Fast pass system: beat BOSS, spread dog food!

Chapter 199 Daoist Feed Me 22 Meat 11

Chapter 199 Daoist Feed Me Meat 11
Little Tiger and Feng Qingzi sat face to face, negotiating.

"I've never seen a tiger with such a strange sitting posture," Feng Qingzi said.

That's right, Erlang legs with two hind legs up, and two front paws resting on the table, such a fine tiger, there is no one else.

"Stop talking nonsense!" The little tiger slapped his paw on the table, "You must have a dojo here, don't you want to teach me spells, let me go out and learn with your apprentice!"

Feng Qingzi frowned.

The little tiger also frowned, "What do you mean, do you think that I am talented and intelligent, and you are afraid that I will be better than blue, so you don't want to teach?"

Feng Qingzi's brows were still furrowed, he held back for a while, but finally couldn't hold back, walked up to the little tiger, and took off her upturned Erlang legs, "Sit, sit properly."

"I told you I'm not your apprentice! Don't teach me a lesson! I won't take you as my teacher!" Bai Xiaoyuan suddenly transformed into a human form, and when he walked over, he raised his foot and put a white, flower, and flower leg on Feng Qingzi's shoulder, "Smelly Taoist priest, do you think you want to take this opportunity to touch my leg!"

Feng Qingzi didn't look sideways, "Pin Dao doesn't have one. If you want to go to the dojo, this attire is absolutely unavoidable."

"Then wear men's clothes! You can just lend me a suit!"

"Forget it." Feng Qingzi was about to get up, but seeing a leg resting on his shoulder, he coughed slightly, "Excuse me."

Bai Xiaoyuan withdrew his legs.

Feng Qingzi then went to the closet to find clothes with her. His items were always arranged in an orderly manner, and he quickly brought out a set, "This is the clothes that Pindao wore when he was young. Pretty good shape."

"Young, how old was that?" Bai Xiaoyuan asked casually.

Feng Qingzi lowered her eyes slightly, "I don't remember."

He said again, "Pindao is waiting for you outside, after you change your clothes, go out with me."

Today, behind the supervisor was a round-faced fresh face, cute and tender, with exceptionally good looks.Except for Xuan Su and Xuan Zhen, the other little Taoist priests did not know this newcomer.Pianfeng Qingzi didn't introduce it either, and asked him to practice with his disciples.

Bai Xiaoyuan made a few gestures and realized that he had made a huge mistake.

Now is the time when the sun is shining brightly, and she has to hold on to any movement for at least 5 minutes, who can bear it.

Look at Feng Qingzi, sitting in the gazebo and meditating, she is sweating profusely here, but he doesn't have a drop of sweat on his body, how angry!
She was the last one to come, and she was originally assigned an inconspicuous position in the last row. Now that old Taoist priest Feng Qingzi is meditating with her eyes closed, she must not be able to see what she is doing.

Just put oil on the soles of your feet, yo!

Anyway, she bit the bullet and came out with Feng Qingzi, and she didn't really want to learn magic, she just wanted to take the opportunity to find out the Taoist temple, drink and eat meat to complete the task.

She has observed that the dojo that Feng Qingzi brought him to is in the back mountain, and the main entrance is the one that goes forward, but the main entrance must be guarded, and it may not be so easy to get out, so as witty as Bai Xiaoyuan, she decided to look for the back door and the side door first. door or something.

She walked and walked alone, and found that she didn't need to go through the door if she wanted to go out. This Taoist temple was built next to the mountain, and the main entrance was for entering the temple, and the other places were open to the air.

She smiled happily, found a place where no one was around, and was about to plunge into the deep mountains, but was bounced back unexpectedly!
Yes, it has changed back to its original shape.

However, this time it was not just as simple as changing back to its original shape, she also vomited a mouthful of blood.

Yes, Mary is next door, how could she have forgotten that there is a barrier.

The barrier in Fengqingzi's bedroom just now couldn't even hurt an ant, but this barrier protects the entire Baiyun Temple, so it is naturally hundreds of times stronger than the previous one.

Ah, my heart hurts.

Before the little tiger closed his eyes, he seemed to see a corner of Taoist priest's Taoist robe.
Ask for a recommendation ticket!

(End of this chapter)

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