The system asked me to be a teacher

Chapter 207 A Long Comment from Qingjiang Fish

Chapter 207 A Long Comment from Qingjiang Fish
"The matter started a month ago. It is reported that the man is not a native of Shanghai, but a middle school teacher from Zhongzhou. He came to Shanghai to participate in the National Youth Poetry Competition..."

The news uses a declarative tone to tell the ins and outs of the matter, which is plain and profound.

Confucius and Mencius did not know until now that the police dispatched at that time was a misunderstanding.

After reading it in one breath, Kongmeng's expression kept changing, and his first reaction was: This is a big game.

Because according to the narration of this reporter named Chen Meng, except for his name and Zhiyuan Middle School, everything else is true.

A middle school teacher jumped off a building after being chased by fans because of a novel. Does this count as being unorthodox?

The only thing that made him feel lucky was that although the picture was clear, the face of Confucius and Mencius was somewhat distorted because he was in mid-air, and he couldn't tell it was him unless he looked carefully.

From this point, we can also see the professionalism of the reporter Chen Meng. From the origin of the name to the identification of the real person in the picture, all of them are processed in a fuzzy way. As long as Confucius and Mencius don't take the initiative to stand up, at most one week, the matter can be calmed down. .

This is also a method commonly used by reporters without the consent of the parties to avoid possible portrait disputes.

Just about to breathe a sigh of relief, Zheng Miao immediately reminded: "Teacher, what I'm talking about is not the news, but the comments below."

"Comment?" Kong Meng froze, and quickly turned to the bottom of the page.

Then he was stunned, because there were nearly [-] messages in the comment area of ​​this news:

"Haha, a middle school teacher writes novels. I just want to comment on this matter in one word: Can we show it a little more?"

"A school in Zhongzhou? Why not Shanghai with outstanding people? Why!"

"Who can tell me the coordinates of the other party's school? I want to transfer there.

——Because following such a teacher, I can always shout 666 for him behind him! "

"There is a reason upstairs, let's go together!"

"Go +1 together!"

"Go +2 together!"


Confucius and Mencius: "..."

He browsed one by one, but he felt a little strange, except for the expected sand sculpture netizens who often blow water, it seems that there is nothing!

Unexpectedly, in the next moment, he found a long commentary called "Qingjiang Yu":
"Hello everyone, I'm Qingjiangyu, maybe you don't know me, but it doesn't matter, as long as you know my profession, I'm a sports coach.

To be honest, I am very upset today. Yesterday I was instructing the players to train, and I was busy until 2:5 in the morning. It was only [-]:[-], when our leader called me. He told me that he found a top long jump seedling. Let me go and see.

Reluctantly, I opened the shocking news, and I was shocked.Flying across the floor, is there such a fierce person in the world?

Maybe you don't quite understand the meaning of "violent man" in my mouth, so let me explain now.

Did you see the pose of this 'middle school teacher'?Raise your hands high, and step your feet forward and backward. This is the most standard step on the cloud in the long jump posture.

'Treading Cloud Slide' - the advanced version of 'Air Slide', an air long jump skill that only a few top long jumpers can master.

Why say very special?

Because "Treading Cloud Slide" has a very obvious feature compared with "Air Slide", that is, the athlete's standing jump height is at least 1.6 meters.

Anyone who knows a little about the rules of long jump knows that if a person wants to jump far, he must jump high.

Only those who exceed 1.6 meters can make more aerial movements, and are qualified to compete with the world's top athletes.

Speaking of this, some people must have started cheering, congratulations to Hua Guo for adding another athlete!
However, I still have to throw everyone a basin of cold water - you think too much, this is fake.

When I say fake, I don't mean the movements of this 'middle school teacher'. On the contrary, his movements are impeccable and perfect.

So what I'm talking about is the picture itself, more precisely, the environment in which the picture is placed.

I don't know if you have paid attention to another problem, that is, the distance between this Anxin Hotel and the building across the road.

16.25 meters!
What is this concept?
Let me announce another data to everyone. The current world record for the rapid long jump is 8.95 meters.And remain a black man.

Speaking of this, some people must have understood that yes, although jumping from a building seems more thrilling, in the final analysis, it is still inseparable from the category of rapid long jump.

Although the heights of the two buildings are different, the "middle school teacher" used some technical moves that did not comply with the long jump rules, but no matter how he changed, if his rapid long jump score did not exceed 10 meters, he would not be able to succeed.

Breaking 10 meters in the quick long jump, please, although I am an ordinary person in the coaching circle, I am not stupid.

If someone can really achieve this feat, I will immediately broadcast live from the palace; set flag.jpg!

Therefore, to sum up, there is only one truth - this picture is fake.

Fake, fake, fake!

Say the important thing three times.

Alright, let’s all go away. I’m going to make a long speech here for a scam news from beginning to end, and then I am amazed and licked in various ways. It’s really meaningless.

above. "

The finger continued to slide, and sure enough, the comments of netizens changed immediately.

"I'm going, fake? No way?"

"Of course it's fake. Do you want to doubt the professionalism of a track and field coach?"

"Upstairs, I have to question your words. Apart from hurdling, do we have professional track and field coaches in our country? Cut... But, I believe what this "Qingjiangyu" coach said."


"I also agree, because I have evidence. I went to Shanghai on a business trip last year, and I stayed at the Anxin Hotel. I know better than anyone how wide the two buildings are. Don't talk about rushing long jumps. I'll give you a pole. Can't even jump over."




After reading for a long time, Confucius and Mencius discovered that the reason why there were so many comments on this news about him was that apart from his feat of flying across the sky, the long comment of "Qingjiang fish" also contributed.

Although some people said that they witnessed the whole process at the time, it was nothing compared to the vast number of netizens across the country.

But this does not mean that the view of "Qingjiang Yu" has an advantage, because this is Tencent news.

Although most of the online media is headline-heavy, it is very common to use the multiple meanings of the headline to sensationalize, distort the facts, and make small things small, and small things big.

But the headline party phenomenon also illustrates another fact, that is, what they report is absolutely true.

Otherwise, everyone just scribbles in the text, which is definitely more eye-catching than just one title.

Therefore, Tencent dared to put this matter on the headlines, and it must have been verified repeatedly.

Now the question is, is the official media that has been repeatedly verified reliable, or Qingjiangyu's fact-based analysis is credible...

Everyone's minds are a little messed up.

Putting down the phone, seeing the three of Zheng Miao staring at him, Kong Meng smiled wryly: "Why are you looking at me like that?"

Zheng Miao asked curiously: "Teacher, can you tell me how you did it? Is it related to the lightness kung fu in Shaolin boxing?"

Other netizens may not believe it, but Zheng Mao and the others know that this report cannot be truer.

So now there is only one question left, how did Confucius and Mencius do it?
And according to what Qing Jiangyu said, if Kong Meng went to participate in the long jump competition now, wouldn't he be a sure-fire champion?
(End of this chapter)

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