Chapter 150
Tang Yuan leaned on the sofa, and his tall body sank into it.

He stared at Bai Xiaoyuan motionlessly, his voice was a little hoarse, "What do you mean by your little sister? Sometimes I think you care about her, but sometimes I think you are really cruel to her."

Bai Xiaoyuan sat on the dressing table and asked him directly, "Is that important?"

Tang Yuan asked, "Then what is important?"

"It doesn't matter what I do to her. The most important thing to her is! Be sure to be with Xiao Rui, Xiao Rui is the pinnacle of her life's big winner."

"What about you, what is the most important thing to you?" Tang Yuan's tone seemed a little contemptuous, "What kind of man are you looking for?"

Bai Xiaoyuan smiled contemptuously back at him, "In this world, the most important thing to me is not a man, but my acting career, and I want to win the Best Actress." She said, swearing.

Tang Yuan let out a long breath, "You are going to take the queen, and your sister is going to take the man. It's not good for you to make decisions for her."

Bai Xiaoyuan lowered his head when he heard the words, "Everyone has personality flaws. Everything I do now is based on my narrow thinking. I can't change it. And my time is limited. This is my destiny. I know you What do I want to say, although I'm just doing my tricks, but I'm sure about Riya."

"Is your little rabbit recorder of the same model as Liya still there?" Bai Xiaoyuan asked nonchalantly.

"What do you want?" Tang Yuan asked knowingly.

Bai Xiaoyuan laughed, "You're so smart, you can't think of it?"

Tang Yuan raised his eyebrows. He didn't know if he was dazzled. He vaguely saw the woman in front of him with horns on her head and a tail protruding from her back. He looked like a little devil. He squeezed the space between his eyebrows and sat up straight. ,
"You are going to hell, I will accompany you. Tell me, how do you want me to cooperate?"

Bai Xiaoyuan sat down beside him coquettishly, and hooked her fingers at him.

Tang Yuan shook his head and grabbed her index finger, "Don't do this, I don't like the other party taking the initiative."

Bai Xiaoyuan hooked the corner of her mouth, hung Tang Yuan's slender neck with one arm, hooked him over, rested her chin on his shoulder, parted her red lips lightly, and talked about her plan.

"Not here yet, the roasted eggplant is getting cold, it won't taste good for a while." Tang Shiyan stared greedily at the delicious food that had been sitting in front of her for a long time, and swallowed.

After waiting for a while, she finally couldn't help it, picked up the chopsticks, and said to Liya, "Why don't we eat first, really, why does your friend have so many things, you don't believe me when I say she is a scheming bitch , I said you should draw a clear line with her as soon as possible, otherwise you won't know how you will die in the future."

"Shiyan, Yuanyuan is not that kind of person. There is no conflict of interest between me and her."

"Why is there no conflict of interest? You have 150 million fans in just a few episodes of "Three Realms", and you are no longer on the same level. It's no wonder she isn't jealous! She's overthinking herself, and wants to rob you of my brother. "

"No, we don't have so much envy, jealousy and hatred between us." Liya changed the subject, "As for your brother, he is so good, it's normal for many girls to like him. Oh, let's not talk, I think Saw them."

"Really?" Tang Shiyan also looked up, and immediately waved to Tang Yuan after seeing him.

Tang Yuan and Bai Xiaoyuan sat down opposite Li Ya and Tang Shiyan.

As soon as they were seated, Liya handed Tang Yuan a pair of clean chopsticks. Tang Yuan passed it to Bai Xiaoyuan without thinking about it, and raised his head and said to Liya, "Thank you."

(End of this chapter)

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