Fighting monsters and upgrading since the Qin Dynasty

Chapter 430 The Hu Sisters' Jealousy

Chapter 430 The Hu Sisters' Jealousy

After solving the crisis in the Shenbing Continent, Luo Yuan also stayed in the Shenbing Continent for almost a month. During this period, Luo Yuan also shuttled between the upper and lower realms of the Shenbing Continent. Bei Mingxue and the others, in the upper realm, those goddesses who still spread the belief of the two civilizations, naturally also tried their best to show their surrender to Luo Yuan, the master.

Luo Yuan also used these goddesses to briefly try the meditation ideas given to him by Donghuang Taiyi, and he naturally chose the book "Xuanyuan Qunfangpu", and the effect was very obvious. There is a significant sense of fulfillment, and this sense of fulfillment is precisely because of the satisfaction of the lack of feeling that appeared before, which also shows that Luo Yuan's will has indeed been improved.

However, it is only the improvement of will, not including strength, and the improvement is limited, because Luo Yuan just tried it briefly. The decision results in an increase in physical strength.

Of course, after agreeing to Dongfang Xiong, Luo Yuan did not miss Dongfang Tiexin's care, and Huo Yuyan, the head of Yudao Country, was also Nangong Wentian's mother. Because of Nangong Yi's death in battle, she also added her son The daughter-in-law remarried, and she also started living alone. However, the living alone has not officially started yet. Under the enlightenment of Nangong Wenya, Nangongyue and Huo Yufeng, she also hugged Luo Yuan...

After staying in Shenbing Continent for a month, Luo Yuan also decided to return to Qin Shimingyue because he was always thinking about the zombie crisis in Qinshimingyue World. Before going back, in order to prevent the goddesses from the upper realm from going to the lower realm To make trouble, Luo Yuan set up a ban between the two worlds, only he or his descendants with his own blood can open this ban.

The reason why Luo Yuan didn't blatantly lean towards Bei Mingxue and the others in the lower realm was also to make a bowl of water level. Although there would be relatives and estrangements among his women, since they have become a big family, they can't There is eccentricity, at least not so blatantly eccentric...

"Chan'er, in the two years since I left, nothing strange happened, right?"

As soon as he traveled back to Qin Shimingyue, Luo Yuan also returned to Luoyang's mansion because he had traveled more than once and had relatively accurate coordinates. What he saw was Hu Chan who was lying in a daze in the yard.


Hu Chan hadn't reacted yet, but she soon cheered up, "It's Brother Yuan!"

Then, Luo Yuan was lying on the chair, and Hu Chan was lying in Luo Yuan's arms, "Brother Yuan, you are really feminine, is your little motor a perpetual motion machine?" ?”


Luo Yuan was also very speechless, and it was the first time he saw Hu Chan after broadening his horizons.

"Ham, it's not important, anyway, there will be no problems with you, just don't worry."


Seeing that Luo Yuan's face is still as thick as before, Hu Chan is not surprised, she just said it casually, it's just a complaint, she can't really ask Luo Yuan what to do, can she?

"During the two years you were away, nothing extraordinary happened..."

Hu Chan also began to sort out Luo Yuan slowly, "The seven countries are still the same as before, Qin still has the upper hand, and the other six countries are getting worse. Just like you said, it will be a matter of time before they are wiped out...

In the past two years, Donghuang Taiyi of the Yinyang family has sent people three times. He said he was looking for you to discuss things, but he didn't say anything. Same, when you were away, the first time was the girl from the beginning, she seemed to be called Yueshen Wuduan, and the next two times were twin sisters, and the twins were different these two times, the first two They seem to be called Ehuang and Nvying, and the last two are called Hei and Bai, and this Yin Yang family is really powerful..."

Speaking of this, Hu Chan, who was lying in Luo Yuan's arms, also raised her head to look at Luo Yuan's face, her eyes were full of undisguised jealousy, and she curled her lips in disdain.

After showing her small expression, she went on to say, "There is also about our Luomen. The planting technology and high-quality seeds jointly promoted by Luomen and other forces have been spread in the Seven Kingdoms. The grain harvest in the past two years It is also getting better every year, but although there are no major conflicts between countries, various small frictions are becoming more and more frequent..."

Hu Chan told Luo Yuan little by little what happened in the past two years, and what he said was relatively important, but there was really nothing worthy of Luo Yuan's attention.

As for the frequent small frictions between countries, Luo Yuan had already thought of it a long time ago. This was the Warring States Period, not a unified dynasty. Sufficient food could not stabilize each country. On the contrary, every country would feel that I have the ability to dominate the world and unify the six countries. Everyone dreams of the big dream of unifying the Spring and Autumn Period.

"Sister, sister, another woman is here..."

Hu Chan was lying in Luo Yuan's arms enjoying it, when there was a soft sound, Hu Mei knocked on the door without warning, without seeing Luo Yuan all of a sudden, she kept yelling softly, "It's another The woman who was looking for Brother Yuan was here to find Brother Yuan by name and surname, and she was holding a child..."

Halfway through the talk, I don’t know if I’m tired of shouting, but I guess it’s impossible, after all, she has super-class strength, I saw that Hu Mei stopped talking halfway, and just picked up the water glass on the table next to the recliner. I took a sip.

It seems that Hu Mei must be sour. After taking a sip of water, she supported the table and continued, "Even the little three, the fourth, the fifth, the sixth, the seventh, and the eighth have children. In the end, the two of us The wife is not pregnant yet, a group of little rascals are even more coquettish than the old lady, it is simply unreasonable..."

Hu Mei talked vigorously, gnashing her teeth while talking, her original sexy appearance became cute, Hu Chan and Luo Yuan looked at her quietly.

"Sister, why don't you just say something... huh? Brother Yuan!"

Seeing that Hu Chan didn't speak for a long time, Hu Mei was also a little angry, but when she turned her head and saw her sister lying in Luo Yuan's arms, she reacted instantly, "Sister! actually sneak attack, and those Xiaolang is like a hoof, he doesn't talk about martial arts... so he can do it for himself!"

After finishing speaking, Hu Mei made a gesture to turn around and leave. Hu Chan had no choice but to get up from Luo Yuan's arms reluctantly, and pulled her very cooperatively. As a result, after seeing her sister get up, Hu Mei turned around and lay down on Luo Yuan's arms. far arms.

Then, the two sisters fought for a while, and it took a while before they stopped. At this time, Hu Mei remembered that there was a woman outside looking for Luo Yuan, and she quickly told Luo Yuan again, that she was just a doctor or something. If you are addicted to your own mouth, even if you are really a junior, a fourth, and a fifth, you can't block people from the door and ignore them.

Luo Yuan also got up and took Hu Chan and Hu Mei to see who it was. He didn't remember any unaccounted romantic debts...

(End of this chapter)

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