Starting the Extreme Sports Car, do I have a choice?

Chapter 221 Sa Xihui Appears!The audience was shocked!Wait, her master is even more powerful!

Chapter 221 Sa Xihui Appears!The audience was shocked!Wait, her master is even more powerful!
Maid bar.

Xing Guangxi stood in front of the man.

There was a burst of cold breath on his body.

A pair of beautiful eyes, just looking at the man in front of him lightly.

There was no expression on his face.

After sensing Xing Guangxi's aura, the man with the golden ring was obviously taken aback.

But he still said to Xing Guangxi with the strength of wine: "You girl, are you impatient? But I think so, I am the heir of the Takashi family, Takashi Nobusuke! No matter who it is, I want to hug my thigh , Hahahahaha!"

The words of Takashi Nobusuke fell into the ears of everyone.

Everyone suddenly exclaimed: "What, he is Takayuki Nobusuke?"

"I didn't expect to meet Takano Shinsuke here."

"I heard that this guy is just a dandy, but now it seems that he is so!"

"But even if you are a dude, it is very powerful to rely on the Longzhi family!"


However, when Xing Guangxi faced Takashi Shinsuke's words, there was still no change on his face.

It seems that the Longzhi family is like a clown in front of Xing Guangxi.

Seeing Takashi Shinsuke, he didn't have the slightest fear, and even wanted to intensify.

Xing Guangxi said to Takashi Nobusuke in her slightly tender voice, "Is that Takashi Nobusuke? Then do you know that the person behind me is named Sa Xihui?!"

As Xing Guangxi's voice fell, Sa Xihui stood up, and under the gaze of everyone, she came in front of Takashi Shinsuke.

"Nobusuke Takashi, right? If I tell my father Sazawa Jingming, do you think the Takashi family still needs to exist? With the strength of your family, do you think you can bear the anger of our family? "

A pot of cold water was poured directly on Takayuki Shinsuke's heart.

And the other people around were completely stunned after hearing Sha Xihui's words.

Many people have heard of the name Sha Xihui.

After all, as the direct son of one of the four major families, Sha Xihui won many honors by virtue of her martial arts power when she was young.

Therefore, when they heard Sha Xihui's name, their pupils shrank.

This is equivalent to being the daughter of the people!
It actually appeared in front of them like this.

Takashi Nobusuke also subconsciously rubbed his eyes.

As if to see clearly whether the person in front of her is actually Sha Xihui.

Sha Xihui's temperament is not reserved at all.

A powerful coercion radiated from Sha Xihui.

You know, she has kicked countless times, and the hostility on her body is not something a dude like Takashi Nobusuke can resist!
When everyone around them took out their mobile phones, they searched for Sha Xihui.

After looking at the goddess displayed above, they were all completely shocked.

Because the one in front of me is actually a real person!

The people around also let out a little exclamation at this time.

And Takashi Shinsuke, after hearing this exclamation.

This wine can be regarded as half awake.

I saw Nobusuke Takayuki's face, which was originally flushed from alcohol, turned pale at this moment, as if by a magic trick.

His lips trembled, trying to say something.

But his chaotic brain made him unable to react at all.

When Sa Xihui saw Takayuki Nobusuke in front of her, she didn't feel any disturbance in her heart.

No, to be precise, he was a little angry.

Obviously today I came out to go shopping with my master and eat together.

But who knew that he would meet such a young man with no eyesight!

Isn't it better than family?
She, Xi Xihui, had never been afraid.

Thinking of this, Sha Xihui took out the phone from her Chanel bag.

As a gesture, he was going to call Sazawa Keimei.

But at this moment, Takashi Shinsuke finally came to his senses.

Without further ado, he knelt down directly to Xing Guangxi.

No, in front of Sa Xihui.

Many of the people around were drunk.

Slightly above them, when they saw Takashi Nobusuke, they knelt down in front of Sa Xihui and the others.

Immediately booed disdainfully.

The surrounding voices pressed on Takashi Shinsuke, making Takano Shinsuke feel very ashamed.

But thinking of the person in front of him, he really couldn't afford to provoke him.

Even if you feel ashamed, you can only do this.

The three top players around saw this scene in front of them.

They are usually eloquent and eloquent, but at this time, they don't know what to say.

He just covered his mouth in shock to prevent him from making a sound because he was too surprised.

After seeing this scene, Sa Xihui curled her lips, looked at Takashi Nobusuke in front of her, and said softly: "It's really disappointing!"

Then, Sha Xihui turned to Lin Fan and said, "Master, what do you think should be done with this person in front of you?"

Following Sha Xihui's voice fell.

The atmosphere that had recovered a little bit was completely stagnant.

They stared at Lin Fan in front of them dumbfounded.

I can't believe that this person who has been sitting next to Sha Xihui is actually the real boss.

He is actually Sha Xihui's master!

And they can no longer imagine how powerful this national martial arts girl, who is called her master, has fighting power.

They admired the strong, so when they heard that Lin Fan was more powerful, they turned all their eyes to Lin Fan.

Not only men but also many women came to the maid bar.

Those women looked in Lin Fan's direction, only feeling that their hearts were completely drunk.

They had obviously never seen such an attractive man.

The most important thing is that this man still has such a powerful ability, if he can fall in love with Lin Fan, then he will not be too happy!

However, these thoughts can only be thought of in the heart.

After all, this is Sha Xihui's master!
After hearing Sha Xihui's words, Lin Fan slowly stood up from the sofa.

The tall and straight figure was even more imprinted in the eyes of everyone.

Slowly came to the side of Sha Xihui.

Feeling Lin Fan's breath, Sha Xihui leaned on Lin Fan's body.

This is even more shocking!

Sha Xihui actually fell in love with her master!
This is obviously beyond their imagination.

However, after thinking that Lin Fan must have very strong strength, no matter who he is, he would definitely be completely convinced by this, they felt that this was a very normal thing.

Lin Fan said lightly: "If I'm not here, what will you do with him?"

Hearing Lin Fan's words, the corner of Sha Xihui's mouth seemed to outline a picture scroll.

I only heard Sha Xihui speak the cruelest words with her most beautiful voice.

"Let their family be destroyed, and then let him watch his own family, because he was annihilated by flying ashes, and finally send him to a gay bar, let him die in despair!"

Every time Sha Xihui said a word, the hostility on her body became heavier, and the smile on her face became more intense.

But at this moment, the hostility on Sha Xihui's body suddenly disappeared.

Then he said softly to Lin Fan: "But now that you are here, Master, I will listen to everything from Master..."

(End of this chapter)

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