following the host's voice again, a mature and beautiful maid carefully brought up a tray also covered with a red cloth...

(End of this chapter)

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