Chapter 142
The elevator finally came back.

Bai Xiaoyuan deliberately walked into the elevator slowly, and slowly picked up the phone.

She kept an eye out and took another look at Xiao Rui's phone.

Hehe, he is really a wife-loving madman.

A big CEO was in the elevator in the middle of the night flipping through the Weibo of a newcomer who wasn't interested in him yet.

That's right, it's Liya's Weibo, and he's still watching it with a trumpet.

puff!The nickname of the trumpet is actually 'Li Ya, my woman' hahahahahaha!
Bai Xiaoyuan quickly wrote down Xiao Rui's Weibo account, and then returned the phone to him.

"You can go." How could Xiao Rui thank her, it's not bad if she didn't let her go.

But Bai Xiaoyuan didn't care at all, nodded and disappeared in front of Xiao Rui with a suppressed smile.

After returning to the dormitory, Bai Xiaoyuan immediately registered a Weibo account, and then followed Li Ya.

Liya is not only a friend of Su, but also very chicken soup on Weibo.

She is not very popular now, with only 37 followers on Weibo, and the most popular Weibo on the homepage is a makeup photo of "Three Realms", but there are only less than 2000 likes and more than [-] comments.

Previous chicken soup microblog comments and likes were very low, but without exception, there were comments, likes and forwards of Xiao Rui's trumpet "Li Ya My Woman" under each of them.

Bai Xiaoyuan was lying on the bed laughing with stomach cramps.

Xiao Rui must be a straight man, how could he think of giving himself such a nickname.

If I didn't know that he is the president of Xiao Rui, then this would give people the feeling of being too stupid and overconfident, but almost every fan of the goddess has several such people, why do I want to marry XXX, XXX My daughter-in-law, it's fine if it's a female fan, but it's really disgusting if it's a male fan.

Bai Xiaoyuan switched to the WeChat interface and found that Li Ya had just posted a circle of friends.

After she quickly liked it, she went to chat with Li Ya privately.

'You haven't rested yet, how is your shoulder injury?To be honest, I think Mr. Xiao is very kind to you. Is there any story between you? I have heard of the VIP elevator incident (wretched face)'

"Oh, Yuanyuan, don't make fun of me, but Mr. Xiao sent me medicine that day, and I'm still very grateful to him (smile)"

"What is there to be grateful for? You need to take some practical action"

'I've sent him a WeChat message to thank him. '

'Then how did he reply? '

'he didn't call me back'

'what? '


'Yuanyuan?You've slept? '

'Are you asleep, then I'll be resting too, good night. '

Bai Xiaoyuan didn't sleep, she just thought Xiao Rui was stupid.

Are you really going to make a silent sacrifice and let the heroine find out by herself?If she hadn't come to this plane, Li Ya and Tang Yuan might have gotten along well.

The hostess finally took the initiative to chat privately to thank him, but he didn't respond!
The most disgusting thing is that Xu Mi'er threw away the things that Mr. Da Xiao had prepared. This is what she worked so hard to buy back, okay?
After Bai Xiaoyuan followed Li Ya with the trumpet 'My Goddess Li Ya', she immediately forwarded, liked, and commented on all her recent Weibo posts.

I even liked and commented on Xiao Rui's trumpet several times.

After completing these preparations, Bai Xiaoyuan immediately followed Xiao Rui's trumpet 'Li Ya My Woman' and sent him a private message.

'Hello, I am also a fan of Ms. Liya. I like her talent and personality very much. I think we are like-minded people. Can we make friends and communicate more? '

(End of this chapter)

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