The system asked me to be a teacher

Chapter 240 The Crisis of the Long Family

Chapter 240 The Crisis of the Long Family

Omi Cafe is located in the very center of Zhongzhou. Although the area is small, the interior is peaceful and quiet, and it is a good place to talk and chat.

Long Acai sat opposite Confucius and Mencius, looking at the energetic young man in front of him, Long Acai smiled and said:

"Mr. Kong, I have noticed every little change in Xiaolong during this time. To be honest, I am very grateful to you."

Kong Meng smiled and shook his head: "Mr. Long is serious. I am Xiaolong's teacher. It is my duty and responsibility to teach him to devote himself to learning. It's no big deal."

But Long Acai shook his head: "You can't say that, Xiaolong is so big, it's the first time I've seen him listen to someone like this.

He is resolute, smart, and stubborn, and only you can convince him. "

After hearing Long Acai's words, Confucius and Mencius did not continue to be polite, but asked: "Mr. Long, there is something I don't know if I should say it or not."

Long Acai said with a smile: "Mr. Kong is not an outsider, just speak up if you have something to say."

Kong Meng said: "To be honest, I found that the relationship between Mr. Long and Xiaolong seems not to be particularly good.

I asked Xiaolong, but he has been reluctant to say that I shouldn't be too involved in your family affairs.

But I think the estrangement between you father and son is the source of his extreme behavior and perverse personality.

Therefore, if this matter can be completely resolved, it will be very helpful to his healthy growth. "

Hearing this, Long Acai smiled wryly: "Mr. Kong, why don't I know about this? It's just the relationship between our father and son..."

He said with a long sigh: "It's hard to say!"

Then he explained: "Xiaolong's mother and I were both from the countryside. In order to make ends meet, we came to Zhongzhou to work hard, and then we met, got married and had children.

I thought we would end up like this for the rest of our lives. Although life is hard, we have our own unique happiness.

Unexpectedly, when Xiaolong was two years old, I received a letter from my father.

He told me that a mineral vein was found on the hill belonging to the Long family.

Presumably Mr. Kong should know the value of a vein.

In order to help my father and work together with my brothers to mine, I resolutely decided to leave Zhongzhou, where I have worked hard for many years.

But this matter was strongly opposed by Xiaolong's mother.

Xiaolong's mother is independent, self-respecting and proud. Even though she knows that mining veins is more profitable, she is still unwilling to give up her career in Zhongzhou.

It was also from then on that I had a disagreement with her for the first time.

For this reason, we had a big fight, and in anger, I simply went back to my hometown, while she continued to stay in Zhongzhou.

Because of my anger, I haven't contacted her for eight years.

When I heard from Xiaolong's mother again, she was diagnosed with liver cancer, and it was at an advanced stage...

After she passed away, I brought Xiaolong with me, and since then, there has been a estrangement between us, a serious estrangement.

I know that in his young heart, it was always because of me that he lost his mother. "

Maybe it was because of the sad thing that Long Acai felt depressed.

He suddenly put his head in his hands, and cried bitterly: "'s all my fault, if it wasn't for me, Ah Zhi wouldn't have left.

To know that things will turn out like this, I shouldn’t have left at the beginning.

I'm such a jerk! "

Seeing that Long Acai was crying louder and louder, Kong Meng couldn't help persuading him, "Mr. Long, it's been so long, please express your condolences.

In fact, I think that the reason why the relationship between you and Xiaolong is so stiff is not what you did at the beginning, but that the two of you didn't take the time to confide in each other. "

After hearing what Confucius and Mencius said, Long Acai was taken aback: "Mr. Kong, what do you mean?"

Kong Meng said: "Mr. Long, do you think Xiaolong hates you because he lost his mother?
But that's just what you think, Xiaolong may not think so.

That's right, you were angry and didn't contact their mother and child for seven or eight years.You have your own fault in this matter, but is Xiaolong's mother completely right?

She clearly knows that you are in her hometown, and she fights against the coal mines underground every day from dawn to dusk, but she still ignores you.

So she also failed to fulfill the obligations of a wife, or a mother. "

Staring out of the window with blank eyes, Long Acai finally shook his head with a wry smile: "Mr. Kong, I know you are comforting me, and I am very grateful for that.

But things are not as simple as you think, Xiaolong is my son, and I know him better than anyone else. "

Confucius and Mencius couldn't deny the other party's rebuttal, and finally he said: "Since Mr. Long is so persistent, can I ask you another question."


"You said that Xiaolong has always hated you, but why has he been following you for so many years?

I heard that Xiaolong inherited all his mother's property, even without your care, he can live a very prosperous life in this life. "

"This..." Long Acai fell into a daze again, because he found that what Confucius and Mencius said seemed to make sense.

Then, Confucius and Mencius said: "If Mr. Long doesn't mind, why not do this.

I will arrange a time for you father and son. If you have anything to say, just talk about it openly.

I believe that as long as the estrangement is eliminated, your relationship will be able to go further, which will also be very helpful to Xiaolong's future. "

There was a moment of silence, just when Kongmeng thought that Long Acai would agree without hesitation.

But the other party shook his head and said: "Mr. Kong, let's talk about this matter after a while. I actually came to you today to ask for something."

Confucius and Mencius asked suspiciously: "Is there something you want to ask for? What is it?"

Long Acai said: "That's right, I always wanted to send Xiaolong to study abroad, but I discussed with him several times, but he never agreed.

You have an extraordinary relationship with Xiaolong, and he listens to you the most, so I want you to persuade him well. "

Kong Meng was stunned, and then said: "Mr. Long, there is a saying that I don't know if I should say it or not. At Xiaolong's age, it is not suitable for him to go abroad.

The pressure that a 15-year-old boy faces in a foreign country with a language barrier is unimaginable.

I know your determination to make your child a success, but please trust my judgment.

Of course, I am not preventing him from going abroad. If he really wants to go abroad, he might as well wait for him to go to university and then study abroad for graduate studies. "

After hearing what Confucius and Mencius said, Long Acai fell silent for a moment.

He took out a cigar from his pocket and lit it, and soon his whole body was surrounded by the smoke from the cigar.

Finally, he stood up from the chair, and the smoke around him also dissipated: "Mr. Kong, of course I know the best time for Xiaolong to go abroad.

It's just that since you brought up the disadvantages of going out now, I won't hide it from you.

I wonder if you have noticed the news about the landslide in Yangdingshan that was reported on the news a few days ago? "

"Landslide on Yangding Mountain?" Kongmeng felt vaguely familiar with this matter.

Suddenly, he had a flash of inspiration and remembered a piece of news he saw the night he came back from Shanghai.

He didn't pay attention at the time, but looking back now...

Finally he said: "Could it be that the Long family mentioned in the report, and Mr. Long you..."

Long Acai nodded with a sigh: "That's right, my father is the president of the Long Group under the Long family, and I am the chairman of the Long Group.

Because of the landslide, Long's Group fell into a huge storm of public opinion, which also indirectly caused the Long's Group's capital chain to break.

If there is no accident, at most seven days, the Long Group will liquidate its assets. "

(End of this chapter)

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