The system asked me to be a teacher

Chapter 289 The Reason Jiang Yun Stayed

Chapter 289 The Reason Jiang Yun Stayed
Confucius nodded and explained: "Of course, Mr. Lin has never studied botany, so he may not be very clear about some things.

Just like grafting, the roots and stems of the selected plants are very particular.

To give a simple example, if you find a kind of grape that is big, sweet and seedless, you want to mass produce it in the form of grafting.

Then the rhizome of another plant you choose, preferably grapes.

And it is a grape similar in performance to the vine to be grafted.

This can greatly improve the success rate of grafting and reduce the variation of grapes as much as possible. "

Listening to Confucius and Mencius' eloquence, Lin Zhi nodded.

She is not the kind of girl who doesn't work in all fours and doesn't know the grain. She still knows the basics of this.

Seeing that it was not difficult for Lin Zhi to understand, Kong Meng continued: "However, there are still some problems with this kind of grafting.

For example, the fruit produced after success is closer to the grapes produced by the variety of grape roots used.

Many agricultural scientists have been at a loss for what to do about it.

But what they don't know is that someone discovered a very special situation 100 years ago.

The other party didn't know whether it was because he wanted to study or just for fun, he grafted two completely different plants and did thousands of similar experiments.

Not surprisingly, 99.9% of his experiments failed, and only 0.1%, which was the only one, succeeded.

This got the man very excited, and he researched it for 20 years.

Then he discovered that his success was not accidental.

Because when he used the roots and stems of the same plant for grafting again, the success rate was as high as 98%, even higher than the success rate of grafting two of the same plants.

Not only that, he was also surprised to find that the characters of the fruits of this new plant did not change even the slightest.

That is, the traits of the root plants will not have any effect on the stem plants.

In the following research, he was again pleasantly surprised to find that the reason for this phenomenon was that the arrangement of nucleic acid molecules in a specific gene segment of the two plants was exactly the same.

The other party called it a isogenic phenomenon, and the two plants were also called isogenic plants.

This person devoted his whole life to searching for isogenic plants, but unfortunately similar plants were too scarce, and he only found three pairs before he died.

It is a pity that because of the sensitive identity of this person, even now his theory has not been made public..."

Listening to Kong Meng's eloquent talk, Lin Zhi said, "Mr. Kong, do you mean that cacti and white mushrooms also belong to the same genetic plants?"

Kong Meng nodded.

Lin Zhi immediately became excited: "If this is the case, that would be great.

There is a part of Daqingshan where a lot of cacti grow because of the perennial drought.

If your statement is true, then it can be turned into a white mushroom cultivation base. "

"Really? That's great."

While Confucius and Mencius were excited, he was secretly relieved.

The so-called isogenic plants he just mentioned were of course used to fool Lin Zhi.

The idea of ​​isogenic plants was not discovered by the scientist 100 years ago, but came from the system.

He invented a scientist to prevaricate just to keep the other party from getting to the bottom of it.

Fortunately, Lin Zhi was not interested in this thing, otherwise the other party really wanted to be serious, and Confucius and Mencius would not be able to justify themselves.

In the next few days, apart from teaching the students, Confucius and Mencius devoted more energy to Jiang Yun.

As a result, after Jiang Yun took the second medicine according to his instructions, her body recovered to a certain extent again.

This made Confucius very excited.

Although he had guessed before, but guesses are guesses, facts are facts, completely different.

And Jiang Yun is more exciting than Confucius and Mencius.

Knowing that her condition was really affected by the medicine given by Confucius and Mencius, Miss Jiang burst into tears.

Even though Confucius and Mencius repeatedly emphasized that her body has only partially improved, there is still a long way to go before she can fully recover.

But this did not affect Jiang Yun's mood at all.

In the hospital before, her attending physicians tried all kinds of methods, but no matter what the other party did, her health continued to deteriorate.

She even wondered if she had been cheated.

Now that she is well, even if it is true as Confucius and Mencius said, her illness is still incurable, but at least she sees hope.

After Jiang Yun took all 6 pills, she was no different from a normal person.

Taking his fingers away from Jiang Yun's wrist, Kong Meng frowned and fell into deep thought.

After a long time, Jiang Yun and Ai Ai asked: "Mr. Kong, what happened to me.

The first 5 times every time I took the white pill you gave me, I would have similar dreams when I went to bed at night, and my body would discharge a lot of stains and sweat after waking up.

But yesterday was very strange, I had already made plans to continue dreaming, but when I woke up, it was already dawn, and the stains and sweat did not appear. "

Kong Meng sighed, and looked at Jiang Yun in front of him: "Miss Jiang, I have good news and bad news, which one do you want to hear?"

"Good news? Bad news? Let's hear the bad news first!"

What Confucius and Mencius said made Jiang Yun feel depressed.

Although she didn't feel any abnormalities in her body, the failure of the white pill yesterday still added a little haze to her heart.

Her only thought now is that the cancer cells in her body are resistant to this drug.

After being ill for such a long time, she is well aware of the strong ability of cancer cells to spread and adapt.

This is also often encountered in her previous chemotherapy.

A common chemotherapy method is used at most twice, and the effect will be greatly reduced by the third time.

Once the number reaches 5 times, the effect will become negligible.

Therefore, although she only had chemotherapy for a short month, she had already used all the special chemotherapy drugs in the hospital, and finally had to stop chemotherapy.

Kong Meng glanced at Jiang Yun, who looked anxious, and said:

"The bad news is that I misjudged your previous illness."


It's really that kind of white medicine that doesn't work.

But soon Jiang Yun recovered from this depressed state of mind.

She smiled faintly: "It's okay, Teacher Kong, I am already grateful for your help. Even if my illness is not cured in the end, it is my fate."

Confucius and Mencius looked at her in surprise: "Who said your disease can't be cured?"

Jiang Yun: "?"

Kong Meng's serious face suddenly smiled: "Miss Jiang, congratulations, from now on you have overcome the serious illness and are on your way to a new life."

Jiang Yun: "?"

Seeing that the other party still looked dull.

Kong Meng said: "Forget it, I won't joke with you anymore.

The bad news I am talking about is that I have misjudged your condition.

But this kind of judgment is because I underestimated the inhibitory effect of those white pills on cancer cells.

Originally, I thought it would take at least ten days for you to completely suppress the cancer cells in your body, and this suppression is only temporary, and it is very likely that they will relapse in the future.

But looking at it now, not only has the time been cut in half, but the possibility of recurrence has also been greatly reduced.

In other words, as long as you pay attention not to come into contact with those carcinogens on a large scale for a long time in the future, you will always be healthy and healthy.

That's what I call good news. "

Jiang Yun still remained silent.

Seeing this, Confucius and Mencius couldn't help frowning.

Originally, he just wanted to joke with Jiang Yun on a whim, but in the end...

Is your behavior a little too much?

As an outsider, although Confucius and Mencius expressed sympathy for Jiang Yun's experience, it was only sympathy.

It was difficult for him to understand the precarious mood that the other party was fighting against the illness every day.

It is not a good habit to make fun of other people's taboos, at least it is disrespectful to others.

Taking a deep breath, Kong Meng was about to apologize to Jiang Yun.

Unexpectedly, a burst of fragrance rushed towards him, and then he felt wrapped in a soft body.

It turned out that Jiang Yun suddenly stretched out her arms and hugged him tightly.

Soon, Confucius and Mencius heard the other party's soft sobbing.

The sobs gradually turned into sobs, and finally Jiang Yun finally burst into tears.

"Miss Jiang, you... I'm sorry, I really didn't mean to joke with you, please don't get angry, it's not good for your health..."

It's just that no matter how much he persuaded, Jiang Yun didn't intend to stop crying. Instead, following his words, the other party's crying became louder and louder.

Just when Confucius and Mencius were at a loss, Jiang Yun suddenly said: "Mr. Kong, I don't mean to be angry with you, I'm just happy, happy from the bottom of my heart.

You know, my parents haven't smiled a day since I was diagnosed with leukemia.

In order to treat my illness, they spent all the savings of the family, and now they are even more in debt.

Many times I thought about suicide, but in the end I gave up.

It's not that I'm afraid of death, but I know that once I die, my parents will be even more sad.

So many times, I have been very contradictory, and I don't know what to do.

This is also the reason why I came here with you without hesitation knowing that there is hope for my illness to be cured.

Because I can't face them anymore. "

At the moment when Jiang Yun threw herself into her arms, Kong Meng's hands were drooping awkwardly.

He knew that the other party was hugging him, just wanting to vent the negative emotions in his heart, but after all, men and women are different, and he didn't want to be suspected of taking advantage of others' danger.

But after listening to the other party's words, Confucius and Mencius finally hugged the other party slowly.

This has nothing to do with love, but simply wants to pass on one's strength to the other party, which can be regarded as the silent support of a friend.

Finally, Jiang Yun calmed down.

It was also at this time that she realized her gaffe.

Hastily breaking free from Kongmeng's arms, Jiang Yun's face turned red immediately, and she didn't know where to put her hands.

In the end, it was Confucius and Mencius who broke the special atmosphere.

"Miss Jiang, since your condition is no longer serious, what are you going to do next?"

"How to do?"

Jiang Yun froze for a moment, obviously not quite understanding what Confucius and Mencius meant.

Confucius said: "I mean, do you want to go back to your hometown now, or stay here?
My suggestion is that you'd better stay here for ten days and a half months, and make plans to leave after you're sure the situation has stabilized completely.

But if you want to leave now, I can send you to the county seat. "

To Kong Meng's surprise, Jiang Yun shook his head after hearing his words: "Mr. Kong, I want to stay here, in Yunxi Hope School."

Confucius and Mencius: "?"

Jiang Yun explained: "Although the purpose of my coming here is to make it convenient for you to see a doctor for me.

I also waited for my disease to be cured or left after a period of treatment.

But these days when I lived in Yunxi Hope School, I slowly changed my mind.

Because I found that although my experience was unfortunate, it was only a special case.

But these children in Yunxi Hope School are completely different. Their misfortunes are widespread and inherent.

Even like my terminal illness, it basically cannot be changed.

So during this period of time, I have always had an idea, if my disease is really incurable, then sleeping in this land is also a good choice.

Although I don't know how to teach, I can also help these children through my own strength, such as cooking for them every day.

In this way, even if I leave, it will not be in vain to walk around in this world.

Although my illness is cured now, it is not a reason for me to leave.

Instead, I can have more time and energy to help these children.

It can be regarded as celebrating the new life, so make some contributions! "

Hearing Jiang Yun's words, Confucius and Mencius couldn't help frowning:
"Miss Jiang, you don't need to be like this at all, Yunxi hopes that although the life of the children in the school is difficult, that's just the past.

With me now, their future will definitely undergo earth-shaking changes.

So there's absolutely no need for you to be here. "

Jiang Yun's eyes suddenly widened, and then stared at Kong Meng with displeasure: "Mr. Kong, what do you mean?
Could it be that you can only dedicate yourself to these children, and I can't?

Or do you dislike me because I can only cook for them? "

Kong Meng quickly waved his hands: "Miss Jiang, you have misunderstood me.

I just feel like..."

But he didn't finish his sentence, and was interrupted by Jiang Yun: "My own life path can only be decided by me alone, and you don't think it counts."

Confucius and Mencius: "..."

Looking at the stubborn Jiang Yun, he felt helpless.

But he also understood the other party's mood.

No matter who it is, for the rest of their lives after the catastrophe, their mentality will undergo some changes.

Just like staying in a remote mountain village like Yunxi, it is absolutely unbearable for ordinary people, but for someone like Jiang Yun who basically died once, it is nothing at all.

"Will your parents agree to this matter? And are you really going to stay here forever?"

Jiang Yun smiled lightly: "Teacher Kong can rest assured about this, I believe my parents will definitely support my decision.

As for the rest, who said I would stay here forever? "

Confucius and Mencius: "Isn't it?"

Jiang Yun: "Mr. Kong, I wonder how long you plan to stay here?"

Kong Mengdao: "If there are no accidents, it should be five years. This is very clearly written in my coaching contract."

Jiang Yun smiled: "Teacher Kong is so dedicated, and he is only willing to stay here for 5 years.

My culture is not as high as yours, my consciousness is not as great as yours, and my mind is not as broad as yours.

So my time here will never exceed yours.

When you leave, I will go with you. "

Confucius and Mencius: "?"

Jiang Yun's tone was very sincere.

But for some reason, Confucius and Mencius felt that the other party's reason for staying here was somewhat insincere.

(End of this chapter)

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