Fast pass system: beat BOSS, spread dog food!

Chapter 189 Spit it out after eating my movie [Fanwai]

Chapter 189 Spit it out after eating my movie [Fanwai]

Bai Xiaoyuan stood on the podium and suddenly opened his eyes.

She felt a trance, as if something had been pulled from her body.

Knowing that her dazed appearance had been recorded the whole process, she immediately began to express her thanks.

She had fantasized about this scene countless times in her heart, and it was not an exaggeration to be so excited that she shed tears.

After receiving the award, she returned to her seat.

Sitting next to her was Liya. At this moment, her lower abdomen was slightly bulging, and she was already three months pregnant.

"Yuanyuan, congratulations, your dream has finally come true." Liya was sincerely happy for her friend and held her hand.

Bai Xiaoyuan looked at Liya's hand and choked up, "Liya, did I treat you badly before?"

Liya was taken aback, and waved her hands generously, "How come, we have always been good friends."

Li Ya's cell phone was vibrating, she took it out and turned it on, it was Tang Shiyan who sent her a video.

She was about to open it, but seeing Bai Xiaoyuan sitting beside her, she couldn't help but hesitate.

"Open it, Liya, I want to see it too." Bai Xiaoyuan knew that it was the video of Tang Yuan's wedding scene.

He met his Ms.Right on a quiet and beautiful beach in Australia
Now the two joined hands and entered the palace of marriage.

Liya couldn't bear to let Bai Xiaoyuan watch more, so she quickly turned off the video, "Yuanyuan, let's go celebrate after a while, and allow you to indulge yourself tonight."

Bai Xiaoyuan wrapped her shawl, "I don't want it anymore, and you don't want to go either, just keep your body tight first."

Walking alone in the dark night, Bai Xiaoyuan didn't even know who to share this joy with.

The scene of breaking up with Tang Yuan is vivid in my mind, but now, he is a husband.

She was aimless, and suddenly felt that she seemed to be going in the wrong direction. When she turned around, she plunged into the arms of a prop puppet.

She was startled, apologized again, turned around and left in a hurry.

She found her car, asked the driver to start the car, and her car drove away. At the corner of the street, the street lights were dim. Gu Ci took off the doll's headgear. He was holding a red rose with one hand, with a smile on his lips.

I don't know how long the car has been going, she is a little tired, she closes her eyes and rests her mind, sniffs lightly, but smells a faint fragrance of flowers, she turns her head to look, and there is a bouquet of red roses lying quietly on the car seat, with a bunch of flowers in it. A pink and purple card with no words, only a hand-painted heart.

The company has a project and has a dinner with the investor.

Gu Ci didn't like to participate in such activities, and he didn't want to drink alcohol, especially he didn't like touching women.

At the dinner, he saw a female artist from his company.

He has a picture of this woman, when he was invited to give lectures at their school.

He was sure that there was nothing wrong with his eyesight and IQ, but he did go to the wrong place that day and entered the women's lounge of the practice room.

One of the girls who came with her seemed to be planning to trade her youthful body for a certain photo opportunity and persuaded her to do the same.

At that time, she was still very confident, and she didn't see the dangers of this circle, thinking that as long as she relied on her strength, she would definitely be able to stand out.

Later, a man came in, and her companion advised her to find a place to hide quickly.

Then her companion and the man staged a restricted-grade game. She watched quietly without saying a word, but during the period, she silently hooked the man's underwear and sprinkled the essential oil in the bag on it.

At that moment, Gu Ci felt that this female student was really interesting, and he remembered her.

He was about to return to the company, and saw her at the school gate again. She was wearing a lavender floral dress, and she reached out and handed a ball of white cotton candy to a crying boy.

Goodbye is two years later, she is more attractive than before, and her dress is bolder, but has she become the same as the classmate she once despised?
But there was timidity in her eyes, and she kept pulling down the skirt.

So, since this is the case, help her yourself.

Gu Ci is obsessed with cleanliness, he only wants to sleep with one person, only one person.

At the end of the story, the author wants to stand in the center of the plane and call for love, that’s how it is, setting up a black female supporting role, but I dare not write too bitch, otherwise it will be promoting evil, or you will just abandon it.Then the setting of Tang Yuan and Gu Ci, why did I choose Gu Ci in the end?Because Tang Yuan and Bai Xiaoyuan are more, how should I put it, think, oh, this person is as bad as me, so let's make trouble together, and then redeem each other later.But Gu Ci is different, he is attracted by Bai Xiaoyuan's confident and beautiful appearance at first, who hasn't had a time of innocence, right, and Gu Ci also hopes that she can keep this beauty.When we like someone, in fact, sometimes we really respond to those two words, love at first sight, and look for thousands of years.A very pure feeling.So let them develop slowly and slowly.

 Ask for a recommendation ticket!See you tomorrow.


(End of this chapter)

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