Fast pass system: beat BOSS, spread dog food!

Chapter 201 Daoist Feed Me 22 Meat 13

Chapter 201 Daoist Feed Me Meat 13
For the first time in history, this old man called her by her name.

The little tiger covered his mouth and smiled, turned his head and answered Feng Qingzi sweetly, "I dare not run around, I will follow Xuanzhen to get some delicious food."

Feng Qingzi opened his eyes, and saw the little tiger jumping onto Xuanzhen's back and hanging on him.

Xuanzhen didn't dare to move, let alone take the tigress away.

Feng Qingzi said helplessly, "Aren't you full just now?"

"But now I'm hungry again." The little tiger's saliva flowed down Xuanzhen's neck, Xuanzhen was about to cry, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. bath.

Seeing this, Feng Qingzi shook his head, walked over, pulled the little tiger off Xuanzhen's back, and then instructed Xuanzhen, "Be careful with your words and deeds. Go get some more fruit."

"Yes, Master." Xuan Zhen felt relieved, and ran away without a trace.

"You were just injured, why is your appetite still so good?" Feng Qingzi glanced at the little tiger's chubby belly, very puzzled.

"So you need nourishment." The little tiger lay on Feng Qingzi's lap, "Feng Qingzi, you smell really good, what brand of shower gel do you use?"


"It's nothing." The little tiger shook his head like a rattle, and said coquettishly, "Master, can you help me smooth my hair?"

Feng Qingzi raised his eyebrows, "Poverty Taoist still needs to meditate."

"Oh, just for a while, as soon as the fruit is brought, I'll go eat." The little tiger arched on Feng Qingzi, but he finally compromised, and helped the little tiger smooth his hair every now and then.

She was lying on his lap, enjoying this wonderful time comfortably, her eyes almost couldn't be opened.

The system little fox lay on the antique counter and asked Bai Xiaoyuan, "How is the experience in this plane, isn't it good?"

"It's good, but I haven't figured out what the mission is until now. Come, give me another cup of tea."

"Do you really think I'm the waiter of the shop!" The little fox of the system threw a cup of tea heavily, "You will naturally understand what the true meaning of the task is when the opportunity comes, but you can enjoy it first, how about being a lazy dog? Isn’t it nice that a little tiger is always taken care of while sleeping?”

"Yeah!" Bai Xiaoyuan nodded straight, "It's really cool! And you can switch back and forth between human and tiger. Let me tell you, you don't know how cute I am when I become a tiger."

"wake up."

"wake up."

The little tiger yawned and heard Feng Qingzi calling him.

She opened her eyes immediately, and without thinking, she became human.During this period, she didn't think too much, but she hadn't woken up yet, she always felt that her seat was not strong enough, so she raised her hand to wrap around Feng Qingzi's neck, and rubbed her cheek against his smooth and jade-like face again and again.

Well, the touch is really nice.

Couldn't help rubbing it twice.

Xuanzhen was afraid that he would run out of fruit and would be sent to run errands later, mainly because he was afraid of bumping into someone who shouldn't be seen and saying the wrong thing, so he simply called Xuansu and brought food for many people.

Unexpectedly, I still ran into it anyway.

I really didn't expect that the master was so serious and upright on weekdays, but now he was hugged by a female fairy and was so intimate in front of his disciples.

Tsk tsk tsk, it really is so unpredictable, so it is still calm.

But mistress, please restrain your own desires a little bit, there are two pure boys here!
(End of this chapter)

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