The system asked me to be a teacher

Chapter 78 Fa Hai, You Don't Know Love

Chapter 78 Fa Hai, You Don't Know Love

After finishing speaking, Fang Qiong said: "I betrayed my love and forced me to leave. In the end, when I knew the truth, I burst into tears...

This girl has never seen such vulgar lyrics. "

Ignoring the arrogant Fang Qiong, Kong Meng looked at Lin Xiaoyu: "The interpretation of this song is somewhat similar to "Above the Moon", but it needs to sing three points of hatred, three points of pride, three points of sadness and one point of determination. , the timbre must also have the exhaustion after being deeply hurt and the strength to face the future independently..."

After hearing what Confucius and Mencius said, Lin Xiaoyu was stunned for a moment, because it was quite different from her understanding.

She started watching from the beginning again, combined with the melody, trying to restore the words of Confucius and Mencius as much as possible.

Then her expression slowly became serious, and after halfway through, it turned into joy and joy. This song...

She looked at Confucius and Mencius again, her eyes full of admiration.

The emotion expressed in this song fits with her past events like never before.

She is not sure if she will become popular if she sings it out, but she can guarantee that as long as she has a similar experience as herself, after listening to this song, she will definitely resonate.

"As expected of a talented person who can write "On the Moon" and "Learning to Meow", Mr. Kong, with your musical attainments, you are far inferior to those top composers!"

Confucius and Mencius waved their hands again and again: "Ms. Lin is too much, and I am just borrowing flowers to present Buddha."

Fang Qiong was still puzzled: "What kind of talent? Sister Lin, don't brag about him. This song is very common. Don't be fooled."

Helplessly glanced at Fang Qiong, Kong Meng was about to speak, Lin Xiaoyu smiled and said: "Sister, this song is specially tailored for me by Teacher Kong, only I can understand the meaning expressed in the song.

You forgot my theory of musical fit?Just like "On the Moon", only you can perform it affectionately. If you let Zheng Miao sing it, the effect will be reduced by at least half. "

Fang Qiong was taken aback, and couldn't help but think of the night after he and Zheng Miao both advanced.

At that time, everyone was having dinner together, and Zheng Miao did try to sing a few lines of "On the Moon", but it didn't have the effect of his own competition at all.

She always thought it was just the atmosphere of the stage, but now that she thinks about it, that's not the case.

The stage has the resonance of the stage, and the a cappella has the unique charm of the a cappella. No matter what, it is impossible to be so different.

She looked carefully at the lyrics on the paper again, but no matter how hard she pondered, it was still difficult to understand the mystery.

Confucius said: "Since you have already understood the deep meaning of the song, you might as well ponder it in private, and ask me if you don't understand.

You can watch the second song now, if you think it is not good, I will change it again. "

Carefully putting the first page of paper into his pocket, Lin Xiaoyu continued to look down.

After the first song, her mind has begun to change.

Previously, she always believed that the performance form of opera was outdated, at least in the eyes of young people.

But now she couldn't help but have new ideas.

Perhaps, as Confucius and Mencius said, through his improvement, the declining opera art can be revitalized!

Who knew that when she saw the title of the second song, she couldn't help being stunned: "Fa Hai, You Don't Know Love"? ? ?
Fang Qiong also staggered: "Hey, can you trust me? What is this mess?

Sister Lin came to you in person to buy a good song with both voice and emotion, but not to hear that you are being cute and cheap here. "

"Cute and cheap?" Confucius couldn't help but sweat, "Don't you know "The Legend of the White Snake"?"

The parallel space that Confucius and Mencius traveled to, if carefully considered, the history and culture are not without the slightest connection with the time before the time travel. For example, the story of "The Legend of the White Snake" was also adapted into a TV series and became popular all over the country.

Based on this foundation, the reinterpretation of this story through songs does not make people feel awkward.

Fang Qiong said: "Of course I have heard of "Legend of the White Snake", but your song and that story are completely different things!

Let me give you a suggestion. Although "The Legend of the White Snake" has a happy ending, it is a truly tragic story. If you rewrite the lyrics, as long as you express the tragedy in the story two or three points, many people will like it. "

Waving his hand, Kong Meng stopped Fang Qiong's words: "You don't understand opera, and you have no right to speak about this song. Ms. Lin, what do you think?"

While the two were arguing, Lin Xiaoyu had finished reading the lyrics and music of this song.

Compared with the first song that subverted the music form, this song is simple and based on the opera foundation, it is easier for her to understand.

She looked at Kong Meng with bright eyes: "Mr. Kong, I have never believed that there are geniuses in this world, but these two songs of yours let me understand what a real master of music is!"

After she finished speaking, she stood up before the two of them answered, and the singing voice that she had practiced since she was a child went straight from her dantian to her heart, with a long, slender and loud voice:

why don't you agree with our love
Don't you want us to be happy, be free
The rare and sincere love of a lifetime

you want to follow your logic
you don't want to listen to us
Fahai you do not know love
Leifeng Pagoda will fall

Fahai you do not know love
Leifeng Pagoda will fall

我们 在 一起

never separate

Fahai, you really don't understand love
You say we can't be together
but you don't know me
1000 years, I keep changing

trying to be a good person

i found my love in the world

Xu Xian, Xu Xian, my love

Fahai you do not know love
Leifeng Pagoda will fall


Fang Qiong's eyes widened instantly, this song...

After hearing Lin Xiaoyu sing the first line, she immediately got goosebumps all over her body.

Subversion, complete, utter subversion!

This is a new way of interpretation to state the classic works of the past.

In layman's terms, it's called new wine in old bottles.

But Fang Qiong thinks that this word is not appropriate, it should be understood as bringing forth the old and bringing forth the new, and building a strategic plan, because artistically, it completely surpasses the traditional story "Legend of the White Snake".

Seeing Fang Qiong's expression, Kong Meng shook his head helplessly. No wonder Fang Qiong thought so.

Although there is "Legend of the White Snake" in this world, even though it was filmed as a TV series and widely disseminated, it is not the same as the 80s drama "Legend of the New White Snake" that was widely praised before his time travel.

In terms of storytelling, "Legend of the White Snake" in this world is not inferior to "Legend of the New White Snake", and even surpasses it.

But in terms of sensational effect and classic level, "Legend of the White Snake" is much worse than "Legend of the New White Snake".

Because the two highlights of "Legend of the New White Snake" are completely absent in "Legend of the White Snake".

The first is the heroine. Although the heroine in "Legend of the White Snake" is very beautiful, she is not as charming as Zhao Yazhi.

Speaking of this, it involves the issue of screen aesthetics. There are so many beauties in the entertainment industry, and Chunlan Qiuju has always been good at each field.

It's a pity that many girls are just a flash in the pan, and are quickly forgotten by the audience.

Some people think it is a lack of exposure, but in Kongmeng's view, exposure is only one of them. The most important thing is that the appearance and demeanor of these people cannot really capture the hearts of the audience.

There are many kinds of beauty, the most important is flattery, and the most is eye-catching.

The winking eyes are like silk, and Bai Meisheng smiles when looking back, Liugong Fendai is colorless, but it's not just talking.

This is also the fundamental reason why Zhao Yazhi can become the top four female roles in 80 years, and no one can beat her.

In fact, not only Zhao Yazhi, but also Liu Tao later.

Different looks, the same eye-catching, intellectual and feminine blend, pure, elegant, confident, captivating!

Do not believe?Try it with someone else, and see if she can still be popular in half the sky after going through the big scandal of getting into a wealthy family by mistake?
Cough cough... When it comes to beauties, it's a bit much, sorry...

All in all, apart from the amazing heroine in "The Legend of the White Snake", there is another thing that is not as good as "The Legend of the New White Snake", which is the popular song in the play.

Without the endorsement of these two mandatory conditions, although its influence is not small, it is still far from enduring.

(End of this chapter)

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