Traveling through the bright moon in the Qin Dynasty

Chapter 14 Qiu Ren (please recommend, please collect)

Chapter 14 Qiu Qianren (please recommend, please collect)

Among the [-] soldiers, some had dropped their weapons and covered their ears, trying their best to prevent the sound from entering their ears, but to no avail.

At the beginning, Lu Ming also suffered from pain in his ears, and then he used his internal force to create a membrane in the ear, so that the sound could not be transmitted into Lu Ming's ears at all.

At this time, Huang Yaoshi took out a jade flute from his waist, put it to his mouth and started blowing, with a lingering and melodious voice, like weeping.

Xiao's voice is not as domineering as Qiu Qianren's voice, it won't forcefully enter your ears, but slowly seeps in, making you fall into it unconsciously.

Not long after, Qiu Qianren voluntarily withdrew his internal energy, Huang Yaoshi also put down Yu Xiao,

Qiu Qianren's eyes gradually became serious. The enemy in front of him was not inferior to him in strength. As for the others, he didn't take them seriously.

Qiu Qianren took the initiative and said, "I don't know what your Excellency is doing here today?"

Huang Yaoshi was delighted to see Lie Xin, and rushed up without saying a word.

Seeing this, Qiu Qianren didn't say much, raised his head to meet him, raised his right hand, and slashed down with his palm, like a claw like a fan, arousing violent wind noises.There is a faint black and white air in the palm, and the palm technique is exquisite and ingenious, extremely sharp and invincible.

Seeing Qiu Qianren's menacing approach, Huang Yaoshi didn't dare to be careless, he sat on the back of his chair and folded his hands into palms, parrying Qiu Qianren's wrist in time.

As soon as the palm and arm were touched, Qiu Qianren turned around and came to Huang Yaoshi's side.

As soon as he moved away from his body, Huang Yaoshi whipped his leg and kicked there quickly, and landed in the empty space.

Qiu Qianren seized the opportunity and slapped Huang Yaoshi directly on the waist again.

Just as Huang Yaoshi retracted his whip legs, Qiu Qianren's side palm came. Huang Yaoshi took a deep breath, superimposed his palms, and pushed directly to the side.

Qiu Qianren and Huang Yaoshi's palms met, and both of them stepped back two steps at the same time.

"Okay, as expected of Iron Palm Floating on the Water, come again." Huang Yaoshi shouted and stepped forward again.

Seeing that the two were fighting extremely fiercely, Lu Ming couldn't intervene, and he didn't dare to disturb Huang Yaoshi's battle. After all, it was about Huang Yaoshi's breakthrough.

So Lu Ming found the person with the best archery skills among his guards, and said, "When you hear me yell Qiu Qianren, take the opportunity to shoot him, understand?"

"Understood." The guard replied.

"Okay, let's go down."

Lu Ming waved his hands, stopped talking, and began to pay close attention to the battle between the two of Huang Yaoshi.

The two came back and forth, and the fight was extremely fierce. Suddenly, Qiu Qianren, taking advantage of Huang Yaoshi's exhausted strength, turned around and got behind Huang Yaoshi. Feeling came to the edge of the cliff.

Qiu Qianren exerted strength with his right foot, turned sideways, leaned forward with all his strength, and slammed into Huang Yaoshi with lightning speed.

Everyone around screamed, and Lu Ming was also anxious for a while. He couldn't care less, and Lu Ming shouted at Qiu Qianren: "Qiu Qianren!"

Qiu Qianren was startled by the shout full of internal energy, and turned around involuntarily, wanting to see who possessed such profound internal energy.

Looking back, Qiu Qianren followed the voice, and only saw a pair of strange eyes, which were shining brightly, and his mind seemed to be absorbed in them.

At this time, the guards who had been arranged for a long time shot Qiu Qianren's head with an arrow. When Qiu Qianren's mind was confused by Lu Ming's eyes, he tried his best to resist.

Qiu Qianren finally broke free from Lu Ming's control. When he came back to his senses, he found a wolf-toothed arrow coming towards him. He tried his best to deflect his head.

A "chi" sound.

The arrow passed Qiu Qianren's nose.

At the same time, Huang Yaoshi took advantage of the opportunity when Qiu Qianren was attracted by Lu Ming, took a step, took a step to the side, and at the same time grabbed Qiu Qianren's clothes, moving forward, Qiu Qianren was knocked off the cliff by Huang Yaoshi.

Seeing this, Lu Ming heaved a sigh of relief, "Come here, arrest all the members of the Iron Palm Gang, ask where the warehouse of the Iron Palm Gang is, and send a person down the mountain to deliver an order to order the five hundred soldiers down the mountain to search carefully for Qiu Qianren. Whereabouts, remember to see people when you are alive, and corpses when you are dead."


All the sergeants behind him shouted yes.

One by one, the generals and pairs of soldiers arrested all the members of the Iron Palm Gang.

Lu Ming came to Huang Yaoshi's side and asked, "How is it? Are you okay?"

Huang Yaoshi's complexion was a little pale. When he saw Lu Ming coming over, he forced a smile, "Thank you just now."

Lu Ming smiled and didn't speak. He grabbed Huang Yaoshi's hand and channeled a wave of internal force over it.

After a while, Huang Yaoshi patted Lu Ming on the shoulder, saying that enough was enough.

Lu Ming withdrew his palm, and Huang Yaoshi sighed: "The moment just now was really hanging by a thread. I didn't expect Qiu Qianren to be so cunning. When he was fighting with me, he had already planned to lead me to the edge of the cliff. , wanting to take the opportunity to beat me down the mountain."

Huang Yaoshi sighed: "Fortunately, I have your help, otherwise I won't be able to go back this time."

Lu Ming laughed and said, "Why should we be so polite between the two of us?"

Huang Yaoshi looked at Lu Ming gratefully and said nothing.

The two sat on the edge of the cliff for a while, and a soldier came to report.

"My lord, the internal treasury of the Iron Palm Gang has been found."

Lu Ming and Huang Yaoshi looked at each other, "Found it? Lead the way."

Lu Ming and Huang Yaoshi walked side by side. After a while, they came to a cave. The entrance of the cave was a stainless steel gate, which had been opened. There were messy footsteps in front of the gate, and a group of soldiers guarded the gate. .

Seeing Lu Ming approaching, this group of soldiers started walking one after another, but Lu Ming didn't care, urging to lead the way quickly.

Entering the cave, there is a hall full of large boxes.

Lu Ming took a step forward and opened the box in front of him. A golden light pierced Lu Ming's eyes, and there was gold inside.

"Open all the other boxes!"

Lu Ming ordered.

"Crack, click, click."

All the soldiers stepped forward and opened the boxes one by one.

In an instant, the entire hall turned golden.

Most of the boxes were filled with gold, and a small part contained jewellery, which seemed to be of high value.

Lu Ming's eyes were red when he saw it. Where did Lu Ming see so much gold, silver and jewels?

After making up his mind, Lu Ming ordered: "Pack up all these jewels and pour three boxes of gold on the ground."

Huang Yaoshi was a little puzzled and asked, "What are you doing with the three boxes of gold on the ground?"

Lu Ming whispered in his ear, "I've never seen so much money, I'm going to sleep on gold tonight"

Huang Yaoshi couldn't laugh or cry, you are a dignified prince of the Jin Dynasty, why should you be so ashamed.

Lu Ming didn't take it seriously. In his previous life, he was just an ordinary person, and the thirteenth prince from Korea naturally didn't have that much money.Now he has become the prince of the Kingdom of Jin. Because he spent a lot of money on cultivation, he still has never seen so much money. After seeing so much money this time, he naturally wants to fulfill his dream ~ lying in the pile of money and sleeping.

(End of this chapter)

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