The system asked me to be a teacher

Chapter 232 Excited Gambling Questions

Chapter 232 Excited Gambling Questions
"Gambling question? How do you want to bet?" The thick-spectacled boy suddenly became interested.

Of course, what he is interested in is not the question, but the "gamble" before the question, and his nature is undoubtedly exposed in just one sentence.

Zhen Tiehan didn't answer, but clapped his hands lightly, and saw Long Aotian and Fang Zhenyuan bring out a red box, judging from its appearance, it should be a lottery box.

Zhen Tiehan introduced: "Every ticket in this lottery box represents a certain question in a certain book in the 10 years after me (all subjects).

The rules of our game are as follows: you draw a lottery ticket, and then find the corresponding question according to the lottery ticket and answer it.

When you answer wrong, you must buy any of these books, and then continue to draw, and solve the next question.

Make three mistakes in a row, that is, you buy three books, and the game ends. "

The boy with thick glasses said, "What if my answer is correct?"

"When you answer a question correctly, I will give you three books for free, and you can choose to end the game directly or continue answering the questions.

Of course, every time you answer a question correctly, you will receive three books for free. "

"Excuse me..."

Before the boy with thick glasses could speak, the onlookers erupted in an uproar.

Since it was the weekend, most of the people present were high school students.

As young people at this stage, no one knows the content of the tutorial books they usually use better than them.

It is said that studying is difficult and the college entrance examination is difficult, but they know very well that the so-called difficulty refers to getting a score of more than 985.

If you only talk about doing questions, as long as you are not a complete scumbag, most people can do most of the questions under the premise of unlimited time.

Therefore, as long as the luck is not too bad and the only 10% finale questions are drawn, the hope of winning is definitely great.

Some students who call themselves academic masters even think that they can win all the books in this booth by themselves.

Although everyone is not interested in buying teaching aids, and even subconsciously shy away from them, it will give people a different feeling if they get them for free.

Not to mention that you can get it by doing the questions, and the sense of accomplishment is instantly full?
Just when everyone thought that the boy with thick glasses would agree without hesitation, the other party shook his head:
"As I said, I'm missing everything now, but I don't lack tutoring materials, so I'm not interested in giving me thirty books, not to mention three."

The onlookers were shocked: Fuck, I don’t want any free stuff, is this guy so hot?
Regarding his words, Zhen Tiehan only smiled lightly: "It's okay if you don't want books, you can convert them into money."

"Money?" The boy with thick glasses was puzzled.

"That's right!" Zhen Tiehan pointed to the book behind him, "My 10-year must-do questions, the lowest price is 23.9 yuan, and the highest price is 32.9 yuan.

According to the highest price, one copy is 32.9, and three copies are 98.7, which is exactly 100 when rounded.

In other words, if you answer a question correctly, you can also choose to take away 100 yuan. "

The disdainful expression of the thick-spectacled boy changed suddenly: "One question is 100? Really?"

"What are you cheating on?"

"That is to say, after I answer a question correctly, I can continue to choose to answer the next question, and then go on endlessly until the total number of wrong questions exceeds 3?"

"No!" Zhen Tiehan waved his hand.

The boy with thick glasses froze for a moment, then sighed, knowing that the other party must have countermeasures.

Unexpectedly, Zhen Tiehan said: "What you said 'answer the question correctly, get money, endless loop' is fine, but the rules for wrong questions are wrong.

It doesn't end when the total number of wrong questions reaches three, but three consecutive mistakes, that is, the legendary three-in-a-row kneeling, the game can be terminated. "


Everyone was shocked again. In fact, everyone knew what Zhen Tiehan said.

Although most of the test questions can be done by yourself, there must be many that you can't do by yourself.

In other words, if you go up by yourself, according to the probability, you will be defeated in a short time.

But if it becomes three consecutive kneeling, it will be completely different.

I believe that as long as my luck is not too bad, it is no problem to persist for an hour or two.

And in one or two hours, how much money can I win?

Just thinking about it makes people excited!
Their only concern is: How long can this guy with thick glasses last on stage?
This guy won't win and win all the time, won't he win all day?
That way nothing will happen to me.

Obviously, the young man with thick glasses also thought of this, so he paid attention to it from a completely different angle from everyone else: "Really? You are not lying to me, are you? And you really have so much money?"

Zhen Tiehan waved his hand again when he heard this.

Seeing this, Long Aotian and Fang Zhenyuan took out another box and opened the lid.

"Hohohoho..." The crowd erupted in an instant.

Because one bundle after another in this box is full of bright red hundred-yuan bills.

Zhen Tiehan said indifferently: "For this book signing event, I specially prepared 100 million, and you can win it all if you have the ability."

The boy with thick glasses: "..."

When the young man heard the number of 100 million, he immediately became anxious: "Then what are you waiting for, bring the lottery box quickly!"

His attitude was in stark contrast to when he was first captured by Fang Zhenyuan.

Five fingers quickly stirred in the lottery box, under the urging of everyone, the boy with thick glasses reluctantly grabbed a paper lottery.

Opening it with apprehension, I saw the words "Chinese; 3; 23; 1" written on it.

Puzzled, he handed it to Zhen Tiehan, and Zhen Tiehan explained: "This is the third book of the Chinese subject, page 3, and the first question in order."

With that said, he walked to the bookshelf behind him, and took out a book with a light sweep.

"Congratulations, it's a collection of unit test papers for the first grade."

Hearing this, the boy with thick glasses was relieved.

If it is mathematics and other science subjects, he may not be able to do it at all, but as for Chinese, he can write a little bit by himself, as long as the core idea does not deviate too much, it is correct.

Unexpectedly, Zhen Tiehan was taken aback when he opened it.

"Why?" The boy with thick glasses quickly stretched his head to look, and then he also became dazed, because there is only one question on page 23 of this book.

It is a composition.

He wondered for a moment: "You don't want me to write a composition on the spot, do you? And composition, how to distinguish right from wrong?"

Zhen Tiehan was also a little embarrassed, which he never expected when he held the book sale event.

An 800-word composition can take half an hour at the fastest. Even if the young man with thick glasses is willing to calm down and write, there are probably not many people in the audience who have the patience to read it.

What, if you say you are impatient, you are impatient, just leave.

That won't work!

What is the purpose of student Zhen's painstaking efforts to design such a betting activity?
Send money to everyone?book sale?

Obviously not, what he wants is popularity and fame, but everyone has left, so how can there be popularity and fame?

Another point is the question of right and wrong.

As I said before, any middle school student, even the five scum of Zhan, can write a passable composition.

And such a work, should it be right or wrong?

In desperation, he had no choice but to look at Confucius and Mencius.

The experience of this period of time made him understand a truth, it is not wrong to find Teacher Kong if he has difficulties.

In fact, Confucius and Mencius were also thinking about this while the two were talking just now.

Seeing Zhen Tiehan's eyes, he smiled and said, "Well, this classmate, you don't need to write, you just need to express your thoughts on this composition and how you plan to write it.

You can speak freely, as long as the analysis is proper and organized, I will consider you right. "

"That's it, then there's no problem." The boy with thick glasses smiled.

In his view, what Confucius and Mencius asked was nothing more than sending money.

After pondering for a moment, the boy with thick glasses said with a serious expression, "This composition is called 'Drought'.

Although it only has this word, it is a very divergent topic.

You can write narratives, expository essays, argumentative essays, or novels, poems, comedies, or even others.

In fact, novels and narratives are the best to write, but similar styles are okay in junior high school, and it becomes extremely difficult to get high marks in high school.

As for me, I have always acted steadily, so I choose argumentative essays.

The essence of an argumentative essay, as the name suggests, consists of four words: citation—argument—link—conclusion.

Citation, that is, quotation, about 50 characters at the beginning, it is necessary to explain the "drought" and polish it with the help of famous poems and quotes to improve the style.

'The birds die of bitter heat, and the fish in the pond dry up their mud.Thousands of people are still redundant, but Artemisia is the only one to look up.

If I can't eat, my heart is not in harmony.At the beginning of Zhenguan, it is difficult to be with Shuzi.

That's my opening poem, isn't it!

The following is a discussion on drought, and my thoughts are explained through comparison.

First talk about the weakness of the ancient drought, and then describe the effective measures of modern people to use science and technology to combat drought, and then sing the theme of "science and technology are the primary productive forces".

Lian, that is, Lenovo, is mainly an example..."

The young man with thick glasses talked eloquently, what he said was full of spittle, full of confidence.

The audience in the audience was mesmerized and amazed again and again.

They never expected that this little boy who looked so skinny and could be bullied by anyone was actually a top student.

People really can't judge by their appearance.

"The conclusion refers to the conclusion, and the beginning and the end can be echoed. Of course, this must be the same as the beginning, and it must be written as gorgeously as possible.

In this way, you can get 50 points casually.

My statement is over. "

He looked confidently at Kong Meng, Zhen Tiehan and others, and his meaning was obvious: bring the money here, 100 yuan!

Unexpectedly, Zhen Tiehan, Long Aotian, Fang Zhenyuan and others looked at each other, and suddenly burst out laughing.

As a teacher, Confucius and Mencius didn't smile, but he still shook his head helplessly.

The boy with thick glasses suddenly became anxious: "Why, my composition is not good? Don't deny it, everyone at the scene can testify."

Others also echoed. Although he didn't play by himself, the boy with thick glasses had the same standpoint as himself, so everyone naturally spoke to him.

Zhen Tiehan smiled and said: "I'm not saying that your composition is not good. In fact, after hearing your words, I know that as long as you write according to your intentions, let alone 50 points, 55 points will be fine.

If you perform well, you can even get a glorious title of full score composition. "

"then you……"

"Look at the question again, as a friendly reminder, please be careful when reviewing the question, especially the font, you must read it clearly."

The boy with thick glasses: "?"

He took the unit test and read it in doubt, no problem!

and many more……

Almost in an instant, the face of the boy with thick glasses turned pale, because the title of this composition turned out to be: Please write a composition with the topic "morning".

As a result, I babbled and talked for a long time, but I abruptly regarded "early" as "drought".

Fearing that others would not understand, Zhen Tiehan dragged out a thick stack of unit tests and distributed them to the onlookers.

After everyone figured out what was going on, they couldn't help but burst out laughing.

There is no difference between "early" and "drought".

Of course, some people can't help but start to think: If they were replaced by themselves, would they be wrong?

Needless to say, the probability of this is not small.

"Okay, I was wrong, I bought this book." The boy with thick glasses blushed, and said immediately, "Let's start the second question now!"

Zhen Tiehan nodded, smiled and signaled the other party to continue drawing lots, and soon, another lottery was released.

"Born (Earth); 9; 18; 4."

Because he had done it once, the young man with thick glasses behind the number already knew the meaning, so he only pointed to '生(地)' and asked: What does this mean?
Zhen Tiehan asked: "Do you study liberal arts or science?"

"liberal arts."

"Then it represents geography."

"Yo?" The eyes of the boy with thick glasses lit up, but he didn't expect him to be quite considerate.

In the eyes of the boy with thick glasses before, the three subjects that he was most likely to fail were the three subjects of materialization and biology. He even suspected that this was a trap deliberately set up by the other party.

The result is now directly ruled out...

Taking the book and looking for the questions, Zhen Tiehan did it in one go this time. After confirming that he was correct with the boy with thick glasses, he smiled and said, "Please answer."

Nodding his head, the boy with thick glasses took the book and stared up at it.

The description of this geography question is very simple: In what month was the startup screen of WeChat taken?

The boy with thick glasses: "?"

He was a little confused.

WeChat's splash screen?Is it so grounded?
As the social software with the most users in Huaguo, everyone on WeChat knows about it, and has naturally seen its startup screen.

It's just that most people regard it as a screen saver, and few people will observe it carefully, and the boy with thick glasses is no exception.

But it doesn't matter, the college entrance examination is about students' mastery of knowledge, not observation skills, so this question is very thoughtful with a picture next to it.

The accompanying pictures are in color, so clear and lifelike, you can’t do it, and you can’t find a reason to blame it.

So the boy with thick glasses was embarrassed...

Unlike the wrong question just now, he really can't this time.

Not only won't he, he can't even figure out the intention of the questioner!
While the boy with thick glasses was depressed, the onlookers beside him also got the sample booklet, and then...


"No way? Is this really a geography problem?"

"I suspect that my geography teacher is astronomy, and he likes to take pictures of the moon for fun when he has nothing to do."


The boy with thick glasses sighed again, and he looked at Zhen Tiehan helplessly: "Congratulations, you won again this time, I will also buy this book.

However, can you tell me how to do this?Otherwise I won't be able to sleep tonight. "

The other onlookers also cheered up. It wasn't that the people present were all liberal arts students who were about to take the college entrance examination, but that they wanted to know how to solve such a weird question.

Zhen Tiehan waved his hand: "Don't ask me about this. First, I study science. Second, I'm only a sophomore in high school this year. Finally, I'm colorblind and can't read color pictures."

The boy with thick glasses: "..."

He was about to think that the other party was trying to trick him with a question that had no answer at all, when he heard Zhen Tiehan say:
"However, although I can't answer it, Teacher Kong can, because he compiled these books. Now please listen to what he has to say."

Everyone immediately looked at Kongmeng. Just now when Kongmeng mentioned the composition grading rules, everyone thought he was just an ordinary teacher. Unexpectedly...

Confucius and Mencius smiled lightly, not talking nonsense: "Please look at this picture carefully.

It is not difficult to see from the picture that the southern hemisphere is blocked by thick clouds at this time, and the coast of the entire African continent is very clear.

The Arabian Peninsula is located in the northeast corner of Africa, and the huge island off the east coast of Africa is Madagascar.

The Asian continent is outside the horizon in the northeast direction, the observation point is on the moon, and the Antarctic circle is very diurnal.

Then we look at the top of this picture.

Seen from the center, the surface is about 30° south latitude, and we also calculate the longitude as 30°, which should actually be between 30° and 40°.

Therefore, it can be inferred from the light that the moon is probably between the sun and the earth at this time, and this moon phase occurs on the first day of each lunar month.

Then the moon is in the south and the light shines directly on the southernmost point. In order for the moon to shine directly on the southernmost point, the moon and the sun must move to the southernmost point on the left of the picture at the same time when the angle between white and red is the largest.

At this time, the moon directly shines on the earth at about 30° south latitude, while the sun directly shines near the Tropic of Capricornus.

In this way, the moon is located in the middle of the sun and the earth, so it is possible to satisfy both the "new moon" condition and the "southernmost moon condition".
The date is the winter solstice!

Understand? "

The boy with thick glasses: "..."

Everyone: "..."

At this moment, there are only two words in everyone's mind: awesome!
(End of this chapter)

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