Chapter 184
"Nan Nan, what are my plans for the next six months?" Bai Xiaoyuan asked the assistant.

"The movie "Time Across the Mountains and Seas" is about to start, and there will be two TV series "Da Qin" and "Night Doctor" next. By the way, there will be a national drama festival at the end of the year. Brother Shu said, sister Yuan, you will definitely be able to rely on it." "The Wind and Cloud of the Tang Dynasty" won the award."

"I hope so." Bai Xiaoyuan tilted his head and leaned on the chair, working for several months without taking a good rest.

She fell asleep in the car groggy.

With eyes closed, talk to the system: I'm tired, it feels like a long time, from summer to winter.It seems that it will go from winter to next summer.Filming is really tiring, I decided to quietly be a beautiful woman watching TV and movies in the future.

System: Tiredness is also an experience. Some people will never live such a wonderful life in their whole life.

Bai Xiaoyuan: It's a fantasy for you to boast about yourself. It's so wonderful, can't you let me live a good life for a few days?

System: If you want to live in peace, then in your next life.

Bai Xiaoyuan: It's the next world, what next life!

System: the same.Then you wake up and go to film and win awards.

Bai Xiaoyuan: Ah, I beg you, please, please chat with me for a while, you have trapped my real self in that Bai Xiaoyuan's body, I am really tired.

When he woke up, for some reason, Bai Xiaoyuan burst into tears, probably because he was too reluctant to part with the system, and he couldn't find a body to hug the system's thigh.

Nan Nan handed over a tissue, "Sister Yuan, did you have a nightmare just now?"

Bai Xiaoyuan frowned and wiped away the tears, "I don't remember."

Filming with the crew, although the body is very tiring, but the crew has a lot of fun.

The young people in the same group are very good at having fun.

But whenever he was resting, the communication with Tang Yuan seemed exhausting.

Bai Xiaoyuan shared with him the interesting things that happened in the group during the day. Tang Yuan always took a long time to return, and sometimes it was delayed until the next day. Bai Xiaoyuan always asked his assistant for his latest developments.

As time goes by, Bai Xiaoyuan is also a little tired of this state of being unable to find anyone all day long.

She finished work early that day and dialed Tang Yuan's WeChat video.

After connecting, Tang Yuan's face appeared on the screen. He was unshaven and his face was so thin that he almost lost his shape.

Bai Xiaoyuan was extremely surprised, "Why did you become like this? Your assistant, your manager, you" The handsome Tang Yuan in the past, how could he become like this, Bai Xiaoyuan felt uncomfortable, He frowns tightly.

Tang Yuan saw her anxiously getting angry through the screen, and couldn't help chuckling, "Are you stupid, the plot requires it, and I'm on the set."

Bai Xiaoyuan breathed a sigh of relief, "What are you filming? Why are you being so obsessed!"

""Frontier Records", undercover in the old lair of drug lords, can't you look like this?" Tang Yuan touched his chin, "How about it, the make-up is really good."

Bai Xiaoyuan slapped him on the left and right, "You can't find anyone these days, I thought we were finished."

"Do you think so?" Tang Yuan pretended to be fierce, and gave her a look, "Be careful, I will send you a blade."

Bai Xiaoyuan finally showed a smile on his face, "Let's get together sometime, I miss you a lot."

"I miss you too." Tang Yuan brought the phone to his mouth and kissed it.

When he put the phone back in place, Bai Xiaoyuan happened to see him taking medicine.

Her heart tightened, and she asked anxiously, "Have you taken the medicine for so long, is it getting better?"

Tang Yuan's hands were in the air, he didn't drink water, he swallowed the pills dryly, and said in a dull voice, "You know everything."

 Which little fairy can tell me where to rate?Why can't I find a place where I can give five stars? I'm an Apple phone

(End of this chapter)

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