Chapter 100 Retreat
The silver dragon egg is huge, with exquisite patterns all over the body. The pattern emits a faint light like stars. Inside the eggshell, a powerful heartbeat can be heard, which is comparable to the beating of a drum, resounding at the bottom of the empty and quiet lake.

As the true face of the dragon egg was revealed, the atmosphere in the air suddenly became very oppressive, as if a catastrophe was about to come. The powerful shock wave swept across the four directions like ripples, and countless gravels were blown away.

Chen Xichuan's brains turned quickly, and seeing that something was wrong, he immediately summoned the fairy sword shelter, and the sacred fairy light enveloped him, and the soaring sword intent seemed to be able to tear everything apart.

Before the flying gravel could approach his body, it instantly collapsed into ashes like melting snowflakes. He tried hard to open his eyes, staring at the silver dragon egg.

"The Silver Dragon King will not recover, will he?"

He lost his mind, and he just touched the eggshell lightly, how did things become like this, could it be that the good luck has been used up, and the bad luck has returned?
The silver dragon egg continued to move, the heartbeat sounded louder and louder, and the patterns on the surface of the eggshell came alive, they were swimming, and the light was dazzling.

Chen Xichuan felt that something serious had happened, and it was not an option to go on like this, who knew what would happen next.

"Should I just run away and get out of here?"

"But I'm leaving. If something goes wrong with the recovery of the Silver Dragon King, how should I explain it to Di Tian and the others?"

He was at war with heaven and man in his heart, and was so distressed that he couldn't think of a specific solution.

After careful consideration, he temporarily decided to stay and observe the situation.

It took about three to four minutes for the restlessness to subside, and the bottom of the lake returned to calm, but the silver dragon egg was still glowing, as bright as a light bulb.

At the same time, the dragon egg is filled with various elemental energies, such as raging flames, thunderous thunder, ice and snow, and so on.

Chen Xichuan looked horrified, the power of those energies was terrifying, giving people a sense of suffocation of despair, if Contra touched it, he would probably die suddenly on the spot, let alone him, a weak soul master.

"As expected of a person who has perfectly inherited the power of the dragon god's elements, his strength is really abnormal."

He clicked his tongue, not daring to take it lightly, the fairy sword never left his body, and his eyes never shifted from the dragon egg.

dong dong dong~
The heartbeat sounded like spring thunder, once again breaking the silence at the bottom of the lake. There was a mysterious message transmitted from the egg, which seemed to be a sentence, but Chen Xichuan couldn't understand it.

"Does she want to communicate with me? But I can't understand dragon language!"

He looked confused, and suddenly, Yinglong's blood in his body boiled and was automatically activated, the vast dragon power swept across the nine heavens and ten earths, the blood in the star lake vibrated violently, and there was a tendency to collapse.

"What's the matter, is the tide of life coming again? Brother, should we retreat quickly, the second round of life tide is far more scary than the first round."

Outside the restriction, the muscles of the Titan Giant Ape tensed up, fear appeared in its eyes, and it nervously looked at the Azure Bull Python, waiting for its big brother to make a decision.

The Sky Blue Bull Python was also very uncertain, but when he saw the shaking restraint, he couldn't help frowning, and said: "Wait, it doesn't seem to be the tide of life. Look carefully at the restraint, it has cracks!"

His voice was high-pitched, his tone was shocking, and his mind went blank.

The ban was actually broken!
My God, am I dazzled?
The bloodline restriction was set by the Silver Dragon King himself before he fell asleep. Don't think about it, it must be very advanced. After all, the Silver Dragon King is the master of the soul and beasts, and he has a sky-high cultivation.

But the restriction placed by such a powerful person has broken today. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a fantasy.

The titan giant ape was dumbfounded, his thought was the same as that of the azure bull python, he was so shocked.

Just as the two beasts looked at each other, each speechless, a powerful dragon power passed by like a flood, their expressions changed drastically, and they couldn't help but kneel down.

"Familiar feeling, familiar smell, it is senior, he is still alive, not dead!"

The titan giant ape was stunned for a moment, and then smiled happily.

Tianqing Niuban was also smiling, and put down the boulder hanging in his heart, heaved a long sigh of relief, it's good that he didn't die, it's good that he didn't die!
Chen Xichuan has a monstrous identity and background, and has indescribable significance to the soul beast clan. Once he falls, the future of the soul beast clan may be over.

Today, when the Silver Dragon King has not recovered, he is the helm of the soul beast clan, and even Di Tian has to submit to him.

"What happened at the bottom of the lake? Why did senior release such a strong blood pressure?"

The sky blue bull python was meditating, and the copper bell's big eyes shot out the magic rainbow, trying to pass through the barrier of the prohibition and spy on the situation at the bottom of the lake.

But it was in vain. He watched for a long time, but saw nothing, and a cloud of fog covered his sight.

"Don't worry, at least we've made sure that senior is still there, so wait patiently, he should be coming out soon."

The titan giant ape spoke to comfort the thinking sky blue bull python.

Chen Xichuan's Yinglong bloodline was fully activated, his eyes widened, what's going on, this thing is still automatic?

The coercion of Ying Long's blood was naturally invincible, and the entire Xinghu Lake was suppressed. All the soul beasts trembled and couldn't kneel down.

Their souls are trembling, they are in awe and fear, facing such dragon power, they can't resist at all, they can only kneel down and surrender.

The silver dragon egg was also impacted, and the patterns on the eggshell became darker. In a daze, Chen Xichuan saw it trembling.

This is scared?

He licked his lips and stood still, not daring to move.

Nine-colored divine light burst out from his body suddenly, a noble, sacred and inviolable aura descended across the ages, and Yinglong Wuhun appeared above Chen Xichuan's head, its huge body covering the sky and the sun.

Chen Xichuan: "????"

His mind was in a mess, and he really wanted to ask, is this still my body?
Why can you run out by yourself?
Ying Long's nine-color light wings fluttered, causing a waterspout directly. Like the Monkey King, he seemed to have self-awareness. He glanced at Chen Xichuan indifferently, and then turned his gaze to the silver dragon egg.

At this time, the silver dragon egg was honest and did not dare to make mistakes, the light of the pattern was so introverted that it was barely visible.

The two sides stalemate for a while, and the dragon egg broke the deadlock and transmitted the message again.

Chen Xichuan quickly looked at Ying Long, and Ying Long responded!
"Alive, really alive."

His throat was dry, and he couldn't understand a word while watching Long Dan communicate with Ying Long.

The conversation was brief, totaling less than 2 minutes.

Yinglong Wuhun returned to Chen Xichuan's Sea of ​​Consciousness, the power of his bloodline fell silent, the coercion filling the star lake dissipated, and all the spirit beasts felt like they were alive after a catastrophe.


Chen Xichuan was puzzled, and his guard was slightly relaxed.

The silver dragon egg didn't move, and suddenly, it shot out a silver light, which hit Chen Xichuan right in the middle.

Chen Xichuan was shocked, and his body involuntarily rushed upwards and flew out of the lake.

(End of this chapter)

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