Chapter 296 Tang Sect Six Halls
In the following year, Tang San became the busiest person among the Shrek Seven Monsters, running around in various ways, and the Tang Sect was also established under his busy schedule. However, whenever he had time, he would still I will invite other people to play a few soul fighting matches to fine-tune the tacit understanding...

Afterwards, Tang San also used the Tang Sect's hidden weapon to lure Lou Gao, the president of the blacksmith union, to the Tang Sect. In the end, the Pozhi Clan also chose to join, as well as the Meng family where the Dragon Lord and Snake Lady belonged.

Of course, Luo Yuan's contribution and the attraction of Tang Sect's poison art are indispensable for the joining of the Po Zhi Clan...

"This is my mentor, Teacher Luo Yuan."

Looking at everyone in the newly built meeting hall of the Tang Sect, Tang San respectfully introduced Luo Yuan to everyone, "Before this, I also briefly introduced my master to you——

In addition to being the honorary sect master of our Tang Sect, my master is also the honorary Pope of the Wuhun Palace. Therefore, I also hope that everyone can truly let go of their hostility towards the Wuhun Palace and work together to build a strong, wealthy, harmonious, and friendly society. The big Tang family. "

"it is good!"

After Tang San finished speaking, the only one who responded, and the reaction was quite big, was Tai Tan. Who made him Tang Hao's little fanboy? Naturally, he wanted to cheer up the idol's son.


Although he knew that Tai Tan had good intentions, Tang San always felt that Tai Tan was suspected of being cold on purpose.

Relieved for a while, and calmed down his anger by the way, Tang San continued, "You, Meng Yiran, Oscar, Ma Hongjun, Hongyan and Long Gong, senior Meng Shu, senior Snake Po Chao Tianxiang, the original force clan Senior Zitaitan, Senior Niu Gao, the patriarch of the Yuanyu Clan, Senior Baihe, the patriarch of the Yuanmin Clan, Senior Yang Wudi, the Yuanpo Clan, and Senior Lou Gao, the former president of the blacksmith union, formed a meeting of 12 people. We discussed and voted together, each of us has one vote, do you have any opinions, elders?"

Of the Shrek Seven Monsters, Oscar and the Dragon Lord and Snake Woman naturally wouldn't have any opinions. He just asked the opinions of the four-attribute clans, so as to avoid any conflicts in the future. Killed in the cradle by one's own people.

As for Dai Mubai, Gong Jiali, and Lai Ai'ai, the three of them did not join and chose the Tang Sect. Of these three, Dai Mubai is easy to understand. As the second prince of the Star Luo Empire, it is normal that he would not join. Tang San and even Luo Yuan couldn't understand Gong Jiali and Lai Aiai...

There are also brothers Wu Fang and Wu Qi. When Tang San asked whether they would join Tangmen, they also asked whether Teacher Luo would join. The answer was definitely no, so the two brothers So I decided to join Wuhundian after graduation...


Tang San watched for a while and no one spoke, and just when he was about to continue, Tai Tan raised his hand, "I do have a little opinion, I think you can increase the rights of your suzerain, the suzerain can have two votes and a veto."

Hearing what Tai Tan said, Tang San still looked at several other people, but everyone, including Yang Wudi, agreed with this, and everyone was sensible——

Although Yang Wudi seemed to be coerced a little bit, he was given benefits no matter what, and Tang San still had the poison he was most concerned about, so it was more or less a high salary.

Moreover, even though Tang San and the others are only more than 40-level soul masters, they are only fifteen or sixteen years old, and their future achievements are unlimited. After that day, the gain outweighs the loss...

In desperation, Tang San had no choice but to change it a little bit. In fact, Tang San really didn't care about this bit of power, because his master Luo Yuan told him that as long as he had strength, he would have as much power as he wanted. , Even if you are not the suzerain, you can still have more power than the suzerain.

After the correction, Tang San continued, "As for the four-attribute clans of the four seniors, I arranged them in this way, because we are already a clan, and it's not appropriate to have names like clans, so we're addressing them. I made a few simple changes to -

The Power Clan will be called Li Tang from now on, and will be mainly responsible for the casting of low-end hidden weapons and soul guides for the sect, which will also be the main profit of the sect in the future. Elder Tai Tan will also serve as the hall master; Responsibilities for various constructions; Elder Niu Gao concurrently serves as Hall Master;
The Min clan is called Min Tang, which is in charge of spying, reconnaissance, and information collection, and the elder Baihe is also the head of the hall; Class, as well as the development and expansion of various poisonous arts applications. I will negotiate with Elder Yang Wudi for the specific situation, and Elder Yang Wudi will also be the head of the medicine hall.

In addition, I will also set up a Qitang and a Wutang. The Qitang is responsible for the manufacture of high-end hidden weapons and the development of advanced soul tools, as well as the control of the sect's weapons. Elder Lou Gao is also the head of the Qitang; Elder Ma Hongjun concurrently served as the head of the martial arts hall for the main external operations and some armed operations.

Also, Senior Long Meng Shu and Oscar are the deputy headmen of the Tang Sect—

For the time being, that's all I can think of, and if there is anything else that needs to be added, you can discuss and make suggestions. "


It was Tai Tan who signaled again, "What about His Majesty the Crown Prince?"

Luo Yuan just briefly mentioned the title that he didn't know how many chapters it was revealed. He didn't expect Tai Tan to remember it, but it seems that he didn't remember that he met a 12-year-old when he was chasing Zao Wou-ki in the Star Dou Forest. Luo is far away...

"My master?"

Tang San asked a rhetorical question first, and then explained, "My master only learns from the honorary sect masters of the Tang Sect. He only participates in the discussion of Tang Sect affairs, but will not participate in the resolution of Tang Sect affairs."

After thoroughly handling the matter of the Tang Sect, Tang San can finally prepare for the next Continental Elite Soul Master Competition with peace of mind. Now, after a whole year, the overall strength of the Shrek Seven Monsters has increased a lot The truth is, Tang San who was running back and forth was indispensable among them, and the one who improved the most was Oscar, but the one with the highest spirit power was still Dai Mubai——

Dai Mubai, a level 52 soul king, with two yellow, two purple and one black soul rings;
Meng Yiran, a level 45 soul sect, has two yellow, one purple and one black soul rings;
Tang San, a level 47 soul sect, with two yellow, one purple and one black soul rings;
Gong Jiali, a level 44 soul sect, with two yellow, one purple and one black soul rings;
Lai Aiai, a level 42 soul sect, with two yellow, one purple and one black soul rings;
Oscar, a level 49 soul sect, with two yellow, one purple and one black soul rings;
Ma Hongjun, a level 47 soul sect, has two yellow, one purple and one black soul rings.

And among the Shrek group who came to Tiandou City from Soto City, the others are also not bad——

Wu Fang, a level 45 soul sect, has two yellow, one purple and one black soul rings;
Wu Qi, a level 45 soul sect, with two yellow, one purple and one black soul rings;
Confidante, a level 43 soul sect, with two yellow, one purple and one black soul rings.

Finally, there are two on-hook upgrades——

Ning Rongrong, a level 48 soul sect, with two yellow, one purple and one black soul rings;
Zhu Zhuqing, a level 48 soul sect, has two yellow, one purple and one black soul rings.

have to say--

Going through the back door is really strong...

(End of this chapter)

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