Kuaishou BGM: This man is difficult to engage

Chapter 390 Future World, Where Are You (6)

Chapter 390 Future World, Where Are You (6)

"Yejechek makes a set of pancakes and fruits~"

"...Ye Han, you bastard!" The girl with tears and snot all over her face rushed over fiercely, "Where did you go? I thought you died in some corner!!!"

"Pain, pain, pain!" Ye Han's nose was hit hard, tears welling up, Jin Doudou fell down, "Hurry up and get down!"


"It's a good thing I didn't catch up with the fashion and install a prosthesis, otherwise your nose would definitely be crooked!" Ye Han dragged someone off his body in disgust, and dragged him to the bathroom with his wrists, "Wash well, you, Can't you smell your own scent?"

As soon as she turned her head, she saw Yin Luoluo with red eyes like a rabbit, and she looked pitiful.

My heart softened all at once.

He gave his friend a big hug: "I'm sorry for making you worry."



Ye Han looked at his friend devouring his food with a speechless face: "Can't you just swallow what's in your mouth first!"

"Cough cough cough..."

Yin Luoluo choked and patted her chest, Ye Han had no choice but to pat her on the back while complaining: "Miss, I really wonder how you survived the three months without me."

"You still talk, keep talking! It's all your fault that you disappeared without saying a word, which made me wash my face with wine all day long..."


Forget it, if you are greedy for drinking, you will be greedy for drinking, and you have to find a good excuse for yourself, cheating ghosts!

Ye Han omitted the original intention of seeking death, raised the meaning to the highest level of dedication to technology, and got a supercilious look from his friend "You're a liar".

"I'm too lazy to argue with you, no matter what you wanted to do before, don't think about leaving my sight for more than three days from now on, or my mother—"

Ye Han teased her: "Otherwise what~"

"Otherwise, if I dig three feet into the ground, I will dig out your bones!"

The two who were fighting against each other everyday got into a mess, Yin Luoluo pinched Ye Han's wrist distressedly: "Feed my old lady well, I must raise the meat back within a month!"

"Listen to you, Mrs. Yin~"

"Fuck you!" Yin Luoluo yelled at her, and finally got to the point, "I asked for a long vacation for you at the school. What I said was that I went to another place because of a sudden illness and I didn't have time to ask for leave. It has something to do with your current appearance. , is also a crooked hit."

Good news from heaven!

Ye Han was overjoyed, and gave her a pillow as soon as she fell asleep: "Good sisters walk together for the rest of my life, so Luoluo, you are really a roundworm in my stomach! You even know my heart~"

"It's disgusting," Yin Luoluo shook her arms twice, "Hurry up and wash up, tomorrow is Monday, and I have some sad news for you—"

"Tomorrow there will be a lesson from the Great Demon King~"

The big devil is the big devil, she has traveled through ten worlds, and she has never seen ghosts and snakes before!

Ye Han will not admit that he forgot who is the Great Demon King...

That night.

The sky is full of stars and the breeze is blowing.

Ye Han stood on the balcony with his coat on, overlooking the real city.

With ZF's strong advocacy of environmental protection, the pollution effect brought about by the second industrial revolution has been slowly removed from the human world.

The air is very fresh.

The future is very clear.

This is where she belongs.

Those memories of her tenth life that were gradually blurring, and System 778, which would no longer respond to her, were like a bizarre dream.

Why is there hope in my heart?
Ye Han covered his heart, a wry smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

There is a vast sea of ​​people, even if we are in the same world, it is difficult to meet each other, let alone what is crossed is not a simple distance.

Misplaced time and space.

(End of this chapter)

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