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Chapter 608 Dwarf Race

Chapter 608 Dwarf Race

In front of you is an open space, which looks a bit like the white square above at first glance.

But Yang Lin suddenly saw that there was an obvious octagonal trace on the ground of this open space! ! !

The moment Yang Lin saw the octagonal trace, he immediately thought of the Soul Restraining Pagoda.

The Zhenhun Pagoda is also an octagonal building, but now it is an octagonal trace. It is obvious that there should be a building above the original octagonal trace.

And from the surrounding layout, it can be seen that there seems to be something missing on this small square.

Yang Lin has entered the interior of the Soul Suppression Tower, and he has also seen the miniature version of the Soul Suppression Tower. He feels that the Soul Suppression Tower in his hand is much smaller, like a model...it fits perfectly The octagon marks are on!
That is to say, Yang Lin felt that his Soul Suppressing Pagoda might be taken from here...

Thinking of this, Yang Lin subconsciously took the Soul-Suppressing Pagoda out of the space ring, held it in his hand, compared it, and found that the shape was exactly the same.

So is the Soul Rescue Tower in his hand just an identical magic weapon, a model, or is it really here?
Yang Lin couldn't help swallowing.

He wanted to put the Soul Rescue Pagoda in this open space to see if there would be any wonders, if the small Soul Rescue Pagoda would turn into a towering nine-story black pagoda!
Although it is very likely that he will not go back to the Soul Suppressing Pagoda in the future, if he does not try, Yang Lin is really not reconciled.

Gritting his teeth, Yang Lin held the soul-suppressing tower and walked in.

Coming to the edge of the octagonal trace, Yang Lin gently placed the Soul Rescue Pagoda on the ground.

At this moment, Yang Lin's heart rose to his throat.

And at the very moment when the Soul Suppression Tower landed, Yang Lin suddenly saw countless black air flying out of the small Soul Suppression Tower, flying in all directions.

And a lot of black air was still circling in mid-air after flying out of the Soul Suppressing Tower, but it didn't leave.

Apart from the black air, there was no change in the Soul Suppression Tower.

Yang Lin carefully stared at the black air, but at this moment, a voice suddenly came from midair.

"Thank you!"

"Thank you!"

"Thank you!"

"Thanks for bringing us back..."

One by one voices circled back and forth in mid-air, leaving Yang Lin dumbfounded.

These voices are...


Do not!
Although he is not a master of ghost hunting, he has some attainments in the art of yin and yang, and he will not fail to distinguish ghosts and ghosts.

These dark shadows are obviously not ghosts, nor are they souls.

What the hell are they...

Yang Lin remembered the black shadow he saw last night!

"You... what are you all?"

Yang Lin bravely asked those shadows hovering in the sky.

"We are dwarves."

A voice answered him.

dwarf! ! !

This answer once again shattered Yang Lin's worldview.

He looked carefully at the shadows.

Although these black shadows could not be seen clearly, upon closer inspection, they were indeed as he had expected, and their height could still be seen, only about 1.2 meters three, just like a child of eight or nine years old.

But the black shadow last night...

Yang Lin clearly remembered that the height of that black shadow was the same as that of a normal person!

Just at this moment, another voice came from the shadow in midair.

"A new reincarnation is about to begin, human beings, are you ready..."

(End of this chapter)

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