Entertainment Dad: A father sings the whole school!

Chapter 322 A seamless tacit understanding!

Chapter 322 A seamless tacit understanding!
Accompanied by Zhong Luoshi's voice fell.

Tang Yu's face was moved, and his pupils shrank slightly.

Stabilized at G#6?

In itself, the pitch of G#6 is too high, it is completely in the category of dolphin sound!

If it is a female singer of average strength, she can make at most one or two sounds when she sings, which is already amazing.

But what about Zhong Luoshi?
Listening to what she meant, it seemed that she could maintain this inhuman terrifying high pitch for a long time.

This profound singing skill can really make many female singers feel ashamed.

"The national team is the national team."


Tang Yu glanced at Zhong Luoshi with admiration, and praised sincerely.

Soaring high notes, usually as long as a female singer can do it.

But their kind of yelling is at most just one or two bursts of yelling, and it will not work if it really needs to last.

How can someone like Zhong Luoshi lift weights lightly and achieve complete long-term stability?

Only the national team can find such a young and powerful figure like Zhong Luoshi.

"This "Lonely Brave" is the first chorus song I wrote in my creative career."

"It is also my honor to be able to complete it with you, Ms. Zhong."

Tang Yu looked at Zhong Luoshi with a smile, and his tone was completely sincere.

To be honest, he didn't listen to Zhong Luoshi's songs carefully.

But judging from the performance in today's conversation, Zhong Luoshi's strength is probably unmatched by any female singer in today's music scene.

"Brother Yu, I've already told you not to call me Miss Zhong, can't you just call me by my first name?"

"It's so successful!"

Tang Yu's praise originally made Zhong Luoshi very happy in her heart, but when she heard the following words, she pursed her red lips in dissatisfaction.

Xu Tianyu came out with a smile to smooth things over:

"Okay, okay, the first time is raw, the second time is familiar, these small details, girl Luo Shi, you don't need to pay too much attention to it."

"What I want to know most now is what kind of amazing effect you two can achieve when you sing together. I really can't wait to think about it!"

Tang Yu smiled and said, "If you want to record, you can do it anytime."

"Anytime? Really?"

"Then, choosing a day is worse than bumping into it?"

Hearing this, Xu Tianyu's eyes lit up.

Tang Yu smiled confidently: "Of course."

Xu Tianyu turned to look at Zhong Luoshi: "Ms. Zhong, what about you?"

"Is there any problem with the current state?"

Zhong Luoshi smiled sweetly: "Since Brother Yu said it's all right, what else can I ask?"

Xu Tianyu slapped his thigh happily, and stood up first: "Great, let's go to the recording studio!"


After finishing speaking, the old man walked out of the office with his hands behind his back and a red face.

On the way to the recording studio, Tang Yu took out his mobile phone and called Lu Yike.

The phone rang for a while before it was connected. The movement on Lu Yike's side was noisy, and the cheers and screams of children and adults could be heard from time to time.

Presumably, they are already in the amusement park.

Tang Yu asked with a smile, "How was the game?"

"Are there many people in the amusement park today?"

Lu Yike shouted loudly: "It's okay, I just took the little forest train with Guoguo, I'm very happy."

"Don't mention that there are too many people. I don't know where there are so many idle people on weekdays. We have been queuing for a long time."

Tang Yu said with a chuckle: "It's okay, if there are too many people, there will be as many people as possible. I can't eat hot tofu in a hurry."

"Things on my side are going well. I think I'll be back tomorrow. By the way, please help me ask Guoguo, the greedy cat, if she wants to eat Quanjude's roast duck. If she wants it, I'll pack it for you."

Then, there was a rustling conversation on the phone.

"Papa, Guoguo wants to eat roast duck! One is not enough, I need two!"

Immediately afterwards, Tang Guo's crisp and delicate child's voice rang out on the phone.

"Okay, Dad understands, don't worry, none of the roast ducks can escape, it's all yours."

Hearing her daughter's sweet voice, a happy smile appeared on Tang Guo's face.

Then, he hung up the phone contentedly, and followed Xu Tianyu and Zhong Luoshi to the recording studio.

This is the exclusive recording studio of the Oriental Song and Dance Troupe.

The address is next door to the backstage of the Grand Theater.

Since it was funded by the state, the mixers, sound cards and other equipment inside are basically the most advanced level today.

Tang Yu asked Zhong Luoshi casually, and learned from her that the total set of equipment inside alone would cost tens of millions!
Tang Yu was speechless when he heard it: "The country's action is different, it really is rich and powerful!"

At this time, Xu Tianyu, who was walking in front, heard the conversation between the two.

The old man turned his head, smiled very proudly, and said: "Our Oriental Song and Dance Troupe is still more valued by the superiors."

"Every year, a considerable amount of funds is allocated."

"In the past, our national strength was weak, so we had to keep everything simple, and the conditions in the song and dance troupe were relatively difficult, but it is different now. The country is so strong, so of course our equipment must be in line with international standards."

"Xiao Tang, if you are satisfied with this place, you can come here if you need to record songs in the future. The door of our Oriental Song and Dance Troupe will always be open for you!"

Hearing this, Tang Yu's heart skipped a beat, knowing that Xu Tianyu hadn't given up trying to solicit him.

Tang Yu responded with a smile: "Okay, thanks to the kindness of Head Xu, then I will not bother you anymore."

Kindness to others, especially a high-ranking figure like Xu Tianyu.

Even if Tang Yu couldn't accept it, he would show due courtesy and respect, and would never make the other party look bad.

As the saying goes, stay on the front line when doing things, so we can meet each other in the future.

Obviously, a few polite and beautiful words can deal with the past, so why both parties break up unhappy?
Following the staff in the recording studio, everyone took their positions.

Tang Yu, Zhong Luoshi.

In today's music scene, the two powerful idol factions who stand out from the crowd officially launched their first cooperation.

The whole recording process went very smoothly.

Tang Yu and Zhong Luoshi each showed their true skills, presenting a perfect audio-visual feast for everyone present.

Although this is completely the first time the two have sung together, the sympathy between the geniuses has created an invisible and extraordinary tacit understanding between the two.

The chord part of "The Lonely Brave" fits perfectly.

The atmosphere on the scene exploded almost instantly, climbing to the top!
The harmonious singing of Tang Yu and Zhong Luoshi made everyone's blood boil and their hearts thump!
Originally speaking, such a formal occasion coupled with world-class equipment.

Any singer who comes here to record will do it over and over again, trying to minimize the flaws and strive to present the most perfect state of himself.

(End of this chapter)

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