Traveling through the bright moon in the Qin Dynasty

Chapter 26 The Great Eagle (please recommend, please collect)

Chapter 26 The Great Eagle (please recommend, please collect)

It turned out that Huang Yaoshi was transferred to the Privy Council to take charge of the first army because of his meritorious service in suppressing the bandits. Emperor Song specially rewarded the new army for him to recruit himself.

So Huang Yaoshi has been busy with this matter for the past few days.

Huang Yaoshi said sternly: "In the past few days, I have temporarily settled the matter of the new army. I believe that within a few years, it should not be difficult for me to become the official history of the Privy Council. At that time, I will have the strength to start changing the entire court situation, so I want to ask, how is your arrangement in the Kingdom of Jin going?"

Lu Ming smiled slightly: "Most of my plans in the Kingdom of Jin have been completed now, and there is still the last step, which is also a crucial step, and I need your help."

Huang Yaoshi said happily, "No problem, just tell me."

Lu Ming smiled and said: "I have five guards, please take them with you, and teach them some tactics about Wu Mu's suicide note by the way. After a year, let them return to the Jin Dynasty."

Huang Yaoshi agreed.Then he asked: "Then where are you going after your injury recovers? Are you going back to the Kingdom of Jin?"

Lu Ming's eyes were empty, and his tone was ethereal: "No, I'm out this time, and I don't plan to go back in a short time. I'm going to live in seclusion in a valley outside Xiangyang City with Xiruo."

Huang Yaoshi asked curiously: "After you live in seclusion, won't your plans in the Jin Dynasty be affected?"

Lu Ming replied: "No, the key point of my plan in the Jin Dynasty, the five guards here, as long as they can learn something from Wu Mu's suicide note, my strategy will definitely succeed."

Huang Yaoshi didn't understand why Lu Ming was so confident, but it didn't hinder his belief in Lu Ming.

A hundred days later, Lu Ming's hands were almost healed, so Lu Ming left Lin'an with Bao Xiruo and came to Xiangyang.

Outside the city of Xiangyang, Lu Ming looked at the several carriages that the guards had arranged to purchase in advance, and smiled with satisfaction on his face. These things seemed to be enough for him to use for a long time.

Lu Ming's trip is going to the valley where Dugu Qiubai lives in seclusion, but there is a big eagle there, so he has to plan carefully, if the big eagle doesn't let him live there, it will be troublesome.

When I came to the valley where Dugu Qiubai lived in seclusion, there was a section of the road where the carriage could not pass, so the guards had to carry the things over.

There is a clearing in the valley, and at the end of the clearing is a cave, where the big eagle lives.

Lu Ming decided to go to the cave first. Bao Xiruo looked at Lu Ming worriedly. Lu Ming gave him a reassuring look, and then walked towards the cave.

According to the guards, the big eagle was in the cave at this time, so Lu Ming walked very carefully.

When he came to the entrance of the cave, Lu Ming found a grave not far from the entrance of the cave. It seems that this is the tomb of Dugu Qiubai.

Lu Ming rolled his eyes and thought of a way.Da Diao and Lonely Qiubai have been together for a long time, and they must be very human. First, go to worship Dugu Qiubai. Da Diao will definitely not attack him, and this should also be the inheritance place of Dugu Qiubai, just like Yang Guo was killed by Da Diao After being rescued, Da Diao practiced martial arts with him, presumably it was Dugu's order to seek defeat.

So Lu Ming walked a few steps quickly, came to Dugu Qiubai's tomb, knelt on the ground, and began to worship.

After the worship, Lu Ming turned his head and looked around to see where the big eagle was.

On a natural stone shelf on the right hand side, a large black eagle with a height of four or five meters was looking at him with piercing eyes.

After seeing Lu Ming's worship, the big eagle spread his wings and flew towards Lu Ming.

Lu Ming didn't dare to be careless, and drew out the long sword at his waist, ready to deal with the big eagle's lunge, but Lu Ming didn't have any confidence in his heart, because he didn't know if the long sword in his hand could withstand the big eagle.

With a sound of "clang", the sharp beak of the big eagle, which was as hard as gold and iron, met the long sword in Lu Ming's hand. The long sword couldn't bear it and broke immediately. Lu Ming's figure turned into five phantoms, avoiding the shattered long sword and the sharp beak of the eagle,

Then I avoided the big eagle from a distance, and shouted at the big eagle, "Hey, I don't have any weapons now, it's not fair to fight you, I will fight you after I find a weapon."

The big eagle stopped attacking, and seemed to think that what Lu Ming said made sense, then thought about it for a while, and then called out to Lu Ming, signaling Lu Ming to follow him.

Lu Ming followed Da Diao forward suspiciously, not knowing where Da Diao was taking him.

The big eagle soared into the sky, flew to the stone shelf where it had stayed before, and called Lu Ming to come up.

Lu Ming practiced lightness kung fu and borrowed strength from the stone wall from time to time.He climbed onto the stone shelf with ease.

Lu Ming who boarded the stone frame found that the stone frame turned out to be a very wide stone platform, and on the stone wall next to it were two large characters with awe-inspiring sword intent.

Lu Ming stepped forward and found four small mounds on the stone platform.

There is a sentence in front of each mound.

"Fierce, fierce, and invincible, the weak champion will use it to compete with the heroes of Heshuo."

"Ziwei soft sword, used before the age of 30, it is ominous to accidentally injure a righteous man, so it is abandoned in the deep valley."

"The epee has no edge, and the skill does not work. Before the age of 40, it will run rampant in the world."

"After the age of 40, don't stick to things. Plants, trees, bamboo and stones can all be used as swords. Since then, I have been intensively practicing and gradually progressing to the realm where no sword is better than having a sword."

Lu Ming knew that among the four mounds, only the first and third had swords in them, the sword in the second had been thrown away, and the sword in the fourth had rotted away.

So Lu Ming dug out the first sword first.Lu Ming drew his sword out of its sheath, only to see that the sword was shining coldly and extremely sharp.

Lu Ming praised "good sword" in his heart

Then he put the sword on his waist and began to dig the third mound.

Under the mound was a huge black sword similar to Xiao Yan's Xuanzhong Ruler, with both sides slightly unsealed.

Lu Ming suddenly thought of one thing. According to the development of the plot, it should be Yang who came here to get the sword, and Yang Guo's father is Yang Kang, and he is Yang Kang's father now, so I stole my grandson's chance?
Thinking of this, Lu Ming felt amused, then picked up the black iron sword, used it first, and put it in when he left.

Lu Ming picked up the black iron sword in his hand, waved to the eagle and said, "Come on!"

Seeing that Lu Ming had a weapon in his hand, the eagle spread his wings and pounced on Lu Ming's head with his sharp beak.

Lu Ming swung the black iron epee in his hand, and slapped the big eagle's mouth.


Da Diao's sharp beak was slapped crookedly, and even blood flowed out.The whole body fell to the ground.

Da Diao stood up a little dizzy, looked at Lu Ming, and was filled with anger.I kindly taught you swordsmanship, but you slapped my mouth crookedly with one strike.

Lu Ming laughed dumbly. He had forgotten that his internal energy was already extremely high, unlike his grandson Yang Guo, who was just entering the rivers and lakes at that time, so he was tortured to death.

(End of this chapter)

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