Chapter 396 New Missions!
When Pu Yaxuan and her little assistant sent those things to the navy.

Immediately, the Internet began to appear, a large number of photos and even some videos.

The title is even more infuriating: "Is this the quality of an international superstar?" "

Just one sentence attracted countless people, wanting to click in and see who this so-called international superstar is.

However, when they clicked in, they saw Kong Xinran and Zi Feng.

I was taken aback!
Those netizens just couldn't believe this news.

After all, they are quite familiar with these two international superstars.

Whether it's from TV series, movies, or variety shows.

They could all see that the quality of the two women was very good.

Nothing should happen, let's look down on people.

Just when they thought so.

Suddenly, he saw Lin Fan beside him.

They were extremely familiar with Lin Fan.

This is the new national husband!

It is the dream lover of countless women!

In the eyes of countless men, it is the goal that they want to strive to surpass!

As for Lin Fan, they learned more about what kind of existence he was from a lot of news.

That's definitely a good guy.

All kinds of public welfare undertakings, even more than other people put together.

Such a person, how could he be of poor quality?

Immediately afterwards, the woman's details were dug up on the Internet.

An entertainer from the Big Stick Country.

He is a person who is almost unable to get along in the big stick country.

Immediately afterwards, those lovely netizens discovered that this woman was not a member of the "Wind and Song" crew at all.

Some people jumped out and said that they are staff.

It was going well there, but suddenly someone made trouble.

In other words, there are too many sailors here.

Netizens are not as foolish as they used to be.

Immediately, Pu Yaxuan was targeted.

And Lin Fan on the top floor of the Modu Central Building.

At this time, I got a reminder from Jarvis.

It's just that Lin Fan didn't take it to heart at all.

After all, haven't those netizens on the Internet now spontaneously started to boycott this person named Pu Yaxuan?
And when Pu Yaxuan and her little assistant realized that the wind was going wrong on the Internet.

Immediately shocked.

What exactly is going on?

It stands to reason that with the navy here leading the rhythm, shouldn't those ignorant netizens be very easy to be fooled?
Why now, instead of being fooled, he started to look for her?

Just when Pu Yaxuan was thinking about what was going on.

All I saw was a plump man, panting in front of Pu Yaxuan.

This man is none other than the boss just now.

The boss came in front of Pu Yaxuan.

He looked at the woman in front of him, and Shu Shuang disappeared in an instant.

The boss raised his arm high and slapped Pu Yaxuan on Pu Yaxuan's face.

clap clap clap!
Three slaps in a row!
It fell on Pu Yaxuan's face mercilessly.

In the blink of an eye, Pu Yaxuan's face was swollen!

It looks like a pig's head.

Pu Yaxuan covered her face and screamed: "Ahhh! Why did you hit me! My face!!!"

After hearing these words, Pu Yaxuan felt that her heart was about to collapse!

She relies on this face to eat!

If this face is finished, then she is also finished.

Her career may even come to an end directly.

However, the boss didn't feel any distress at all at this time.

I saw that he stretched out his greasy hand, and brought this woman, Pu Yaxuan, back to the top floor of the central building of Shanghai.

The door opened slowly.

At this time, everyone looked at these two people.

It's just that people with a discerning eye can see that the eyes of these people in front of them are full of all kinds of disgust.

When the boss saw this, his heart skipped a beat.

Immediately, there was no more hesitation.

He quickly came to Lin Fan, plopped, and knelt down in front of Lin Fan.

At the same time, he pulled Pu Yaxuan and knelt down together.

At this time, Pu Yaxuan was completely dumbfounded.

What exactly is going on? !
Just when Pu Yaxuan was thinking of this, he heard a man's voice, which came out: "Mr. Lin! I was surfing the Internet just now, and suddenly saw a lot of rhythms appearing on the Internet. Don't think too much, it must be This woman did it!"

"I just signed her, but I don't know, she would be rude to you, Mr. Lin! Please be magnanimous and spare us?!"

As the boss said, he kowtowed to Lin Fan.

Pu Yaxuan was also forced to kowtow towards Lin Fan by this boss.

However, the arrogance in Pu Yaxuan's heart absolutely does not allow her to do this.

I am determined not to kneel in front of a man from the Dragon Kingdom!
In Pu Yaxuan's eyes, only the Big Stick Country is the center of the universe, and everyone else has to stand by.

And it was this kind of thinking that made Pu Yaxuan feel defiant.

While making money in Dragon Country, at the same time disdain for Dragon Country.

At this time, the electronic sound of the system sounded in Lin Fan's mind.

[1: Severely punish the woman in front of me.Reward: Top Upgrade Cards! 】

[2: Severely punish the woman in front of her and the boss next to her: Reward: Five whips in a row! 】

[3: Go to the Big Stick Country, rule the entertainment industry in the Big Stick Country, let them kneel in front of you and call you Dad!Reward: Control of the entertainment industry in Big Stick Country!The control of the four-star group!The control of Four Star Heavy Industries! 】

[Please choose the host! 】

After hearing the words of the system.

Lin Fan frowned slightly.

Regarding the state in front of him, he had already made his own choice in his heart.

Without any hesitation, he chose the third option in front of him.

But at the same time, he would not spare the two in front of him so easily.

Without his telling, others will turn against them themselves.

Treat yourself like this!

Regarding this, Lin Fan just said lightly: "Let's go!"

After hearing Lin Fan's words, the boss's expression suddenly brightened.

"Thank you, Mr. Lin! Thank you, Mr. Lin!"

After speaking, the boss got up directly from the ground.

Immediately leave the room with Pu Yaxuan.

At the same time, those things on the Internet were basically cleaned up by Jarvis.

Of course, Jarvis didn't move at all for the article aimed at Pu Yaxuan.

After coming out of the room.

The boss said to Pu Yaxuan next to him, "Do you know who you offended just now?"


"The richest man in the world, Lin Fan!"

The boss said to Pu Yaxuan next to him.

After hearing Pu Yaxuan's words, Pu Yaxuan's eyes shrank suddenly.

World 's richest man!

It never occurred to her that the man in front of her was actually the richest man in the world.

Isn't the world's richest man the head of the Four Star Group?
When did he become the man in front of him.

Just, for countries living in that country.

He can only promote himself, and it is impossible to look at the world in front of him with a normal heart.

Seeing Pu Yaxuan's expression, the boss felt very satisfied in his heart.

Immediately took out his mobile phone, ready to order something.

However, at this time, he received many resignations.

After these people learned from the Internet that their boss had actually provoked Lin Fan.

He resigned directly.

In the blink of an eye, a company was directly shattered and withered!

This is the end of provoking Lin Fan.

The boss's eyes were a little dazed.

He looked at the scene in front of him.

He just murmured softly: "Everything is over!"


And the other side.

After Lin Fan finished the power-on ceremony.

All kinds of shooting started immediately.

Because Lin Fan's acting skills are very good, and he brought Mu Bingxue to act together.

In addition to Zi Feng and Kong Xinran, there are queen-level existences.

The shooting can be said to be very smooth.

Smashed in for a whole week.

While Lin Fan and his sister were attending the art festival.

It was here that "The Wind and Song" was filmed.

Soon the filming of "The Wind and the Song" was finished.

Announcing the completion!
This made netizens feel very shocked.

But thinking of the previous "Jade Rabbit", they just think it's very normal.

Many people are even looking forward to the official launch of "The Wind and Song"!

But at this time, what they didn't know was that Lin Fan, Kong Xinran, and Zi Feng had already arrived in Big Bangzi Country in the supreme private jet!
Lin Fan came here to start his own mission of choice—to rule the entertainment industry in Big Stick Country!

In fact, in this entertainment circle, it is really easy to control if you say good control.

Because as long as you have money, you are a father here!
Even, you are not afraid of any suppression at all!
However, you also need to come up with great work.

Then a lot of artists came out.

Let them occupy the upper echelons of the entertainment industry in Big Stick Country.

Otherwise, it is impossible to succeed at all.

The most is to occupy a place!
So, this time Lin Fan brought Zi Feng and Kong Xinran to the Big Bangzi Middle School.

With the existence of these two queen-level actresses, as a signboard, I think it will attract many people to join!

Following the supreme private jet, it landed slowly behind the airport.

I only saw that a Hongqi L9 has been arranged below!

This was brought by Lin Fan early.

It is also something for Lin Fan to show his identity.

He is Lin Fan from Dragon Country!
This is also a statement.

From the very beginning, he put himself on the opposite side of the big stick country entertainment circle.

It's just that at this time those guys don't even know about the ambition in Lin Fan's heart.

Even, the person in charge of the Four Star Group even sent his youngest daughter to greet Lin Fan in person!

Get off the plane.

Lin Fan saw a young girl not far away, standing beside his red flag L9, waiting for his arrival.

When the girl saw Lin Fan getting off the plane, a ripple flashed in her beautiful eyes.

Immediately, I saw this young girl walking towards Lin Fan quickly, and under the gaze of everyone, she did it slowly...

(End of this chapter)

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