Kuaishou BGM: This man is difficult to engage

Chapter 367 Gaming love?nonexistent! (36)

Chapter 367 Gaming love?nonexistent! (36)


The support knew that his level was poor, but he didn't shirk his responsibility: "I didn't know how to support in the first place, who made me so unlucky to get the support position! It's okay, we are the same, don't blame anyone."

"Makes sense."

The two people who were fighting in the nest were stunned at the same time.

It was discovered that the "reasonable" sentence just now came from the culprit who made them argue.

"From now on, if you want to win, listen to my instructions carefully, and I will let you lie down."

Ye Han's domineering words were heard at this time, which had the air of the second class.

But after seeing Ye Han's strength, they only had to follow this option.

"... Forget it! A dead horse is a living horse doctor!"

"Bingo~" Ye Han expressed pleasure at the trio's understanding of current affairs, "Come on, the first order, go back to the city and change the equipment."

"Change equipment?" The three of them clicked on the equipment attributes one after another, "The money is not enough!"

"Heh, what about daydreaming? Let you change into meat costumes!"

Mid laner & ADC: "You let me be a fleshy mid laner/ADC?! Did you make a mistake! If I become fleshy, who will output?!"

Ye Han ruthlessly stripped off the fig leaf from the two of them: "You still have the word output?"

"..." The two looked at each other silently for twelve minutes, and there was only one piece of equipment with a pair of straw sandals.

slip away.

Ye Han still kindly reassured them: "Listen to the command obediently, zoom in and take a closer look at the equipment of me and the top laner. I'll stress it again, as long as you are serious and obedient, I will let you lie down."

Trainees: "Fight!"

Since then, the scattered red team has finally come together.

The mid laner & adc who were supposed to be in charge of damage became the cannon fodder to resist attracting firepower ahead. Wang Fugui's top laner and Ye Han's jungler's crazy damage output, using the only two unofficial players on the opposite side as a breakthrough point, tore apart the development of the river crab.

Double kill!

Three kills! !
Four kills! ! !

Five kills! ! ! !
The huge red logo makes the blood of watching the battle boil!

Ye Han wandered through the enemy group like an arrow flying through the clouds. Someone focused their eyes on Ye Han's fingertips tapping the keyboard, and found out in horror that he actually saw an afterimage!
"I'm afraid! Ye Han's hands are so fast!"

"What's the use of fast hands, I can reach this speed by pressing randomly!"

"It's funny, it's obviously an effective hand speed, why don't you compare it with random pressing?"

All the way is like a broken bamboo.

Until the blue square crystal exploded with a "bong", the green icon with the word WIN suddenly occupied the center of the screen!

The three trainees excitedly took off their headsets and looked at each other's flushed faces: "We won! We actually won!"

"Oh! Why are you pinching me—"

"It hurts! It hurts! It's not a dream, hahahaha!"

"Fuck off! You don't know how to pinch yourself, it hurts to death!"

Compared with the excitement of the three of them, Wang Fugui seemed much calmer, ignoring what his bright eyes said.

Among the five people present, only Ye Han himself was the calmest.

Once upon a time, the number of league championships she won could not be counted on one hand, and such a small game that was too small to be ignored could not arouse her enthusiasm at all.

No suspense ending, no fun.

Ye Han stretched his waist and stood up, and under the burning eyes of the audience, he walked to the original position of watching the battle and sat down.

She ate a little less at noon, and she was hungry.

Think about it, there are still several teams that are not comparable.

Blue thin, mushrooms.

"Can you teach me the trick just now?"

"En? Which move?" Ye Han asked subconsciously, his reaction was half a beat slow, "Qin Yi? When did you sit here?"

(End of this chapter)

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